Is anyone else an atheist with BC besides me?
Sometimes "logic" illudes me
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The nerve of that guy....and how arrogant of him. Is being mean to women with cancer part of his religion? Gads.
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Ezscriiibe, also apparent he seems to be damned to eternal ignorance, good on you for letting him know what a jerk he is. My very best wishes to you.
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See and thats EXACTLY what sent me "away" from god---even as a kid, when they told me that we are all god's children and god was loving like a parent and yet, an unbaptized child, a non-believing person would go to hell when they died. WTF???? I couldn't get the concept that god would punish little children and babies who lacked any control over their lives because their parents hadn't baptized them or would smack people in other countries with hurricanes and earthquakes and what have you. Honestly its like saying I love some of my kids more than others.
God likes you better than me so I get sick and you don't. Stupid.
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3mons -- Stupid? Of course, but I think it's all about control. Always was (whatever religion -- multiple gods, single god), and always will be. Guess that's why religious leaders find non-believers so frightening.....and use them (us) to strike fear in their flock.
Michele, sending you hugs!
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Thank you, Michele,
I LOVE it!
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Did anyone see the news yesterday, regarding those who were picketing at the soldier's funeral? Someone was holding a huge sign which said "Thank God for Breast Cancer". I was so upset I almost threw up.
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I've also read that they are all related - family of the pastor (?) plus in-laws. Please, STOP BREEDING!
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How can they afford the travel? Who or what is funding them?
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I would certainly like to know the answer to that question. There are about 30 members of the Westboro Baptist Church who travel around harassing the families of dead soldiers. Who pays for the travel, the lodging, the food, the lost wages? There is a law suit against them before the Supreme Court of the United States. Who paid for the attorney and court fees for litigation that has gone on for years.
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I just have to weigh in here. These people tick me off.
Nutbars who believe they have the "scoop" on God's purpose or design are delusional.
Like God would talk to them!!!
Unbelievable as that is, the first thing God says when he starts talking is to brag about who he is punishing and why. And its not punishing a murderer, but an indirect punishment? !!!!!
And then, it's not bad enough that God is punishing these individuals, but these nutbars are rubbing it in?!!!!!
Sorry, I just don't buy it.
When I was a kid and studied religion in school, we were told Humans were made in the image of God.
These nutbars got is backwards, they think god is made in the image of them.!!!!
(end of rant )
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Lane, about that sign someone was holding that you mentioned, I can't repeat it, it's too despicable for words. I don't understand ... does the sign mean that they're glad women are sufffering and dying? Are they all about hating women?
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I think that they sincerely believe that God is punishing us (America?) for a sinful lifestyle. The lawyer representing the group is also named Phelps. The crew (family?) came to my town a few years ago protesting the showing of a movie about a young gay man who committed suicide. I was appalled by their signs and participated in a counter rally.
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I was so shocked when I saw the sign that at first I thought I misread it. I guess they think we're all sinners and that having BC exposes our sins. It is so SICK! These people are deranged. The sad part of it is that they shocked and upset me, which is exactly what they intended.
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According to that group...since everyone eventually dies, god hates everyone
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Religion never has and never will make people good. Some good people use religion to guide them in good action. Most people, in my experience, are satisfied with average behavior and rely on faith and forgiveness of their deity to get them to the heaven of their afterlife. Then there are the Haters. These people would hate with or without religion. Religion just gives them a justification for their hate.
The only true danger of religion as it is practiced in America is the need for the religious to control the behavior of all Americans. Heck, Christine O'Donnell, the woman running for the US Senate, says that she doesn't believe in the separation of church and state.
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Since she is a witch, things could get interesting when we are all going around worshiping Satan!
On a serious note, that 'hate' group came to my small town and held one of their 'protests' outside of the church at the funeral of a local boy killed in Iraq. It really was one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen, and most assuredly had nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus Christ (since they profess to be Christains) who didn't like or get along with the religious leaders of his day (with good reason as he called them out on their money gathering schemes and they had him killed!), hung out with the unpopular/persecuted people of his day, treated women with respect, and talked a lot about how people should love and take care of each other. I'm usually all for the freedom of speech, but I hope the Supreme Court comes down on the side of common human decency on this one!
End of rant....
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There is an interesting article about the Phelps family in today's on-line New York Times. Not sure if I can get a link to work, but try this.
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Hi friends ... missing some of the "old" gals!
This is a rant .. so skip this if you want.
I am mad about a thread on this board where one person got "slammed" because she mentioned meditation as a way to ward off some fear and anxiety. Next thing you know there's a newcomer jumping on board about how come no one on this site talks about God and prayer as a way to help with anxiety. You can imagine things went downhill fast after that.
There is only one thread on this site where we don't get preached at ... and this is it. And maybe the Buddhist thread (haven't checked that one to see if its been invaded too).
This is a breast cancer site ... not a "Jesus" site. There are at least a hundred threads on this site devoted to being a Christian, Catholic, prayers, etc.
End of rant.
Hope everyone has a good day .. and welcome to the newcomers to this topic.
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Hi ... I haven't read this entire thread (80 pages, wow!) so forgive me for just jumping in but here goes ..
I'm agnostic and yes, I know some say that really means I'm an atheist who's afraid to commit.
I have no problem with folks saying they'll pray for me, light a candle for me, beat a drum for me, etc ... I have no problem with people sharing their belief systems with me as long as they can accept that I might not hold the same beliefs.
I do have a problem with people thinking the only way you can be a "good person" or have good things happen in your life is to believe the same way they believe. After my diagnosis I had a woman call me who was a friend of a friend. She had already been through BC treatment. She started talking about her faith in God and she said something like, "You are a believer aren't you?" When I told her I was at a place in my life that I really wasn't sure what I believed she said ...
"Well, I honestly don't know how you're going to make it then."
I was speechless.
What I do believe is simple and is, some what, based on the christian re legion I was raised in.
Basically ...
I believe in doing the best you can to not bring pain to others. I believe in trying to treat others kindly even if they don't seem to deserve it sometimes. I believe in not judging the choices of others if those choices do not cause harm to others. I loathe talking about how people physically look (ie. - she's fat, she's too skinny, he's ugly, eww did you see the dress she was wearing, etc ...). I believe in sticking up for the underdog & speaking up for those that are picked on. I believe in trying to help those that can't help themselves the best I can. I try very hard to follow all of that and I fail many times, but I keep trying.
So, Hi!
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Wkelf .. I don't know who you are ... and I don't care to know .. please don't bring controversy to this thread. This is the only thread on BCO for nontheists and agnostics.
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Hi Madalyn ... I've been busy! I just hosted a get together at my house for three days. We had 13 survivors and 7 husbands. Oh boy .. what a great time we had. It was a great weekend ... we'd all known each other for years from another BC support site. It was a lot for me, since I'm pretty much a recluse .. but it was worth all the fun ... and I cried buckets when it was time for everyone to leave.
Good to "see" you again. I've been thinking about Layne and Linda too!
Welcome Bec!
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Ah geez Madalyn ... I was barely able to get my note written ... and lo and behold more stuff happened.
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Wkelf, I suggest you pray for the spirit to fill you, because obviously it is seriously lacking.
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Hello all,
I am a UU, and was sort of open to the idea of "God" before my cancer experience. Now I'm pretty sure I don't believe in "God," especially when the underlying messages are:
-If you have enough faith you'll have a better outcome
-"God" somehow has a hand in healing you from cancer
-Prayers to "God" from others will help heal you or keep cancer away
I prayed to god before my biopsy that this (cancer) not be brought down on me and my family. I realized after surgery, treatment, etc. that biology, breast cancer biology in particular is sort of a crap shoot, and that faith and prayer have little relevance to the course of this disease. I meditate, enjoy nature, and do yoga, but prayer in the traditional sense is no longer part of my life.
When someone attributes their luck with the cancer card to the goodness of God, I think, what does that mean for another person who wasn't so lucky? That God didn't bless them/punished them?
Thanks for your posts, as atheism is not a popular position in this country.
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Whoa -- what's this?
You never mock Muslims...because they would not pray for you like I would...they would do away with you and you all know it. It is NOT OKAY to bash, mock or make fun of Christians.
What a pile of BS. It is NOT OKAY to bash, mock, or make fun of Muslims either. If you hate all Muslims because of a few extremists you should equally hate all Christians for a few extremists too (i.e., McVey, etc...).
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And it certainly wasn't appropriate in the thread where this all started. I know you meant well Wkelf, but it had nothing to do with what the original poster was posting. There are quite a few Christian threads where you can discuss your faith.
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Just thought I'd wave hi. Don't come here often but I'm another "non believer". I think I mentioned earlier, if I believed in god I'd be pretty pissed off at her right now.
BTW Wkelf seems to be trying to convert on other threads too. Next time you see her posts just pop some popcorn in the microwave and sit back and enjoy the show. I love a good fantasy.
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The belief that it is their job to convert the rest of us is fantasy IMO.
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Jeannie, my emoticons don't seem to work anymore either (tears!).
There are those who believe that this, that or the other caused their illness, just as there are those who believe that their god cured them of it. What I don't understand is that, if their god was responsible for the latter, then why do they not believe their god to be responsible for the former?
Each to her own of course, and may she also keep it to herself!