Wow....that is breathtaking!!! I love sunrises/sunsets. Nothing prettier.
Elizabeth....I've seen that video and it is so cute. Smart dogs or good trainers!
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Egg on my face.
Curlieque's sent me a message that she was JK (just kidding) about taking the photo herself. She highjacked it off of Google images.
Pretty funny.
So a big mea culpa, sorry, sorry to the actual photographer, whoever you are.
I'll sit in the corner, but I'm gonna make Curlie come sit with me. LOL.
Everybody have a great weekend.
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faithandfifty: I do apologize for not getting to your message until just now.
My computer was in the shop for maintenance and repairs from May 26th to June 4th. Yup it wa s my birthday on June 3rd and I cannot believe that I turned the BIG 50.... the years have surely come and gone by so fast the past 10 years or so...
Thank you for making mention to all about my birthday... if I were to choose a theme for my birthday if I came on to the site here on June 3rd, the theme would had been HAWAIIAN...
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faithandfifty: Yes I decided to let my 'big 50' come off really special this year because of my cancer.... and with sparklers... but some may have noticed if they saw my video that I did not do a good job at lighting the sparklers, that was my like 5th time lighting a sparkler that day lol and that last time around I lighted them from the middle... duh... burned a couple a fingers a wee bit. It was however fun making the video...
Thanks again... Charmaine
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Everyone: Thank you everyone for your happy birthdays...
and thank you faithandfifty for posting up my video. Hugs Charmaine xx
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Here is a picture of me celebrating my 50th birthday....
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I knew that you'd get here to the beach for your birthday, no matter if somewhat belated.
I'm glad that your sparklers lit up your day.
We're just back from an all-day road trip up to DH's family near Cleveland.
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My heart skipped a beat when I saw Curlique's name. The pic is gorgeous, but not as gorgeous as Curlique...I sure miss her pretty avatar!!.
Charmaine---sorry I missed your birthday!! Hope you had the most wondermous birthday in the whole world! Gentle hugs hugs hugs!!
KK---awwwwhh thanks for sharing the utube video clip. I LOVE It!!!!! I watched it 3 times. Dogs are "My people"....lolol thanks.....hope you're feeling ok....sending hugs to you and Chloe!!
Lisa---I will be in your neck of the woods this Sunday for about a week. Once I'm there and get time, I'll pm you and maybe we can grab a quick lunch or something. No need to change any of your plans though, 'cause I really don't know what mine are at this point.
Sending hugs and wishes to all you Beachies!!!!! Our beachies down were are slick with oil it's got to be the most horrible thing I've ever seen. Please keep the people affected by this disaster in your thoughts and prayers.
Hugs and love sistahs!!
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Coonie!! I'm going to Sharon's for lunch on Sunday. I'll have some photos her DH took of us and Wallykins from a couple of weeks ago and will post -- gotta figure out where, but I'll post them! I'll be sure to give his some sugahs from you.
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My heart is aching for the beaches and wildlife Coonie.
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Coonie..sounds like a good plan...I will pm you now with my phone...
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Time for the beachettes pool party..I have the pool
we need some stuff....
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that is looking good...pool party underway
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Almost forgot:
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a favor please-- will you go to this site, type in Peanut Pet Shelter and vote. This shelter was started by a group of gringos who relocated to Playa del Carmen Mexico. We've been there several times and these folks are really great. Lenny the Wonder Dog thanks you He's a shelter adoptee -- way cool pooch..
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I just stumbled across this string -- I LOVE it!! The photos transport me and make me feel better. When I can figure it out I will post some photos too.
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coonie: Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. The birthday celebration was an okay one. My husband took me out for a birthday lunch the day after, we went to an Indian restaurant in our neighborhood. They have this most delicious lunch buffet...
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Hi there Ladies just got home from Portugal.All week so hot and not a drop of rain.This is the beach I spent the day on but I saw alot more scenic ones later.
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Hi ladies just got back from Portugal here are some beach shots in the Algarve region of Southern Portugal.
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Lagos beach in Portugal
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These stairs helped keep me in shape. ()
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Spent most of the day on this beach without a shade Umbrella.Glad the Atlantic ocean is nice and cold.
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A river view in Porto Portugal.We had dinner near there and sampled the Port wine.0
A view from a hop on tour bus in Lisbon Portugal.
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Pool party underway @ Lisa's ANDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
a gazillion new real, live beach photos from Mum
New people, new people, new people!!!
Welcome to LimeGreen and Kt57!!!!!!!
We must scour up new flip flops for our new beachie girls!!!!
Please bookmark and return often.
We are a most delightful crew & you'll love us.
One pair for each of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just one more week until my "second opinion" appointment.
Anyone that is a 'praying type' please say a prayer. All support is muchly welcomed, so think a good thought of bake some brownies or whatever you do. I've been waiting a l-o-n-g time for this appointment and hopefully it will shed some light on my ongoing issues.
Strength and courage.
Strength and courage.
Strenght and courage.
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and we need some sangria
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Pool party sound like a fabulous idea.Count me in. Welcome to the newcomers.
I always bring the seafood.How do you like it cooked? Grilled, steamed or fried?
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Ooooh, I love Sangria!! how about some beer?