Faith - I am, we are all, with you for this appointment... strength, courage, peace, love and patience all streaming through the universe to you, to surround you, protect you and just be with you like the well loved blankie or teddy bear.
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Well said! Amen...
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I second that.
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Thinking of you also. Have fingers, toes ...everything crossed for good results
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I am here too Faith ((((hugs)))
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Hi Faith, hope all went well at the doc's. Hoping you got some answers. Thinking of you.
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Faith, hope snafu was straightened out quickly & that you are home sorting out the wheat from the chafe! S & C.
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My 8:30 appointment had a requirement for us to be there at 8:00 this morning, which meant we left home at 7:15. Thru a variety of snaffus around my previous charts arriving to the right office etc., I finally met my new doctor at 10:30. I LOVE her.
The first & foremost issue for today was to deal with this "knot" of an egg sized protrusion that's along my scar line. My regular PCP described it as 'hard as a brick' when she saw it in April. It has been the source of MUCH of my pain.
Long story short.......... Dr. Yee did a complete physical exam of the scar line and felt immediately that it was still fluid based. She got out an ENORMOUS syringe and drained off nearly 60 ccs of fluid that was laced with what she described as 'old blood, tho not blood clots."
They will send that off for review, but she has no reason to be concerned about it. Within 30 seconds I could breathe again. I do mean "literally" breathe again. The knot was so painful that I could just barely take little shallow breaths previously. I'm breathing while I am typing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh happy day!!!!!! The pain along that side of my body dissolved instantly.
They have asked us to wait in town for 24 hours to see if it stays deflated -- that there's every reason to suspect that fluid will return...... and that this may require a series of visits to resolve completely, draining every couple of weeks to stay on top of it, perhaps.
So that huge concern is hopefully now under her watchful eye. I want to type this whole message before I sit here and have a good cry.
Now her thoughts on LE.
You'll be thrilled to know that OSU takes complete arm measurements prior to every surgery. There is a complete LE facility attatched to her office. She feels that I'm something of an odd duck. (Not what she said exactly but what she meant.)
She feels that a dx of LE for me is off in the future, if at all, but that we will be watching fastidiously as time unfolds.. She felt that between the frozen shoulder, the cellulitus making a mess of things and this crazy seroma/hemotoma (not certain which this knot/egg thing will ultimately be classified as) that all of that combined into lymph going awry.
She thinks there is reason for hope that due to catching it sooooo early (thanks to you swell BCO angels) and all the early intervention of PT/kinesio taping/LE exercises/MLD that I may truly be a transient case. That I may be able to get things resolved now that I can actually breathe deeply again. That the lymph may return to more near normal pathways.
She thinks that time will tell in the long run. She wants me to continue with self-monitoring, wearing the sleeve/gauntlet when doing just about anything, hydrating, MLD -- in essence, all that I have been doing.
We discussed the fact that theortically we would long be gone for the entire summer to northern WI -- away from heat & humidity by now and that my PT visits have been used for the calendar year. She was comfortable with waiting till we return in Sept to see my over-all status & then appeal to my insurance if it proved necessary.
So I think technically I still have not been diagnosed with LE. (Craziness: if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck yada yada.)
In any case it wasn't that she was the last bit dismissive of LE, or that I had to talk her into it. She laughed and said that LE therapists certainly were capable of making the actual dx.
I think she honestly believes that mine is going to be very minor/minimal even were it to be finally classified as such, but that she honestly believes that I still have genuine healing that has to unfold from all of this other nonsense & complications, before the definitive answer is given.
The fact that she performed a proceedure that allowed me to breathe deeply for the first time in 3 months, probably clouded my judgement in dogging her down to the ground on LE. I literally did hug her.
I have peeked at my scar line about half a dozen times in the last hour, thinking it may all be back in there, but it appears to be remaining a very flat tire in appearance.
I wanna go jumping from the roof top, but that's probably not in order, so I will just sit at the keyboard and smile from ear-to-ear.
Thank you my dear beachie kids for keeping me company this morning.
Strength and courage.
Strength and courage.
Strength and courage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Faith, Hallelujah!!! is right. I am so happy you are feeling better!! Enjoy your day
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Liz and VIVVVVYGirl-of-Tomorrow.
Me thinks my plight lured you here into our beachie tropics and I'm glad that you've found this wonderful trove of photos&friendships. We'd love for you to stick around and get acquaited with the regulars as well as those who pop in from time to time.
It seems that our group is big enough that often there's someone going to the real beach on a pretty regular ocasion -- and we have several amazing photographers in our midst, not to mention some ace picture-pickers.
It's Wednesday!! HUMP day!!!!!
In the meantime here's some welcome aboard flip flops:
Just pick out a pair that fit and splash on in!!!!
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Hooray Faith! I feel energized by your good news!
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Faith, I just returned home and read the above ...isn't it wonderful when
a doctor not only listens but acts...praise be
You take it easy now and take time to heal...please..
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Faith...I took a deep breath with you. So happy she found something wrong and she fixed it. (Well you know what I mean) I love these kind of Doctors.
Came back little while ago from The mammogram.
Everything is clear. she said see you next year.
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Seyla - wooo hooo for your news too!!! I was at a conference for work last year in Laguna Beach (poor me...I know!) and this is what greeted me several mornings when I'd awaken. I hated to leave
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faith, I am sooooo happy you are feeling better! Hopefully that fluid is gone for good.
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very gentle hugs and yipey!!!
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We're on the road. I have my laptop hooked up to the web, via DH's phone and a power battery thingie thru the aux power jack (cigarette lighter). I can be on BCO & FB for the next 12 hours uninterrupted. LOL.
Or I suppose I could read a book. LOL.
We popped thru the new surgeon's office so she could double check from the other day. She aspirated again..... which will likely be an ongoing theme for a while.
But she did release me to go to our summer paradise.
You ol' time beachies know what this means: tons of sundown pictures with sailboats!!!!!
We're headed to moderate loveable non-humid weather, all things artsie and the bluest skies I've ever seen anywhere in this country. My bicycle is beckoning as well.
It's Friday and I can still breathe!!!!!!
I'm so grateful to everyone at-the-beach for these years of hugs & hand holding, encouragement & comraderie.
Yesterday I was able to go to our Ohio School for the Deaf & work with a tandem of translators to perfect the signs that I will incorporate into my upcoming picture book. Sign language is open to "interpretation" (LOL: get it?) Anyhow, with their direction I made a serious break through on how to make the signs 'work' for this song. It's something that has had me stymied for four years. I sat with them for 15 minutes and together, they came up with a PERFECT solution. A solution that will improve the conceptual structure of this lesson by about 87%.
Did you hear me squeeling joy at the top of my lungs yesterday at noon????
It just reinforces my belief that everything works for the best. These two total strangers to me, straightened out my predicament in like no time flat.
Hope that everybody has something delightful on tap for this weekend.
I'll get some sailboat pictures just ASAP. Give me a day or two.
They are supposed to install our cable/web tomorrow. We'll see if that goes according to plan. There's always the library & the coffee house.
I am just soooooooooooooo happy to be headed north.
The only reality is that we won't be going to Saint's house on this trip. Due to all of this doctoring our plans are outta whack. We'll get there to see her family at some point, but we have 'always' stopped at her B&B on our first trip north. She'll be waiting for us instead at the shoreline's waves, I'm sure. I know that I'll hear her laugh in all of our favorite ol' haunts. That was the last time that she was vibrant in our midst. I'm so glad that she was given her final bucket list adventure and that we were fotunate to be a part of that extravaganza journey. No pick-em-up truck this summer. We brought my car instead. Sigh.
LOVE ya beachies!!!
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Ah Faith, when you posted that you were headed North my heart got heavy for you, knowing that this was a time when you would normally meet up with Pat. I am anxious to hear how Pat does reach out to you this year....
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Hey Faithie....
Are you heading my way.... any chance of meeting up? No beaches unless you count Lake Ontario. Suppose we could walk the boardwalk.
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how wonderful you are heading to your paradise, Faith...I loved the photos from last year
we were so close on our trip...
I will take a dip in our pool instead...
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OH Lisa!!! I'm on my way. Hehehe, what's your address again?
Dream, I'll pick you up as I go by.
Gentle hugs beachettes.
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Sharon where is our destination.... if its in Canada, I just might be up for a short trip. I'd love to meet you and Lizzie. Doesnt Lisa live in California....? Are we going to Niagara on the Lake on the way by?
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I do live in California...long ways away
but who knows
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Can we go via Tahiti?
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Well, I was hoping to have some beautiful beach pics to post from my trip, but due to circumstances beyond my control, I was holed up in my room for the first 3 days of the trip
Special thanks to a bad tummy.
SoCalLisa----your neck of the woods is just beautiful. What little time I spent outside, the weather was just PERFECT!! We were staying at the marina and had a beautiful balcony view from 25 floors up. It would be a little hard for me to live there--------I don't remember if it was the first or second night there, but we felt our hotel sway from an earthquake. Ohhhhhhhhhh......then they announced over the speaker system for everyone to make their way to the stairways and head down......uugghhhhh 25 flights???!!!!! tummy problems???........thank goodness within a few seconds they announced again to stay in our rooms. Whew!! Is that common out there? Well anyway....I'm sorry I didn't get to meet you. Maybe next summer........
Faithie!!!!!!!!!!! What a great GREAT relief to hear you've found the doctor who is helping you heal!!!! I'm sooooo very happy for you! Bless your wonder you were in such horrible pain!! Kinda makes you wanna just add a little fluid to the other doc's privates and see how well he manages
I hope your summer is just wonderful! You've probably gotten the bicycle out by now. Just think---last year while riding your bike you were "waiting" to see what was going on with your mammo----this year you're ALL CLEAR!!! Relief! Enjoy the sunsets!! And the daisies!!
Sending all you beachies a big hug! It's so good to see all of you!
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Hi Coonie..sorry about your tummy, and that you couldn't have seen alot more of our area
and no, earthquakes are not really common, you hit a bad one. But our weather is like this
most of the year(but usually more sunshine0..just don't tell anyone..I was looking forward to meeting you..maybe next time.
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Yeah Lisa---I hope so for next year too.
I did see this sign in one of the village shops. I thought about you beachies when I saw it.
...and here's a view from our balcony
...and the pool------25 floors straight down from our room balcony.
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Yep that is San Diego it
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We got a kick out of watching these birds...
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I gasped at the pool shot -- beautiful!