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Shopping/packing/to-do list for surgery + recovery....



  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited October 2015

    New Me, you should be okay. Do have someone drive you if you can. Driving was hard for me at first. You don't realize how much you use those muscles lol They left my pectoral muscle, but if they take yours you may feel worse than I remember feeling. The incisions themselves didn't bother me, the drains bothered the hell out of me! A fanny pack work nicely to hold and conceal, to a degree, the drains.

    Also, don't over do yourself. If you get to feeling tired, is there a place you'll be able to rest? Don't try to help! Not kidding! Sit down, talk, maybe small things like laying out any bread or biscuits while you sit.

    You will be sore. You will still have stitches, drain tubes. What really helped me with the drain tubes, again, the most uncomfortable thing for me, was putting a piece of gauze right under the tube at the site, and one over, then tape down. This seemed to keep it from moving as much and sliding out, pulling at the stitch that holds it.

    Get a little notepad or pocket calendar if you don't already to help keep track of appt's and more importantly, your amount of drainage. Each tube gets it's own cup to measure. I used the measurements on the cup per surgeon.

    Good luck! You will be fine! One more thing, I wasn't ready for how concaved my chest area was. It is hard to look at. A bit of a mind F*^{. This is temporary, and you will eventually fill in a bit.

    Sorry so long lol Didn't realize I had so much to say about it haha!

    Feel free to message me if you have any more questions.

  • Gabby56b
    Gabby56b Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2015

    new me....i had a umx with TEs on Oct 13. I was in the hospital for 2 nights, although probably could have gone home after one night. One thing the anesthesiologist did was place a nerve block (on-c) where the bundle of nerves went around to my breast. I was really nervous about this, but so glad I did it. I had very little pain, and my range of motion was not impeded at all. I got by with taking Tylenol a couple of times. My mom passed away the day before my surgery, so I planned a funeral while in the hospital, and had the service a few days after I got home.

    good luck on your surgery, and take care of yourself. Do want you feel you are up for and nap when you can....

  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950
    edited October 2015


    So sorry about your mother. How difficult that must have been right around your surgery.

  • HappyCamper123
    HappyCamper123 Member Posts: 4
    edited November 2015

    This is a great list. One thing, though. I was in the hospital for less than 24 hours for a mastectomy. Not a problem, I was up and out early after spending the night. Before the surgery I was so unable to concentrate that I had no use for a cell phone, Ipod, books etc. The electronics are not useful and in fact are apt to be stolen so the hospital staff really don't want them around anyway and advised letting your friend/mate whoever take them. Showering at the hospital was not an issue - not offered, not done. No need for eye mask or ear plugs unless you are in for a longer stay - after surgery I was so out of it I was not aware of anything till morning wake-up time and then it was time to leave. It sounds draconian but the less time spent in the hospital the better.

    At home, a fluffy white Walmart comforter, light weight, easy to pull on and off. They are inexpensive, get two so you can have someone wash one if you want. A flannel sheet over a "stressless chair " plus ottoman, a fluffy comforter over top, all was well. And plenty of pillows - bolsters, etc. Microbead pillows are great. Small red heart shaped one is wonderful for cushioning area between upper arm and chest.

  • JodieK
    JodieK Member Posts: 2
    edited November 2015

    Thank you for the list! New to the discussion boards, lots of great info! Surgery is 12/4, diagnosed 10/1. Mastectomy and free flap reconstruction. Have had a great experience in such a scary time for me.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,783
    edited November 2015

    Welcome, JodieK! Glad you found us, though we hate that you have to be here.

    You may want to join the others in the December 2015 Surgery thread to share experiences as you navigate surgery and recovery together.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you and wishing you the best of luck for your surgery!

    --The Mods

  • Tasal
    Tasal Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2015

    Hi All. Sorry to be part of this board but happy not to be alone. I'm new here too. Still trying to figure things out. Having bilateral mast with free tram flap recon on Dec 30th (Happy New Year in the Hospital for me this year!). I'm trying to get all my shopping and supplies done now to avoid Christmas chaos (too late?!, wishful thinking?!). This board has been a great help! I've noticed everyone mentions the silky pajama bottoms for getting in and out of bed- but wondering if that is still a suggestion if I am doing a free flap since I'll have that hip to hip abdominal cut. While I'm at it- can someone talk underwear with me?! I'm thinking mostly commando but what do I wear if I need to wear something. I'm thinking very low (below surgical line possible? But my mother thinks oversized granny panties (above surgical line?) Would also love input on wedges for the bed if anyone has any recommendations (back is obvious- under knees too with the surgery I'm having?) Others talk about recliners but not sure how to go about that either- I've seen them for rent online but not so much in Atlanta. Trying to get more of a list to address these particular concerns since I'll have the free tram and expected to be in hospital for 4 nights. Wishing everyone the very best right now. Luckily I'm feeling pretty good but I'm sure with each day more and more anxiety is going to set it.

  • Eliz1973
    Eliz1973 Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2015

    Mysurgery is next week. You have made some great points! Thank you!!!! Best Wishes in your healing process.


  • Mel2328
    Mel2328 Member Posts: 19
    edited December 2015
    Did anyone get a hospital bed to stay in at home for a few weeks?? I think some insurance companies allow them.
  • PMR53
    PMR53 Member Posts: 185
    edited January 2016

    I have post surgery camisoles as well as fancy out-on-the-town camisoles with pockets for drains and forms that I am wanting to give to someone in need. I also have a "chicken cutlet" that I used for symmetry.  All are lightly used but clean. None of the charities around me will take them because they are used. Anyone need any of this or know what I can do with it? Pm me and I will and them and pass it on!


  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited January 2016

    Consider taking pre-op and post-op photos if you want to record your journey.

    I've been taking simple photos using the timer setting on my camera. Using the timer allows me to do this myself, privately. I haven't shared these photos with anyone, and I'm not sure that I will. I do it in the same place in the same pose, so the only thing that is changing is my breasts.

    I took two sets of pre-op photos, both before and after the pre-op marking. I took the first post-op photo the morning after I got home from surgery. I took photos fairly often at first (every other day) to mark the progress. I had a debridement procedure along the way, so I made sure to take photos before and after that. And I'll take photos before and after exchange to implants.

    That first post-op photo was the worst, as my breasts were terribly bruised and swollen. But as time passed, ever those first few days, I could see progress. I have made remarkable progress in just over 8 weeks. My reconstructed breasts are healing nicely and are looking better all the time.

    If you've already had surgery, but didn't take a pre-op photo, don't worry: your Breast Surgeon and/or Plastic Surgeon probably have pre-op photos. Both of my surgeons' nurses had taken photos of me. The PS has several photos including front and side facing.

    Strength, healing, and love to everyone,


  • Ashblonde
    Ashblonde Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2016

    My stay in hospital was 2 days. I took leggings, iPhone, kindle, earpjhones, charger and extension cord. The best thing was my *C* shaped neck travel pillow. All my gear fitted in one average handbag. I also had lip balm and hand cream. A comfy loose top and underwear to wear home.

    Everything else was provided by the hospital , including a lovely tote bag for my drains . I ate hospital food and wore hospital pjs. I amhome now after a double Masectomy and feel pretty good. My Op was on Feb 5th and I am in New Zealand

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited February 2016

    For home: a sock-aid and long-handled shoehorn are lifesavers if you’re too sore to bend over or bring your feet & legs up fully to pull on your socks and get into your shoes. You will want, at least while you’re at home or if there’s no snow on the ground, to wear footwear that you can easily step into and out of. This sounds frivolous....but consider a long-handled backscratcher (as well as a long-handled bath brush).

  • Charleywood22
    Charleywood22 Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2016

    great list!!! There's a list of what to pack on my blog but I think you have covered it all!

    I used drain dollies to carry my drains


  • Flat-tered
    Flat-tered Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2016

    Had surgery five days ago. The thing I didn't have when I got home was alcohol squares to clean my drain tops. Don't remember seeing those on the list to buy ahead of time. Wish I had a list of things to make sure the hospital folks sent home with me. I got my two camisoles but they forgot to send the lanyard home with me to hold the drains while showering. Luckily my son had one I could borrow. Haven't seen anything posted about the best technique for stripping the drains. Starting day 4 I could feel an uncomfortable feeling when I stripped my drains and the suction become more evident inside my chest. I was first tempted to take the top of the drain before I started. That turned out to be a mistake. I am finding it is better to maintain the suction (keep pinching the tube, clean the top, squeeze the bulb, replace the top). It is the big change in lack of suction that is uncomfortable. Hope this helps. Discuss with your nurse to see what advice she has when she does the training. I wasn't thinking about a few days down the road when the feeling starts to come back when I had the training.) My hat is off to anyone who goes back to work while drains are still in. I don't think I will be one of them.

  • Kaneli
    Kaneli Member Posts: 65
    edited March 2016

    Great Very Helpful List...Bumping so I can be sure to refer to it in prep for my surgery March 22, Thank you!

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited March 2016

    Kaneli, you can add this to "My Favorite Topics" and then you won't have to worry about losing it again.

  • Zoziana
    Zoziana Member Posts: 102
    edited April 2016

    Love the list and thread. Had my double MX 3 weeks ago and doing well. Here is my short "cheat sheet" for items to have for hospital and for the first week. There were three essential hosp. items (1,2,and 3 below) and also three essential home items. Listed in order of importance to me. Good luck!

    For the HOSPITAL: Top three are my true essentials

    1. Neck travel pillow, Soft foam or memory foam (not inflatable.) This was my number one most useful item.

    This allows you to sleep sitting up in a hospital bed or at home--it's like a portable recliner. If it has a washable cover, all the better. Otherwise, I'd buy one for the hospital and toss it after you leave, and have a clean one for home. I bought two on sale at Bed Bath and Beyond, because I didn't know which I'd like better. One is memory foam and one is softer. I like them both; key is what fits best around your neck, jaw, etc. I still use one of these now under my waist when I sleep on my side, to help keep pressure off my chest.

    2. Lip balm in stick form (so you don't use your fingers in hosp. setting and transfer germs.)

    3. Cell phone and charger with long cord so your phone can stay in your bed with you (or on tray) and be continually charged.

    4. Hair brush if you care about these things-someone will need to brush it for you probably.

    5. Socks with non-slip grip on bottom (most hospitals will have these--but just in case).

    You will be getting up to go to the bathroom and the nurses will have you get up to walk around the floor. Slippers are harder. I used the hospital socks (I preferred not to dirty mine and saved my own for home!)

    6. Breath mints or drops.

    The hospital gave me a tooth brush and paste, and I did brush my teeth each night, but it was hard --too tough to bend at bathroom sink in room, so had to use small spit bowl on tray and it was awkward.) Mints allowed me to freshen my breath when I wanted to, in an easier manner.

    7. Facial toner (my regular) and cotton pads; facial moisturizer; my prescription hydrocortisone cream for eczema.

    My sensitive skin needs regular care. I did "wash " my face int the mornings and on the second night in the hospital. (On the first night I was pretty out of it and did not; my surgery was 6 hours. didn't end until 5 pm, and after a few hours in the recovery room, I didn't get to my hosp. room until around 8 pm. and after a few words with family members, I was back to sleeping.)

    8. A note to put on your bed tray or for family members as a reminder, if you are having lymph nodes removed on one side: NO BLOOD PRESSURE ON (RIGHT) ARM.

    This has to do with risk of lymphodema and is based on my experience in the hospital. Again, nurses should know, but in my case, a night nurse came in and was about to take my blood pressure on my right arm (from where a number of nodes were taken), and I remembered to tell her NO, I am not supposed to have that done, and why. She made a big sign and taped it over my hosp. bed. She was a floater nurse who hadn't taken care of a MX patient before, and she simply didn't know. Better safe than sorry. My hosp. is an excellent one and my care was excellent, but still, I would recommend this based on my experience.

    At HOME: (I note that help, in my case from my sister who helped for 3 days, did my drains, etc. is very important, too.)

    1. Neck travel pillow (same as above.)

    2. Bed "reading backrest pillow", in a sort of wedge shape (with arms or without.)

    Make sure the back is high enough for you. I bought mine on Amazon for about $39 and I love it. I used this to sleep and sit propped up in bed--going flat pressured my chest and bothered me; I didn't lie flat for a full week. Regular bed pillows certainly could be used, but I liked that this didn't slip or move around, and i used a soft down pillow with it, and other pillows on propped on my sides when I slept, sort of creating a cocoon so I felt I wouldn't fall over to the side and could sort of lean in any direction I wanted without actually putting pressure on my side of my chest and abdomen where the drains and drain tubes were.

    3. Cotton Camisole with interior pockets for drains.

    You can buy online if you have time for shipping, but I bought mine at a local store that I call the "Breast Cancer Store", because everything they sell is for those of us in this club. I could step into it, and someone helped me pull it up. I wore the surgical bra from the hospital--was told not to take it off until I came back in a week and I did not--but pinning and unpinning the drains to it would have been very uncomfortable and maybe painful. Much easier to put them in the interior pockets of the cami, where I also pinned them for extra security. You could make this if you sew, but make sure the material and straps are strechy enough you can step into it for the first week-two weeks. I got two, one in black and one in white. They also have chest pockets for breast pads if you want to wear under a top and have a fuller look. I am thin and was small chested, so with expanders in, the camisole, and a thin sport top sort of liner pad, I don't look terribly flat, but the tops come with larger pads if you want them.

  • Clauclau
    Clauclau Member Posts: 11
    edited May 2016

    thank you for your detailed list. I have been diagnosed with 2.5 cm BC triple negative on right side stage 2A, grade 3.

    I haven't met the surgeon yet. So far I talked to the oncologist and radiologist that are part of the team.

    I am reading everything I can and decided to join the forum to hear stories from people like you. I appreciate your thoughtfulness in sharing your experience here. I will probably take a picture of the list and start thinking what else ( if any thing) I need to do before and after surgery. Thank you!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,783
    edited May 2016

    Dear Clauclau, Welcome to the community. We are sorry for your diagnosis but so glad that you reached out here. Please stay connected and keep us posted on how everything goes for you. We are sending you healing thoughts as you prepare for surgery. The Mods

  • Cristalle
    Cristalle Member Posts: 52
    edited June 2016

    Hey, thanks. My LX is scheduled for June 17/16. Query: Are there things on this list you may OMIT for a lumpectomy? Like the camisole or tank with the pockets I know I'm not having a drain.

    Thanks to all you brave women.

    Cristalle in Ottawa

    6/5/2016 DCIS Gr 2 Left breast

  • StonyPony
    StonyPony Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2016

    BACK SCRATCHER! Or if you're desperate your mom's wooden pasta spoon with the dowels Happy

  • Hopefloatsinyyc
    Hopefloatsinyyc Member Posts: 97
    edited June 2016

    I wanted to have a sign made to deter people from bothering me while recovering post-op or through chemo... And it was near impossible to find something. I then found a Facebook mom who had a small business who made this


    She did it in only a few days and could customize. Her Facebook is Wy and Oli in case anyone is interested!

  • phbr66
    phbr66 Member Posts: 2
    edited August 2016

    Thank you! This was so helpful. I have surgery Tuesday.

  • Mominator
    Mominator Member Posts: 1,173
    edited August 2016

    Phbr66: Welcome to I'm sorry for a diagnosis but very glad you found us.

    There are many helpful forums and threads. Please look around to find the support you need, such as surgery, reconstruction, chemo, etc.

    Best wishes for your surgery.

  • IHGJAnn49
    IHGJAnn49 Member Posts: 408
    edited August 2016

    Hi.. I'm a newbie, i see my surgeon on the 24th and glad to see all these tips.. didn't think about a lot of that, so this will help me prepare better...

    I'm allergic to the tape also... I found the paper tape is better, otherwise, my skin blisters and peels too

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377
    edited October 2016

    This thread is so AWESOME, thank you to all contributors. My ? Is with a BMX with expanders how long usually until I can totally take care of myself? I have great friends who have offered to stay with me and needed a guestimate of how long I would need help. I am 62 so might not pop out of this quickly.


  • janett2014
    janett2014 Member Posts: 2,950
    edited October 2016


    Every case is so different. We are the same age though, and my surgery was two and a half years ago. I needed a fair amount of help for the first week. After that I would have been ok with little or no help. The trick is preparation: put things where they are easily reached, and have meals that are simple to prepare. I assume you don't have young children in the house; have the pharmacist put regular caps on your meds, NOT child-proof ones. Use a cut-off pantyhose leg or a knee high pantyhose to hold your drains around your neck in the shower. Rest as much as you can, and accept offers of help and meals

  • ajbclan
    ajbclan Member Posts: 396
    edited October 2016

    Jannett- I'm still in the chemo process, assuming BMX with expanders in January- your tips are there a good place on the boards for more helpful hints? I know everyone is different in this process....was also wondering how long you're not allowed to drive? I have a 13 year old, have had offers of help, but I'm really realizing how laid up I may be! Thanks!

  • Seedsally
    Seedsally Member Posts: 141
    edited October 2016

    AJB. As Janett said put everything in easy reach. Use a table and if you don't have a really comfy recliner you may want to rent a hospital bed and have it set up in front of your tv. I also ordered 2 mastectomy shirts that snapped up the front. The fabric is so silky and breathable plus they have pockets inside to hold your drain bulbs. I stilled pinned them so they wouldn't move around too much. I lived in those shirts until all my tubes came out. 3 weeks. Other than that I used my pain meds and anxiety meds as much as needed. I slept a lot and walked around when I could. Pamper yourself you deserve it