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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2008

    I forgot to mention it but have you ladies tried glucosamine/chrondrotin for your AI's aches and pains?  I never did but know many that have had success.  It is a natural supplement that helps keep joints lubricated which is what the AI's are taking away from you.

    My IOS today, my son has not called from Iraq for at least 7 days now!  Everytime it is this long in between phone calls alot of terrible stuff is going on and I worry so badly for him.  I recently found out that children as young as 10 & 12 are armmed over there shooting at our men!  This is total insaniety!!!!  I support these young men and women but HATE this war they are in!

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    OH {{{{{LuAnn}}}}}} I can't imagine having a child over there in the midst of that.  I'm so sorry you haven't heard this week.  Does his not calling happen very often?  How often is normal?  Perhaps it's just been something simple to explain why?  I'll add him to prayers and hope he calls you today!  Stay strong in your belief that he safe, k?  Many {{hugs}} mom...and to you dear dd in law too.

  • luannh
    luannh Member Posts: 350
    edited September 2008

    At first we would hear from him every 2 to 3 days and that has really been the norm.  Lately they have been raiding the city they are in trying to flush out the last of al queda and they are not taking it well.  For the last month or so the calls are few and far between.  One he was depressed he said he wanted to put a bullet in his head.  Was the most disturbing conversations I have ever had with my child.

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    LuAnn?  Did you contact anyone about that? Sounds very distressing.  Isn't that something you should share with his commander or sargent?  I'm so sorry for all families who have men/women over there or anywhere.  It so sad that fighting is the only way to do some things.  Whether it be this or many other things we are involved with our service men & women.  I'm sorry, wish there something to say to make it easier on you, but I know there isn't.  When is his group due home?How long has he been over there?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited September 2008

    Hello and a big that sux to all who need one.  My IOS is minor.  Its the weekend and Im just not feeling good.  Just one of those headache, muscle achy days.  I havent been out of bed. 

    LuAnn:  Not hearing from you son sucks big time.  I remember when you first posted he was going to Iraq!  I hate this was and wish we could bring them all home right now.  Sending a big hug to you along with that sux. 

    Gonna go back lay down again.  Hmmm wonder if this is a migraine?


  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    LuAnn, I forgot your son was in the military.....imagine that......don't worry, I met an Army soldier last night at my nieces football game and, he is voluntarily going back for his 4th tour in October. Man, it took alot of restraint not to just go up and hug that perfect, handsome, young stranger.

    I'm in Dallas, it's been "sprinkling" all day. No biggy here. I wish I could say the same for others though, it looks pretty bad in alot of places. Who here if from Houston? Gawd............I wish I had my brain.....

    Deb, I am so happy to see your post girl. I've been thinking about you constantly!!!!! Other than your sight....are you doing o.k.??? 

    o.k. I LOVE FreeWiggy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is funny!!!!!!!!!

    I think I saw a football thread.....gonna go check that out.

    Hugs everybody,


  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited September 2008

    I've been gone so long I'll have to print ALL the pages and take them downstairs to read.  I'll do that tomorrow.  It's too late now..almost 1 AM.  I'll have to confess...I've been doing more "politicking" and not coming here to cry, laugh and say THAT sucks!

    I'm ashamed of myself.  Embarassed

    Tomorrow, Tomorrow.....


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    Well, Shirley it's nice to hear from you, and hope you can catch up soon!  So much suckage and so little time to read, can be a sad thing!  We need your wit and charm, not to mention your IOS's so we can not feel left out! :D

    Don't overwork, remember, there's a fine line between working and cleaning sometimes! :D

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited September 2008


    Sometimes too much politics can really depress me, so I try to stay away from that board, and only discuss politics a little bit at a time. 

    I seem to remember that you are going to see your onc. on either Monday or Tuesday.  I just want to let you know I'm thinking of you, and hope all goes well with your onc. visit.   On Tuesday, I am going to see my surgeon, to have him check that lump I found, even though I think it is probably just scar tissue.  I really miss my surgeon, so it will be nice to see him again.  I know, I am a real nut case, cause I actually WANT to see one of my drs.!!


    Good luck with the wig exchange program.  I think it is a great idea!


  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited September 2008

    My bitch today is that it is an absolutely beautiful day outside and I've developed a case of the phobia (I can't think of what it's called) where I don't want to leave the house! WTH????????????????????????Frown Thank gawd football is on so I have an excuse in case someone calls.

    Hugs everybody, Traci

  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    Goodness Traci!  I guess with the cost of gas out the roof, it's not such a bad thing. :)

    Is this something serious, or are you just feeling you don't want to deal with life today?  {{{hugs}}} regardless....

  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011


  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700
    edited September 2008

    I remember that story, Hanna.  Here's the story.  I tried to find an update on it but couldn't.  Very sad.

  • sueper13
    sueper13 Member Posts: 360
    edited September 2008

    Hello all.  Ike was anti-climactic here in North Texas--a Saturday of raining sideways, which is really not that unusual for Texas.  Everybody who needs a big THAT SUCKS--here it is!  Shirley, I missed your posts!  And politicking is stressful, so STOP IT!

    My IOS is small. I had a really good day yesterday, went to a spa and had a pedicure for the first time since I started chemo, then want antique shopping with my best friend.  My IOS is that I woke up this morning with my whole body hurting, and I have spent the whole afternoon in the recliner---and I have to go back to work tomorrow!

    Hope everyone has a great evening with no IOSs



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 344
    edited September 2008

    Well, I haven't had time to print my pages. Cry  I had to take one of my cats to the Animal ER today.  I noticed very late last night that she sat in the litter box for a very long time.  Nothing came out.  Then, she sent in there again..again..nothing.  This morning the same thing.  Then, she was on our bed and there was a Belk's (southern dept. store)  empty bag laying up there.  She was sitting on it.  I petted her and she was nasty with me.  She continued to sit on it.  I went back to pet her and she acted nice.  I thought about the whole scenario for a minute..thought to myself...SELF..something ain't right.  She was sitting on that bag just like she did in the litter box.  Sooooo, I went back to check the bag.  Yep, there was a dribble of urine.

    So, I sit in the ER for two hours because there were so many emergencies.  I decided to take her to the ER because I didn't know how long this had been going on.  Having four cats with two litter cannot keep up with how cats "eliminate" their waste.

    Well, the outcome.  The vet felt her bladder..yep, very full.  X-rayed..didn't see any stones.  Did bloodwork and her calcium level was elevted to 11.88 (I think) which is a concern.  So, she wants our vet to do a US to see if there are any tumors.  She said, however, that when she cathed her she had not blockage in the way.  She gave her some meds that I have to take to a pharmacy to have them compounded..she's too small for a regular script, but thank goodness she mixed some herself and gave it to her.  My kitty peed a little in the box when we got home which is what the med is supposed to her pee.

    So, $429 poorer after leaving the hospital.  So many emergencies today.  One cat was put to sleep.  One dog had part of his ear torn off..oweners brought it in a plastic baggie fill with ice.  They don't do vascular surgery there..So, I don't know who or how part of his ear could be attached.

    Geez, I hope my cat doesn't have cancer.  Damn, damn, damn.

    I'll catch up later.  Tues. I go to Duke to see my onc. I'm tired.


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    {{{{Shirley}}}} I'm so sorry you had such an emotionally filled day with your little one and all the others that were there. 

    I do know that some kitties are prone to bladder problems, and perhaps she just needs a change of food to get her back in line health wise.  I'll hope so and keep good thoughts and add a little kitty prayer for her.  BTW...I read (and I really don't remember the reason, but that for every kitty, you need one kitty litter, plus a spare one.  Like I said, I don't remember why they said that, but...I know we only have 2, and it's odd, b/c I've noticed as they age, they are peeing in one and pooping in the other for the most part.  We only have 2 and yes, 2 is plenty I think too.

    Good luck with her. I hope the meds help!

    And good luck at your Onco visit on Tues.  Is this just a follow up I hope?

  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited September 2008

    "THAT SUCKS!" y'all! Shirley--poor kitty.

    Luann, I hope you hear from DS soon. I know it's got to be terribly nerve-wracking!

    I like "Free Wiggy"! My little IOS: I have been trying to figure out how to sew up those little bandanas I told you all about a few pages back. Good grief! They're just a triangle with a little piece of elastic, but I've screwed up half a dozen of them so far. Geez--I've been sewing over 30 years and this really shouldn't be this hard! Is it too early for me to claim chemobrain?


  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited September 2008


    WOW! I have been away for a few days & had TOO much to catch up on------now I can't remember who I wanted to say what to! I am the chemo-brain elite!!!

    My minor IOS: It has been raining for 3 days & so humid we had to keep the A.C. on---now it is STILL raining & frigid! What sux worse is that I have not felt so hot the last few days----seems like one continuous hotflash and my joints ache----worst of all is the most outrageous leg & foot cramps I have ever known! Could xeloda be the culprit or have I just been over-doing it with getting my house put back together?? Carpet Finally is done! YEAH.

    A big THAT SUX for all who need it...& TOO many of us seem to need it just now!

    Be well & stay strong 

  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited December 2011


  • AusAla
    AusAla Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2008

    ok,I think I need to join this thread!  I can't possibly go back and read all of y'all's post.  But I might  Couple of questions....what the heck is IOS? and can I join y'all?

    I've got a really big 'thing' going on in my life right now and I need a place to vent and some shoulders to cry on. 



  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    Hi aus :)

    IOS+ Issues of Suckage, or there abouts....anything that SUX in your life :D

  • jerseymaria
    jerseymaria Member Posts: 70
    edited September 2008

    saint, how much B6 are you taking?  be sure you're getting enough.  with xeloda you are supposed to be taking that.  i used to get cramps from the steroids that i got with herceptin and onc told me to take b6 and no more cramps.  but i know with xeloda b6 is to be taken daily. i hope that works for you...leg and feet and hand cramps are eyeball popping pain.  feel better, maria

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited September 2008



    This is a very good thread to join... WELCOME!  I like to come here, because I know that no matter how big or small my complaint is, everyone will understand and will support me and say IT SUCKS!! 

    Please feel free to go ahead and vent...  I will start by saying that IT SUCKS!!


    It is just terrible that you had to spend your day in the ER with one of your kitties!  I hope she is feeling better soon!  I also hope that your kitty doesn't have cancer!!  I am thinking & hoping that since she has improved some, that means that it is NOT cancer!!! 

    My cat, Thor, had a urinary issue, and we had to take him to the emergency vet last year, when I was still undergoing bc tx...  He had FLUTI... Feline Lower Urinary Tract Infection, and he had to take anti biotics twice a day.  At one point, we were BOTH taking anti biotics at the same time!  He is doing fine now, and your baby will also be fine, I think.

    Good Luck with your onc appt. Tuesday!  I'll be thinking of you while I am driving to Whiteville, to see my surgeon.  Hope that your onc appt. goes well, with no problems. 


    It sounds as if you may just go back to get that dog... If you do, I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS!!   Whenever we go to see a Myrtle Beach Pelicans (minor league baseball), I get a little sad, because they had two dogs... Dinger & Deuce, and they are golden Labs... oh they are so beautiful!  But, Dinger is 10 years old, and he is getting kind of old...  He brings out a basket of balls to the umpire after the 7th inning, and if they win, he runs the bases!  Oh, he is so cute!  But, sometimes he seems to 'forget' where he is when he's running the bases, and he turns around and goes back...  poor Dinger!  My dh says it may be his last year, and that makes me cry!!   But, they are training Deuce, his little brother, and he is 2, I think.

    Hope everyone has a great day tomorrow, with very few, if any IOS's!!


  • saint
    saint Member Posts: 583
    edited September 2008

    WhaSux?? Just a quick stop b4 bed..

    AUS!!! Welcome--what's up hon?? come bitch with us sweetie!!!! this is the place to let it fly----HUGS!!!

    Hanna--I volunteer at the local Humane Society so I say- GO FOR IT! If that old dog is not there look around--you will find another animal in need of a forever home! HUGS, you are doing the Lord's work when you adopt a needy animal.

    Harley & Shirley----pets aren't cheap, but I find they are worth every penny they cost---speaking of which, I still owe the vet for that ER call on Labor Day-SUX!! -I sure do understand. It's not even then money as much as the worry & stress when they are sick!!!!! 

    Sweet dreams all with little or no IOS's on Monday----Be well & stay strong. 

  • GramE
    GramE Member Posts: 2,234
    edited September 2008

    Hi Everyone:

    I am trying to catch up on all the posts.  THAT SUCKS for those who need it.   and gentle (((((((((( hugs ))))))))))))))).    Not much going with me except the queasy stomach and eat, then poop in an hour or so - loose, but not diarrhea.   I am past half way thru chemo and only 7 more weekly taxol and herceptin to go.   Then the decision if I just do a lump since the tumor has shrunk over 50 % or go for the mast.   I will not do any form of recon, so appearance wise, I dont care one way or the other.  

    Hugs, Blessings, and may you each have a great day tomorrow.   Nancy 

    My skin is dry, especially the feet, but lotion takes care of that. Gobs of lotion and old sox when I go to bed.   My son took me to lunch today and I could actually taste the food - scallops in ginger sauce, leeks, and crab rangoon and rice.   Everything has tasted like either cardboard or sawdust - can my taste buds be waking up?    

  • drcrisc
    drcrisc Member Posts: 134
    edited September 2008

    WhaSux?!  ALL OF IT, of course!!!

    Nancy - So sorry - the weekly thing just SUCKS!  Glad you're past the half-way point.  I did not have constipation issues this time around with the Carbo/Cytoxan, but I think that's because I was still having "looseness" from the Taxotere two weeks ago!  At least it did something  So I hear you with that part.  Hope it gets better soon...

    Shirley - Oh those darn furry kids!  But we worry about them just the same.  How's kitty now?  Hope the meds are working.

    Diane - How are you doing?  I know you're having trouble sewing (can't help you there and you don't want me to!), but how's it going otherwise?

    LuAnn - {{{{{Hugs}}}} and sending good thoughts that you will hear from your son very soon!

    To everybody feeling the pain of Ike - THAT SUCKS!!  Higher gas prices, too much rain, trees and power lines down - it all SUCKS!  Been watching some of the clean up and wish I could do more than that...

    My IOS is that it has taken me all day to catch up on the boards!  I've either been too tired to read or too busy (and then too tired again!).  I thought having kids and going through chemo was bad enough, but having kids in school with demanding schedules is worse!!  I thought it would be a bit easier with them in school, but not.  Oh well, only one more treatment to get through!  And I like Wigs R Us. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited September 2008

    Another Monday and its back to work.  That my IOS.  Many roads are flooded here in Chicago so it will take me twice as long to get to work!   Anyways - this is a pop in and sending a big that sux to all who needs one.

    Hanna:  I had never heard about water with quinine to help legs cramps, but it makes sense.

    Saint:  Sounds like the hand and foot pain might be related to the xeloda.  Might even be the cause of the leg cramps.  I would call your doctor.  One common cause of leg cramps is low potassium.

    Hi to everyone else.  I gotta hit the showers.


  • wishiwere
    wishiwere Member Posts: 934
    edited September 2008

    I wonder if that's encroaching or what ever they call it on someone's name using wigRus?  Just a about Wigs4U?

    Anyway.....A BIG THAT SUX ladies!  TX SUX, but so glad you can get them and get them done with soon!  SE's and having kids to tire you out while doing TX sux, but.....well, it just plain SUX you have to doing TX, So BIG SUX to you all in TX, with IOS' and all that going on!

    Hope the kitty is doing better today and That the old' dog has been adopted to a good home, so you don't have to make that decision, and that Harley is feeling better and everyone else is no need special 'seating' cushions and doing well today!

    Take care ladies for those going off to work! Hope it's quick and painless and no IOS's resulting from the work place there today too!

  • SherriM
    SherriM Member Posts: 90
    edited September 2008

    LuAnn--I'm late in posting and I hope you've heard from your ds by now, and am praying for him...and sending you {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}. 

    Diane--it's never too early to claim chemobrain! 

    That SUCKS to all in need!
