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Im bitchy, I moan, I groan.....anyway.



  • 1965sally
    1965sally Member Posts: 29
    edited April 2008

    Hanna, was it you asking about Reynaud's syndrome?  I have it too, but my fingertips don't turn completely white, just the lower halves of my nails go purple and it's whitish above them.  It's a condition where blood doesn't reach the extremities, could affect nose and toes too.  Mine doesn't bother me at all, but the weird thing is that Reynaud's is connected to a whole bunch of other auto-immune disorders.  I don't have any of them but they run in my family (scleroderma, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis).  Reynaud's is not normally harmful in itself, far as I know.  Tips: use mittens instead of gloves, take antioxidants, don't hold a cold drink very long at a stretch.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2008

    Woke up, the birds are singing outside - so maybe its gonna be a good day today.  Im feeling better thats for sure. 

    DebC:  You continue to amaze me.  How can you be doing all that stuff while getting chemo. 

    Neese:  Glad your getting away from the itchy man.  And yes its a good bitch - when a health care company doesnt tell the caretaker whats going on.  Im figuring if it were scabies you would have them by now. 

    Traci:  Well I motivated myself enough to get a new pedometer yesterday.  My belly is so big, you would think Im 9 months pregnant.  Cant even seen my pubs when I try to suck it in.  Not that there is alot to see thanks to chemo.  I really believe the fatter I get the smaller my implants looks.  Its like the fat surrounds the implant or something - but then it could be just me, being weird again.

    Harley:  Still laughing about the hairy mipples.

    Bren:  Just once I would like to turn the tables around and do to the doctors what they do to us.  Oh goodness that gave me an evil smile this morning.

    OK - gotta go.  Hit the showers and get ready for work.


  • neesie
    neesie Member Posts: 1,110
    edited April 2008

    My bitch for today is this......................why is it a Man can't stay attentive during a 3 minute conversation..............................but they can flip that dang remote in 'nano' seconds and totally watch 3 or 4 shows at a time!!!!


  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2008

    A hearty THAT SUCKS to everyones crap this morning!

    I finally got a good night's sleep. so maybe I won't bitch about being sleepy today.

    Neesie, Maybe if you tapdance and hold a couple of sparklers in your hands when you talk he will be able to focus.....

    Deb C

  • danix5
    danix5 Member Posts: 141
    edited April 2008

    Traci- You are great! Hope your car comes back with no more issues. Did you ever figure out, who put the sugar in the gas tank? (Oh my God I just repeated that line in my head to the tune of "who let the dogs out"!)

    I think your website sounds terrific! We all do need to remember all cancer sucks, although it is a little harder to lose boobs than say a part of my colon or cervix I do not see those in clothing or naked.....LOL!

    Weird brain I have lately.

    Crazy- So happy you got your report. What did it say??????? Good news I hope.

    Tina- I can sooo relate to biting my tounge while others are cleaning! It is hard I just have to leave the room.

    My exchange surgery is tomorrow. so back to me hiding from the messes until I can handle them. Really I did shout from the upstairs after surgery in Jan "I am coming down, better pick up before I get down there, please!! I will give you boys 10 minutes!!!"

    But actually my hubby had a pretty good handle on things and the BOYS!!!

    I just love this thread.

    I am still thinking about the "NIPPLE" almost a year in your leg too funny!!!

    Bye for now. No bitches today I have cleaned everything!!! Will not be like that tomorrow but sometimes just gotta let go.


  • badboob67
    badboob67 Member Posts: 236
    edited April 2008

    Wow...I'm gone for a little while and there are over 6 hundred bitches to catch up on! Forgive me if I skipped over a few!

    My bitch(es) today:

    Progression sucks

    Making treatment decisions sucks

    Rads (again!) sucks

    Pain pills making me nauseated sucks

    Mom had to go home sucks

    Our TV broke and we can't afford to fix or replace it sucks

    Weird PM messages from people pretending to give a shit whilst they continue to antagonize me sucks

    Waiting 5 hours for rads on Monday sucks

    Receptionist scheduling me for a treatment planning session with my onc when he is ON VACATION AND UNAVAILABLE sucks, particularly when dh missed a day of work and we drove an hour to be there

    but, my #1 bitch today:

    Dog farts created by a stolen double cheeseburger really suck!



  • sam408
    sam408 Member Posts: 474
    edited April 2008

    Diane - that all sucks big time.

    I sooo understand about the dog farts. . .mine can clear a room! And I guess it was your lunch he stole? That sucks!

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352
    edited April 2008


    'dog farts created by a stolen cheeseburger really sucks'

    OMG.... my dogs are towing a pigs head around my kitchen, scrappin'

    like hell, so I will be in for some awful smells tonight, as well as probably typhoid off of my floor !!!!!


  • swimangel72
    swimangel72 Member Posts: 142
    edited April 2008

    You ladies are wonderful - the dog farts is my best laugh for the day! I don't have dogs, but my dh really can ruin the air in the bedroom any given night! Dani - good luck with your exchange surgery tomorrow, you'll be in my prayers!

  • LorenaB
    LorenaB Member Posts: 91
    edited April 2008

    Just discovered this thread -- I'm going to read a page or two every time I need, I don't know, a laugh or a kick or something. 

    I have been one of those people who everyone admires for being "so strong, such a great attitude," blah blah blah.  Single mom coping so well with cancer, relieved because "it could be worse," appreciating my great support system, etc.  Until Saturday when I shaved my head.  Positive attitude is GONE.  Can I just say, being bald SUCKS!!!!!  It is horrible.  I feel horrible.  Everyone says I look fine in my wig but that doesn't matter.  It's a f'ing WIG - it isn't me.  I'm scared to look at myself in the mirror.

    Phew, it's good to get that out.


  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2008


    I am sitting right beside you and hearing you loud and clear on the bald part girl. That was...... the hardest part for me. My bed is in a place where I can look to the right and see in the closet mirror doors. I use to look to the right late at night and just cry. I finally covered them with sheets. I sat on the bathroom floor the night my hair fell out and cried for an hour. There was NO WAY I was going to shave my head so, your braver (is that a word? it doesn't look right) than me. I would not let anyone see my bald one.....the only person who saw my bald head was the lady that put the wigs on me that I bought and never wore. I told the nurse's and dr's at the hospital when I had one of my surgery's that if I woke up and my bandana was not on my head I was going to be f*ing pissed. I HATED being bald. I still hate my hair. I mean, I am happy beyond belief that I have enough hair to go without a scarf but, I still hate it. HATE IT.

    deep sigh....your right. That SUCKS!!!!!!!!! I'd say you win the bitch prize of the day but.....did you read badboob's post???


    Hugs Lauren.


  • Bren-2007
    Bren-2007 Member Posts: 842
    edited April 2008

    My bitch for the day is I've lost my mind!!  I went to my surgeon appt a day late.  I thought today was the 15th .. well it looked like the Wednesday square on my calendar!! 

    I think that shot to my face yesterday did some permanent damage !!!

    Traci ... we've got a lot of material for you  Surprised

    PS - Oh hell, my bitch is way down on the list ... hugs to you gals!!

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited April 2008


    "Weird PM messages from people pretending to give a shit whilst they continue to antagonize me sucks"

    That is really awful.  WTF is wrong with people? Too bad you can't send replies scented with aroma-of-dog-who-stole-lunch...

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited April 2008

    Traci, "WTF is wrong with people?" applies to sugar in gas tank, too.

    Dani, wishing you all the best tomorrow, and continued transformation of your family into neat freaks for when you get home!

    Lauren, (((((((hugs)))))))

    Bren -- OMG, I'm doing things like that all the time!  Sucks!

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2008

    oh sugar repair is up to $500 now. Did I already post that?

    Here's a bitch....I just got the new Victoria's Secret magazine. I use to buy that s*it all the time. Whatever..........................

    Bin, you reminded me of..I forgot an appt once.....(lol!)....look at this.. the first pic is of my desk. (That I work at so, I sit there practically all day every day) That calender is about 2 feet from my face.  See the pink highlighter?? Alemar is my oncologist....I forgot that appt!  lol!!!



    ps I forgot Katie's birthday too and, I didn't go to the concert with Larry!!!! LOL!

  • kiki
    kiki Member Posts: 38
    edited April 2008

    (((Diane)))  you do have a lot going on that sucks right now!!

    Dani, good luck tomorrow.

    Traci, how goes the packing??

    Lauren, I am right with you on the hair thing.  I finished chemo Dec. 12 and now have 1 1/2" of pubic hair on my head that everyone and I do mean everyone continues to tell me looks "cute". I wish they would all just SHUT UP!!

    AnnNY  scented messages.  LMAO !!

  • Ltb3105
    Ltb3105 Member Posts: 56
    edited April 2008

    Fuck me!  Not only do I have my son's appt. with the pulmonary doc tomorrow morning (see "Where Are the Oldbies?" thread) but this Friday, Toshiba (whom my dh works for) is having a massive layoff due to Disney  backing out of HD/DVD and going with Sony's Blu Ray format!!!  Jesus Christ Almighty!  Can it get any worse?  Hubby's 55, so that doesn't make him a prime candidate for a new job!!!!!  I am so stressed out, I can barely breathe.

    Dani, I feel for you.  My college son, who went home after spring break in March, SWORE that he cleaned up his room.  I made a sign of the cross as I bravely approached the room to check it out after he left....OMFG!!!!!!!!!!  Empy water/soda bottles, shit crammed under the bed (like I wouldn't have looked there???) and a closet full of shit when I told him he needed to discard anything that didn't fit him anymore!

    Needless to say, I straightened everything out, and even vacuumed, cleaned out the bathroom, not even going to get into what I found in there, and it is now presentable.  What my son's vision of clean is a helluva lot different than my version of clean.

    How the hell did I bring up such a pig?????   My oldest son, is as neat as a pin, WTF did I do wrong?????

    Needing prayers for myyoungest son's appt. tomorrow, and that my hubby keeps his job.

    Can it get any fucking worse???

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236
    edited April 2008

    Praying for you and your family, Laura.

  • Traci-----TripNeg
    Traci-----TripNeg Member Posts: 567
    edited April 2008


    Yes, it can get worse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That does suck though......

    Tongue out Traci

  • newvickie
    newvickie Member Posts: 2,941
    edited April 2008

    Waving Hello


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited April 2008

    Traci,  You are TOO funny!  My dh has TWO nips, so you can have one!!  I was going to use one of his, but my dr. vetoed my decision!!   The only thing... it may have SOME hair on it!  so, if you don't mind, he doesn't mind!

    crazydaisy-  sorry about the dog pee!!  YICK!!!

    Oh, I finally got the breast MRI... They had trouble getting a vein for the contrast/dye.... here's my bitch for today:  WHY DO THEY KEEP PUSHING, WHEN THEY CAN SEE THAT IT'S NOT GOING THRU!?!  OUCH!!

    They finally got someone to do the IV, and she told me that she had bc several years ago, so maybe that is why she 'got it'...

    Have a great evening!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited April 2008


    Good Luck with your exchange surgery tomorrow... I'll be thinking about you & praying all goes well!


  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700
    edited April 2008

    LOL@the nip conversations. 

     Laura:  Good luck to your husband.  We went through that last stressful.  And also best wishes for your son.  That's a lot of pressure for you all at the same time.  I'm sorry.

    Traci:  I did the same thing with my last onc visit...on my calendar real big and i still forgot it.  thank you, chemobrain.

    I really lol'd at the picture of the son's room on here.

    My bitch today is my doctor still doesn't have my lung x-ray's getting nerve wracking...They said it would be ready in a day to a day and a half...that was Monday.  i'm sure i don't have lung mets, but still need to hear them say "You DO NOT have lung mets."

    He's also sending me to a cardiologist and a pulmonary place...blood pressure is going up and shortness of breath.  It's probably nothing, but who needs all this.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited April 2008

    oh another thing:

    I think it is so crappy, when we have tests, and dr. appts. EVERY DAY of the week!!  I got a message from my ps yesterday...reminding me of my appt on April 17th (tomorrow)... I just had tests every day last week & this week, and Monday they cancelled my breast MRI, and only just did it today... NOW, I have to go back to Wilmington TOMORROW, just so my ps can 'admire' his work, when he isn't even 'freakin' DONE yet, because... do I need to say it again, girls???


    Thanks, now I feel better!!


    PS  I am also going to see my surgeon, who I love, on Friday...  Why can't I just have ONE day off??

  • AlaskaDeb
    AlaskaDeb Member Posts: 1,159
    edited April 2008

    OK....that stuff all SUCKS ladies!  It is a damn good thing we can come here and bitch or I am afraid we might all explode.

    My bitch for the day....I am now anemic!  All last month my white blood counts were in the toilet.  This month they are fine, but my red counts tanked!  No wonder I am so worn out I want to sleep at my desk.

    I don't want Procrit because I have active cancer in my bone marrow and the procrit might "feed" the cancer.  The doc says if it gets too low I will have to get a transfusion.  Eeeeek!  I have never had a blood transfusion.  It scares the crap out of me....not sure why, but it sounds BAD!

    Grrrrr.....Chemo, hate it but can't live without it. 

    Deb C

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2008

    Wow!  I can't believe how many posts there are since I left for work this morning. 

    Neese: OMG!  Im laughing so hard.  If that ain't the truth.  Worse is when they decide to just steal it from your hands while your checking out if there is anything you would like to see.

    DebC:  A hearty that sucks - its good.  Sounds like a rich soup or stew and its making me hungry.

    Dani:  Good luck with exchange surgery tomorrow.  The day has finially come!

    Stephanie:  I do believe you are a winner of the worst thats sucks for the day.  Progression, more treatment, and dog farts!!

    Lauren:  I shaved my head too.  It sucks.  It looked and felt so weird.  It does grow back.  When I was bald it was in the summer and I drove around with the top down on my jeep.  I was bound and determined to get a tanned bald head.  Somehow that was gonna make it better.

    Bren:  What really sucks is that you were very prepared for the surgeons office and not the dermatologist!

    Traci;  OMG!  Hahahaha I'm laughing at your office.  I will have to take a picture of mine.  But then i'm only in my office about 1 hour a days. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 2,728
    edited April 2008
    Well I had lots more to say to all of ya, but my computer keeps going down.  See ya tomorrow and a big it sucks to everyone.
  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126
    edited April 2008


    I am SO sorry to hear that you are anemic!

    I know, I would be scared about transfusions! 



  • Hanna
    Hanna Member Posts: 228
    edited April 2008

    Dani, I'll be praying for a real successful exchange to softies for you tomorrow!  Yay, Princess for a week or two! 

    g - I have a friend (middle 50's) who had the same sort of symptoms going on as you and it turned out her heart had been skipping a beat but she never knew it!.  So she was put on beta-blockers to add the skipped beat and now she has the energy of a 12 year old!  Meanwhile, these medical places that make us wait forever should be charged some kind a rental fee for our lost sanity. I think about $10,000 per day should about cover it.  Let us know when you know what's up ok?  Prayers for you too.  

    Crazydaisy Viv - so how's the report?  You would have made quite a haul if you would have charged that place a peace of mind rental fee.  Ours too for that matter!!  Here we all sit worrywarting over each other.  As g would say, better than a stick in the eye.  Really g, that's an amazingly good one-liner despite the ew factor.  Just where did you pick that up anyhow??!   

    What time is it? OK, time to start tonight's glamour dinner - frozen pizza and salad in the bag. Hope that hyperactive Rachel Ray didn't hear me.  You all ever noticed how mealtimes just keep on coming around and coming around?!  Get done with one and next thing you know here comes another one.  I suppose I could say that sucks some.  Or this!  It's better than a nipple in your groin!  Oh Harley, forgive me honey, but I just couldn't resist!  Tongue out LOL

    Well, that's it from my side of the fence.  Later girls!         

  • jerseymaria
    jerseymaria Member Posts: 70
    edited April 2008

    ok here i go...yes my hub is severely brain damaged, BUT he was not exactly nice to me before that.  so yesterday out all day and i was exhausted.  so today is a stay in day, catch up on laundry and chill out.  well he doesn't say a word all day, didn't put socks and sneakers on till 5:30, OR brush his rotting teeth.  so i nicely say shall we go down to drug store to get your meds.  he needs 24/7 custodial care...i can't leave him alone. his response, yeah well it would be nice to do something.  i said what are you talking about we were out all day yesterday...are you bored?  so very sarcastically he says oh no not me i'll just sit in this day after day while you sit on your ass.  when i still responded nicely (although i was pissed) he repeatedly told me,  now everyone tells me oh this is because of his brain damage.  well he was abusive before and this is his normal personality breaking thru.  i told him i did get f....ed, 39 years ago when i marrried him.  i know, i know i shouldn't act like that but because of him i have no social life, no vacations, nothing.