The Next Person Game
False to the surgery-I have to have a small flap of skin removed on my right "foob" but not until August 18th. False to the movie. And I'm with Spar2-there are some truly evil people out there, with no compassion at all.
The next person is trying to grow their hair again, and it's driving them crazy!!
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true, I am wanting my hair to be shoulder length and blunt cut, no layers, right now it is to my jaw line but layered.
I hardly ever tell jokes, am no good at it. My stepson who is 18 tells jokes all the time he hears on comedy central and then cracks up and it is so annoying.
The next person learns something new everyday
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yes, i do - i work in research and there is no other way if i want to keep my job...
the next person has a balcony
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False...I so wish I did, maybe in my next house ;-)
the next person hates deciding what to fix for dinner
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False - If I can't decide, it means the meal won't be worth a dam@ anyway, so on those days we grab a bite to eat out!
False to a balcony, as our rear neighbors are our only view, but we do have a nice little patio area with a fire table near the pool. It's great to sit out there in the evenings with a glass of wine or a margarita and just relax.
True to growing hair back! It's a work in progress, but 2 1/2 years's happening, so hang in there!
The next person can float easily. My DD marvels at my ease in doing this. Maybe it's all my added blubber enabling me to stay afloat without effort! lol
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False cant float or swimand I live near beach
next person is a artist
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false - I'm definitely not an artist, but I used to love coloring with my daughter, and scrapbooking!
the next person will be glad when Fall gets here!!!
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false i love fall but then is winter so no hurry for summer to leave
next person played with paper dolls i saw at a store they have runway dolls similar to our paper ones
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False.. I was always a tomboy. Grew up with 13 guys and only one other girl so dolls weren't played much.
The next person likes to frame their kids artwork and hang it in the house
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True.... nothing sweeter!
The next person is unhappy we only get to have five entries a day.
I came here and tried to post and was told I couldn't post because I already had 5 entries. THis one will count as two because I had to edit. I guess I'm going to have to stop playing the games so I can make serious entires. Now that makes me really sad. Oh well. Stupid spammers ruining everything.
Miss S
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MissS, we'll just have to make longer entries and include more information! I hate the stupid spammers!! I'm not happy about only making five entries, but I understand why the restriction was added!
The next person watches "Project Runway!" (Where do they dig up some of these so-called designers???)
0 - daughter and I love it.
This is the first I am hearing about the five entries a day. I understand it, but there has to be a better way. There are many of us here that make more than five entries a day on a regular basis even without playing the games. I mean we have new people coming on everyday that need help. So now we have to decided if we are going to help people or talk to the friends we have on the boards. There just has to be a better way for them to do this. I apprecaite they are trying to stop to spamming but is punishing us really the only way to accomplish that?
The next person is so tired of being punished because we got cancer!
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False-I don't feel like I'm being punished, although I'm certainly not happy I got it! Just trying to live my life as best I can.
The next person is taking tamoxifen
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False to tamoxifen, I'm a triple neg.
False to thinking of cancer as a punishment, but I'd sure as heck like to continue punishing it!
I also was unaware of the new 5 entry limit. Well, I think I just met my quota for the day
The next person will celebrate a milestone soon. My 3 year is coming up 8/08/08....Olympic kickoff. Now that works as we are all champions!
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True a milestone for all is another day here.
next person has been to the holy land
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No, but would love to go some day
The next person is preparing for the weekend
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uh... yeah, i guess (but nothing out of the ordinary)...
the next person has at least one bonsai plant
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False...sadly I am not very good with plants. I have been succesful this year with plants in my yard so who knows, maybe a bonsai plant will be in my future.
The next person loved the movie "Mama Mia" I went with my daughter and my father and we all three did. It left you feeling so good and I think that is something we all need!
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False, I haven't seen it yet, but I've heard lots of good things about it.
Apparently my 5 post limit is no longer in effect! YAY. I was pouting for nothing. LOL
The next person has pretty handwriting.
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I used to have pretty handwriting, but now it's gone (too much typing, too few opportunities to actually write).
The next person is a fast typer (I'm not)
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The next person enjoys sitting on a porch swing and reading a good book
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true my swing is in yard and i love it
next person believes in prayer
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Absolutely is my saving grace every day.
True to sitting on a porch swing and reading a good, I must pray for a swing!
MissS - Yahoo to the no entry limit, but then again a good rant is always liberating!
True to handwritting, although some may disagree. My writting has a tendency to slant to the left, but it is neat. At least, I think it is. lol
I want to see Mama Mia too. I really enjoy Meryl Streep and it looks really good. Now to battle DH over what to see first. He's a huge Batman fan. I was a huge Heath Ledger fan,so it's up for debate.
The next person laughs over the fact that they are into Big Brother. (Oh my! I'm blushing and must leave now for the vote off)
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False, But I love to fly
Next person has a cat
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True to two cats and I guess "Batman" it is, for didn't he have a Catworman? Silly's late.
Next person has played with Silly Puddy/Putty?.
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True...I played with it all the time as a kid. I have also played with it a few times as an adult ;-)
True to sitting on the porch and reading, unfortunately I don't have a swing but wish I did
True to the handwriting.
True to the fast typing although not nearly as fast as I once was
False to liking Big Brother. I never really got into it for some reason
False to having a cat, but my daughter and I do help out with the cats at the SPCA. My daughter is highly allergic to cats. So much so that she has been taking shots for it for three years. She also takes medicine before we go help with the cats and medicine when we get back home. She also has to remove whatever she was wearing immediatly. I have tried to get her to work with the dogs instead but she said there is always people to help with the dogs and not as many to help with the cats so that is where she is needed the most. Needless to say I think she is a great kid.
The next person is having a hot day where they are at..It will get into the high 90's here
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True, it's hot-in the 80's, but we've had thunder storms every night for weeks, so that could cool it off! I like Big Brother, although this year, I'm really bored with it, it feels like there's no one I really want to root for!
The next person can't wait for the new season of TV because they're sick of repeats!
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The next person has a child in high school...and can't remember where the time went ;-)
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False to high school - True on time...daughter is now a mommy of a 1st grader!
True on new season of TV, and Irish I agree about BB as there are no real personalities that stand out. Whats reality TV without drama. lol
True on heat, should hit 95.
The next person is paying bills sometime this weekend. Argh, I'm paying in between posts.
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True must pay bills
next person has done a ancestry search