The Next Person Game
Not really.
The next person is having work done on their house.
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No, I've probably got some things I could have done but I'm not currently having anything done.
The next person would like to have some things done in their yard.
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Hi Ocean!
Yes, my front and back yards need a lot of work.
The next person mows their lawns.
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False. My husband does!
The next person wants new patio furniture!
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New patio furniture sounds good.
The next person has decorated their house well.
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I wish my house is decorated more for comfort than looks.
The next person is trying to figure out their menu for the rest of the week
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I haven't been thinking about it.
The next person cooks most nights.
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Not as much as I did when my girls were home. Now that we're empty nesters I don't cook every night like I did when my daughters were home.
The next person eats out more often then they should.
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No, I don't eat out very often.
The next person is feeling busy.
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DH usually takes care of mowing.
The next person is on vacation (I am, in Arizona).
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False but I hope you enjoy your holiday, Ruth.
The next person has been taking photos.
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I usually take photos on special occasions. I expect I will be taking quite a few next week when my grandson is born!!
The next person is trying to lose pounds gained over the holidays. (I am!!)
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The next person is in a fitness challenge.
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The next person walks a lot.
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The next person enjoys watching HGTV.
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I don't know - what's that?
The next person watches gardening shows.
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Aussie, it's Home & Garden Television.
I do but I prefer shows on home repair and remodeling.
The next person watches home renovation shows.
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Hi Ocean!!
Yes, I love home renovation shows!
The next person watches cooking shows.
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True. Some of them I enjoy.
The next person might need to build an ark its raining so hard!
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No but we have had some heavy rain and storms lately.
The next person has unpredictable weather.
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Oh my, yes!! The early part of the week it was in the teens with snow, now it's in the 40's with rain! There's a saying in Ohio - "If you don't like the weather, wait 5 minutes." Lol
I'm glad you are getting some rain, Aussie. I hope it helps with the bushfires.
The next person is planning on cleaning this weekend.
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Thanks, Ocean. I hope so too.
I'm not sure if I'll be doing cleaning over the weekend but I plan to on Monday.
The next person will catch up on tasks this weekend.
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I plan on catching up on my cleaning.
The next person will go shopping this weekend.
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Probably not.
The next person is excited
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Haven't been excited in a while
The nexp person is having leftovers tonight
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Yup! Just finished eating leftovers!!
The next person enjoys leftovers! Especially pizza!
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Yes, I really like leftovers, so long as I liked it to start with.
The next person loves it when they don't have to cook.
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Oh my goodness - YES!!! Lol
The next person is tired of eating the same old things all the time.
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Yes, to some degree.
The next person likes to try new foods.
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Sometimes. It depends on the food. I'm a little cautious when it comes to some new foods. Lol
The next person likes to try new recipes.