The Next Person Game
No, I don't. I have some kind of allergy.
The next person likes very dark chocolate (85%).
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I do only if the recipe sounds easy!
The next person has grown up kids still living at home0 -
No, I don't have any children.
The next person has nieces or nephews.
0 -
True. 2 nieces 1 nephew. 3 great nieces and 8 great nephews.
The next person wants to go shopping
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always LOL
next person will stay home today
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I wish! I stayed home yesterday ( with the exception of running my grandson to Symphony Youth Orchestra rehearsal) I got so much done!
The next person enjoys a warm salts bath.
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That sounds nice so long as there's no perfume with the salt crystals.
The next person uses an electric blanket in winter.
0 -
True! I use one year round!! I'm always cold.
The next person has never had a hot flash.
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I've had way too many (we call them hot flushes in Australia).
The next person is having a heatwave.
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the next person did someone a favor today
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I did!!!
The next person learned something new today.
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Yes, several things so far.
The next person thinks that learning is one of the things that makes life interesting.
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Very true!
the next person likes spicy food
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The next person adds French mustard to their food.
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True! I love dijon mustard!
The next person is playing with grandkids (or dogs) today.
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I am going to play with some dogs.
The next person is making something in the oven for dinner.
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Nope! Brought home pizza!!
The next person likes pepperoni on their pizza.
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The next person likes mushrooms on their pizza
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The next person likes pineapple on their pizza.
(My favorite pizza at a local pizza shop here is called a "Sweet Pig". It has pineapple, ham, bacon & toasted almonds. LOVE it!!)
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False. We are pepperoni people.
The next person is doing lots of laundry today!
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The next person is having a good day.
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False, but in the same field - medical massage therapist.
The next person is dearly loved.
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True! Except for the snow.
The next person loves animals.
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Yes, I do!! I have 2 cats & 2 dogs.
I'm sorry you're having snow today Miriandra. We're having very unseasonable weather. It's nearly 70 degrees!!
The next person is hoping the groundhog is right and we will have an early spring.
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The next person is rugging up to keep warm.
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Yes, I am. I'm always layered up because I'm always cold. (I didn't know what your phrase "rugging up" meant, Aussie. I had to google it. Lol)
The next person is always cold.
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Hi Ocean, it's cute that you had to Google what I wrote. I didn't know it's an Australian saying.
I'm not always cold but I get way colder than others and wear more clothes than most people.
The next person has been running their heating a lot.
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Hi Aussie! Yes, I've never heard that term. I wasn't sure if you had heard layering but that's what I say.
Yes, I have been running my heat a lot! The heater under my desk is going right now!
The next person has been running a fan a lot.
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Hi Ocean. We also say we're wearing lots of layers of clothes in winter, but I'm not sure if we say layering. I think I could have worked it out though.
No, I haven't been running fans. We put on the air con in the meals area on really hot days though.
The next person is looking forward to warmer weather.
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Yes, I am. We had a few days that were a bit warmer - in the 60's - but today we are back into the 30's with a chance of snow. Sigh.
The next person has plans for Valentine's Day. (I don't know if that's a holiday in Australia or not, Aussie.)