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The Next Person Game



  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    False.  Sore but likely from lack of exercise and arimidex.

    The next person wishes good things for you all today and always.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    True - I send good wishes for a wonderful day for all.

    I love sightseeing, Foots.......I'm Chicago born and raised and still do sightseeing trips with the Chicago Architectural Society - it's a marvelous city.  This winter I promised myself a day alone at the art museum downtown, I want to spend hours just taking it all in.

    The next person is missing the snow that was here last week - where the heck is winter?

  • checkum
    checkum Member Posts: 377

    false - I have already had enough snow for this winter Foot in mouth

    The next person is not going to work today

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    False, I am still living in winter, still lots of snow even though it has warmed up.

    The next person travels through time and to wonderful places through books.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    True. I get completely absorbed when reading.

    The next person is tickled to be caught up in this web of next & previous persons.

    Artsee: will see if I can put the puzzle pieces together. Now I gotta go find the websites. LOL.

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    true and it's good to see you're posting Faith :)

    I love to read too. My only problem is putting the book down, once I pick it up:)

    The next person doesn't have to leave the house today.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    True.  The roads are terrible so I decided to cancel an appt.  The drive is over an hour on good roads.

    The next person is a SLOTH!!!!!  Hahahaha.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    TRUE. Now that's just not fair!! I owe 40 minutes of exericise. Enough already. I get it. Turn off the computer and MOVE!!!!! LOL.

    The next person is indeed good at laughingoutloud.

    edited to say: OMGOOOOOOOODNESS. Our Artsee is indeed an INCREDIBLE painter. Breath-taking & inspirational. AWESOME!!!!! Thanks for letting us peek.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    True.  And often with a mouth full of tea.

    The next person is going to go shower and get this day on the road.  Not literally, the roads are awful.

  • jillisucat
    jillisucat Member Posts: 104

    True, going to shower.  But have been to the gym and am all sweaty.  The part I dread the most about my upcoming surgery is not being able to exercise the way I do -- how long will it be before I'm  in shape to teach my step and yoga classes again? 

    The next person has a hard time slowing down!  

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    False.  Any slower I'd be in reverse.

    Hopefully after your surgery you'll be back at it soon but don't be surprised if it does slow you down a bit.  I don't know what surgery you are having.......chemo and/or rads?

    The next person finally got going this morning and actually took the dog for a walk despite the chilly wind.

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655

    Nope....I'm pretty use to exercise, although, I do the same exercise each day.  Powerwalking.  So, I'm use to is.

     The next person is waiting for the snow to start?

  • jillisucat
    jillisucat Member Posts: 104

    True - we had some cold weather before Xmas but now it is warmer -- I would like to see some snow this winter!  We don't always get much.

    Sharon - I'm having a unilateral mastectomy with immediate DIEP reconstruction Feb. 5.

    The next person loves cheese.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154


    Jilli, I wish you well.  Likely the fact that you are in such great shape will be a real advantage to you.

    The next person must resign themselves to the fact that she must lose at least 10 pounds in the new year.  How to do it without wiring my mouth shut will be the problem.

  • jillisucat
    jillisucat Member Posts: 104

    True - despite working out and being in good shape, I still struggle with my weight and am delighted to know that there has been a purpose for my stubborn belly fat all along and I'm happy to donate it to my chest area :) (Thank you Sharon)

    The next person has a vice.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    You mean vice as in clamp or habit?

    False to the first and true to the second.  Too many to mention.

    The next person bought some herb seeds to start inside.

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    False, but I will

    The next person blew today on the couch with a book.  She has moved from the couch to the puter, yikes, big time busy tomorrow.

  • Stormy1
    Stormy1 Member Posts: 295

    False. Spent the morning with the horses and the afternoon running errands.

    Would you believe I've already gotten one seed catalog?

    The next person loves lavender.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    TRUE, adore it.

    And would love spending the morning with horses.

    The next person is staying home New Year's Eve.

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655

    Nope.....hubby and I will take in a movie and dinner.

    The next person has 2 dogs?

    Sharon, I've always wanted to say to you '"I LOVE YOUR AVATAR"  Oh my gosh, that dog is the cutest one I've ever seen.  Is he/she yours?

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154


    One dog but often have a visitor.

    Thanks Marejo but I stole the pic off of Google somewhere.  My Lab was that cute at that age though. 

    The next person is getting ready for bed soon.  Seems I just got out of my jammies. 

  • jembs
    jembs Member Posts: 161

    True, I think, we have the last few years. We are having a big New Year's Day dinner.

    The next person has a wood stove and has been busy chopping wood.

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655 woodstove or fireplace.  Would be nice though. 

    The next person loves the movie..."The Sound Of Music"  My FAVORITE.  Just sat down to watch it.  I DVR'd it the other night.

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    True I do love the movie, but I haven't watched it in sooooooooo long!

    Sharon I don't think I've mentioned it either, but I love your avatar.

    I have TWO dogs. Dachshunds----Lucky and Opie (they are my boys) :)

    The next person feels very tired right now.

  • marejo
    marejo Member Posts: 655

    No, I don't feel tired.....just a bit frustrated.  I know I need to get a bit more serious about taking better care of myself and it frustrates me. 

    The next person wants to take better care of themselves.

  • coonie
    coonie Member Posts: 2,582

    true - I really do! And I'll do it for about 10 minutes, and then somebody comes along with some temptation! And I keep saying, "I'll start tomorrow".

    The next person watches the festivities on New Year's Eve in New York (on tv of course)

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Nope, I go to bed same time

    Next person loves to give away gift that she got from others.

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    True. I did one "re-gift" this year. Gave a southern cook-book that was given to me, to my DD2's boyfriend who is an excellant cook. He was soooooooooooo appreciative.

    The next person cares about football.

  • curlieqs
    curlieqs Member Posts: 806

    ahhhhhhh, no. Hahaha.

    Next person is having seafood tomorrow Tongue out

  • footprintsangel
    footprintsangel Member Posts: 35,657

    Sounds good, Maybe I will

    Next person Yellhad a mess up day