The Next Person Game



  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Cat ~Sounds like a plan! We'll wait and be first in line get our popcorn in flip-flops w/ sweats and drink our sodas from a martini glass ! LOL...  LOL...

    Hmmm trapeze lessons !???

    That does sound fun...not too sure I would let go...I think I would just be swingin back and forth ! LOL

    The next person luvs loaded baked potatoes? (we are w/ a BBQ) yum!

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True....mmmm..luv loaded baked potatoes.

    The next person likes relish on their cheeseburgers....yummy...just had one.

  • DianeE
    DianeE Member Posts: 30

    True to that.  I also like wearing them down the front of my shirt.

    The next person is looking at their legs thinking "man, I'm pale"


  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291 True!! I need some color!

    The next person is enjoying the "beverage" of their choice this evening.

    I am!

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    luv relish on my hot dog...never tried it on a burger!?

    ugghhh I am so white especially for being a "Floridian" 

    True ~ Water...why what are you drinkin ? LOL

    The next person freezes the Girl Scout Chocolate Mint Cookies.

  • DianeE
    DianeE Member Posts: 30

    Ahh, false.  I say that I am going to freeze some and that is why I but 6 boxes but the cookie fairy sharfs them down before I can get them to the freezer.

    The next person needs to put away winter stuff.


  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, for the most part. I put away a huge amount of clothes, but am sure I missed some.

    I love frozen mint cookies, but no one has even tried to sell me GS cookies for years! Where are all the GS?

    The next person needs to pay car insurance soon.

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    False, MissS, just paid mine today!

    Luv, I'm ready for our virtual movie date any time!!!!  Popcorn, here I come!!!  Smile

    We have Brownies who run around the neighborhood every Spring selling GS cookies.  I have a wonderful package of frozen chocolate mint cookies in my freezer right now!  YUM!

    Let's see--love loaded baked potatoes, love relish on my hamburger, on my hotdog, in my baked potato, in tuna--basically love relish and pickles!!!!  My beverage of choice this evening was iced green tea and I look like a beached and/or bleached whale this summer!  Just don't have the time to get out and sun!  Cool

    The next person would love to go into outer space when they finally open up the trips to us tourists!


  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Okay you have frozen cookies ?! I am w/Diane mine disappear way too fast! can bring them to our movie ! LOL

    False ~  I always thought I would Luv to go to outer space until I tried a "virtual space tour" at Disney...not liken the G's

    The next person puts grapes in the freezer for a healthy snack

  • kbugmom
    kbugmom Member Posts: 8,310

    false allergic to em

    next person cooking out tonight

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291


    luvmy2....I was enjoying my favorite beer last night.  Enjoyed one corona!

    The next person ate a healthy breakfast today.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    my3~ I like the Corona Lite with lots of lime....I haven't had them in a long while though.  Margaritas are my choice.

    Wow Kbug ~ Allergic to grapes ?  I never heard of that....

    False ~  I ALWAYS have a healthy breakfast...luv Kashi cereals however dh, made eggs w/ bacon so had Sunday brunch.

    The next person is going to plant some flowers over this summer....I am going to try and get back into my to do list again...

  • DianeE
    DianeE Member Posts: 30

    True...but I have my family convinced that I can no longer pull weeds as it might flair the lymphedema in my right arm.  HeHe. 

    The next person is excited to actually need to use a hairdryer now and not be able to air dry in under 2 minutes.  Yeah!!


  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Diane ~LOL....does that work with laundry and dishes too !?

    True ~  my hair is so thin anyway it dries quickly...I was one of the 'lucky' ones no chemo...let the wind run though your hair !!!

    The next person usually entertains during the holidays w/ the fam.

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    True.  We take turns during Christmas and rotate.  But I always have some kind of party at my home.

    I have my hair back...and it's just as thick as it used to be! So...I have to blowdry!

    The next person is relaxing today.

    I kind of am..hehe.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I am relaxing with the family and then alone!

    I need to start eating breakfast! I'm still craving GS cookies now. I'll be stalking Girl Scouts soon.

    The next person likes Snyder's Cheddar Cheese Pretzel Pieces!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Hey, now i have got to find a girl scout, am wanting the frozen mint cookies also

    Have never tried snyders cheddar cheese pretzel pieces but they sound good

    I would be scared to death to go on a space trip

    The next person has bungee jumped ( i would like to try it) 

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    False on the bungee...I used longer that brave! LOL

    Hey, they do sell the GS cookie ice cream ...though its seasonal so not too sure if its available or not...its awesome!  If not lets all head to Cats house !!!!

    Snyders ched.cheese is awesome! Addicting too.

    Next person luvs gummies...I do especially the sour ones.

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True, I like the sour patch candies.

    GS ice cream...where do they sell that?

    The next person will watch the new Password show tonight.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    I found it at Publix not sure if you have them in NJ ?

     Its delish~

    False - I never watched that show - game show ?

    The next person walked today...I have started a mile a day.

  • DianeE
    DianeE Member Posts: 30

    True, my walking buddy and I are back on.  We were doing so good prior to my dx and getting up at 5am to hit the pavement.  I joked with her that my cancer dx was caused by exercise and I knew that there was a good reason I had been so lax.  All you exercise enthusiast out there, please do not post all the positive things about exercise...I was only kidding.

    Luv, the laundry situation has changed as well.  I think I was doing too much for everyone and created some helpless peeps so this has been an eye opener for everyone.  I am proud of all of them for chipping in and helping out and I fully acknowledge that I enabled them to be lazy.

    The next person is planning a vacation.  We are headed to Orlando in October and I am on hold checking car rental rates right now.  Doing Discovery cove and I can not wait. 


  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    false on walking today.  I was going to go for one this evening, but was tooo tired.

    I will be up at 5:45am for my morning run.  Try to go 5 times a week, 3 miles a day. Keeps me sane!

    True on the vacation! I leave for Arizona and California, 2 weeks from today!!!

    The next person is watching a movie tonight.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, i watched mad money

    just got back from a vacation in Branson, Missouri but have already got another one planned for Sept in Chicago

    Next person has been to a blue grass festival ( I take my mom to them)

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True ~ I used to go to those all the time...they can be so fun ! Enjoy Spar and WELCOME HOME WE MISSED YAWink 

    okay RUN 3 miles a day 5 x a week!??gosh, maybe if I run it I can put more miles behind me instead of doing that ridiculous fast walk! LOL...I am RIGHT behind you with my Girl scout cookies/gummie bears and margarita!  Okay, Arizona AND California ...I say we all throw popcorn at my3 ! you deserve every bit of it! HAVE fun !!!!

    Diane ~

    You will have an awesome time in Orlando !  Its very warm now ...I think the  Race for the Cure in Orlando this October..are you going ? 

    The next person is going to start 'walking'.....more!

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    I just got back in from my walk--up to three miles again, finally!

    We watched The Bourne Connection last night, then the Fugitive.  I think I need to watch a girl movie tonight!!!

    I have not been to a blue grass festival, but would love to go sometime soon!

    The next person will find a cool place to spend the summer---and then invite ME to come and stay, too!!!!!  Wink


  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    This is "LUV"

    ....this is Cat/Diane/my3 rubbing it inanyone else !!!!!??


    Just returned from a CruZ we are staying put this summer everyone wants to come and visit us in Florida...a "usual" summer thing!...

    The next person is going to bed with her head under the covers!

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    LUV--LOLOLOLO!!!--You just made my night!!!


  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    False, it's hotter than heck upstairs tonite! I'll be sleeping with a light comforter and my feet will be making a mad dash for the edge! Hey, doesn't that count towards my workout run? lol   I also started back on the treadmill today...but then I indulged in a Corona Light (w/lime) followed by a barbeque by the pool.  Guess my feet better start moving a bit faster to compensate for that!! lol

    The next person kicks their feet out from underneath the covers.  (I asked this once before, so I know I'm not alone!) 

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True ~ yes TC..this DOES account for an additional "work-out" LOL

    okay, I have an announcement....I JUST told my dh I can't believe ALL that fast walking was ONLY one mile!!?? He was like okay, I'll drive it and see....he says, "Oh sorry, my bad...its 2 miles"..................Wth ????

    okay cat/diane/my3 your one up on me! LOL LOL...I wonder if he did that on purpose??!!

    **edited...yes LUV bananas and chocolate frozen yum!

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Oh I wish that were true

    The next person has frozen bananas and dipped them in chocolate for a wonderful desert