The Next Person Game



  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899

    Yep I love edamame but its soy so I cant eat it often. 

    the next person loves licorice.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True - Red

    False - Black (Bad for blood pressure anyway)

    The next person had a "Cabbage Patch" doll 

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    OMG, true and that picture is hilarious!   ROTFL Thank goodness they came out with Teddy Ruxpin during our girls era.  He was much cuter! lol  We had everyone and their brother looking for that bear one Christmas, for it was the only major thing our daughter asked for.

    True to "both" the beach and mountains.  God's majestic beauty is apparent in so many things, it's hard to choose. 

    Yes, I will bring the wine, but I can assure you I'm not sticking my tounge on a frozen pole!  lol 

    Luv, please say you didn't swim with dolphins in Hawaii.  We are going there for the first time next month and that is one of our top picks for activities!  lol  No sharks allowed!

    Okay, It's now 9:30 here, so I will try and remember to wish at 11:11,  maybe I should wish for my memory to come back. lol

    True to online shopping.  I've spent more on this retro party via the internet than anywhere else.   I don't buy clothes online, however.  I've got to try on everything nowdays.

    True to red licorice only.

    Have never tried edamame, but pot roast, strawberry shortcake, wine, jelly beans and pico de gallo sound better! lol

    The next person plugs their nose when jumping into the swimming pool!  (That's true for me, unless I'm diving head first, then the water doesn't have the opportunity to overload my sinuses!)

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True ~ That helps ...the dolphins will appreciate that as well! LOL

    We went to Anguilla Island outside the Bahamas....they pretty much have to have a "controlled environment so they don't get hurt..but it is in a one in a lifetime experiment...besides your going to HAWAII ?!!

    The next person wants to go to Hawaii ! Frown

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    Oh hell, yes!!! I can't imagine too many people saying false to that one!! Unless, of course, they already live there!

    The next person loves going out and listening to live bands

  • angie27
    angie27 Member Posts: 179

    true my boyfriend has one

    next person likes salsa music

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    true to salsa music and dancing although right now I'm practicing my hula. lol

    Okay, here's the deal, if we can sneak you into our suitcases you all can come.  But that means you'd all have to weigh under 70lbs total!  That's one he@@ of a diet! lol    Kidding aside, I wish you all could be there too.  I'm dreading the 5 hour flight and 9:00 is way too early for wine! lol

    The next person is going to Open House at school this week.  We're going to our grandson's tonight and I can hardly wait!

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Haven't tried the salsa dancin either

    False/True ~  Going to my dd "poem" reading at school tomorrow though.

    The next person has made a ginger bread house!Gingerbread House fun.. Not that edible...but I have tried anyway!

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    True, and the ants found it highly edible!  Go to fullsize image They're great fun to make with lil ones!

    Have fun at your dd's poem reading, Luv!

    The next person needs to paint their toenails.  I do.  I've got chipped polish!  Tsk! Tsk!

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    TC:  Tsk, tsk - complaining already about the 5 hour flight to Hawaii?  Try making it an 8+hour flight like it is from Chicago!  Of course we made that flight in the 80's so we were probably at the airport 10 mins before take off!  And my dear 9:00am is NOT too early for wine....when you are on vacation (and the day you leave counts as day 1) there is no such thing as "too early for a drink".  Take it from me - I just got back from our beach vacation and the margaritas were being blended at 10am!  Whoopee.

    I love listening to live bands and what fun those salsa bands and salsa dancing are!  Especially with a margarita in your hand! Dancing

    False - managed to paint my toe nails on vacation.

    The next person is on Arimidix and having no s/e's!  (I have to pick up my first prescription tomorrow and am nervous about starting)

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True to taking's minimal

    False to sticking my tongue on a pole in the

    True to painting my toenails last night

    The next person had to take their car in to the mechanic today,I just shut off while I was driving..thank goodness I was a side street.

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    False, but I have had that happen too!  Car shut off in the drive-through at the bank--lots of very angry depositors behind me!!!!

    True to Hawaii!!!  Want to go there soon.  True, also, to salsa, pico-de-gallo, jelli beans and painting my toenails!  

    We do have cats, but in a very special way.  One cat lives on our back deck and the other lives on our front porch.  We have very generous neighbors who feed them, water them, take them to the vet, etc.!  Our house was obviously built for these two critters, and we are lucky to be allowed to live in it!! Smile

    Ouch to sticking my tongue on a pole in the winter!  That would really hurt!!!

    The next person plays "Space Invaders" on their computer!


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False on Space Invaders - no idea what that is and believe me I probably don't want to know - I spend too much time on the computer as it is!  I do have Hoyle's Card games installed and sometimes I'll devote an hour or so to playing gin!

    Thank you Candie on that vote of confidence for Arimidex - I have to keep thinking positively.

    I had my car shut off on the expressway while I (and everyone else) was doing 60+ - so scary....that's when you know your guardian angel is on your shoulder!  Hope your car repairs aren't too extensive.

    The next person is going to rent some movies for the weekend - I am....dh is out of town until Sunday afternoon so I'll grab some BBC movies that he doesn't get. 

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    thanks, guggerty, I hope not too expensive either. Not in my budget at the moment.

    False, on renting movies this weekend...gonna do some planting outdoors.

    The next person is reading a good book.

  • LumiPojo
    LumiPojo Member Posts: 752

    I wish I had the time, so ... false!

    The next person will be getting a massage.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899

    Oh a massage sounds wonderful but I do not have one planned.  I am afraid they would have to kick me off the table when my time was up though cause I might not move on my own free will. 

    The next person is sick of high gas prices.


  • enjoylife
    enjoylife Member Posts: 187

    True and I have become a local driver very local yard sales are even hard to drive to,,,

    The next person is at work playing on her computer enjoying this site...


  • angie27
    angie27 Member Posts: 179

    yes I am, and I have a 4 cylinder car

    next person wears a scarf (I do)

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    False on the scarves - When out, I'm either in a baseball cap or on certain occasions a hair is starting to come back in so that'll be a challenge

    Welcome Enjoylife...this Humor thread IS lots of fun.

    The next person is ordering take out for dinner.....since I'm solo tonite I'm having a pizza!

  • enjoylife
    enjoylife Member Posts: 187

    False  I am not ordering out but I am not cooking since I have left over Chicken Parm from last night that I had to put a note on so my 17 year old son wouldnt eat it all for lunch he is a football player eats alot ha

    The next person listens to music all kinds to keep her in a great mood and think of the day the love of her life will fall on her lap...

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    Absolutely! I'm listening to music right now at work on Media player, my own CD. And so true on the love of my life as well-whether it's my lap or somewhere else!!

    The next person has been lucky enough to have already met the love of her life

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    True, and it took me way too long to realize he was the one! I've been blessed and pinching myself ever since! 

    Angie, you look lovely in your scarf and although it's no compensation for hair...there are some really cute ones out there!  I wore caps, scarves and wigs (ugh), but could never feel quite confident enough to go all-a-natural. Hope you're handling treatment okay.  You're almost to the half way point!!!

    Gugg - You should've flown out for the weekend!  We'd grill, swim, watch old movies and maybe even play a game of Scrabble while sipping margaritas!  By the way, DH agrees with you on starting early whilst on vacation!  If I did that, I'd be out by noon! lol  Also, best of everything as you begin Arimidix (sp).  I'm a triple neg and unfamiliar, but I'm sure you'll be a-okay.  Crossing fingers and toes.

    False on the massage, I'm far too ticklish for that. lol 

    False on Space Invaders (I'll have to check it out), and playing at work (taking a much needed break), but true on the gas prices!  Good grief, who can afford to even drive to work?

    False to ordering out, although pizza does sound awfully maybe!  Eating Pizza

    False on a good book, but I need one.  A friend recommended Running With Scissors, but I found it to be too dark.  If you liked Little Miss Sunshine, you'd like this book, but it just isn't my thing.  I'd take a John Grisham book anyday.  

    Candie - Good luck with your car.  Hope it's not too expensive!  Gas alone is bad enough!  I think Guggerty was right when she said it's time to dust off the bicycles!

    The next person has actually riden a bike in their adult life.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    True, I have ridden a bike in my adult life, but not for many years now. I should be out riding one!

    I actually liked Running with Scissors, I think I really related to that book. I don't read nearly as often as I once did, though. I do love John Grisham and have read several of his books and seen all the movies!

    I wanted to order pizza tonight, but I dropped by the grocery store instead.

    The next person knows how to burn a CD.

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    I have become a modern woman!  I do know how to burn a CD!!!!   (Now, I can't do a lot else on the computer, but who knows what I  can still learn!!)

    Running with Scissors is a fantastic book.  I love to read and hope to have more time to do so this summer!  I'm also looking forward to the day I can lay on my stomach and have a full body massage again!  Not until I've recovered from the exchange surgery, I guess!

    TC, I have to warn you that Space Invaders is a very old computer game--we used to play it in grad school, and at the time it was really something!   I'm showing my age!

    The next person uses an i-Pod to listen to music!


  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    I have become a modern woman!  I do know how to burn a CD!!!!   (Now, I can't do a lot else on the computer, but who knows what I  can still learn!!)

    Running with Scissors is a fantastic book.  I love to read and hope to have more time to do so this summer!  I'm also looking forward to the day I can lay on my stomach and have a full body massage again!  Not until I've recovered from the exchange surgery, I guess!

    TC, I have to warn you that Space Invaders is a very old computer game--we used to play it in grad school, and at the time it was really something!   I'm showing my age!

    The next person uses an i-Pod to listen to music!


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    Cat - Maybe you can give computer lessons......trying to burn a CD has been so frustrating for me...just cannot get it.

    TC - I won't be flying for a while - it's becoming an unpleasant thing to do but if I get get my bike oiled properly maybe I can take a ride down and over to CA Tongue out

    False on the ipod - another concept I don't understand but one I'm not into.  When at home, I'll put on the radio, in my car I like to listen to books on cd and out walking I just enjoy the sounds of the world.

    The next person will see an old friend this, I'm having lunch with an old friend who has been so supportive online of my bc and she's excited to see me so she can reassure herself that I AM doing just fine.

  • DianeE
    DianeE Member Posts: 30 plans to but maybe now I will plan to see an old friend.

    The next person is going to see Sex and the City this weekend.  I took my kids to a different movie last night and there were hundreds of high heeled women waiting to get in.


  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False to seeing "Sex..." this weekend but I will another time.

    The next person likes pound cake.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True ~ Sara Lee is gooood ! Wink

    I want to see SITC too..but I will wait until the croud settles.

    Thats awesome Guggerty - enjoy your lunch and especially your dear friend!

    Diane ~ Heels to a movie...So sweats and popcorn are out ?! LOL

    The next person still has to plan something for  what to get what to get !???

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    False--I cheated and asked my sweet hubby outright what he wanted--power tools! 

    LUV, let me know when you want to go see SinthC--I'll join you remotely!  I really do want to wait until the crowds are gone.  I won't be wearing heels to the show, however--too hard on the ankles!!!!

    The next person wants to take trapeze flying lessons!!  (They have these in Canada!!)
