The Next Person Game



  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    LUV - someone suggested it's allergies - I've never experienced allergies before but I have a sneaky suspicion that since chemo I may have all sorts of new experiences (oh joy). Soooo.....I will try Clairitin and yes, I think the eyelashes growing in also contribute to the itching.

    It is 45 freaking degrees here with blustery winds - I am making a pot roast for dinner----yesterday we were in shorts.  Spring in the Midwest!  So TC, my dear, no we ain't got any sympathy for you Californians who complain when the sun disappears behind a cloud!

    I did see Ratatouille - love animated movies - Happy Feet was one of my favorites!

    True I adore Japanese food but we don't have open grill restaurants here - how could we - it snowed for 6 months, a couple warm days and now it's cold again! 

    The next person is considering dragging that bike out of storage and slapping a basket on it to save on gas.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880


    Welcome to the Unofficial Happy Feet ... Awwww Happy Feet was cute too !  I liked Shrek too.

    Guggerty ~  Hope your itchy eyes get some relief poor gal!

    True ~  I should get my bike out it would save on gas ...but it hurts my butt too much...I need to get one of those lazy boy chairs and attach it to the seat ! LOL

    The next person has gum problems....I am gosh its sensitive!

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False, no gum problems here...but need a lot of dental work

    Luv, try Sensodyne toothpaste. You can rub it on your gums too. It works quite well.

    Butterscotch krimpets are little white cakes with butterscotch icing. They are made by Tastykake. If you buy them as a single pack then there are 3 in a pack. If you buy a box of them they are 2 in a pack.

    True, that I should ride a bike to avoid the high gas prices, but I would surely fall on my a@@. Haven't been on a bike in years.

    Guggerty, sounds like you have allergies.

    The next person is having a cancerversary soon. I did yesterday. 2 years!!!

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    Guggerty, no that picture with the dog is not me. Don't I wish! That is my son's beautiful girlfriend. I'm glad you had a fun vacation and your eyelashes are coming back. However can you flirt without eyelashes?

    I glad you like my laughing mouth, TC... funny about the animation. I have uploaded a dozen other animated gif files and none of them show as being animated after uploading!! Only this smile! I laugh all the time, so I guess it's a good representation! LOL

    Congrats on two years, candi! I'm looking forward to that in six months or so, so my answer is

    False, no cancerversary right now.

    The next person appreciates hand made quilts.

  • catbert4209
    catbert4209 Member Posts: 122

    Candi--happy cancerversary!  Mine won't be until August!  One year and counting!

    Luv--my dentist suggested a water pik turned on the lowest (softest) setting to take care of my gums.  It seems to have helped so far.  Hugs for having hurting gums!!!

    Does anyone have a recipe for a krimpet?  

    Miss--there is a marvelous convention here in Houston every year for quilts!  I love to go and see the artistry!  I have quilts on my beds and on my couch!

    The next person is going to see a Broadway musical this year.


  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    Miss S - Well they say that a son picks a gal who reminds him of his dear Old Ma!  She is adorable.

    Candie:  Are Tastykakes an East Coast thing?  I've never heard of that brand.......we have Lil Deb's and Entenmann's and of course Hostess.  At least now I can throw "butterscotch krimpets" around like I'm an upscale Easterner Chompy

    Happy Cancerversary!  And congrats on being NED.

    True - I will see a Broadway play this year - more than one if I can manage it......I'm going to see Dirty Dancing and want to see Jersey Boys.

    The next person squeeze in some outdoor play today - even if it's in a winter jacket! 

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    True/False ~ I'll squeeze in my walk....but its sunny here in Florida sorry guggerty its 89 with a low of 72 tonight....LOL 

    OH Tastycakes!..we never had them here in the seemed my friend who was from PA ALWAYS had them...yes they are w/ the Little Debbie snack cakes etc.  We FINALLY got some at our Publix they only carry a few.  They are "Tasty" LOL

    Thanks for the gum ideas...I am going to pull my water pic back out...seems once you put the "clutter" away you don't use it...w/ some sensadyne toothpaste.I brush too hard too...using x-tra soft toothbrush...helps a little

    CANDIE ~ Many many many more congrats to you...go celebrate!!!

    The next person luvs homemade pico de gillo YUM

  • angie27
    angie27 Member Posts: 179

    OK, what is pico de gillo? (Never heard of it)

    next person hates long nails

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    You may have had it....

    Its like a Mexican salsa - Tomatoes/garlic/onions/cilantro/lime juice

    Delicious !

    True - like a manageable length

    The next person luvs  cilantro...I put it in just about EVERYTHING ! YUM !

  • my3girls
    my3girls Member Posts: 1,291

    False..not a cilantro fan.

    Your recipe my2..sounds good however!

    The next person uses garlic in their cooking allot?

    I love it!!

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    TRUE ~ Big garlic fan too !

    The next person has made "ants on a log for their children/grandchildren"

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899

    Nope never made ants in a log for my son and no grandchildren thank goodness considering my son is 13.

    The next person cooked out on the grill last night.


  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    LOL....THAT would be funny Amy ! You SHOULD make some just to get a reaction from your 13 yr.old  LOL

    Hmmmm.gosh I can't even remember...oh yea, no BBQ that was Sunday. so FALSE

    The next person luvs Gourmet jelly belly know the 150 different flavors get sick to your stomach trying all of them....uggggh

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    So true! In fact, since chemo, those are the only sweets I like!

    The next person is in the medical profession in some way

  • angie27
    angie27 Member Posts: 179


    Hey, thanks on the explanation, I think I heard "Pico de Gallo"

    Yes I love Mexican salsa, and I do use cilantro on all my Spanish foods.

    False no medical profession, "Insurance Broker"

    Next person reads the bible

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    True, but not often

    The next person is getting a brazilian wax....not me!!!!

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    OUCH! False ~ I think I will stick w/ the razor bumps ! LOL

    The next person has written a LUV letter in their past...

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    False, but I've sent my share of romantic cards. lol

    Okay, I'm too far behind to catch up and we're getting ready to watch a program on TV, but I'll guess true on all the food items, false on the waxing, true on the bible, and false on the medical profession...although I sure am alot more versed nowdays. lol

    Guggerty - I'll keep my mouth shut on the weather... just bring some leftover potroast and we can go swimming tomorrow!  It's heating up again with the promise of sunshine. lol

    The next person likes Sara Lee Pound Cake (In the freezer section). 

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Its WELL worth it...Ima liken the poud cake!...add some fresh strawberries and cool whip ! Yummy!  It will go nice with the pot roast that Gugs bringin.

    The next person has done this before...I did...having 3 brothers helped...but it wasn't as bad as their friend who tried it on a car bumper!!! LOL

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    What the heck is that? I'm pretty sure I haven't done it. I do have a brother, though.

    The next person has a kitty cat.

  • WellWater
    WellWater Member Posts: 4,524

    Miss S - You have never put your tongue to a frozen pole?  Never tried the car bumper but that sounds adventurous!

    Luv:  Did you know that jelly beans go well with wine?  This is a tip from TakingCare tho I think she said EVERYTHING goes well with wine.

    Ok, the sun came out and our temps are rising a bit - we're all sticking our heads out cautiously.

    False on the kitty cat - we had cats for years and love them but are in a tug of war - dh wants a dog, I want a cat so we have settled on dust bunnies instead.

    The next person needs to clean their computer desk off - I do - ugh

  • takingcare
    takingcare Member Posts: 1,257

    False, our office is cherrywood and if I don't wipe it down daily, it get's a layer of dust! Sneezy 

    Yummy! Strawberry Shortcake sounds heavenly, and it's only 7:15 in the morning! I guess it covers the major food groups: eggs, milk, fruit.  I say, we go for it! 

    The closest I've come to a frozen pole is a popsicle or maybe a slurpee, but that would be a brain freeze! lol

    True to kitties and a puppy, so Guggerty there's your answer...get both!  Add furbies to your dust bunnies! 

    And yes, wine does go with everything, jelly beans included! lol  I don't buy jelly beans for exactly the reason Luv said...I eat them until I make myself sick.   Now, if I did that with wine I'd really be in trouble. lol

    The next person has hibiscus plants.  The produce lovely flowers!

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    Nope- I have a completely brown thumb!

    The next person loves the ocean

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Sorry haven't been on in awhile I am havin a jelly belly wine bean hangover! LOL.....

    Is cherry wood a magnet for dust !???? I have it in my bedroom and I swear its true!?

    Miss S ~  Like Guggerty said, you haven't lived until you've tried it this winter make it a must !  I'll drive, TC bring the wine you and gug will have a ride of your life...ROTFLMAO 

    I have hibiscus lots of them..they do wonderful in Fla...even though my thumb is brown like Irish!....

    Have a pup ( see ) and two cats  ....luv em!

    True luv the ocean

    The next person has swam with the dolphins ? 

    I have ...but it wasn't what I had thought we pretty much stood on an underwater plank and had them swim by as we pet them....they are so adorable though.

  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899

    Nope never swam with the dolphins but I have enjoyed watching them on numerous occasions.  I have probably swam with a few sharks though and didnt even know it, thank goodness.

    The next person prefers mountains over beach.


  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899

    Nope never swam with the dolphins but I have enjoyed watching them on numerous occasions.  I have probably swam with a few sharks though and didnt even know it, thank goodness.

    The next person prefers mountains over beach.


  • lv2cmp
    lv2cmp Member Posts: 899

    hmmm I must be stuttering today. 

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    a big ROTFLMAO...inside joke ...Amy, hope BW's wasn't too intense for ya !?

    Hmmmmm thats a tough one I am from Colorado and LUV the mountains yet, the beach is soothing....unless of course

    thats a good one Lv2...TRUE - BOTH

    The next person makes a wish on 11:11....thats the time nieces told me this...never heard of it before until now...I wish anyway!

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False on 11:11 wishes. I've never heard of it, either.

    I live near the mountains, but lived at the beach for several years. Although the mountains are awesome, I love the ocean more. Both are wonderful examples of the power of God.

    The next person shops online.

  • LUVmy2girlZ
    LUVmy2girlZ Member Posts: 880

    Now ya can 11:11...and you will ! Its contagious! 

    I agree, Gods beautiful art ....

    False ~ I rarely do...unless I can't find what I am looking for.  I like to see it first. 

    The next person likes edamame ?

    It has recently become an It food, but is it part of your artery artillery yet? The Incans called protein-filled quinoa the "mother of all grains" for its antioxidant and heart-healthy qualities.

    Its a "food craze" lately....but I did hear its those of you watching your soy make sure first.