The Next Person Game



  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true on lemondaid if it has lots of sugar

    true, we saw hancock last night

    false to watches, use to have one with gold elaphants connected for the band, wore that years and years.

    Can't sing

    Candie, anything you contribute would be wonderful, our minds are so different you never know what way the story will go.  I miss ya!!!!!!!!!

     The next person will pick up fast food after church and bring it home (we did KFC chicken)

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False to fast food,made myself lunch.

    False to singing in church choir but I do sing in the

    How was Hanock,Spar? I would like to go see that. And I love fresh squeezed lemonade.

    The next person did not have a good night's sleep...I tossed an turned all night!

  • LumiPojo
    LumiPojo Member Posts: 752

    True, I had a terrible sleep last night...

    The next person has a teenager at home.

  • gsg
    gsg Member Posts: 1,700

    False; the only child I have left at home is my husband.

    The next person will spend some time at a beach this summer. 

  • Jen44
    Jen44 Member Posts: 194

    False..since chemo I can't be outside longer than 20 minutes without getting physically ill.  I mean leaning over the toliet sick.  My oncologist thinks this is just temporary and will go away eventaully but probably no beach this summer.  Hopefully will get to go to Nags Head when weather is a little cooler.

    Yes to teenager at home, 15 yr.old daughter.

    Hancock was great.  Took my kids to see it yesterday and we all loved it!

    Yes to bad nights sleep, but sadly that is an almost every night thing for me these days.

    The next person volunteers

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    Jen, I too, have sleeping stinks!

    True to volunteering...I teach CCD at my church, I belong to the Social Concerns committee,I am participating in the CROP walk for Hunger this coming October and I volunteer at the Avon Breast Walk,also.

    False to teenager at girls are grown. Hugs Jen, on the outside problem. Is that even on cloudy days?

    The next person had pizza for lunch..I did with a pasta and spinach salad.

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, I had pretzel nubs for lunch. Unfortunately, I usually don't get time to eat before I go to work around 1PM. I need to work on that, as I end up eating late at night! Hiss!

    Gsg, can I come and live with you? You can be my mom. ;) I can help mess up your house. I'm an excellent messer-upper.

    I sincerely hope I'll be spending time at a beach this summer. I missed it last year because I was getting that pesky chemo. Blech! I'm not sure how much I can tolerate the sun, but I'm anxious to find out. I LOVE the beach. I am a true beach bum at heart.

    The next person has fires burning near them.

  • Jen44
    Jen44 Member Posts: 194 can smell it and see the smoke whenever the wind is blowing.  It has been killer on allergies and sinuses.  Thankfully not as close as some so we do still have clear air as well.

    Yes Candie I even have the problem on cloudy days if it is humid.  We thought at first it was just the sun so I used an umbrella to stay out of it.  Unfortunately we found out at my son's soccer game that the sun is not the only problem.  If it isn't humid outside then I am usually okay, unfortunately where I live has a lot of humidity.  Oh well, this too will pass.

    The next person enjoys for going for bike rides

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    I do like bike rides and do have a bike but for some reason the last time i rode it i took off and it just fell over in the gravel and was very painful, now I have a flat.

    Hancock was good, not at all what I expected but I would be leary taking little kids to it because of the language.

    I had a bbq sandwich from a new place a couple of towns away and it was wonderful!!!

    The next person sweats a lot if they go outside to do anything ( i do it will be dripping off my nose)

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False to being a person who sweats alot. But, Jen, ever since I went through menopause, 5 yrs ago I can't stand the humidity. I wish for Alaska when it is very humid.

    I am a beach bum at heart too. I just love relaxing in the sun...but I have to be near water, so I can constantly stay wet.

    Spar, I went back to the story telling...thanks. I will do the best I can. Maybe I will find that I can do it.

    The next person feels that the wonderful friends on bring out the best in you. It does for me.Cool

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, I have deep feeling for everyone on

    I too love the beach, it always seem cooler on the beach with the wind off the water and sound of the waves.

    Yea! Candie, I am glad

    The next person has sorta put their own funeral together (I have at

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467

    False to doing funeral arrangements...I should tho.

    The next person is reading a good book.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    I am reading several books at one time (i know its crazy and i don't do it often)

    I told my daughter about what all I wanted  such as a green funeral (no toxic emblaming fluid, a wicker casket that is biodegradable, She has a flower shop so I told her only one set of flower that she makes for me to go on top on the caskey and all other do donations to breastcancer and she said I would have to take care of it all because she would get me a nice casket, lots of floors, and put my casket in a steel vault.  Boy, I need to teach that girl to be a little more green.  Told her I am going back to dust anyway and when its resurrection time the Lord know exactly where I am.

    The next person is making a made up recipe tonight (I am doing lasana can't spell) with 5 different kinds of cheese and even cottage cheese and the no cook noodles.  Can't wait to try it. It smells so good cooking

  • Jen44
    Jen44 Member Posts: 194

    False...husband working late and kids are with friends.  I will probably just grab some soup.

    The next person is having a thunderstorm right now...we have been having them off and on all afternoon.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Hey, you could even have cookies for supper Jen lol

    false on thunderstorm, but i would love to have one with some rain, our garden is so dry

    The next person has had reconstruction surgery

  • Jen44
    Jen44 Member Posts: 194

    False...on reconstruction.  Just starting to look into it.

    Spar I like you idea for dinner much better than mineWink   

    The next person loves country music

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    true, do love country and classic and jazz and regge, hate hard rock and opera

    It took me 4 years to do reconstruction and was told by the ps thats why i healed so fast. So take your time be sure.  I am very happy with mine even though the only bra I can find that fits well are sports bras

    The next person likes to make homemade yeast dinner rolls (am going to make some tomorrow)

  • irishdreama
    irishdreama Member Posts: 538

    Sure-if by homemade you mean Pillsbury made them!!! I'm usually too on the go for homemade stuff, unless it's in the crockpot!

    The next person is sweltering in the heat. It's 10:00PM and still 80 degrees here! Yell

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    I have the airconditioners on 72 so it is cool in here but it is hot outside.

    Pillsbury don't count, sorry sweetie, I'll send you some of mine.  I have time cause my kids are grown and i am retired from my job.  I am truly blessed.

    The next person uses one of those healthy deodrants that doesn't have alumminum in it (I don't but am fixing to try one)

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    I've been using some sort of deodorant I bought to use during rads that has a breast cancer ribbon on it. I think it's all natural. All I know is I have a huge rash under my arm and I can only assume its from the deodorant. Go figure!

    The next person knows all the words to the Brady Bunch song.

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    false, I never paid attention to the lyrics but I did watch the show

    MissS, are you going to stop the deodrant until it clears up?  I have to use a cream that has aluminum in it I wonder if it is the same as the deodrant.  Read an article where it might contribute to Alzheimers.  scary

    The next person is having trouble sleeping (I am and it is driving me nuts)

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    MissS, I am missing you on the humor story today.  It is ready for you to decide what to do in San Francisco next.  I don't know the town or what is there.  love ya.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    I am also having trouble sleeping, and it sucks!  Maybe we can call each other at night when we can't sleep and discuss it...

    The next person is having a test today.  I am having an endometrial biopsy, and I am so frightened!

  • MissShapen
    MissShapen Member Posts: 3,963

    False, I have been very fortunate with sleeping lately. I take Melatonin every night at bedtime and it lulls me right to sleep.

    False, not having a test, but will see onc on Thursday for tumor markers.

    I'll be thinking of you, sweet Harley. Deep breaths!

    Ok, I hit the story up for ya, spar :) Yes, I have discontinued deodorant and am trying to heal my poor pit. LOL

    The next person wants to find some new product to try on her hair.

  • Jen44
    Jen44 Member Posts: 194

    False...still trying to grow hair back in.  It is about an inch at the moment.  Looking forward to when I do need to find stuff for the hair.

    Thanks Spar I am thinking long and hard about it.  I have been living on the computer for the past couple of weeks doing research.  I have also been talking to woman that have had reconstruction done with my PS.  I also am lucky to have a friend that was a nurse in a PS office up until last year so I have been picking her brain as well.  I am so glad that you did well with yours.  What type did you have?

    The next person is planning a party

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Thanks MissS.

    Jen, I had the left side reduced and a silicone implant in the right.  He did a wonderful job and they match really well.

    I am planning a Thanksgiving, house warming party, our new house should be finished by then

    The next person will spend a day relaxing and either playing with their kids or playing on the computer

  • Jen44
    Jen44 Member Posts: 194

    True.. for the most part.  I also had to go see the doctor this afternoon.  My kids and I are also taking my dad out to dinner tonight for his birthday.  Should be fun.

    Spar2 you are a planner like me I see.  I get teased all the time because I always start planning things early.  I hate waiting till the last minute to do things.

    The next person has been watching "America's Got Talent"

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Yes, true have been watching it, there is some amazing talent and then there is just trash.

    Well, the kitchen is cleaned up from the flooded kitchen and  door left open on the freezer and all the food thawed.  We got lots to eat since you can't refreeze we had to cook it.  It has been an interesting day.  Also started a memory table. (explained what that is on the beader thread)

    The next person likes a glass of wine sometimes in the evening

  • spar2
    spar2 Member Posts: 3,631

    Hey, I will answer my own question.  Yes, sometime!!

    The next person had some rain today.  I couldn't believe it cause the sun was shineing and it was so hot and humid but there was a nice rain shower this afternoon.  very nice

  • Kayree
    Kayree Member Posts: 243


     The next person is going to the beach this weekend.