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Hair Hair Hair - Another question



  • JudyNaomi
    JudyNaomi Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    Hi all, how are you doing today?

    CS34 - how are you??? I am around 15 weeks pfc (I am a week behind Dawn...). Thankfully, I have started counting in months - thought that would never happen!

    Anyway, mine also started salt and pepper and now it covers my whole head - I am hoping to uncover it for Thanksgiving. I did not shave it or do anything at all to it. I just use baby shampoo to wash it.

    I would give it a little longer - I will send the patience fairy your way...hang in there : )

    Hugs, Judy x

    It will come, but

  • stef58
    stef58 Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2009

    Chirs C, i got the stuff from Sallys, had a bad reaction to the #3 bottle. Turned my everything from the breast up red. So to say I did not us it again. I am very allgric to many things.How long for the biotin to work. Started take a multivitamin also. Think it all helps just to get healthy aftter chemo. Great week no doctor appointments. Just fun. Going shopping with oldest daughter and gtandson. Have not done this since March. Need some clothes to sport with the new hair and new life. Going to get on with life. Have a great hair day and let it grow fast and long. Dianne

  • JudyNaomi
    JudyNaomi Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    Dianne, enjoy your week - sounds great!

    I don't know what happened at the end of my post above, I don't remember posting those words under my name...

    CS34 - how are you doing today?

    Hugs to all for a good evening!

    Judy xxx

  • trishK_
    trishK_ Member Posts: 68
    edited November 2009

    Judy- We are in the same boat! I have decided to kick the scarf and hat on thanksgiving too! My hair is about 1/3 to 1/2 inch long and has filled in pretty nice. I look like Jaime's picture except my color is pretty ashy colored. a very dark mousy blond. yuk! Bold, you were brave to bleach when everyone keeps saying to wait to do it. But i seee your hair did well!

    CHELEV- you are so right about just ditching the scarf and be free! I think more people look at me in my scarf then would if i just have a short do. Plus in los angeles, people have all kinds of hair styles so i will just fit in with the crown here!

    My goal is to be able to use product by Christmas and rock a FAUX HAWK! = D

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited November 2009

    I got my first haircut in almost 2 years.  I'm traumatized!  I like the back and at least my cowlick isn't that noticeable...but does it cost $42 ($47 if you count the tip) to cut 1/2 inch off 2 inches of hair?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2009

    So many new girls here, its hard to keep up. I am just keeping up with posting my hair progress. It has been almost 14 months PFC. My hair is still very very curly and frizzy. If I use a large barrel, hot curling brush.....this is what I can get! I am so wanting my long hair back and the extra weight GONE!   OOOOOhhhhh.....sorry, now this is a big pic Chelev!

    Happy Hair Days Girls, Lori

    Nov1109.jpg Nov 11, 09 picture by thehtl

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited November 2009

    Lori - you are so beautiful.  The girl who cut my hair today couldn't get over how short and straight mine was 10 months PFC

  • hrf
    hrf Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2009

    I'm 5 months PFC. I have fuzz on my head but not enough to cover my scalp. This is sooooo frustrating. I wouldn't mind short if it would at least fill in. I'm very envious of those of you whose  hair has grown in so nice and thick. This is my second go round ... first time hair did grow back really well. This time is so different.

  • thisisme
    thisisme Member Posts: 45
    edited November 2009

    Help, how do I post pix?  I have them on photobucket have tried to share them but not working!!!

  • aris
    aris Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2009

    I wanted to chime in on the haircut question. I just had a haircut last week. I finished up chemo at the end of August, but my hair started growing in very slowly during Taxol and Herceptin about 4-5 weeks before finishing.  I had the stylist shape the hairs, even it out and cut the stragglers in the back. It is still very short, and I think I have Matt Lauer's hairstyle! But, the cut really shaped things up and I'm so happy I did it.

     On another hair note, my 7 year old daughter cut 9.5 inches off of her hair today and we will donate it to Pantene so they can donate the hair for wigs. I'm so proud of her and she looks so cute with her bob! I was very envious of her shiny hair after she got it cut. She has been such a trooper during my endless treatments, I'm so proud of her!


  • chelev
    chelev Member Posts: 417
    edited November 2009

    Laurie - so cute!!!!  I can't WAIT until I have longer in the back - it really takes a long time for any kind of length - the top is getting long and heavy, and my bangs are coming back (yay) but the back - argggh.  Love yours and I think mine is going that way too - curly and wavy until the weight pulls it down.

    Trish - you go girl!!!  Rock the hawk!!  The minute I realized I had enough to gather on top like a hawk, I did it and it looked edgy (well, it looked like something, I don't know what - Bold really rocks that hawk),but you are right - in LA, NY, etc. all kinds of hairstyles are the norm, so you really won't be out of place at all - its really in the MIND,not the eye.  Here in podunk Florida (Lisa1964 can attest to this), you really don't see too many women with avant garde hair - most of them wear it long, lots of highlights and stuff, and it is a little more startling to see a woman with uber-short hair.

    Thisisme - to post the photos, once you have them in photo bucket, select the photo you want to post - and look on the page to find the direct URL for that photo.  Right click to copy it.  Then, on the discussion boards, start a new reply, and click on the little tree photo next to the smiley face.  Right click to paste it where it says to put the URL and hit okay.  The photo will appear in the body of the message.

    Pam, isn't it amazing even with the little trim it suddenly goes from growing in weird hairs to oh, a cute little hairstyle??  And yes, Jane, it stings to pay full haircut price for a barely-cut haircut - at least they should charge us men's cheaper cut charges until there is more for them to cut and style!!!

    Mine is getting to a shaggy dog stage - the sideburns are getting curly and unruly, and I am finding the only way to wear this hair now is to flat iron what I can grab, and then use molding paste to make it all as spikey as possible and smooth down what I can (nothing, and I mean nothing, flattens out those back of the neck curls!!) and just go with it.  Sort of looking like the finger in the light socket, but it works.  I am getting so many people telling me to leave it short, but hell no, I am growing this stuff back in after the agony of losing it!  They don't understand that part!!!

  • Lisa1964
    Lisa1964 Member Posts: 760
    edited November 2009

    Goldie your hair is fabulous!!  I cannot wait until I have that much hair!!

  • JudyNaomi
    JudyNaomi Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    Lori - you look gorgeous! Pam, your daughter sounds adorable - I think it is amazing how our kids get through this. Mine have also been amazing for the most part!

    Hugs to all, Judy x

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2009

    Jane-M - Consider it worth spend that money for a haircut.  Remember this is traumatic for us to lose our hair and the last thing we need is a inexperienced hairdresser screwing up what little we have!  What you paid is typical of salon rates for a haircut and style - regardless of how long your hair is.  I went the cheaper route years ago with a Super Cuts and I was in tears when I left. 

    I just got my hair cut for the first time and had it frosted.  The bill was $70 and I gave my stylist a $10 tip.  I hate to spend that amount of money - believe me - but I also have full trust in my stylist and she has been in this profession for over 30 years.  In all honesty, I thought it was going to cost more.

    Goldie - I hope to see my hair that long again!  It is an inspiration to us when you post pictures.

  • LittleRed
    LittleRed Member Posts: 50
    edited November 2009

    goldie0827:  WOW - You look great.  You have so much hair!!  I'm so looking forward to the day...

    I'm not kicking the wig yet.  I just can't do it.  I go without when I'm alone at home, now that I have a bit of hair to keep me warm, but I'm not ready to 'bear all' for the general public. 

    I startled my son a couple of weeks ago, however.  I was exhausted and getting ready for bed.  I'd forgotten that I'd taken off my wig and I hadn't put my sleep cap on.  So, I popped my head into my son's room to tell him 'lights out' and he looked at me like a deer caught in the headlights:  "OK, Mom."  It wasn't until I walked into the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror that I realized what happened.  He's never seen me without a wig or cap/scarf.  Ooops!  I apologized for startling him, but he was very gracious and said "no problem, it's fine."  I'm not sure which of us was more embarrassed...

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited November 2009

    I hate my haircut!!!! I didn't wash it today, so maybe I'll like it better after that, but I really, really hate it.

  • LittleRed
    LittleRed Member Posts: 50
    edited November 2009


    I'm so sorry you are disappointed with your haircut.  Hang in there!

    Be good to you -

  • JudyNaomi
    JudyNaomi Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    Jane_M - so sorry that you are unhappy with your haircut.

    Even if you are unhappy now, I am sure it will eventually be how you want it to be - just hang in there! Come and vent whenever you feel like it - that is what we are all here for, laughing, crying, moaning, you name it - we do it : )

    Hugs for a good evening, Judy xxx

  • trishK_
    trishK_ Member Posts: 68
    edited November 2009

    HRF- i have heard that hair folicles can get "burnt out" after multiple courses of chemo. Have you gone to a dermotologist to find out what you can do? I know that Rogaine is suppost to help and they make it for women. I am sorry if this is informatino that you already know. It is such a long thread i miss out on some of what has been posted! I know that it must be so frustrating!

    I was anticipating this amazing thick colorful head of hair to grow back but instead mine is fine, seems pretty straight and the mousiest color of dirt blonde EVER! I am happy it is growing, but i was really hoping for golden bouncy curls or at least my former wavy thick blonde hair. I know that it can take a couple years for it to recover to the way it was before.

    CHELEV- you are so funny about Florida hair! Bad enough everyone has long big hair but then you have the humidity to contend with!!! 

    I think we should all demand to pay Men's hair cut prices for our short little dos!!!

  • lollys
    lollys Member Posts: 44
    edited November 2009

    trishK--My hair is the same--I had thick wavey hair and now it is straight and coming in slowly--and certainly not as thick --I expected curls like everyone said but nope--not yet-- it covers my head but at over 14 weeks pfc still not willing to go without the wig--the sides seem flat and thin--I highlighted my hair forever and now it is also very mousy with gray sideburns!! guess we just keep waiting-- hang in all--Laura

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2009

    Hi girls and thanks for all the comments. It has been awhile now since my last chemo, I continue to post, only because I want my long hair back. I figure another 2 years. But if these curls don't go somewhere, I don't know if I will be able to handle it long!

    As far as how your hair comes back. Everyone  is different. My hair started to curl around 5 months, and my more natural color started at about 6 months. And not everyone gets the curls. But I will say........I have MORE gray than I did before! I had never colored my hair, but I can see those days are over!

    LittleRed, I have a similar story to yours. We were in CA visiting our grandkids. Which we only do about 3 times a year. My grandson, who was 3 was playing in our hotel suite. I was having a hot flash and took my wig off and set it on the table. Not thinking that he had never seen me without it. Well when he glanced my way, he took one of those "double takes".....saw my wig on the table...picked it up...and sort of tossed it into my lap, and says "put your hair back on Grammy"! And went about his playing.

    JaneM, I'm sorry too. What a bunch of crap. We wait and wait and wait to get some hair. Then comes the  time when we finally get brave enough to get that first teensy trim, and now you have a to "wait" again, for it to grow out. But it will......and when it does.......go to a different stylist! Which is hard to do. I had a great one in Michigan, but I have lived in AZ for 9 yrs....and I have yet to find one that I really like!

    Hugs to all, Lori

  • JudyNaomi
    JudyNaomi Member Posts: 209
    edited November 2009

    Just checking in to wish you all a good weekend.

    Hope everyone is doing ok today.

    Hugs, Judy xxx

  • LittleRed
    LittleRed Member Posts: 50
    edited November 2009


    That's a great story!  Too funny!  You gotta love's all unfiltered...

  • shirleyl
    shirleyl Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2009

    Hi Ladies, just wanted to remind anyone thats had Taxotere and having trouble growing their hair, that they might be sufferering from PSA caused by the chemo drug. We have formed a suport group so please contact me if you would like details.

    Before anyone says dont worry it will grow back please remember it doesnt always return if you have had taxotere.

  • hrf
    hrf Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2009
    Shirleyl, what is PSA? For me it's been 5 months and while I have a little growth all over my head, it is definitely not covering my scalp.
  • stef58
    stef58 Member Posts: 32
    edited November 2009

    Shirley and HRF , i was also wondering what a PSA is. I have been out of chemo for 2 weeks and the hair is growing. It came back during the chemo. Does it slow the growth. Also does tamoxifin slow growth. Minre has come back gray. My granddaughter said to me as I left the house with out my cap. i asked her if I should just go with out the hat, "GRandma we do not want people to see your bald head." She is 5 and is already worrrying about what people think. Have a great hair day Dianne

  • rayhope
    rayhope Member Posts: 75
    edited November 2009

    I am 7 months past chemo and still wearing a wig.  My hair is very short, thin on top, curly and frizzy - not at all attractive.  I have made an appointment next week for my first trim and professional coloring.  I've colored it myself a couple of times, but that doesn't look great either.  I also ordered some Moroccan oil on the advice of a friend whose hair looks great.  Have any of you tried it?  I also wonder if wearing the wig every day slows the growth on top.  I'm desperate for any suggestions!

  • hrf
    hrf Member Posts: 706
    edited November 2009
    rayhope, what does the Moroccan oil do for hair?
  • rayhope
    rayhope Member Posts: 75
    edited November 2009

    It is supposed to condition, hydrate and control frizz.  My friend has long curly hair which she used to straighten with an iron.  With this product, she just blows it dry with a round brush and has no curls or frizz.  Hair is shiny and pretty.  An internet search will reveal a lot of websites that sell the product and have wonderful customer reviews.  I ordered it this afternoon and will let you know if it helps my hair (which seems hopeless).

  • shirleyl
    shirleyl Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2009

    PSA, not to be confused with the prostate thing!, stands for 'persistant significant alopecia' that Taxotere can cause

    By the way the Moroccan oil (Argan) is a wonderful oil to have for the skin too. The locals buy gallons of it!