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Hair Hair Hair - Another question



  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited December 2010

    soaplady:  thank you!  I sure hope so.

    Ladyinbama:  My first hair, if you could call it that was white "whisps" for lack of a better term, then it came in as stubble: rough, dry and coarse.

  • horsedoc
    horsedoc Member Posts: 296
    edited December 2010

    MBJ I like how you said you felt like you had 90 yr- old hair... mine has come back in SO curly; I thought it was curly before but it was nothing like this.  Anyway, I HATE it because I think it looks like old-lady-hair!!   Actually a couple weeks ago I looked in the mirror and thought I looked like Mike Brady from the Brady Bunch.  And nobody at work would deny that, haha!  I'm trying to decide if I should have it straightened or if I should wait til it's a little longer to do that. 

  • sugar77
    sugar77 Member Posts: 1,328
    edited December 2010

    horsedoc - hi, I remember you from the TC thread.  I would wait until it grows a bit longer because if it's like mine, it'll loosen up as it gets heavier and longer. I had to chuckle when I read your comment about looking like Mike Brady!  For a while there, I thought I resembled one of the Jonas brothers (Nick or Kevin)!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited December 2010

    Mike Brady:  LOL!  That's it exactly though it makes me feel like the maid or someone's grandma.  Get yourself some straightening products: Paul Mitchell makes a great skinny serum  and a product to protect your hair then get a professional 450 degree 1" flat iron.  It will set you back at least $40 to $70 but it is so worth it to be able to straighten your hair.  I didn't want to put any more stuff on mine and it only lasts from 6 weeks to 3 months which doesn't justify the cost for me (about $300).  It does get easier as it gets longer, of course, then I go and get it cut too short again. grrrr.  The good news?  I am waiting until it's a lot longer before I get it trimmed and then I'm watching her like a hawk so she doesn't cut off too much.  Seriously, she kept apologizing and saying I'm so sorry you have to go through this every day!

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Member Posts: 1,477
    edited December 2010
    OK now for anyone that needs a wig. I found a company giving away free wigs for people who cannot afford one or do not have health care that covers one. here is the website. You fill out and send them the enrollment form which asks you to chose a wig from I picked out two choices don't know if I will get my first first was Monique by Envy which is very longand my second was Impressive by revlon which is a bob 
  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited December 2010

    Carrol:  Thank you for the great information.  Suggestion:  Go try on a few wigs first to see what style looks good on you.  Many large wig stores allow 3 try ons and some have no limit.  Many of the on line styles are in stores so you know what works.  The filament styles are the most comfortable.  Know that almost all of them need to be styled a bit to look more natural, though some need nothing.

    Happy Wednesday!

  • alison34
    alison34 Member Posts: 36
    edited December 2010

    hi ladies

    just caught up on all the activity in the thread as not been on for a while

    i love this thread

    mel you look absolutly fantastic

    i have about 3 inch of hair now and i love to feel the wind whistle through its a great feeling, never thought i would think about the wind in my hair he he

  • ladym13
    ladym13 Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2010

    Ali- YAY you....3 inches, I only have about 2, it's kinda stopped growing it feels like. I am hoping once I finish the Herceptin my hair will start growing a lot faster, has anyone else noticed that happen.

    I am still wearing my wig, just got it coloured and cut bangs into it.

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited December 2010

    LadyM13, that's where I am, too--my hair is filling in,but it's the same length.  At 3 months, I still have what a friend called "squirrel fur"--it's denser by the week, but not "real hair" quite yet. I buzzed it to 1/8 inch, and it seems to stay that length!  I am ready for some more to come in.  I've "moved on", but the hair thing when I think about it is so totally demoralizing.  My doc really lied to me when she said I'd have hair by month 1.

  • Resting
    Resting Member Posts: 117
    edited August 2013
    Hey Alison - welcome back! Wind in your hair, wow. That's great. I have about two inches in some places and 1/2 -1 inch in anothers. Crazy..... But I'm afraid to trim it because many - like MHP - say it just seems to stop growing.  I put lots of 'stuff' (gel, wax, mouse) in it to tame it a bit.

                  But hey ladies - at least it is making a comeback even if it seems a weak one :-) 

    Anyone else have really dry skin ???- cracked around the nails, esp my thumbs -- never had that before.

  • ladym13
    ladym13 Member Posts: 107
    edited December 2010

    MHP70- Doesn't it suck how the docs tell you it comes back RIGHT away...bullshit.

    Are you on the herceptin? I've heard that the herceptin slows the growth by about 50%..I can't wait to be done to see if it starts coming back faster.

  • LtotheK
    LtotheK Member Posts: 487
    edited December 2010

    I was on TC, and someone wrote here that it also slows things way down.  I've heard T is murder on hair.  I rarely post on personal issues, but for chrissakes--body hair everywhere else is in normal.  It's amazing how few breaks we BC ladies get.

    ECT,my nails are shot.  Tamox will likely make the skin really dry. I've switched over to pure almond oil, and avoided the LONG hot showers I absolutely adore.  Both those things help, as does fish oil. But the nails are a wreck, very brittle and breaking constantly.

  • lookingforward4more
    lookingforward4more Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2010

    Hi everyone! I finished chemo in April 2008. I was as bald as one could get! My hair grew back very curly at first. My hairdresser told me to keep it short for the first year so she could "train" it. It worked! I kept it short and it really got thick again (it was initially thin when it grew back) and it eventually straightened out completely. When it was long enough to blow out I went for professional blow outs twice a month to get it to stay in shape. Its back to normal again, and has been for about the past 1.5 years. Congratulations on the end of chemo!!! YEA!

  • lookingforward4more
    lookingforward4more Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2010

    Oh, I forgot...I had TAC chemo x6 and most of my toe nails fell out over the past two years. When they fell off there was a baby nail underneath to replace it. Weird!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited August 2013

    My nails and hair became brittle and dry!  Still have a couple of toenails threatening to jump ship, and I use oils and creas on  my feet before going to bed and I also put socks on so I don't ruin the sheets--the soles of my feet are so dry and cracked they hurt! 

  • Resting
    Resting Member Posts: 117
    edited December 2010

    Well, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one dealing with the dry heals and hands. I started using gloves to wash dishes during Chemo and have gone back to it recently. Keeping the lotion handy everywhere. Drinking lots of water too. Don't know if I could sleep in socks though.

    Lookingfwrd -- your post was really encouraging. So glad your doing well and your hair is back to normal. Three years :-) wonderful!

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited December 2010
    • Hate sleeping in socks but I was desperate! LOL!
  • kittycat
    kittycat Member Posts: 1,155
    edited December 2010

    My hair continues to grow.  It's still coming in really gray!  :(  Oh well, I can color it.  My neighbor told me that she uses the Ion color from Sally with a 10 developer to let the color deposit.  I might try it. 

    I got my blonde wig steamed at the place where I got it.  It looks pretty good, so I swapped it for my brunette wig.  I told a customer yesterday that my brown hair was in for service this week.  I forgot how much length I cut off the blonde wig.  I like it better than the really long wigs.  Plus, being winter, the long hair gets caught up in my jackets. 

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited December 2010

    Kittycat:  I used the Ion dye for the first time and it worked pretty good.  It took a few months but the complete gray look finally went away and most of my dark hair came back with a few more then the original gray hairs I already had.  Beats being completely gray, especially with the curls.  I am not ready to look like a 90 year old woman with a perm!  Ever!

  • didel
    didel Member Posts: 733
    edited December 2010

    Kittycat the brunette is a VERY dramatic look for you!!! You look so different with dark hair...don't get me wrong you look great any color!! Really makes your eyes pop!


  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited December 2010

    Kittycat:  OMG what a great picture in your avatar and I agree with DiDel:  Very dramatic and great look for you!

  • x-raygirl
    x-raygirl Member Posts: 97
    edited December 2010

    Ladym~ I'm glad you posted a pic of what your hair looked like 4 1/2  mos post chemo.  I am loving seeing mine grow in.  My last chemo was 9/1 and then I shaved it before rads 10/13.  I used something for roots by Loreal last weekend.  It made me happy not to see charcoal!  You look great with short hair!  I wish I could pull off a long wig - they all looked ridiculous on me!   I think the Nioxin is helping with the thickness.

    Diane ~ my dog barked and barked at me when I got my blonde wig.... so funny! 

  • Cat123
    Cat123 Member Posts: 47
    edited December 2010

    Hi all.....hey kittycat....if that is you in the brunette look amazing!

    The Mike Brady comment had me howling.....I start chemo next week....I have always had slightly wavy hair which i curly hair on other people but not me....I know with my hair will grow in curly! 

    By the way.....I'm in Toronto so I don't know if Canada is different but apparently, your onc can write a prescription for a 'head prosthesis' meaning wig....and you can write some of the cost off in your income tax.....just like some drug prescriptions....I know this will help me out!  Make sure to check that out.

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited December 2010

    Cat123:  That's true here, also.  I am going to be writing off the whole darned year.  Glad you are keeping your sense of humor through this.  I was one of those who went from wavy to granny perm ala Mike Brady, LOL!

  • Resting
    Resting Member Posts: 117
    edited December 2010

    Hey MBJ - do you remember that product that helps hide balding spots? I think it was on this thread that I read about it. Can't remember. Seems like you powder it on or spray???

  • poodleluvbug
    poodleluvbug Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2010

    I am 13 weeks since my last chemo and I now have full coverage...but it is very short..maybe a quarter of an inch to a half of an inch. I will have to get the ruler out! I can't tell if it is going to be curly or not. It's brown, not gray, so I am glad about that! It is so soft...I can't stop touching! I hope to have what resembles a pixie cut by Valentines day so I can ditch the hats! I am still wearing my hat with hair when I go out. The other day I bought some cute headbands with bows on the me feel good to buy a hair accessory again!

  • kelben
    kelben Member Posts: 199
    edited December 2010
    Hi guys;  Poodle, my hair is about the same as yours... 13 weeks out.  The difference is that mine is grey and dark brown..??  not sure how it's going to look.  It was naturally curly, and I hope it still has a little curl, but I won't complain as long as it grows!    Smile
  • ginadmc
    ginadmc Member Posts: 183
    edited December 2010

    Hi, I'm 6 mos PFC and my hair was coming in well but with crazy curls in back, sticking straight up due to several cowlicks at the top of my head. I called my hairdresser and said, Good news, I have hair again, bad news, it looks terrible and I hate it. He made arrangements to see me the very next week after hours. He worked for 1 1/2 hours on me. He took such pains to get it just right, I almost cried. I felt so much better after I left his shop! He gave it some shape and style and it's been very easy to maintain. It still gets Mike Brady curly after my spinning class or a hot bath. I've been using Aveda control paste and a 1" straightener. My husband hates the smell of the Aveda control paste so I just bought GOT2b and Short, Sexy hair pastes to try them out. The good thing about having short hair is that my ski hats fit much better!   Gina

  • MBJ
    MBJ Member Posts: 3,671
    edited December 2010

    ECT:  send a PM to Firni--that is some amazing stuff!  Also, there is a product that helps counter the hormones on your head causing the fallout:  Xenna 183 Topical Solution.  Natural and helps with the thickness and thinning hair.

  • toni30
    toni30 Member Posts: 68
    edited December 2010

    Hi Ladies: I am so ready to ditch my wig, but my hair is still too short. I am 12 weeks PFC and it's not quite as long as Annie Lennox's - which is what I hoped it would be by Christmas.  I had curly hair my whole life and this is bone straight - wonder if it will go back to being curly?  Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences - it helps to know I have sisters dealing with this too.