Hair Hair Hair - Another question
Carrol - Tomorrow will be 4 weeks from my last CTx4. Because I did not lose all my hair, it is difficult to tell about regrowth. However, I had my mom inspect my scalp this weekend and she said there was a lot of stubble coming in. I thought I felt stubble, but I cannot see it. I did not lose my brows, but did have some thinning of them and they seem to be bushier lately too. Those random crazy brow hairs that you have to keep plucking are now re-appearing. I did not miss dealing with those!
Kittycat and Marie - I have had the same thoughts. How bad was my hair before? Why do I get so many compliments now? I would say sympathy or pity, but the compliments mostly come from people who don't know I had cancer.
I am sure the wig is going to be a challenge once my hair grows back in. I look terrible with short hair. I did one of those video hair analysis things in college where they put different hair styles on you to see how it looks. Short was BAD. This was also when I started coloring my hair because it showed me what a difference a shade lighter made in my complexion. So, of course, I have now been coloring my hair for 20 years. I am sure I am going to be shocked at how much grey I have once it all grows back. Ugh!
ETA: PS Marie - your hair looks very nice like that. Very elegant.
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I had the last chemo treatment mid-June. My hair is about 2.5 inches long all over except top sides (male pattern thing) where the hair is shorter and very fine. Have any of you had a similar experience? Did it grow in? I am continuing to wear a wig because of the front hair being so short and odd looking.
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Funny about the wigs...I get SO many compliments on my wig, perhaps why I'm still wearing it, that AND the fact that I can do NOTHING with my hair....uuugggh help
Here is a pic I took today of my hair growth 6 months post chemo and a shot I took right after in my wig...any advise on what to do with my hair if anything at this crazy length
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sorry meant to say 5 months post chemo
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ladym13 i think your regrowth looks nice on you.0
It's been 4 months and my hair is only an inch long...damn. But I got a new wig last month that I love and I often forget I'm wearing it (I guess I'm just used to wearing wigs now). Sadly, it does look better than the hair I had. I have to say I'm super excited that my real hair seems to have a bit of curl to it. All my life I've had really straight hair so this is great. And no grey, which surprised me since I had a little bit before. At least now that I know what real bad hair days are I'll probably never complain about that again. Does anyone have or is anyone planning on getting hair extensions? How long does your hair have to be?
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misfit - not sure what extensions you are considering but I am planning to do the clip in kind. My plan is to stick with the wig until I have about 4 inches of regrowth, the switch to the extensions. I read that the clip ins require about 3 inches of hair. I hope to transition from the wig to the extensions without anyone really noticing, then gradually let my own hair grow out until I don't need them.
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LadyM~ I think you're just not used to it - it looks good. Could you try running pomade through your hands and trying to get a piece-y look. Ask a hairdresser. I bet it's a big adjustment after having had such a long beautiful mane. I think it looks good, though I've never had long hair. Mine is barely a quarter inch and it's just more comfortable without the wig. If I dye it a funky mahogany it looks like I'm wearing it like that on purpose.
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ladym13 - your hair looks great. Mine, after 6 months is about the same length but shorter in front and curlier overall - so very hard to call a hair style. If I had your hair I would go wigless
0 - is just so different for all of us! If I am honest with myself, I'm almost 4 months PFC with thin, dry, patchy 1/2 inch long junk. I'd give my eye teeth to end up where LadyM is in a month!!!
LadyM, I think what you need is a really awesome stylist. If you had that shaped a particular way, it could be smokin' hot.
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I am 3 weeks since my last TC infusion no stubble yet. When should i see stubble?
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CC4NPG what does PALS stand for? Thanks
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Ladym - I would have a stylist shape it up a little, use lots of product, and don't fight the curls. Thats what I did. It wasn't the greatest, but it got me through until I had enough length to have it straightened.
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Hello everyone; Hope everyone had a good holiday. This is my most recent picture, just to update others. I have been post chemo one year November 30. I still have sparse eyebrows, and very thin hair on top, bangs and spot at back. (similar to male pattern baldness) I have had to adapt to this new state of hair and it's a far cry from what it use to be, but I guess I need to focus on the 'bigger picture'; what's more important. Thanks for all advice on the matter, every little bit helps!
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ozzyfish - can you post a larger picture?
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MHP70- I know I shouldn't complain, just having hair is a victory and I AM pleased to see it coming back, I think I just get frustrated because I suck at styling it.
I can't WAIT until I can get extenstions, I was told to wait until it's at least 5 inches so it doesn't damage the hair.
I think you are right exraygirl(Daiva) I am just not used to it at all, I've always had super long hair my whole life.
nodapearl- I'm constantly fighting the curls...hahaha how long did it take before you could use a flat iron and straighten it?
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your hair looks great, you can easily go without the wig!
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LadyM: At the length yours is now, the only thing I could do was use Marc Anthony Straight creme, lots of it, and I put it on while my hair was wet, combed it generally the way I wanted it to go and it sort of froze in the position. It wasn't ideal but it looked like it was a "style".
I was told to wait 4 months until extensions. Because what I do have is so frizzy, I am not so sure now that extensions would work. Not sure if straightening it would be worth it either, since it would only last from 6 weeks to 3 months and it costs at least $300.
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Carrol2 - I had TC too and I saw my first stubble at 4 weeks to the day. I had shaved my head right down to the skin at the beginning because my scalp hurt. I had weird hair that grew in during chemo and while it wasn't pretty I kept it because it was kind of nice having something up there. That made it harder to see if new hair was growing so I kept checking my armpits because they were totally bare. I was so happy when I first felt stubble! Who knew you could get excited about arm pit hair?
You should see signs of hair soon!!
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Hey All - Just caught up on this thread, took me awhile cuz I've had a house full. Everyone gone now and I'm trying to wind down. This was a nice way to do it.
LadyM - I think you look great with the short hair, maybe go as far to say I like it better. You've got good thickness, color and overall coverage. Just work with it like Nodapearl suggested - go with it.
I'm at five months now and have a good start, it's about 2inches and in some places less. It's come in darker but with grey highlights.
Gonna try to post a new Avatar. I enjoy seeing the pics too! Keep'em coming girls.....
As for what I take for helping with hair growth - Vit B6 and B12, Biotin (1000 - only recently). To tame the curl and try to control the cowlicks I use Mouse Wax (sounds like it could tame anything but it's still work).
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LadyM You look fantastic with and without wig. It is just completely different style. Since You always had long hair it is hard to adjust to short one especially You have such a nice and natural looking wig.
I am 12 weeks out, maybe 1 inch of growth but all over. I could probably go without wig if I color my hair but I like my wig. It gives me security.
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ladym - have you colored your hair? If not, did you have grey before? I am worried mine is going to come in grey. I have heard it does that at first, but also I suspect I was probably 50% grey before chemo (it was colored so hard to say).
I have read that some people who had grey do not have it after chemo - that would be awesome!
I had curly before chemo. I hope it does not get more curly, but also hope it is not straight. Basically, I just want my old hair back.
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Well, I am going to give it a shot. Today I am 20 weeks PFC, and I have good growth all over. I apologize in advance for the quality of the pictures, but I took them with my webcam. I have some curls, and the colour is a little grayer than it was before I lost it, but I am happy with my progress so far. I think that Tamoxifen has slowed down the growth a bit. I started going topless in mid October.
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Sorry for the all the codes, this was my first time posting pictures. Can someone tell me how to do this without all the unnecessary words?
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Ladym - it takes a while before you can flat iron. It was a lot of work and didn't produce good results for me, so I didn't bother until about a year out from chemo. I have had it relaxed several times and that has helped. Color seemed to tame it down some too. I kept cutting it in hopes of taming the curl, but it didn't work. Best advice is go with the curl as much as you can and just let it grow. It is so hard. Everyone told me to be patient. I would tell them to let me shave them bald and see how patient they were!! I am about 18 months from my last chemo, and I am finally getting to be able to deal with my hair. I hope the frizz leaves at some point and I get my "normal" hair back.
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nodapearl...hahahahaha I hear ya, I hate when people tell me to be patient and just be happy with what I have, I was happy with what I had before...I miss my long beautiful healthy hair. People just DON'T get it do they
Irr4993- I have coloured my hair a couple times because I do have some grey in there, but it mostly is coming back the colour it was which was dark brown with the occasional grey roots.
dutchgirl6-your hair looks good, I also wonder if the tamox and the hercceptin is slowing my growth, can't wait to be done the herceptin to see if it starts coming in any faster.
MBJ- where can I find that Marc Anthony straightener? I'll give it a try...anything at this point.
I'm going back to work Jan 10th and I'm SO worried about my hair, not everyone at my work knows why I was off and was hoping to go back with what looks like a short hair cut, not 'regrowth' hahaha oh well
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Ladym and Dutchgirl - you both look great. I would ditch my wig if I had hair that length. My wig - which was very expensive and comfortable - is feeling loose and not staying on tightly, and I don't take time to style it, so it's looking very "wiggy". I am 3 months post-chemo and have less than an inch of growth. Plus it's very gray - I am going to color it next week. Love the photos ladies, thanks.
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Where do you buy the clip in extensions?
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Need some encouragement. Had a bi-lateral in April, 4 rounds dose dense of cytoxan/taxotere which I finished in August of this year, had oophrectomy in September, started Arimidex in October, sooo ready to get 2010 behind me
. My hair is (finally) growing back. Slow but it's growing back, have close to an inch, seems to be growing back dense or denser everywhere but the front center portion of my scalp closest to my forehead, it's really fine and you can see my scalp. Just wondering if anyone else experienced this and did you have success with more hair growth or it being denser later. Not using any rogaine. I did try tea tree shampoo the other day, made the scalp feel great but it's not used for hair growth as far as I know. Would appreciate experiences.
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I haven't experienced this myself but I was just looking at older posts in this thread today and there were a few woman with the same issue. Their hair came in nice and thick eventually and I'm sure yours will too.