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Hair Hair Hair - Another question



  • alison34
    alison34 Posts: 36
    edited May 2011

    kacey you have reaaly good coverage now and will have a full head of hair before you know it - you look great

  • DeeBee
    DeeBee Posts: 6
    edited May 2011

    Can someone please tell me where to find the info on "NIoxin" - is it a shampoo or a supplement?  are you using it during chemo or one chemo is over?  ETC.  Just not clear from comments here what it is or when/how it is used. Thanks.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Posts: 1,477
    edited May 2011
    DeeBee Nioxin is a 3 part system for thinning hair but a lot of women use it after chemo to stimulate growth. I had good growth and I used it. It's a shampoo, conditioner and a leave in scalp treatment. When i first started it my head and any place the scalp treatment dripped turned red and then it stopped after a while. I got mine at beauty brands. I would not use it during chemo it might be too harsh on your head, plus it probably won't grow any hair if your still getting infusions.
  • slcst12
    slcst12 Posts: 73
    edited May 2011

    Casey those photos look great! Love your gorgeous blue eyes!

    I'll be 4 wks PFC tomorrow (I had dd A/C and Taxol) and I think (maybe?) there might be some creepy white (like all white) fuzz sprouting up, but it's hard to tell.
    I'm going to have to take Carrol's advice and start taking pictures!
    I never thought I'd be so anxious for this...but I check multiple times a day!

  • slcst12
    slcst12 Posts: 73
    edited May 2011
    Oh and I thought this morning that I might need to shave my legs...but it turns out it was just goose bumps. Go figure Tongue out
  • Unknown
    edited May 2011

    Alison, I like your hair!  But I have always been partial to short hair, of course I am old (61) and think unless you pull it up or do something with it when it is long, it just drags an old face down and since gravity is already doing that, don't need to add insult to injury.  And Kaseysmom,  It is growing!   I think the Nioxin works..used it during chemo the time I lost my hair....yesterday one of the gals I work with brought me in a kit with the cleanser (that is what it said, not shampoo) rinse and scalp spray.  Her daughter goes to beauty school so she could get it somewhere at a discount.  My hair is thinning out this time, not as fast as before, but when I reach up there and test it, about 10 hairs come out at a time.  Everyone says, Stop doing that, but I just can't help myself.  Sort of like the way I could not keep from petting my head when it was coming in and at that soft fur stage.  Today will be treatment #3.  So far no loss of eyelashes or brows, but my eyebrows never did come back to what they were before I lost them the last time....which is sort of good because now I don't have to pluck them.  I have decided I am going to start wearing mascara just for the heck of it....I have not for years and years, but think I may as well show my lashes off while I have that silly?  Re the facial hair, I had to laugh.  Yes, that is all part of the regrowth, but it will go away....I found if I pulled on it, I could actually pull it off and eventually it just went away.  Thank goodness it was light. I have a good friend who went through all this just this past year and I remember her calling me up and saying, Good Lord,  I am growing a beard and I just burst out laughing because I had forgotten all about that part, but I reassured her it would not be permanent.  My underarm hair never did grow back and it is pretty sparse on my legs and the parts unknown, well, not much there either.  Maybe this all has to do with age, but I can't say I miss it. 

    Anyway, hang in there all of you.  It's no fun, but I am hoping the fact it is killing hair follicles, means it is killing the cancer.  With my last two chemos I did not lose any hair and also they did not work.  They tell me there is no proven correlation with this, but it makes me wonder.  You will be surprised at how fast it comes back...I know it was gone in the summer and then by fall, I had hair, not a lot, but enough I was not wearing a wig all the time and by Dec. I went to the office Xmas party with my "new" hair and had given up wearing a wig at all and was getting lots of compliments. 

    Uh oh, just gave it a tug, and I would say more like 15 hairs are coming out now.  Am almost afraid to wash it today. 

    Hopeful, Did anyone tell you how to post pics?  You need to move the ones you want to post to photobucket to get started. Then you can copy and paste a pic.  It took me a long time, but if I can do it, anyone can.   

    Have a good day everyone.   Marybe

  • christine47
    christine47 Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    slcst12,  still waiting for hair here too.  I do think I have some baby hair on my legs, nothing on the head.

    Marybe, YOU are not old!  I too like shorter hair (I am 47), hey at this point I like any hair, hope your chemo goes well today.

  • marjie
    marjie Posts: 365
    edited May 2011

    Kasey - oh my gosh! Your eyes just pop right out of the picture - beautiful!! Your hair looks great and it's coming in nice and even which often it doesn't.  I know what you mean about the eyebrows and lashes...I lost mine at the end right when I thought I would keep them.

    Tracie - you're so beautiful, hair or no hair...time to go topless Wink

    Lago - I am also noticing some face fuzz, but nothing too drastic (so far).

  • tracie23
    tracie23 Posts: 214
    edited May 2011

    My girlfriends and I had a conversation today about hair every where.... should you shave it , Nair it.... it got very graphic but it was so funny.  Marjie I still feel so manly with my hair especially when I wake up and it is smashed on my head (like my dad's) LOL

  • marjie
    marjie Posts: 365
    edited May 2011

    I hear ya' Tracie....little more hair would be nice.  Sometimes I'm out doing something and catching my reflection in a mirror or a window sometimes makes me feel sad, because I think I actually forgot for a minute.

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Posts: 1,477
    edited May 2011
    marjie i know what you mean, i keep doing like an air hair toss. very odd
  • thegood5
    thegood5 Posts: 284
    edited May 2011

    "air sweeping" the hair off my neck and sad when I see my shadow...

  • moe0279
    moe0279 Posts: 100
    edited May 2011

    Ladies is it normal to have some peach fuzz 2 weeks and a day after last dd AC?? I love everyones picts....I can't wait to have some hair..I love reading this thread!!! gives me hope!

  • marjie
    marjie Posts: 365
    edited May 2011

    moe0279 Define Normal!!!

    My hair started to make a reappearance during the second half of my chemo when I was only on taxotere.

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2011

    Moe I love your photo. You looks fabulous without hair. Can't answer you question regarding the dd AC.

    To be honest I'm pretty comfortable with my hair length right now. I mean Yes it can get a bit longer in the front but it does bother me. What does bother me is the color fades much faster now. I think I'm going to have to process for 3 hours next time to get this stuff to stick Tongue out

    (My onc saw me in the hall yesterday for the first time without scarf. I think she took a double take then realised who I was… then said I looked "lovely". Hope she likes the cookies I dropped off today. Smile)

  • bucky317
    bucky317 Posts: 178
    edited May 2011

    Kasey you look fantastic!! and your skin looks great too!!! Unfortunately the steroids have caused me to have major pimples!!! not a good look as a teenager and not now either!!  ha ha

    My hair is just starting to fall out now (ugh!!)  and I have a question.

    What did you use to wash your hairless head? Regular shampoo?

  • marjie
    marjie Posts: 365
    edited May 2011
    Bucky317 - I was told to keep using your regular shampoo, but to be honest, I just used my sensitive skin Dove body soap.  Make sure you moisturize - your head gets dry!
  • christine47
    christine47 Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    Lago, sounds like bribery for compliments, seriously you do look great!

    bucky317, I washed with sampoo most of the time, but just alittle, more habit than anything.  Occasionally used my DH's Head and Shoulders as it is good for scalp.  I remember using it on my son when he had craddle cap as a baby (pediatrician suggested it)

    I had acne my first 2 rounds of chemo, then my skin seemed to get quite clear, now that I am done with chemo  i notice some mild acne again, maybe change of hormones, so not fair. 

  • Char2010
    Char2010 Posts: 362
    edited May 2011

    Lago - You are so sweet baking cookies for your doctor.  Mine don't get anything but "whining" from me :-)

  • Carrol2
    Carrol2 Posts: 1,477
    edited May 2011

    Lago I agree awfully nice to bring the docs cookies. MIne just get questions, especially after i read these boards.

    Bucky317 i used a shampoo that I got locally designed for chemo patients called Brian Joseph's. My scalp was very healthy and never got dry. I think you can buy it online. I was just there with my good friend from these boards SherriBell and they gave her a sample when she bought her wig there.

  • TifJ
    TifJ Posts: 804
    edited May 2011
    bucky- I used Johnson's Baby Wash on my head! I actually had clearer skin while on chemo, now 21 weeks out and I look like a pimply teenager. Looks really great when I'm all flushed from a hot flash!! LOL!
  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited May 2011

    Cookies were for the nurses too. They all work so hard

  • avalin2401
    avalin2401 Posts: 2
    edited May 2011

    Well everyone I am 1 year out from last chemo and very happy to be here! Hair came back short and curly and I've kept it that way.  Question for everyone... my eyebrows stayed put throughout the entire chemo and for about 6 months afterwards.  Then they fell out quickly and have not reappeared!

    Has anyone done permanent eyebrows (pretty much a tatoo)?  Any side effects and are you happy?

    Take care and lots of love....

  • ladym13
    ladym13 Posts: 107
    edited May 2011

    OMG Ali your hair looks awesome...I miss you we need to catch up soon:)

    Here is a pic of my hair about 10 months post chemo (with my new kitty)

  • hopeful34
    hopeful34 Posts: 522
    edited May 2011

    ladym- WOW!  Your hair looks great.  It seems really long for ten months.  I hope mine is that long by then.  I am 6 mos. post chemo and it's decent length. 

  • hopeful34
    hopeful34 Posts: 522
    edited May 2011

  • hopeful34
    hopeful34 Posts: 522
    edited May 2011
    " mce_sPhotobucketrc="" alt="" border="" hspace="" vspace="" width="" height="" align="" />[IMG][/IMG]
  • hopeful34
    hopeful34 Posts: 522
    edited May 2011
  • hopeful34
    hopeful34 Posts: 522
    edited May 2011

    The above pics are 6 mos post chemo.  Sorry for the size.  I tried to resize the pics and I ended up with a really long face.  Oh least I got a picture posted.  Even if I do look like I have Jay Leno's chin now.  (- :

  • saralmom
    saralmom Posts: 216
    edited May 2011

    ladym and allison - you both look beautiful!  OMG I can't wait to have bangs as long as yours ladym!