Hair Hair Hair - Another question
My last chemo was in mid June of this past year (2013). I've had one hair cut and now have about 3 1/2". I've always had really long hair, so the short pixie style is still something I'm trying to get used to. It seems like it takes forever to grow especially in the beginning when you just want hair SO bad but when it starts, it fills in pretty quickly. I've just started using a flat iron on it some now that it's just long enough that I won't burn my hands. I love my flat iron, oh how I missed it! I too have bald pics and took them all along the way as my hair fell out and started growing back. When I look back on them, I feel so very grateful for making it through and it makes me realize how strong I was/am. You all are too, it's hard to go through what we have all gone through but we've done it and still are doing it! Hang in there, I'll keep being patient too!
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lw0919: you look amazing and I am so glad you shared. I needed your words of encouragement. Waiting for my hair grow is like watching paint dry. I started a new multivitamin that promotes hair and nail health. Keep fingers crossed.....Hubby just got back from the pharmacy with my Latisse! I am starting tonight and will dream of my eyelashes to come.
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LW0919, your hair is beautiful! I am so happy for you. I have hair-envy
I finished chemo (TC) on June 20th and my hair is at least 3 months behind yours. Thanks for sharing. And, keep up the good progress! ~Jumpy
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jumpy - I had my last chemo a month before your last treatment. My hair looks a lot like yours. I have hair envy too! So frustrating.
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LW you look fantastic! You are a month ahead of me and about an inch ahead in length. Lucky you! Can I ask if it came back that color? Mine is white and grey and I'm wondering about coloring it again. Not quite sure what to do. Also, it's a little out of control and I know I should probably have it shaped but I'm so scared to have any of it cut at this point. It seems like it has taken so long to get here.
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Your hair is AMAZING! I am so jealous! I am two months behind you and my hair is nowhere near that long! Are you using something on it?
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lw - your hair looks great!
So funny about the hair envy comments because I too have hair envy and find myself staring at everyone's hair wherever I go.
Girl strong- you will love the latisse. It has done wonders for my lashes and makes me feel more normal again and it makes up for my lack of head hair. Just try to keep application to your lashes only to minimize possible irritation and darkening of skin and iris.
Jumpy- there was definite progress in your scalp coverage! You will be out of your wig in no time.
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lw - looking good!
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Donnabella, I was also fearful of getting a trim since my hair was still so short. I got my first trim last week...6 months pfc and I am really glad. Not only does my hair have shape, but the whirly curls are tamed and the white ends are gone so my hair color looks more normal. My hair looks and feels thicker too. Good luck!
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So I have to ask if any of you gals have put a full head of extensions in your growinig hair. I am thinking of doing this and have reasearched it a little but wanted to get first hand info from anyone who has gond this route. Any info is appreciated0 -
Wow! a lot of stuff!
Candi07: thanks for the info. I understand that 7 weeks is still very early in the hair growth game. Everyone is rooting for you...go follicles!
LW0919 GORGEOUS! I was a long haired girl before chemo too; I did get a pixie before treatment, and I did like it...figured I should get used to it since it was the best I could hope for for a while. And on Taxotere too? Amazing!
Hi Girlstrong! Are you doing Hair, Skin and Nails? About the extensions...I have thought about doing them too, I don't have any info, beyond that you should have 4" of hair before you start. I have been looking at the clip on ones in the beauty stores; if I buy a set you can bet I will be playing with them as soon as they stay in my hair. The professionally installed ones seem so expense and time consuming that I'm not sure. Please post what you find out. Oh, and with Latisse, my MO won't write me a script because there's supposedly a lymphoma risk with it...I'm NOT trying to scare you, just a heads-up....of course, I'm on chemo so maybe when I'm done, if I need it, I will ask again.
Donnabelle, LizA and Jumpy...keep on hanging in there, taking vitamins, scalp massaging, etc. Your hair will come back!
And, just repeating the invitation...Friend me on Facebook where I post my weekly hair progress. PM me here and I'll add you to my list.
Yours, Michelle
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Add me to the hair envy list. I haven't minded being bald, but it is getting a little old. Won't be done with Taxol until early March so I have a long wait. Onc nurses told me that hair may start coming back on Taxol. First thing that happened was my eyebrows fell out. But I do detect some hair growth -- the 5 damn hairs on my chin are coming back! Grrrr.
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Mely & GirlStrong: I used Latisse for 8 months on my lashes AND brows. Two of my docs approved using on brows too.
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Thanks everyone! I'm still a little self conscious about my hair so y'all have made my day! I have been taking biotin every day. I figured it couldn't hurt and maybe it has helped? It didn't come back in the color that was in the pic, it came back almost completely white. I colored it as soon as I had enough to cover my scalp, it only took a squirt of coloring and about 30 seconds to cover it all! I've just started using a bottled keratin treatment after every other wash too. Before chemo, I had laser hair removal on my face and bikini area and after chemo was over all of that hair started coming back too! It's back to plucking and shaving. You take the good with the bad I guess! I'm always looking at others people hair too. The worst is when people complain about how their hair looks as they are running their hands through their long luxorious mane of hair, I still have to bite my tongue!
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thanks MsP! Maybe I will screw up my courage and get a trim this weekend!
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LW0919 - you have an amazing amount of hair for being finished with chemo in mid-June!
I finished in mid-April and I'm not even close to you in length. I finished Herceptin December 5 and I think it might be growing a bit faster now.
I had a dark shadow of hair a few days after finishing treatment on April 17 but I think the end of chemo must have coincided with a hair-growth spurt (I've read there are resting phases, growing phases, etc.). Your skin looks beautiful as well!
I took Biotin throughout chemo (my MO was okay with it). I stopped taking it during radiation and then started back up again after finishing radiation. I think it may have helped with the hair growth but my nails are still a mess from Herceptin. And my tongue. Ugh. I wonder if it will ever be the same again but I'm thankful for the fact the drug was developed and I was able to be on it. A little tongue discomfort is nothing compared to everything else that our bodies go through during the course of all this.0 -
LeeA it isn't the Herceptin that ruined your nails it's Taxotere. Mine are permanently ruined… including toes. They got much worse after chemo ended but I know it wasn't the Herceptin. I have been on Biotin since 2005, even through chemo. When I saw the dermatologist she was pleased to see I was taking it. She did try some stuff that flattened them a little. My nails are still thick, brittle, vertical ridges on some and slightly yellowish. Not the end of the world but I used to have such nice nails.
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This one was a little under a year out.... It was NEVER curly before. It's starting to straighten now and it's making it a bit unruly. Only had one trim to even it out after about 4 months of growth.
Now I'm 15 months out.
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Gorgeous hair, juneau0 -
Hi Warrior70: yes I am using Hair,skin and Nails by Natures Bounty. I found it n the vitamin section at Target. I also looked into the Lymphoma and Latisse connection and couldn't find anything about carcinogenic risk. If anyone is interested, I've attached the FDA info on Latisse. My MO also wouldn't give Latisse during chemo but now that I'm done, she agreed. She said I was the first patient if hers to get it. I must have looked desperate. LOL!! I a also using a product on my nails by Essie. My nails are in sad shoe and I am desperately trying to 'save"them.
Jueaubugg: you look absolutely fabulous. You dark wavy hair is great. I am now 6 weeksPFC and waiting for my hair to grow is a painfully slow process. I'll get ther...inch by inch:)
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Hi, has anyone tried Finasteride (brand name Propecia)? I have a friend from grad-school who is a dermatologist down in FL. I finally called him today and he suggested 1mg of finasteride and explained its mechanics. From my own research I had wondered about this Rx. The issue is not having elevated androgens (I don't), but the balance, or ratio, of estrogens and androgens. For some women Tamoxifen can also block the estrogen on the hair follicle receptors causing hair loss. I'd appreciate hearing about others' experience. Thanks, Jumpy.
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Finasteride is not covered by insurance. I would check with your onc if it's safe for you to use. It is not yet approved by FDA for women but it still can prescribed according to the source below. Also:
"Side effects. Few adverse reactions have been noted in women
receiving finasteride. Increased body hair, sweating and hot flashes,
and headaches were reported during clinical studies of women receiving
finasteride, but those effects were also noted in women not receiving
the medication. (See here for a list of side effects reported in men.)
Liver concerns. Finasteride should be used with caution by people
with liver abnormalities because the drug is extensively metabolized in
the organ."Bottom line. Finasteride has been used to treat female pattern
hair loss and is reported to be effective for some women, but to date
there is no good evidence from well-designed clinical trials to support
its use for that purpose. Our advice: If you're a woman with thinning
hair or significant hair loss, talk with your doctor about a referral to
a specialist to look for underlying causes and approved treatments,
such as minoxidil (Rogaine and generic). Finasteride probably plays
little or no role in reversing hair loss in women with normal or low
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Thanks, lago. I saw the CR review. And, I've already contacted my onc via email. There is a more recent academic article that offers more good news. The problem seems to be the dosing. Trials have ranged from 1mg - 5mg. And, female alopecia seems to be more complex then men's. As the Duke derm notes in the CR article, some women have sensitivity to (normal) androgen levels at the cellular level. This is what my friend the derm was saying. Before Tamoxifen there was enough estrogen to overpower the androgens on my follicle's receptors. The only way to know is to try it. Also, a generic is available now.
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Jumpy that's great. I may have to look into this. My hairline was receding prior to diagnosis (perimenopaus) I use Minoxidil that has slowed it down but the Anastrozole is not helping. So far not too noticeable but in time it could be a problem. Otherwise my hair isn't thinning from what I see. I've always had pretty thick hair
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GIRLSTRONG, I did a full head of hair extensions at about 8 months post chemo. I am very happy I did them but even at 8 months it took alot of patience to do it so it blended since the extensions have to be so high up in the head and you end up with a mullet look for a while. I now have them in 2 1/2 months and I love them, hair is blending nicely now. Pm me with any other questions, I'd be happy to answer!
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warrior and girl strong - the latisse and lymphoma connection was the first time I heard it so I had to look it up.
I am familiar with latisse (bimatoprost) because it is actually a glaucoma eye drop just renamed and repackaged and I am in eye care. Bimatoprost is a form of a prostaglandin and prostaglandins have been used years in glaucoma treatment. I did a search of prostaglandins and lymphoma and found this article.
It basically states that there are connections between elevated prostaglandins and lymphoma cells. So the onc would be concerned about increasing your risk for lymphoma when certain chemo itself increases your risk for lymphoma already. Though I would think the risk would be pretty low since it is topically applied, think they wouldn't want to add any extra risk while you are on chemo.
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Juneau: Your hair looks great!
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I'm done with taxol today! Here's my hair growth to date.
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My hair is starting to grow! Teeny tiny fuzz. But I didn't lose all my hair - there have always been a couple of patches of stubble. Will the stubble patches grow with the old texture? Will I have a mish-mash of different kinds of hair?
Actually, I'm not sure how I feel about the regrowth. Bald is the epitome of low maintenance and I've never liked futzing with my hair. Hmmmm.
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MaryFox, I'm with you...I never liked futzing with my hair either! I always kept it short, although just before chemo I was wearing it in a slightly longer style that required more maintenance. I always preferred wash 'n wear. I have enjoyed the no maintenance hairless deal......real quick shower and done! But my regrowth is starting to come in, more on the sides and back, less on top. To me the hair growth is visual evidence that there is a "return to life".....a regrowth/regeneration of sorts. I think my hubby sees it the same way. Biggest problem right' so ITCHY! I can't wait to get home from work every night and take my "hair" off!