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Hair Hair Hair - Another question



  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,481
    edited February 2014

    lago - lol.  I just corrected my MD Anderson med record today and was worried I'd have to do it again.  You'd think they could just print it on the bottle for metric dummies like me.

    My new PCP seems to think the answer to nail problems is TEA TREE Oil.  She said it would soften my nails.  She's testing my blood for Zinc levels due to brittle nails.  She also recommended Lamisil for any 'loose' nails to make sure no fungus grows.  Since I'm trying to get them harder & less brittle (not softer), I've started using Healthy Hoof.  I expect the Herceptin will keep them in transition.  I'm still losing the nails on both big toes.  And the 3rd fingernail on my left hand may still come off.  

    But I have very dark hair growing on the top of my head - used to be light brown & grey.  After 1st chemo it came in mostly grey.  I lost it again w/2nd chemo which ended 12/11.  I had January off but started Herceptin again in February.  Unlike many who have posted, I seem to have a lot more hair on top than on the sides.  Weird.  I'll be wearing hats for awhile since I'm always cold.  No underarm hair to speak of.  Sparse, fine,straight public hair - totally different.  Not much hair on my legs but what's there is 1/2 - 3/4" long.  Unfortunately most of the chin & mustache hairs that I spent years getting removed w/electrolysis seem to be growing back. 

  • lago
    lago Posts: 11,653
    edited February 2014

    MinusTwo my brown with some gray hair came back black and grey (eyebrows were darker too) and the texture was different. The hair shafts were actually thinner. About a year later my hair started back to it's normal texture. Eyebrows are correct color too. I think I have about 3-5 hairs under each underarm and my legs are not as hairy. Granted I did go through chemopause. I was told after menopause those hairy places aren't as hairy as before.

  • jumpy
    jumpy Posts: 38
    edited February 2014

    Karina51--the difference in laser combs has to do with how long the session is. I thing the range is from 8 minutes 3 x/week (most expensive ~$500) to about 15 minutes also 3x/week. The evidence for minoxidil is stronger than for the laser combs. Have you seen a dermatologist? Your description of your brows and lashes sound like you might have a Taxotere issue. Some women have tried Latisse on their brows and lashes. And, I think some have had tattooed brows (permanent make up).

    I know what you mean about stabbing your eye due to the short lashes! I just gave up on mascara unless it is a special occasion...I'm ust not that coordinated!

    Take care, ~Jumpy

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,481
    edited February 2014

    Edited previous post to correct oil that PCP recommended for nails.  It's Tea Tree Oil.

  • belleeast
    belleeast Posts: 96
    edited February 2014

    Karina,someone on one of the threads on this site recommended taking prenatal vitamins,said it helped her hair! I am 60 yrs,felt kinda weird buying them! Lol 

    My eyebrows are almost nonexistent,lashes are short... I poke myself in my eye if I'm not real careful!!

    I can feel short stubbies all over my head under my hair. I am hoping they grow and fill in.

    The bottle of biotin I have says recommended dosage is 1 pill (5000 mcg) once or twice a day with a meal. 

  • annika12
    annika12 Posts: 92
    edited February 2014

    I heard so much about chemo curls , beautiful pictures of curly hair !! I'm lucky my hair IS growing like crazy but it is straight as straight can get !! Does the curls come later?? Its about 2 inches everywhere but the front that is about an inch and a half. Started super light....turned skunk look with dark grey on the sides now it seam to get really dark.....I have always been blond (long to my waist except when I cut to donate to my shoulders) But I'm so glad to gave bad hair days much better then no hairdays !! 

  • crazyride43
    crazyride43 Posts: 42
    edited February 2014

    Minus two, I used tea tree oil on my nails every night during chemo and for a few months afterwards.  Just painted it around each cuticle with a q-tip.  It smells pretty awful, but my hubby got used to it and so did I!  I also slathered on the healthy hoof lotion.  I did have a few black lines and my nails ached during Taxol, but I never lost one or had any lifting or fungus.  I also iced my finger and toe nails (as much as I could stand!) during Taxol infusions, and always had on nail hardening polish.  I still take biotin, and my hair and nails have never been more healthy.  Not sure what combo of oil/lotion/icing/polish/biotin saved my nails, but I am super happy that they are in good shape.  Cancer treatments sure do take a lot out of us, so it's nice to have these small victories wherever we can get them!

  • Mely19
    Mely19 Posts: 66
    edited February 2014

    hey jumpy, my hair is similar to yours. 

    The hair I have grows but there just isn't enough to have full scalp coverage. My hair is shedding like crazy since starting minoxidil so I hope it will work. It's only been 1.5 months and I haven't noticed any difference yet. I'm already on biotin and started using the OTC nizoral a month ago as well. This month is 1 year PFC. Sigh.  Hoping to have more coverage by summer.

  • jumpy
    jumpy Posts: 38
    edited February 2014

    Hi, Mely19, I was told that it can take 6 months before you can see the effects of Minoxidil. Hang in there. I getting pretty frustrated. I've been using minoxidil for 3.25 months now and I'm still VERY thin on top. I know my hair is longer, but I'm not sure that there is any more density. But, I am considering going "topless" to work next week because I can't stand the wig any longer. I just don't want to appear unprofessional. Good luck. ~Jumpy

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,481
    edited February 2014

    Crazyride - does the tea tree oil & the healthy hoof work through the nail hardening polish?  I've been leaving off the polish since I wasn't sure.

  • Mely19
    Mely19 Posts: 66
    edited February 2014

    jumpy, good luck going "topless"!

    I went topless in the summertime when my hair was even thinner than it is now.  Most people who knewi had bc were very supportive. You get a lot of surprised looks in the beginning because you look so different. But after a while you get use to it but I was still VERY self conscious about my hair. I got a lot of  people not recognizing me And even a few comments or questions bout why I cut my hair from those who didn't know. I see a lot of people on an annual basis at work so many don't know and I wasn't prepared for some of the comments but now I've learned to navigate around it. Now I just tell them it's easier to manage and leave it at that.  When I'm not at work, I still tend to wear hats frequently and people can't tell how sparse my hair really is so I look normal.

    It is liberating though to finally get rid of the wig. Good luck and I'll be thinking bout you!

  • MaryFox
    MaryFox Posts: 88
    edited February 2014

    My newly grown fuzz is white so it is hard to see, but it is now obvious enough that people I see regularly have begun to notice. Had Taxol #12 today.  On to Rads.

  • jojo2373
    jojo2373 Posts: 60
    edited March 2014


    keep the faith!  Feb 2013 to Feb 2014, 

  • girlstrong
    girlstrong Posts: 299
    edited March 2014 look marvelous!!!! I love your hair!!!!! Right now my hair is embarrassingly short, too short to rock a pixie and so I'm still in wearing the wig. Patience, I'll get there. You pic gives me hope :) 

  • Annie54
    Annie54 Posts: 39
    edited March 2014

    Wow jojo- I'm 6 months out from chemo and while I have about 2 inches of hair - it is poking up in all directions and just looks crazy! Your picture reminds me I won't have to wait too terribly long for normal hair.......and I want the exact same hairdo as you! Thanks for posting.....

  • Ashira
    Ashira Posts: 15
    edited March 2014

    JoJo, thank you thank you thank you, for your posting. Most grateful. 


  • slv58
    slv58 Posts: 486
    edited March 2014

    jojo, you look gorgeous! I think your going to see a lot of us with the same hairstyle because I want that also! If my hair decides to start growing again...seems to stopped but this may be because of my thyroid problems.

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Posts: 278
    edited March 2014

    Jojo, thanks so much for the encouragement!

  • Septmom
    Septmom Posts: 87
    edited March 2014


    Your hair looks amazing! Thanks so much for sharing! I am week 8 of taxol and I keep looking for fuzz. I may be seeing a little.  Maybe I am just fishing to see it. But feel so discouraged. Your post gives me hope. I love your hairstyle! I have always had real long hair all my life. I could totally wear my hair in your hairstyle. Will take me a while. I don't finish taxol until April 4th.

    Did you use biotin? 

  • jojo2373
    jojo2373 Posts: 60
    edited March 2014

    Yes, i started taking biotin after chemo was done and continue today.  I think it really helped my hair growth! I have only had the ends trimmed and color.  My hair came back grey and put color on as soon as i had enough.  There were lots of frustrating days, but why i posted to hang in there!  Good days are ahead for you!

  • Septmom
    Septmom Posts: 87
    edited March 2014

    Thanks Jojo for giving us encouragement. What dose biotin do you take? I plan on starting as soon as I finish with chemo. Thanks!

  • jojo2373
    jojo2373 Posts: 60
    edited March 2014

    Septmom, we had the same chemo and surgery.  I take 2500 mg daily.

  • Septmom
    Septmom Posts: 87
    edited March 2014

    Thanks Jojo! I sure hope my hair grows nicely as yours. I am sure mine will come out grey too. Before BC my hair used to grow quite fast. Let's see how it grows after chemo. But your hair photo really gives me hope. Thanks!

  • timbek2
    timbek2 Posts: 64
    edited March 2014

    this was me at my last chemo 1/31/13 and then a year later!  Today I am at the gym several days a week and running around like a crazy mom of 3 again. I also take biotin I purchase at Costco specifically for hair n nails. The hair started as white fuzz then came in dark my natural color. Just wanted to encourage everyone that more hair is in your future!!  Hugs n strength!


  • GwennyMD
    GwennyMD Posts: 68
    edited March 2014

    Jojo and Timbekl2 - you both look great.  I am 6 months pfc. I plan to celebrate by changing the color of my 2.5 inch uncontrollable grey mop

  • Septmom
    Septmom Posts: 87
    edited March 2014

    Thanks Timbek2  for all posting your hair pics! Your hair looks lovely! I too want my active mom life back. So happy to know that I can eventually get my energy back and have somewhat of a normal life after all this. Right now I feel like an old woman and I am still fairly a young 44 year old who loves to work out and be a very involved mom . I have had to cut down on my sons activities . It breaks my heart. Hope next year is better. Thanks for all the encouragementt!

  • jojo2373
    jojo2373 Posts: 60
    edited March 2014

    Timbek and i were part of Sept 2012 chemo thread here on BCO.  We have a group on FB now and continue to support each other.  Hair is one of the biggest challenges we dealt with for sure.

  • iamnancy
    iamnancy Posts: 641
    edited March 2014

    timbek2 - awesome!

  • timbek2
    timbek2 Posts: 64
    edited March 2014


    This pic shows me prior to having surgery/chemo/rads and then the second one is about 5 months after finishing chemo. Since it was summer I ditched the wig early. My husband encouraged me and said nobody knows what you've been through. It's so true!  My hair is very curly now and I have to straighten it. It wasn't before. I'm so sorry Septmom and every other woman who has to take this path!  But I am thankful to be here to reach out to others and celebrate each day that I get. There is hope!  Hang in there. :)

  • RhodyMMM
    RhodyMMM Posts: 278
    edited March 2014

    Timbek2, you look great! I love the short "do" on you! Your husband is one knows what we have been through. I see the hair regrowth as a sign of strength and perseverance. The chemo was brutal, I just finished on Friday. Never thought I would make it, had to work the whole time. I think I plan to stay short for a while when it gets to that point, although I have always had short hair. My hair was the longest in years before I lost it. Just long enough to tuck behind my not long for many! Everyone tells me to style my hair like my wig, which is highlighted and a little longer on top than my usual, but we will see. I can't wait to go au naturel again (which I do at home now...). But I must admit that I am loving the no maintenance aspect........

    Here's to all you gorgeous ladies out there.......your hair (or lack thereof) is a true badge of courage and honor. And I think we all give a knowing look to other women when we see the "do." We all know what it means!
