Hair Hair Hair - Another question
Rhody - I don't wear wigs, but I do now have some minor itching. I've been thinking of letting it grow for a year - to the day I shaved it off - just to see what a year's worth of growth looks like. The challenge there would be whether I could deal with it over the summer with Florida's heat and humidity. We'll see. I've mostly worn it short in wash and wear styles in the past decade or two. Used to futz with it a lot when I was younger, but I got over that. I'm sure it will be quite a while until I have to make a decision about it.
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lookin good warrior!
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Wow, warrior, where'd you get all that hair just finishing taxol? Fantastic!
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Thanks guys! I can't wait to ditch the wig; I feel fortunate to have so much so soon!
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Warrior: It will start growing like a weed before you know it.
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Evening, sisters! A hearty congrats to all of you who are moving into this stage of your hair coming back! When I went through that, it felt like a new beginning. I'm about 2.5 years out from chemo, but still remember it all vividly. And my eyelashes are still on a weird growth cycle.
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Thanks. Marthah! I actually like the texture of my soft!
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Warrior - I'm 2 yrs out from chemo but I vividly remember that fuzz! I couldn't resist running my hands over it! It felt so good!
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Me, too. I'm constantly touching my fuzzy head. I'm afraid I'll wear it off!
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Janetanned, I leave on my wig just so I won't be feel in' up the fuzz all day. No kidding! And Mary Fox, I love your signature line...I LOVE Tolkien and I've thought of getting the whole first verse of that poem as a tattoo.
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marthat, thanks for the precision on your eyelashes. Mine have been acting strange also, and I'm one year PFC (3 months post Herceptin) So I guess it's normal! If you look at babies, they have the same progress: first, the hair, then, after a good while, some eyebrows appear, and eyelashes begin to densify.
I can't wait to get out make-up free. I still fill the small holes in my patchy eyebrows. I wanna be natural!!!!
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oh my just make my day with this picture. I finished my last chemo on January 16 and am having a bilateral mx on Tuesday....emotions are very high right now. I'm starting to get the "peach fuzz" and am taking weekly pictures to track the growth, but not much difference obviously in 4 weeks we have a wedding coming up in July and I keep wondering what kind of hair I'll have....this gives me a glimmer of hope that I can ditch this wig. Very itchy right now and looking forward to not wearing my wig during my recovery. I did go to the grocery yesterday in a step at a time....
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LW0919. My post was directed at your picture....I didn't see you "before" but love your sassy pixie! Its adorable on you.
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Fun feeling?
"I've just washed my hair & can't do a thing with it", all 2mm of fuzz
I'm just over 2 months from my last chemo. The oncologist said to expect this to take a good 6 months. My eyebrows, which had stayed the course, have disappeared over the last fortnight, just as all my other hair has started reappearing. My legs already look like I haven't waxed all winter . Murphy's Law coming into action there!
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If you're eyebrows are just now falling out it means the new ones are growing in and pushing them out. Watch for that 5 o'clock shadow on your eyebrows. I went topless at 12 weeks (4.29.2011) and it was still pretty short. Dates are in the lower corner: linky
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Lago, I agree with you about new lashes pushing out the old. My lashes fell out and within a week later I saw the new set coming in. It took my eyebrows about two weeks but they grew in nicely. I too love feeling the hair fuzz.
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Lago: I definitely have the 5 o'clock shadow on my eyebrows , glad you mentioned that! So happy but it is still sooo weird to experience. Are eyelashes the last to come in? So far I have minimal (at best) growth for those little guys.
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eyelashes don't grow as fast as eyebrows but they will eventually come in.
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thanks Lago
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Girlstrong: the eyelashes also take some time lengthening. I first had short eyelashes, and very gradually they grew longer and thicker.
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Two years out and my eyelashes are still going through cycles of growth. They haven't all fallen out at the same time again since they grew back, but I sometimes notice when I'm applying mascara that I only have a few full length eyelashes (after feeling they all looked lush and great just a few weeks before). It's not noticeable to anyone but me, but interesting how our bodies cope and re-group after all these treatments!
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I'm like you crazyride43, people don't see a difference now but I do: still some "holes" are visible on close examination, and some eyelashes still have a hard time lengthening. All in all, I think it will take a while before they all come out "normally". The bad part is over when you are the only one noticing something.:-)
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crazyride43 I notice the same thing especially on the left eye lashes. Seems sometimes they look great and at other times they are thinner. I'm just assuming that not all my lashes are growing back due to Anastrozole, they haven't fully cycled back into random fall out since chemo even though it's been just over 3 years PFC.
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Hello ladies - I've been seeing a lady who is in a nursing home. She had chemo ending last fall. Her hair is coming in slowly but she still wants to cover up. She is a total OKC Thunder fan, so I want to get her a cap or hat that has the wig hair that peeks out. Any suggestions on where to get the hair part? Thanks so much!
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crazyride, same here; the eyelashes are still going through these oddball cycles. Not overly noticible to others, fortunately. My PFC was Dec 2012.
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Farmerlucy try here:
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Thanks Iago!
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Yesterday was my first time going topless . . . it's been 4 months since my last nfusion.
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FarmerLucy - I got what's called a "halo" from the American Cancer Society store - TLC. It's a surround piece open at the top that can be stuck to "peek out" of any cap with velcro. It was under $30 and great for Houston's hot climate.
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ForMyGranddaughter - you look great~