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Expanders size ~ Implants Final size

Dejaboo Posts: 761
edited June 2014 in Breast Reconstruction

I was reading on the Picture forum that some said their Implants were larger then their  expanders were...To help prevent ripples.

I would like to hear from all of the Implant Ladies. 

Were your Implants the same size?  Smaller then expander or Larger then Expander.

*What size your Expanders were?

*What size your Implants were?

(shape & Silicone or Saline might be helpful too)

How long into your exchange are you & do you have ripples & to what degree.

I guess while I am asking questions.

How long was it from last fill to Exchange?

Thank you!




  • Linda54
    Linda54 Posts: 509
    edited July 2008


    I hope some of these ladies respond because these are some questions that I would like answers to. 


  • ehall
    ehall Posts: 14
    edited July 2008

    Hi Pam & Linda--I'm an implant lady :-) 

    Were your Implants the same size?  My expanders were 800 cc and my implants were 700 cc.  My dr. prefers to do this to ensure a natural droop vs. bocci balls.  I understand not all docs do it this way..

    *What size your Expanders were?  800 cc

    *What size your Implants were? 700 cc high profile round silicone

    How long into your exchange are you & do you have ripples & to what degree.  I am 9 weeks on Monday from my exchange--no ripples--all is very natural

    How long was it from last fill to Exchange?  My dr. prefers to wait 4 weeks from last fill to problems for me.

    Hope this helps--Erin 

  • rubytuesday
    rubytuesday Posts: 19
    edited July 2008

    Were your Implants the same size? Smaller then expander or Larger then Expander.Larger

    *What size your Expanders were?  370cc  (Full C)

    *What size your Implants were?  421cc  (Small D)

    (shape & Silicone or Saline might be helpful too)  Round, smooth, midrange silicone gel

    How long into your exchange are you & do you have ripples & to what degree.  1 1/2 years and I have very slight rippling (kind of like one ripple) right over where my tumor was but it only shows when I am braless and lean over.  

    I guess while I am asking questions.

    How long was it from last fill to Exchange?  4 months (PS wanted 2 months but 4 fit my schedule better).  I'm glad I waited because my muscle was still very tight and she actually had trouble getting the 421 in.  I wouldn't have been happy if she would have gone smaller.  As it is, I'm thrilled!  Best wishes

    I am 5'4"/113 lbs with a 29" ribcage. 

  • moet
    moet Posts: 1
    edited July 2008

    Hi Pam and Linda

    My implant was around the same size as my expander, I told my PS I liked the size I was expanded to which was 600cc, my implant is a 620cc silicone teardrop (textured).

    I waited 5 months from expansion to changeover and was very comfortable durning that time.

    Had my exchange nearly 6 months ago and am very happy with the results, good symmetry and absolutely no rippling at all, so far so good.

    Best wishes Moet 

  • Farrah
    Farrah Posts: 7
    edited July 2008

    I'm having exchange in 4 days.

    8 weeks since bilat mast and expanders. 3 weeks since last fill and feeling comfortable.

    Expanded to 300cc which makes me a 34C/D

    Will get high profile contoured silicon gel textured 350cc

    I don't have ripples with expanders except where the bra creases push in, but thats more of a denting of the skin.

    I'll post after I have the exchange and let you know what they're like. From what I've heard, there is less rippling problems with silicon than saline.

    All the best,


  • cat
    cat Posts: 1
    edited July 2008

    Were your Implants the same size? Smaller then expander or Larger then Expander.Larger

    *What size your Expanders were?  510cc

    *What size your Implants were?  600cc

    (shape & Silicone or Saline might be helpful too)  Round, smooth, highprofile silicone gel

    How long into your exchange are you & do you have ripples & to what degree.  7weeks and no ripples look and feel like real breast.

    How long was it from last fill to Exchange? 2 months - ps would do it in 1 month but I chose to wait .


  • morning
    morning Posts: 5
    edited July 2008

    So, I don't get why someone can have 800 cc's and get a C cup and someone else can expand to 350 and get a c cup. What's that about?

    I have noticed that I have a real wide chest and a rather prominent rib cage. Is it the wide base that makes for a more copious fill? I'm not there yet. Still need to get one of my expanders replaced and then start filling.

    But, this is a puzzlement to me.

  • Linda54
    Linda54 Posts: 509
    edited July 2008


    It is my understanding that your body size makes the difference.  I have a narrow chest and have 320CC and I tried on a 34C bra and I filled it out real good so I would say that I am a Full C.  My rad side has 340CC and in the same bra it had a little room left so it is a Full B.  I was a sm B before and I love the Full C.  Hope that is what I can get but I guess it depends on what the PS can get in the rad side.  So it is common sense that someone with a wide chest would have wider expanders and it would take more saline to get to a C cup size than someone with a narrow chest with small expanders.  It freaked me out to when I would read where someome had 600CC and was a B or C cup. LOL 


  • Farrah
    Farrah Posts: 7
    edited July 2008

    Hi morning,

    I didn't get that either, but after reading and discussing I think it has to do with a persons height and ribcage size. I'm 5'4" and about 125lbs and I have a fairly small ribcage I'd say. I measure about 29" under the bust (band size) I think the bigger the dimensions of the expander, the more they have to be filled to get the projection to make a particular cup size. 

    I also went on the Mentor website and looked up the different sizes. I could see that the particular one I had, had a maximum volume of 425cc. It also give the projection measurement possible.  

  • JanCM
    JanCM Posts: 1
    edited July 2008

    Were your implants the same size?  yes

    Expander size?  I was expanded to 550 cc's

    Implant size?  550 cc high profile mentor silicone

    How long into exchange?  4 weeks and no ripples

    How long from last fill to exchange?  Last fill was on a Tuesday and had exchange 6 days later.


  • drgnfly
    drgnfly Posts: 5
    edited July 2008

    I am 10 days out from my exchange and I have to say that the implants are such a huge improvement from the expanders!! I had my expanders for 8 long months, due to a complication that involved replacing one of them. My last fill was in April. I waited until July for my surgery because I am on summber break from teaching. Here is my info

    Were your implants the same size? no, 50cc larger as I told the ps I wanted to be the same "size" as my expanders

    Expander size?  I was expanded to 450 cc's

    Implant size?  500 cc high profile mentor silicone

    So far they look good! Much more breastlike than the expanders!
  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Posts: 761
    edited November 2008

    Thank you Ladies,

    This is really interesting.

    I really thought almost Everyone was expanded larger then their implant.

    I will start a Count here - so we can keep track easier:

    Expander SMALLER then Implant- I I I I I  I I

    Expander SAME SIZE as Implant- I I

    Expander LARGER then Implant- I I I I I  I I I I I  I I


  • ehall
    ehall Posts: 14
    edited July 2008

    Pam--get idea to keep track...the results will be interesting :-)

    Since I always focused on the end result...the size issue was most frustrating.  It really does depend on your height, weight, chest width, etc.  I'm 5'3-4ish and 160 lbs...I have 700 cc silicone and am a small D or large C (wear both depending on bra).   Erin

  • Beth6013
    Beth6013 Posts: 3
    edited July 2008


    Thanks so much for starting this.  It will be most interesting, especially for those of us who have no clue what the next steps are and how much and what kind ect... I am only one fill in and had my bilateral on May 15th.  Also, Thanks to all the posters you are all angels Innocent to help out.

    Much appreciated!!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Posts: 4,660
    edited July 2008

    I think I was expanded to 400cc - can't tell you what cup size that was as I was quite lopsided and didn't wear a bra.  Original set of implants were Mentor high profile 300cc gel implants and I was a solid B.  Never liked them - felt I was too big and too perky!!!  I had expanders almost 13 months due to chemo and rads. PS likes to wait 6 months post rads.  Have had recon revised twice - 4 months after exchange and just 3 weeks ago.  This last time I had both implants switched out and now have 200cc mid profile and wear a size "A".  I am 5'4" and about 120#.  before BC I was a small size B.  Body build, chest size, rib cage etc all determine how big a certain cc is - I too find it amazing this amazing.  Bilat was 3/1/ 06, exchange 3/23/07, revision 7/23/07 and 7/1/08.

  • rubytuesday
    rubytuesday Posts: 19
    edited July 2008

    Size depends on your height/weight/ribcage size AND shape, the implant profile and shape to name a few.  I am going to edit my orginal post to indicate size with expander/implants.  I will also add my height and weight.  I always encourage everyone to talk dimensions to their PS instead of cup size since that conjurs up different images to different people.  When your expander is the size you want to be, tell your PS that you want the same projection/width NOT necessarily the same CCs.

  • lewisfamily503
    lewisfamily503 Posts: 101
    edited July 2008
    Were your Implants the same size? Smaller then expander or Larger then Expander.    Larger

    *What size your Expanders were?  500cc  

    *What size your Implants were?  400cc and 450 (2 different sizes to achieve symmetry)  (Large B cup)

    (shape & Silicone or Saline might be helpful too)  Round, smooth, silicone gel, Mentor high profile

    How long into your exchange are you & do you have ripples & to what degree. 

    One month and a few days (June 12)  I haven't noticed rippling yet....... 

    I guess while I am asking questions.

    How long was it from last fill to Exchange?  The overall time frame was six months.  It was only two weeks from final fill to exchange.  

    I am 5'3"  140 lbs (I work out so I have a lot of muscle--I am fairly trim and fit even though it seems like I weigh a lot!!!!!!)  I am coming from 34 DD breasts so needless to say, my new smaller size THRILLS me!!

    I have to add that I still seem to have a lot of pain.  Not constant, but sometimes it hurts (burning sensations, or quick, really painful twinges).  My PS thinks the nerves are coming back.  I only take pain meds at night, but I am looking forward to NO pain, hopefully soon!  

    My overall projection seems good, but I am concerned about the two different sizes of implants.  I see my PS this Tuesday and I am curious what he will say about this.  When I look down at my breast they seem uneven and I can tell which one is bigger.  But in clothes, they seem even.  I don't know.....maybe I am too picky?

  • AnneW
    AnneW Posts: 612
    edited July 2008

    Were your Implants the same size?  Smaller then expander or Larger then Expander.

    *What size your Expanders were? 500cc

    *What size your Implants were?425cc Mentor high Profile round silicone

    (shape & Silicone or Saline might be helpful too)

    How long into your exchange are you & do you have ripples & to what degree.Almost 3 months since the exchange. I have a great fold under the breasts that look natural. I have no ripples. I'm going to get a professional bra fitting soon--I was a 36 B before, and can wear some 36 Bs now, or some Cs. (I have this crazy fear they'll tell me I'm a D for some reason!! No nipples yet. My PS goes slow! Scars are fading slowly. I will most likely do 3D nipples.

    I guess while I am asking questions.

    How long was it from last fill to Exchange? 6 months!! It nearly killed me, but it really gave my body time to adjust, the skin and muscles to stretch, and I really hated those damn things!

    All in all, I'm pleased with the results. As I exercise and stretch my chest more (now that my nerve pain has diminished!) I find it doesn't hurt to go braless. For the longest time, I felt the heaviness of the implants, and felt way better wearing a supportive bra.

    I do have "hollows" above my implants that will just have to be fixed. My PS doesn't even want to address that issue for about a year. I imagine we'll try fat transfers.

    I think so much of this is a function of chest anatomy. I'm 5'9" and 155 lbs. My chest is a medium size, broad shoulders. My ribs were always prominent before in my upper chest--no fat there, and perhaps thin pec muscles--I could never bulk that area when lifting weight.

    My implants are the same size, but I swear the left one feels bigger and looks bigger, except when I'm in clothes. Maybe my left rib cage is projected anteriorly, I don't know. I just need to get used to it.


  • spar2
    spar2 Posts: 3,631
    edited July 2008

    sizes and implants are a strange thing.  for example I was a 44 D and the ps gave me the size C implants but even a B cup is was too big.  All I can wear now are sports bras which are fine since i don't sag or anything anymore but everyonce in a while it would be nice to put on a nice lacy bra. Even went to a couple of stores to be fitted and measured and they just don't make any that will fill out the tip.

  • rubytuesday
    rubytuesday Posts: 19
    edited July 2008

    spar, Did your PS tell you that he/she was giving you 'C size' implants??  If so, that is so untrue.  There is no such thing as implants being a certain cup size.  I'm sorry you aren't happy with yours and I wish you luck in finding a solution.  Have you tried the VS Ipex bra?  It is contoured at the 'ipex' and should help if you can find your size.  Have you tried a masectomy store?  Some of those ladies seem to be very creative and more intune with mast/recon problems. Best wishes

  • PhyllisCC
    PhyllisCC Posts: 18
    edited July 2008


    Everyone seems to have a different experience.  MI had my expanders placed 11/26/07 and at that time my PS put in 125 ccs.  I was expanded to approx 400 ccs and had 525cc implant placed.  I had a single mast and was trying to match my "good" side which I would call a "nearly" B. The exchange was 5/29/08, 6 months after placement.  My PS wanted to do it early May but I was planning a vacation and she said we could do it after I got back.  Now I need to wait til September...will have nipples then and maybe some other surgery..depends on how they "fluff" out .  Phyllis

  • carolsd
    carolsd Posts: 17
    edited July 2008


    My expanders were filled to, I think, 375cc (strange I can't remember for sure)

    Implants 330cc (saline round high profile)

    Final fill to exchange was 3 weeks

    I am a 34B

    Not much rippling except on the lateral side of my left implant where the tissue is very thin. Also, when I lie on my back, there is a groove between implant and sternum but only on the left side. The right side turned out quite nicely.

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Posts: 761
    edited July 2008

    Thanks for all your replies!

    Its pretty even right now.  Larger vs Smaller Expanders/Implants

    Lets get some more Posts!


    edited July 2008

    Okay Pam, I'll add mine.

    *Were your Implants the same size?  Smaller then expander or Larger then Expander.  Slightly larger.

    *What size your Expanders were?  I had a 350cc expander and I believe that it was filled exactly to the 350cc.  I know it wasn't overfilled.

    *What size your Implants were?  My implant is 370cc.  It's silicone - Inamed style 410 - a true "gummy", anatomical shape, extra high profile.

    *How long into your exchange are you & do you have ripples & to what degree. I'm 2 years post exchange.  Sometimes I have two-three ripples right near the top of the breast - they are hardly noticeable when I'm nude and not noticeable at all in a bra.

    *How long was it from last fill to Exchange?  If I remember correctly, my PS insisted on a 2 month wait between the last fill and the exchange but with surgery scheduling, I ended up having a 3 month wait. 

  • jmj532
    jmj532 Posts: 12
    edited July 2008

    Hi Pam,

    Here are my answers.  First, let me say I had my exchange July 15 and feel fabulous!! Much easier recovery/surgery from first time.

    Were your Implants the same size?   Implant was smaller than expander.

     *What size your Expanders were?  I had 550cc.

    *What size your Implants were?  My implant was 500cc-Mentor brand, silicone. On my "good" breast I had a breast lift and a 175cc implant put in to even things out.

    *How long into your exchange are you & do you have ripples & to what degree. My exchange was done 6 days ago.  No ripples during expansion.

    *How long was it from last fill to Exchange?  It was about 6 weeks from last fill to surgery.  My PS said 4 weeks was long enough but we waited 6 due to scheduling at hospital.

    Good luck! I can answer any questions for you as you get closer to exchange.


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Posts: 761
    edited July 2008

    Expanders Larger then Implants are now leading.

    Any others ready to add thier info?


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Posts: 761
    edited July 2008

    I saw my ps today.  Found out he is one that expands a little bigger then the final implant.

    I am getting discouraged.  I left my ps office almost in tears the last 2 reason is because I want to get this done with...last fill was delayed because he was on vacation & then on call...And again this next fill is delayed as he is on vacation again..I wish he had a nurse to fill in for his fills!

    My good side & dominant side (right) seems smaller.   he looked it over.   He said we can always consider 2 different size implants..Im not really keen on that idea.

    I also still have side swelling. (was gone for about 3 days-weeks ago)  Is it swelling or Swelling & extra skin?   He says I may end up with this staying there.  That upsets me so much.  Its not just how it looks- but it is constant pain.

    Did anyone else have this & was it able to be fixed during exchange?  or did it go away with last fills??

    I had the end of Aug 1st week of Sept in mind for my he is saying the end of Sept.


    I am now filled to 300ccs.  before this fill I thought I was about 1/2 way there.  But after today.  I think I may be there (will see how I feel over the next few days & try on different tops)  or one more 50 cc fill & I will be there.  dh thinks I look about where I was before too.

    Like others Its a worry as to what size.   Its so hard to judge these stupid hard Shells as to what size you will really be..I know some expanders on ladies really seem to have a round shape.  Mine are so flat still & wide.  I can not rememeber already how my size seemed before..I was a  C before.  I measured around before surgery.  And today I am 1/2 " beyond that.  I do not want to be bigger then I was.  I think Id be ok being slightly smaller.

    I feel like since the implants will not have much drop...even if I was 'the same size' as before...They will feel bigger.   Do others feel this way after exchange?


  • rubytuesday
    rubytuesday Posts: 19
    edited July 2008

    Actually Pam, I think most think that the implants (even if they are the same size) appear smaller because they are 'perkier'.  I measure a small D but there is no way you would look at me and say 'she's a D'.  I look more like a nice C.  It's a challenge.  Don't be discouraged, you're almost there!  Best wishes!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Posts: 761
    edited July 2008

    wow, really rubytuesday?

    Well that just makes it more confusing.  LOL

    I would not have guessed theyd seem smaller.

    Im trying not to get discouraged...Im listening to some relaxing music.  Was stretching on the floor too.  But Deja wanted to help!  Wasnt working.  LOL



  • rubytuesday
    rubytuesday Posts: 19
    edited July 2008
    LOL...I was picturing Deja standing on your shoulder and hip and really giving you a NICE stretch!!!  This could work!  Laughing