Expanders size ~ Implants Final size
You pictured well. Just add in her kisses to my face!
So I tried standing up & stretching & still she thought it looked fun & joined me again.
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Pam, I think I was expanded to 600 cc but he put in two different size implants to achieve balance (550 and 575 I think). I also measure at a 40C but 40B actually fit better, and (if I can find them) 40A fit the best, I also can get in 38B but the band is a little snug to wear all day. I am difficult to fit because of scolosis (curvature of the spine) that gives me a large torso with narrow front chest measurement.
I know about our furbabies trying to 'help' us when we stretch on the floor. Penelope 'helps' when I am trying to do my yoga.
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bump - anyone else want to add to this?
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Hi everyone,
I am almost two years out from exchange, whoo-hoo, and was expanded to 300cc's but my
implants were 575cc's. I am probably a full 36C or small 36D. Hard to tell anymore but I
am very pleased with the size. I have saline implants but may exchange to silicone gel in
the near future.
huggs, Sherry
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Thanks Sherry,
Your Implants sure were alot bigger then your expanders. Did they take alot of time to settle? Was it more painful then it seems to be for others after the exchange?
And would you share why you have decided to switch to silicone?
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I was expanded to 760cc and I got 700cc high profile silicone round implants.
I am about 5'3" and about 155 pounds. My bra size is a 34 or 36D depending on the bra.
I was a 34 or 36D before my bilateral mastectomy. I brought in my bras during expansion and said "I want to be THIS size when we are done"
I can wear all my old bras, but I don't because they have wires and I don't need wires--and my PS said not to wear wires just yet. It's only been since June 11 that I have had the exchange surgery and I am liking my new 'girls' more and more each day. They really do continue to change daily after the surgery. Settling and looking more natural each day.
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Hi Pam,
I have pictures posted on Timtam's site if you haven't been there yet. I had absolutely no
problems with my implant size. I also was blessed not to have had radiation which might have
made a difference in the elasticity of my skin. It also may have something to do with your body
size and the size of your frame. I remember as I was being prepped for surgery the PS asked
if I was sure I wanted to be bigger than my original size, which was a 36B, and I said "you
The reason I did not get silicone at the time of my exchange was because my PS at the time
was only using saline. Now he is using the cohesive gel implants which I think I would like
to have so sometime later this year I hope to have the exchange. I also have a small
problem with rippling in the clevage area and a little scar tissue holding my left side where it
will not naturally droop like the right side so I have one higher than the other.
Seems to always be a problem doesn't there??
huggs, Sherry
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Thank you Sherry,
I will have to go & Relook.
I think I saw your Pictures before & thought they looked great!
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Had a fill yesterday. This one is very painful.
Im at 350cc. When I 1st looked up the implant size chart- before my surgery...according to My measurements I would end up at about 420cc.
I think I might be very close to my old size 9which is what I want) I think Id rather be a tiny bit smaller then a tiny bit larger..As I have lost 10 #s since DX & paln to loose at least 5 more.
For those that have had your exchange. Did you try on your old bras with the expanders & how well did they fit?
My expanders are a very wierd shape & they dont project alot. So Its hard to say if my bra fits...But its very close. If I pull the cup tight around the outside edges of the expander I fill it out.
I am going to try on a few other old bras too. I just was using this one as I took a Picture of me in it before surgery.
So any opinions from the exchange gals...Am I there? LOL
I also think with my implants I will not get a good projection. my ps has also said soemthing to that fact...Because my skin just is not stretching alot...He also said I dont want to go alot bigger...as my Skin just doesnthave alot to stretch...So maybe I should have my oversize fill & be done...
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Pam, I tried on my old bras before exchange and even went to a professional bra fitting place to check what size I would be. But more importantly, I tried on a favorite close fitting, non stretch dress to see how much 'room' I had in the front. When it sat nicely without too much extra room and before it pulled tight I decided that was enough.
I previously wore padded cup bras so I just put the cup over the expander and pushed the front inward to see if there was a gap. Sure my expander didn't mould to the cup like my natural breast would have, but I got the idea. And if you have underwires, see where that fit on the sides of your chest. You don't want to just expand more sideways, without the projection too.
I decided to quit when I fit as per above. I reckon there is a natural tendency to want to go a bit bigger 'just to be sure' but I steered away from that thinking, only because I figured I'm gonna have to hold up these babies with nothing more than my pec muscles, some thin skin and a bit of scar tissue. I started thinking, the further away from me these things go, the harder it may be for my body to keep them in place. The bigger they are, the heavier they are too!
But that's just me and I probably didn't have high expectations to begin with. I just wanted to look 'normal' in clothes, even a tiny A size would have been acceptable to me at first (from my previous D size). The fact that I ended up a D again after only 2 fills just seems unbelievable to me!
I think there may be quite a few different opinions on this though
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Just had my xchange yesterday, bandages off tomorrow. I'll let you know my results (which will change over time in appearance, but at least initially). I was filled to 600 cc's and my implants will be the same (C cup).
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I had 400 cc expanders which were overfilled by 200% to 600ccs to achieve more projection in a narrow pocket.
6 weeks after final fill, we changed the expanders for 450 cc Mentor High Profile Gels. I fit perfctly into my old 36/38 Cs.... Implants were 150ccs smaller than final expansion size, though bigger than the "official" expander size.
We were aiming for a small C cup, but before surgery PS asked if the pocket was "in between" sizes would I like to go up or down... I said I'd prefer to err on the smaller side.
1 month out and they look awesome, but I start rads in 2 weeks. Who knows?
My only complaint is that I seem flabbier under my arms than I remember.
I'm an athletic 5'5", 135lbs.
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Hi there--my implants are the same size--700 cc high profile silicone. My expanders were 800 cc. I had my exchange 12 weeks ago--no ripples. They are soft, natural, and have just the right droop & jiggle! I was 4 weeks from last fill to exchange. Hope this helps and good luck--Erin
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So, what is meant by profile? projection? I'm not going to put this question up as a new topic because I'm pretty sure when you tell me the answer I'm going to feel like an idiot.
I mean, I guess projection would mean how far you stick out, but then what am I choosing among high, medium and low profile?
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Morning, Profile just means where it will be looking from the side. Do you want your projection (the furthest point) high up on your chest, lowest, med profile? Where do you want the farthest projection? Also the med would give you wider boobs, making sometimes a better cleavage. I don't think I explained it well. But I hoped I helped.
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Thanks, Bermuda, Actually I think I do get it. So, to determine projection, you would be looking at the place where a nipple would be? And profile is kind of how far from your clavicle to your nipple zone? It's ok to correct me. I have the most uncommunicative doctor that ever graduated from medical school. So, I really have to fish around for information.
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If you go to the Mentor Website.
They have measurements for the different profiles.
Im not looking at thier website right now.
But for example & these measurements are probably not right (they are just an example)
A Moderate prfile of 400ccs may be 13cm wide at the base & the projection is about 4.3cm. Where a High Profile 400cc might be 12cm wide & 5cm high.
But my ps said that the profiles dont make a big difference...As it is 'all in the pocket' The Implants dont just sit flat in a pocket. Or we
d all be hamburger buns if you have seen a Moderate profile implant live. The Pocket shapes them.
That said- I told him I still want a High profile because I dont have a Broad chest... I measured myself before surgery. I was 12cm across & 5.4 cm deep. So I match a High prfile of about 400ccs. Although I will end up smaller then that..Because I could only fit 400 ccs in my expanders.
And they are really full. This weekend I have actually been worried that my Lumpectomy incision would split. It is over 4 months healed. But the incision line is wider then it had been. it is very tight.
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I have Inamed's midrange profile (which is similar to Mentor's moderate plus). I love them because they are slightly wider than a HP but project more than a moderate. I have cleavage for the first time in my life!!! I measure a small D because of the width of them. I had a HP expander and was measuring a full C with it. My PS did not overexpand and I am very happy with my outcome. Best wishes
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Bumping this up to see if we can get some more results...Height and weight would be nice to know. I am 5'7 155lbs. I talked to my PS about what size implants he was going to use. He said he orders 3 different sizes and tries them all to see which one looks best. He is ordering 490, 500 and I think a 510. I have 300cc expanders and he did not even fill them all the way. I have 270 in one side and 255cc in the other.
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Did all of you finish chemo before implants?
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I am 5'5, 125# - I was filled to 560cc and received a 500cc high profile Allergan Natrelle silicone implant on mast side and a 339cc on good side. I just had my exchange last week but it appears I will be a C - going from an A. So I am pretty satisfied after waiting 2 years to get this done.
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Glad to hear Sam!
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I am 5'2". I was a B or C, depending on the bra, before the mastectomy. The PS filled me to 650 and put in a 600 silicone implant 3 days ago. I do not look huge at all--in fact, I think I look smaller than I was before.
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Bumping up to the top of the list of posts for Cornelia.
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Bumping up in response to MOOSAN19's question.
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Had my exchange on Oct. 20th. 4 1/2 months from last fill.
Expander filled to 340cc on radiated side----changed to 375cc silicone HP implant
Expander filled to 320cc on prophylactic side----changed to 350cc silicone HP implant
I wanted to be a full B to a small C but I am a full C cup. I am OK with the size. No complaints!!
So far no sign of rippling.
Had pocket revisions done mostly on the prop side. The rad side looks a little smaller and a tad higher. and of course it is not as soft as prop side but that is to be expected. It is early yet from my exchange so there could be some changes. I am pleased.
I am going with recon nipples and possibly grafted areolas hopefully in a couple of months. What is the usually wait for that?
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Linda, I think my PS wanted a 3 month wait. I waited closer to 6 because it fit my schedule better and I do think that letting them settle was the best idea anyhow. Mine were still changing until about 8 or 9 months. Best wishes
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I had my exchange on Sept. 30th. 2 1/2 months from last fill.
I have Mentor smooth round high silicone gel. 425cc on each side. My PS went smaller than my expanders...thank goodness!
I wanted a B but am a full C or small D. I'm hoping I'll get used to them soon...not sure how long that takes. Guess it's different for everyone!
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Hi Everyone....
What is high profile? is there something that is not high profile? What is the difference between smooth and textured and is this important?
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I added your Size to the data sheet 2NewBoobs
Teresa- High profile (or HP) Gives one the most Projection- the amount your implant sticks out from your chest.
There are Moderate Plus & Moderate from Mentor- I am not sure what names the other companies give them.
Smooth is a smooth Implant on the outside & textured has a texture. Some studies were done on the textured implant that showed one had less chance of Capsular Contracture- (a harding of the implant that can be mild or severe) But I think that the newest studies do not back the textured implants. I think the majority of PS use smooth.
All of this should be discussed with your ps. But dont hesitate to ask as many questions in this forum as you need to
You can also go to mentorcorp.com for lots of info- there you can see the different profiles too.