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Chemo in Sept 08



  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited July 2009

    Genia NOOOO. {{{{{{Genia}}}}} Chris I didn't know about treatment by OT if Lymphedema  happens...TY:) 

    Chris, go easy on yourself for a while. However, I know how you feel, weight is so hard to loose and  so da*ned easy to gain. 

    Trudecox, all my love to ya.

    {{{{{{{{Trudecox}}}}}}} Would your to hubby lbe interested in  the horrors of chemobrain?

    Girl, I didn't pay my  March Cable bill.Taxol killed my brain. Of course that's nothing compared to a mortgage, but I have a  large  bill  every month with  my Internet, TV and cable phone all on one bill. I hate that all on one bill crap.

    I immediately went nuts when I got  the two month bill.  I'm paying it slowly  and I immediateley  disconnected  my cable phone. My son and I can exist  with our two cells and that's it from now on.

    Robin, I'm  glad you have your surgery locked up .My cancerversary was June 6th; I am one month past it, and looking forward to many more. 

    going over to the crisper.... 

    love and happiness and more hugs  my friends,


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Trude....I'm so sorry you are having to go through this.  I have been guilty of doing the same thing.  How much can one brain HANDLE.....????

    My arm and chest is really hurting......tryin to call my Dr......keep getting voicemail.  They wouldn't call me back until this afternoon if I leave a message.

    Hope you gals have a good day today.......hugs and love to you all

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2009

    Mina - Yay for being done! Heal, baby, heal!

    To all the rest, big hugs! Hope things get better soon! Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Well Mina....I missed your post somehow!!!

    Thanks sweetie.....hope you heal really quick.

    love ya

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    Mina- hope you will heal fast and I know that you are planning a BIG dance when you are done.

    Chris- I don't know if I blame tamox, menopause or emotional eating but i too am creeping back up.

    I have had a lot of stuff on my plate. all the 1 yr, snb ect and last week marked 12 yrs since my mother died. It was a rough week. I cannot say I am all the way back up yet but today has been a tod better. I just don't like the way I look anymore, have a lot of "issues" and the stress of all this and the babies....well it just was time to have a pity party....I backed off of the tamoxifen again this weekend and it started to turn....I really think that it is the cause of alot of these mood no get my drift. In the beginning taking the two xanex was helping but the more i take them at night the les they work. The hot flashes are getting more intense at night as are the makes for a long night. I really want the port out and I think that i am going to talk to the onco about getting it out when i go back in september. He wants me to keep it in until sept of 2010 and i just don't think i can take that.

    Trude- I did the same thing..forgot to pay several things and in the meantime got a bill from the rads hopital thinking it was part of the one I had a payment plan on...WRONG...they sent me notice that the balance had to be pd in full in 10 nowhere with them. ..My hubby wasn't upset with me but with them and when i forgot some of the others he was understanding. We cannot be superwomen. I don't know why men can be such pricks..... wait yes i can.

    Calli is still struggling and having lots of pain from the break in her arm. Surgery has been postponed until august now and the community is rallying around them to do a big fundraiser as they too are in danger of losing their house.

    I guess I should be more careful about my arm. From the beginning i have not babied it...i do what i need to do and don't worry overly about it. I guess that thinking could bite me in the butt but that has been one concession I was not gonna make. Heck, my joints in my knees are almost shot so it takes effort to get outta a chair...if I lift me I figure there's alot of things I can do that aren't much worse.  My are gets fatigued if I lift too much but that's about the extent of it.

    Take care everybody!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009
    Happy Bday Chris! I exercise a lot and have been able to lose a little, but have to be oh so careful. It is a fight for every pound where before I swear it used to fall off me. HAng in there.

    Yay to Mina!!! I think you must be done with the Crispy Rads Machine!!!!

    Trude - oh no!!! I still feel messed up a bit with Chemo Brain, It is at times quite disconcerting! Sometimes the brain works, and other times it is like on "hold" or something. Maybe given this, you shoud beg forgiveness, and turn over the finances to DH! His brain may be better suited to this. Please let us know what is going on. this is too much for you, after this last year... I am going to say a prayer for you that things can be reconciled and worked out. ....

    Genia, oh no. You need to see a Lymphademia Specialist. Can you find one? And don't delay! Apparently, the sooner you get to it the better your outcome will be. If you let it go on, it like may never get back to "normal". It could have been the surgery and rads that caused this.... I am so sorry. But do report back.

    Had a great wkend in DC with DH and DD. Walked one day over 12 miles!!! That is a record!!!

    Love you girls. So glad to read all your wonderful updates...

    Love, love love, Spring...

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    The swelling has gone down today.......I don't want to go back to the I'm gonna just wait and see if it swells again.  I know this is stupid.......but I am just tired of it all.  Guess I'm just down tonight.....makes for an easy pity party.

    Love to you all........and thanks for bein there for me

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    The closest lymphedema specialist is about an hour and a half from me, Spring.  And from what I read....this treatment requires I go in every day.....with the tx lasting about an hour to an hour and a half.  Not gonna go there unless this gets a lot worse.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009

    Genia, when I saw the lymphadema OT, I only saw her 2 or 3 times per week.  At the very least, you can get fitted for a sleeve so things don't get worse.

    The other day, dd and I were going to the mall and I forgot how to get there!  It was really scary for me.

    Trude - I'll keep you in my prayers, as well.  Please let me know if there is anything I can do.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited July 2009

    Thanks  soooo much you guys.  Please continue to pray that all this can be resolved.  My hubby and I have such a strong bond.....we talked for a while today.  It looks like the mortgage company is going to give us 45 days....and are doing some kind of re-fi.....but not really.  I don't understand all of it, but it will bring our payment down and tack some on to the end.  Houses here have dropped soooo much.  Our 250,000 dollar home is now worth less than 200,000.  It's an old 1958 house with 1700 sq ft.....Calif housing is soooo expensive. 

    Genia - please go to the specialist, even if you decide not to do the treatment, hear them out.  Get all the info you can with someone actually looking at what is happening.  There may be other things you can do since this is very lifting or cleaning with that arm !!!!!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited July 2009

    Hi girls,

    Just doing last minute packing for my trip to the UK tonight, just wanted to check in and make sure Genia and Trude are alright, and well done Mina!  Genia, go and see the specialist, this isn't something you can deal with later, if you have pain and have had swelling, there may be something wrong, try to look at the long term picture, I know it's a pain to get there, but you should see someone.

    Trude, glad you have an extension on the money needed for the house, i am sure you man already wants you back, and like Spring said, if he is more able, perhaps he can look after the finances.

    Spring, glad you had a good trip.

    Talk soon, Love Singapore Chris x

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited July 2009

    Ok ladies, hubby spoke with bank....the only hope we have is if they will renegotiate our loan. Please pray for us, that the bank will renegotiate the loan to a lower rate....and put some on back end of loan....

    Love you all


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Trude....I would think if you all told them what was goin on....they would be understanding.  I'll prob end up losing my house too.  They cut my SSI and my hubby won't get his SSD until the end of next  month......and we are already behind because we have just been paying what we could afford to pay. 

    I have an appt with the Dr. tomorrow.....guess she will decide what to do with me.  Thanks for you all


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    ladies- i truly am sorry that i have been riding the pity pony here lately. i read back over some of my posts and think how stupid!!! I think going of the tamoz for the weekend is what helped me turn the corner. That and prayers from those that can see i have been struggling.

    Trude- I pray that the bank will work with you and that you and your husband can come together with a plan and that the two of you work everything out. it's bad enough to have to deal with all of this and worry about finances too..HUGS

    Genia- I hope that your viit goes well with the doc. Take care of yourself.

    Chris- I hope you have a lovely time on your trip.

    Spring- sounds like you had an awesome trip. and that go girl!!!

    Mina- I hope you are healing as we speak!!! ending cooling healing vibes your way!!! You will be amazed at how quickly your skin starts to recover..they had told me to espect it to possibly get worse before it got better but i started healing as soon as we stopped the frying session...

    Have a great Wed, ladies...believe it or not after getting all the computers back up  after the server crashed, NOW they have sent us upgraded NEW ones and we are having to get all of them reconfigured again...the software co rep kept saying when i called to tell them..."you ARE kidding right???" they are not happy campers!! I have two days of work piled up waiting for them to finish with a few glitches....BUT the boss is going out of town Thursday as soon as I get back from the doc  having my port flushed...soooo Friday could be GOOOOOODDDDDDDD!!!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2009

    Just popping by to give everyone a big hug!

    (((((((((((((((( HUG )))))))))))))))))))

    and a Kiss!

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited July 2009

    I have no clue what I'm saying but can any of those new programs help with mortgages? They sound so hopeful on the telly...maybe. I care about you both. I lost my second ex became Jon from Kate and Jon+8; he had to dump me with Rheumatoid and a son who needed extra I couldn't work f or more than a year though in Ca I did have my disability checks for one year...OH yeah, that was loads of fun:; Thank goodness it all got better. I will take  him to court for 2 years in arrears Child support as soon as I have some energy with or without atty. Because of my son's situation we both agreed to his child support until 21...he stopped at 19...NOT good.

    Having an out of sorts to see what happening outside...

    love you all.


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    Mina- hope today is a better day for you.

    went and had port flush today- totally ineventful...DID ask the nurse and the tumor markers were okay, she said they would have called if there was a problem.

    today is the anniversary of my surgery a yr ago

    Juli- (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) back to you.

    Trude- I hope things are looking up.

    Genia- Hope you are feeling better.

    Have a great day ladies :)

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    I have she is sending me to a therapist.   It is pretty swollen.......still very sore and hurting.  I hope how soon they get me in........hope it doesn't get any worse. you all

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Oh Genia, I am so sorry but glad you went to see her and are goin to a specialist. I think you got on it really quick so there is a better chance of them getting it under control. I blame the RADS!!! It toasted you!

    Mina!!! Did you know that Bernie Madoff is coming to some cushy prison in NC!! Just up the road from Raleigh, girl!!! And I hear Mrs. MAdoff is still so in love with him she is moving here too, to be closer!!! Everytime I hear about the Madoff's I think of you!!!

    Trude, OK I am prrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyingggggggggg!!!!!. Don't give up home. EVERYONE, please continue to send out healing thoughts and miracles for Trude!! (OK, and Genia and her house too!!!)  Trude, there is so much of this going on, I am hoping you can find someway to hold on to your house and your man. I think you should turn the finances over to him given chemo brain. It is so bad sometimes, I know.

    Our Chris is famous with her Vision Board instructions! I have emailed to several other ladies! Chris, still loving mine! Hanging proud in my home office!!!!

    Ladies, I have been working my BUTT OFF, and now I am so excited! Tomorrow and next week are VACATION for me!!! Going up to NJ (Mina's neighborhood!) to visit with family! I can't wait! 

    I may not be online as much, will try to check in! LOVE LOVE LOVE you all. 

    Spring / Beverly

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited July 2009

    Hi all; haven't posted lately, but continue to read.  Trude & Genia; I'm praying for both of you; I can't imagine how upsetting it must be facing the loss of your homes.  Everytime I groan about work I have to stop and remember how lucky I am to have a job.

    I had tissue expanders installed on July 6th - wow - much worse post-op than mastectomies!  I had my first fill today (120 mLs each side), that was fun....not!  Can hardly hold my arms to my side.  PS said that he is going to fix the underarm boobs when he does the exchange - yay.

    So is everyone done with rads?  I hope so.  My best friend at work was dx with IDC; but her onc (same as mine) felt that she did not need chemo - only radiation.  She goes for her simulation next Tues.  I've directed her to this website for support and advise.

    Hope that all of you are having a wonderful summer.

    Love y'all


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Hey Winkie!!!

    Nice to see you! I hope you will be happy with your recon once all the surgery / expansions are over. :)  You didn't have Rads, right?

    Your friend must have had a small lump with no nodes... and there is also some chemo test too for women in this category. 

    Miss you!!! Spring (Beverly)

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Thanks gals......I just want some relief.....whatever it is!  Been taking my pain pills again at hurts to just lay down.   I went for my echocardiogram today and my injection fraction was 56....she said that was good......glad at least that was normal.  I have four appts by Aug 5th.  My Med onco.....herceptin......a mammogram.....then back to the my RADS onco.  Plus she wants me to go to an allergist.....I keep gettin hives over and over again.  I wish I could change my body for a new one........ugh!!!  But hey.......I'm alive

    Donna....sorry about your friend.  I wish the best for her......good to see you here.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    56 is great Genia! The old ticker is in good shape!! Good to know, right??? :)

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Yes....I was happy that my heart was still doing it's thing.  I need the that's a good thing.

    Hope all of you have a terrific you all

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009

    Genia - someday we will exchange these old bodies for perfect, new ones.  I'm looking forward to it.  I just don't want it to happen too soon.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Thank God we have that to look forward to Jane......cause I sure need a new one.....a skinnier one too!!!  lol

    Love and hugs.....hope you all have a good weekend.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    hope you all have a good weekend too- Take care of that welling Genia

    Wink- So good to hear from you. glad the surgery is behind you and hope you heal soon!

    Jane- I SOOO look forward to a new body...this one i got is DEFECTIVE LOL

    Take care-


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited July 2009

    {{{{{{{{{Genia}}}}}}} wish I could give you warm squishy hugs.

    bettys, I hate that statement,  "if the numbers were bad I would have told you" but maybe that's best...

    Welcome to NJ Spring! I can't believe Madoff is going to a cushy prison; that's the worst news. One lady was on the telly the week he was sentenced. She had lost her millions, is broke, scavenging for food and applying for food stamps. He is the most hated man...I actually feared for his life...I know I AM insane...but since he's going to a country club prison maybe he will survive.

    {{{{Trude}}}}} You helped me when I  came on the boards; I was in the da*ned crazy Medicare HMO. I  wish I could help you; I  will send up prayers and send you warm soft  hugs. 

    Howdy Wink... glad to see ya back!  I'm sorry about your friend...she must have the estrogen/progesterone positive cancer..One of my best friends had that type of cancer  more than 5 years ago...she  only had radiation then pills. I am glad you got your  surgery...and happy to hear you are happy about it, One friend--are all my friends BC survivors-- had to have fluid put in to maker her more her old size; then she was OK. I see you and I have Triple neg BC...we get to have all the fun...hope they have a breakthrough soon...though I read that chemo is very good for the triples....fingers xed:) 

    Genia, happy you have good test results and can get your Herceptin...GOOD  GOOD NEWS!! I didn't know you were still having hives...You must be sick of it... I take Valium once in a while when I can't stop worrying...will it come I will call and talk to my neuro doc about it and aske him to help me with whatever I need to stop my comes and goes... going out helps...who knws with more energy I will stop having these down feelings.I'm feeling good today, going to get my meds, maybe take a bus ride with no complaints...TY GOD!

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited July 2009

    Just adding how Madoff has recently affected us. My son get his counseling from the Jewish  Childrens' and Adolescent serivices...they are consolidating...his counselor is moving to another burough--the Bronx-- and some of the wonderful  extra services (they took the kiddos to plays, dinner etc.) he got  at the Jewish Center through them via  Medicaid that are not usually given Medicaid patients may be curtailed. He al least has his  insurance coverages...with  the way things are going it's scarey.

    My son was diagnosed and has been treated since he was three...the only way to do it with our Autistic Spectrum darlings...He is off today to a movie and dinner with 12 friends. TY GOD! I trust God will find a way for him and his family of counselors to survive this bad time with money.

    see below link Jewish losses in v v v sad.   

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited July 2009

    Happy Monday to everyone.  I'm so excited - my two granddaughers will be here today - oh yes, and my daughter and son-in-law too... LOL.  Can't wait for some baby therapy. The youngest was born May 12th of this year and I haven't seen her since she was a newborn.  The oldest is 19 months old and is a total hoot - can't wait to see them! 

    Mina - yes, I am a triple negative too.  Yes, chemo is supposed to be effective for us- but no follow up protection, which is why my onc recommended the bisphophanate trial for me.  He said that it was something proactive that us 3x negs could do. 

    Isn't it amazing the trickle down affect that one person can have?  Madoff must be off the charts when it comes to racking up some bad Karma!  I will see if I can access the link that you provided - we've got big, bad "Surf Control" here at work - I'm just thankful that it lets me access this forum!

    Hey neighbor Lisa!  We've had some absolutely gorgous weather here in WNC; hope that you too have had some relief - it's hard to believe that it's July - we've been having temps in the mid to low fifties each morning; hope it continues.

    Genia - so glad to hear that you ticker is tocking the way it's supposed to!  My sister-in-law has been battling recurring hives also, and she doesn't have bc!  I wonder what's going on?

    Hey Springie - hope you are safe in your travels and are not driving and accessing facebook on your cell phone!  Are you on holiday or business?

    Jane - thank you for the beautiful postcard - I love marine mammals.  One of these days I'm going to make it down to the Aquarium of Georgia in Atlanta.  It is supposed to be wonderful.

    Had my first fill last Thursday - still have pain under my left foob.  It feels like I have an underwire bra that is poking me in the ribs....and I can't take it off!  My ps thinks that I will only need two more fills.  I hope that theses puppies drop some - feels like they are right under my collarbone!  I can't hardly wait for my exchange.