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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Genia, enjoy being done. Well now sounds like you might need to redirect your "doctor" time into "moving" time. Isn't it always something? Hang in there girl.

    Nice to "see you" Chris!  Any suggestions on doing a vision board if you don't have magazines? This has been a tripping point for me....  Images on the Web maybe?

    Jane, I like that bunny.

    Miss Mina, 4 to go girl!!! Hang in there...!!!!

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited July 2009

    YIPPEE!!! I got approval from my insurance company for my hysterectomy!!! I check in on July 10! I'm so excited! don't have magazines? What sort of woman are you? LOL    I LOVE magazines! I even have a sweet portable file thingy where I keep all of the things that are of interest to me, and pitch out or recycle the rest of the publication. 

    Almost done, Mina!! You can do it! We're all at the finish line, waiting for you to cross!! 

    We're all winners, you know! We made it through the nastiest treatment and are still here! 

    Love you all!

    Robin... the soon to be uterus-less!

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited July 2009

    Juli - Thanks for the birthday wishes!  I didn't remember I had said anything!

     Genia - Congrats!!  It feels good to be done!  My burn got worse before it got better, but two weeks after, I had tunred the corner.

    Mina- I had the same thought as you - both Heath Ledger and Michael Jackson were just looking to be able to sleep.  Sad.  All the money in the world, and they just wanted to be able to sleep.  I sleep like a baby, and can fall asleep most anytime, anywhere.

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited July 2009

    Spring, I had to do something similar and I did find images on the web that worked.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    yep- i got images off the web too. I had some mags but found lots of inspiration on the puter.

    MINA doll HUGS To you I pray that you heal fast and will soon be done.

    Genia- Sorry you may have to move. It is always something..

    We had to laugh cause when we were gone to PA jeff's cousin was in a shop with is and she called me over..there was a plaque there with a quote by Anton Checkov in it..."this just sounds like you she said...I was was a quote i have printed off and put on a strip of paper across the top of my computer at work..."Any idiot can face a crisis, it's every day living that wears you out"  she couldn't believe it when i told her i had it on her computer...guess she has me pegged.

    Please continue to pray for Callie she is having a really rough time with the chemo. they had to give her transfusions last week to pick her up and her mom posted on her caring bridge site that this had been the toughest yet...we all know that it is cumalitive..she is really feeling punky..July will be the hard month for her as the close of the month will bring her surgery. Please continue to lift her up, pray for wisdom for the doctors to know how best to replace the bone they remove and pray for the family as they continue to travel.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009

    Genia - Moving may not be a bad thing.  I wish I could "down-size" and move to a smaller, one-story house that's easy to clean....or better yet...I want one that comes with a housekeeper built in.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2009

    Colleen - A little birdie told me about your birthday...facebook! LOL

    There was a shooting at my dentist's office today. Domestic dispute...the husband came to where his wife worked and shot her and several other employees. The wife died. The others are in critical condition. He was arrested.

    And I have been feeling guilty because I haven't made my teeth cleaning appt. Undecided

    hugs Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Jane....this will def be down sizing.  Going from a two story house with a a mobile home.  I have no idea what I'm gonna do with all my "stuff".  But I have to do it....I can't be stressed out all the time just tryin to pay bills.  And then have NO money left over to do anything once they are paid.  This way.....all we will have to pay is the lot rent.  The mobile home will be paid for with his back pay.  Much less stress!!!!

    Juli....that's awful.  I swear I don't know what people are thinking anymore.  Poor woman.....and all those that were injured!

    love you girls

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    OK on the images on the Web...

    Jules, ack about the dentist office!!!!!! I hope you were NOT there for THAT!!! 

    Genia, well, now is the time to get rid of some stuff. I have a friend who is a professional "clutter buster" and she recommends "taking pictures of things" you can't keep, and then giving them away. So you still have the memory of it? Just a thought in case it works for you. 

    Lisa, yep, agreed. It's the daily living that can wear us out!

    Happy Bday Colleen!!! :)

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    off today early for the holoday- have a lot to do- laundry to catch up on, grocery shopping and cleaning and putting up corn from the garden...OHHH im tired just talking about it!! THEN tonight they are having fireworks in town tonight so we will take the girls.

    HAPPY FOUTH OF JULY ladies!!!

    JULES!!!! you live in a CRAZY place!!!! Come on down to GA where the heat is awful but you'll die of boredom!!!

    Love you all

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2009

    Thanks for the invite, Lisa, but it's the heat that will kill me! LOL

    I have an appt with my PCP today. I hope I can get the results of my bone scan from him. I have had to postpone my appt with my onc twice because she is still trying to get my MRI approved.

     Happy 4th to all of you tomorrow! I'm going to a barbeque at my moms and then watch fireworks from her patio.

    Just wanted to tell you how much I love you all. The girls on the May 08 thread just lost one of theirs to this beast and it makes me so sad.

    hugs Kiss

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009

    Do any of you who have had their port removed still have discomfort in that area?

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Love you too Juli.....have a great weekend everyone!!!

    Been having a few chest pains today.....not sure where they are coming from.  I have an echocardiogram scheduled for the 16th.....but my next Herceptin is the I'm debating on calling and seeing if I can postpone it until after the test.  This is just a little scary.....but I don't wanna go spend all day in the ER.  Going to my sister's for the weekend and a cookout.  If it doesn't get better I'm sure she will drag my butt down there.

    love you all

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Cripes Genia, hang in there. I hope it is nothing. Please report back...

    Jane, once that sucker (port) was taken out with my mastectomy, I never had another moment's issue! It was worth losing boobs to get that dang thing OUT! I hated that port. Ugh.!!!

    Jules, let us know about the scan...

    I have PCP appt on Monday. Hope my cholesterol and triglicerides are okay. 

    I wanted you all to know that I have decided to go ahead and get the DIEP reconstruction. The rads are really making that whole side sore and tight. It is only going to get worse, up to 1 year after (!!!!!)  And I just decided to bite the bullet. Besides, we've reached our out of pocket Max (or nearly) with the Rads and if I do it this year it will be at no cost to us as the place in New Orleans is in network. Surgery (the big one) will be Sept 3. The last surgery will be Dec 4th, then DONE forever. Just another part of the journey I guess.

    I swear, 2010 will be my year! :)


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2009

    Genia - I'm worried about you. Big hugs!

    Jane - Still have my port.

    Bev - Darn have to go through surgery again.

    and I'm doin' the happy dance! Where's Snoopy? Bone scan was all clear except a little arthritis in my right knee. Laughing

    hugs! Kiss

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009

    Here's a happy dance for Juli:

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2009

    Jane - Thanks! I love it! Reminds me of how Elaine on Seinfeld used to dance. LOL

    The doctor is switching me to Lyrica for the stinging pain. Anyone know anything good/bad about it?

    hugs Kiss

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009

    Let me know how the Lyrica works.  My feet are killing me.  It feels like they are covered in fire ants all the time.

    Has anybody found anyplace to buy inexpensive mastectomy bras?  I bought 2 when I got my prosthesis, but I'd like to have more than 2.  I know I'm cheap, but even the ones in the TLC catalog are $30.  I guess I'm spoiled by Wal-Mart and Target/

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Yaaay Juli.....we LOVE clear scans!!!  WOOTWOOT!!!  Very happy for you sweetie.

    Jane....I think that's about as cheap as you're gonna find a bra.  They are expensive.  Your insurance should pay for 2 of them.....mine did!  Check with them and see.....mine also paid for my prosthesis.  They told me I'm allowed a new pros every 2 years....and 2 new bras every year.  I will be buying 2 more I'm sure....getting tired of washing these so much.  I hand wash them because my washer bends the hooks every time I put them in there.

    Did I tell you all that my aortic arch in my heart is backwards?  I'm tryin to remember if I told you all.....but I still have chemo brain days.......lolol

    I'm a little concerned about this pain in my jaw...mainly....and down my shoulder.  Not so much in my chest.  I think if it were anything like a heart attack it would be getting worse....not feeling a little better.  I took an ativan....and it really helped it.  So I'm wondering if it's just stress and anxiety about everything.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2009

    Thanks, Genia! And I don't remember the aortic arch backwards thing. (could be my chemo braiin, too! LOL) What does that mean? I'm concerned about the jaw and shoulder pain too. Definitely call or go to the ER if it gets worse.

    Jane - I will let you know. Have you tried gabapentin (Neurontin)?

    Happy 4th!

    hugs Kiss

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009

    I haven't tried anything yet.  I just switched PCPs because my doc has gone to part time and had 4 minutes to see me last week.  She didn't have half the reports (thank God I brought my own copies) and tried to tell me that what she did have was normal.  I told her she must have different reports than I did because none of mine were normal. She spent the whole 4 minutes complaining about how she saw 18 patients in 4 hours.  I left knowling less than when I went in.  I tried calling her nurse on Thursday to see what she would recommend - perhaps a different doctor in the practice.  She never called me back.  That kind of treatment for a cancer patient with abnormal heart and lung exams is not acceptable, so I switched to a PCP whose sub-speciality is cardiology.  I never even had the chance to tell my PCP about my foot and leg pain.  I think I'll probably have to discuss that with the onc.  I'm still short of breath, with no reason or treatment.  No answers as to why my TSH was 0 or what I'm supposed to do about that.  I didn't have the chance to tell her that my port scar and whatever is underneath is still extremely sore.  I see the new doc on the 13th.  I think I'll like him.  He was both my mom and dads doctor and they loved him and he took very good care of them.  He just doesn't accept my insurance as full payment.  He bills the insurance, but I have to pay whatever they don't.  My niece's husband goes to him, too and she said she'd rather pay out of pocket for good care than base who she sees on who takes the insurance.  That was a good point, and I agreed.  So, we'll see how things go.  I still have a pulse, so that's a good sign Wink

    Genia, I don't remember the backward aortic arch either.  I wonder if that's why they had such a problem with your port?

    Have a happy 4th everyone!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    It is why he couldn't get my port back in Jane.  He worked for 2 hours and still couldn't get it to thread through.  Once they did my PET scan it showed up on there.  My onco called my surgeon and told him about it......they also told me my old port could have caused a blood clot very easily the way it was put in there.  Good thing God was watchin over me.....that's all I can say.  I did some reading about a backwards aortic arch and one of the things that could have caused it was neonatal hypertention.  Back in the 60's when I was born....they wouldn't have known to have watched for something like that.  My Onco said it wasn't a dangerous thing.....just an abnormality.   I still would like some more answers about it......just kinda strange.

    I had a few pains in my jaw this morning....but that's been it today.  I am gonna call Mon and tell them I don't want the Herceptin until AFTER my echo is done and read.  I'm just a little concerned about these strange pains.

    Jane I'm glad you are getting a different don't need the one you have had.  You deserve better than that......

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    genia- I think you must have failed to mention the backwards aortic arch...either that or we all have the same chemobrain in our head!LOL

    I hope you are feeling better and if not get thee to the hospital to get checked out! We love you too much!

    Jane and Jules I hope that you will both find help for the stinging pains...YEP jules got outside yesterday shucking corn and there is was stinging up by arms and happens every time i get in really hot humid places...

    How about you guys...I am having HORRIBLE night sweats. Soak the bed soak the sheets and pillow have a horrible hot flash or two then get cold again because we sleep with the ceiling an wide open and airconditioning.....UGH!! If only I sould get ONE full nights sleep. My hotflashes and sweats seem to be on a timer and hit between 3-3:30 am EVERY night!!!!

    Spring- I know you are looking forward to your surgery and getting things over with this year. Keep reminding us of the dates...we do tend to forget things sometimes.(LOL)

    Mina- Babe where are ya??? Hope you are doing well.

    Robin- I wish you the best of luck on your surgery. Glad things worked out for you.

    Coleen- I hope your birthday was great.

    Chris- I just posted on a thread where a woman has not looked at her scar yet and she had surgery in may..maybe you can do better that I did at trying to encourage her.

    Have a great evening ladies.


    Oh- Please PRAY for dear Callie- she got to come home this weekend but i think the meds made her woozy ect anyway she slipped and bumped her arm. after a night's sleep the pain was still intense. An x-ray locally shows she has fractured that arm..not sure how this effects her surgery or anything else really...could be problematic. They are hoping to be able to find something that will work for her nausea this next week that will control it. So far he hasn't had much luck. Not sure what they have given her. Someone told them to try Kytril(sp)..Just keep the family in your prayers. They are emotionally weary.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited July 2009

    Hi Girls,

    I have had visitors for the last week, some good friends we met in Holland years ago.  They have just left fo the airport so I thought I would check in on you girls. 

    I won't do a seperate bit for you all, as I am a little behind and it makes such a long post, but be sure to know that I have ready everything and am thinking of you all.

    Genia, please get that jaw looked at, sounds a little strange, anyone have any idea why Genia would get this, it's not a side effect of herceptin is it?

    Spring, as the others have said, yes do use any images from the internet, photos, books, absolutely anything, remember you can also use words, cut out or written. I personally only buy magazines very very rarely too, and then only food ones!! Spring what surgery did you have again, it was a double mastectomy wasn't it. I thought you had expanders too, what needs to be done now?? I have forgotten exactly what the DIEP involves, I will go and look it up again.

    Juli, shocking news about your dental practice, how awful. Hope the stinging goes away.

    We have one week before we head off for the UK, I am really looking forward to it now.  Still have some work to do, I have had a few of my spa treatments as payment for my coaching, wish I could share them with you all. Lisa I will follow your link and give some encouragement to the lady with the scar.

    Take care girls,  Singapore Chris x

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    I talked to Callie's mom this am at church. She is in a lot of pain. The break was clean through and it broke in the bone where the tumor is. Not sure how this effects everything. Of course all the docs are on vacation and they haven't gotten a return response. She is supposed to go back to Atlanta tomorrow for another week of chemo but I don't think they are sure what will happen now. Cal threw up 54 times this week after chemo so they are deperate for new meds for the nausea and SE's that are coming with this treatment. They are so weary, Cal is tired and weak from being so sick and now this break on top of everything else. Please just continue to lift them up. As her mom told me this AM "it just sucks"

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2009

    Lisa - That is heart-wrenching news about Callie. It is so not fair. I found Emend was better than Kytril for nausea. I got free samples because my insurance didn't cover it.

    Chris - good to hear from you. Only 1 week to go. Yay!

    Jane - Hope your new PCP is way better than the old one. We need to take your old PCP and my old Onc and send them to Miss Manners.

    Genia - Scary info about your old port. Glad it's out! and I worry 'bout your jaw pain!

    hugs Kiss

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    LOL- I had someone ask me at church this am if I had  gotten a perm!!!!!!! AH NOPE!

    I SOOOO wish for one night of sleep!!!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited July 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Poor poor Callie, I feel so bad for her, I agree with Juli, Emend worked liked a dream. I hope they find something soon for her.

    Lisa, I also look like a have had a perm, my hair is STILL getting curlier and curlier every day. some days I like it some days I hate it! What to do lah, as they say here.

    Genia, how are the plans for moving going, do you have a definate date to move out and are you definately moving into a mobile home, I have seen some really nice onces in England.

    I have a blood test tomorrow and an appointment Wednesday with my oncol for a check up, I am pretty sure everything is good with me, but send me postive vibes anyway, just for good measure.

    Take care girls.

    Singapore Chris x

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Good morning!

    My prayers are goin up for Callie....hope there is something they can give her for the nausea. hair is so curly now it looks like I have a perm in it.  I have no clue how to style I just mousse it.....and stick it out all over my head.  Gotten lots of compliments on it tho....lolol

    Chris.....I don't have a deffinate move date.  Waiting on my husband to get his back pay from his disability.  The mobile park that I will hopefully be living in is a very nice one.  Kinda like the ones in Florida.  It has an inground pool and a basketball court.  They also conduct background checks on the people that live there.  So from what I's a quiet neighborhood.  I don't WANT to live in a mobile home park....but as of now there are no other options.  I can't afford the mortgage on  my house since they have totally cut out my SSI.  So I gotta do what I gotta do to make things work.

    At least this home will be paid for and all we will have to pay is the lot rent....which isn't much and includes the water, trash and sewage.  Maybe a change is just what the Dr. ordered.  My house holds a lot of bad memories for me over the last 4 years I have lived there.  

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited July 2009


    Your local Cancer Society will give you 2 mastectomy bras.  As with everything, I've heard of people getting great buys on ebay (new, not used :))