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Chemo in Sept 08



  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    yep wink- the weather HAS been so nice in the am's loving it!!

    Baby therapy is a good thing (in moderation) enjoy!!

    I also hear the aquarium in atlanta is nice. We have been to the one at myrtle beach and in chatanooga but boss lady tells me atlanta is much nicer. I just don't want to brave the traffic to get there.

    Calli is through with chemo for now and they seem to have finally found meds to control her nausea. Surgery is August 3rd- will be replacing the bone with cadavor bone. Hopefully all her counts will recover. After she has recovered from surgery she will face about 6 more ms of chemo.

    Hope everybody has a good week.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    PS- got a question for ya'll- i do not have all the details as they are muddled..there is a girl that has come in our office talking to my coworker  about her BC dx...she is not a detail person and seems to have few clues about the nature of the dx BUT begins chemo tomorrow...HERE's the question...she told co-worker that they thought they got it all, chemo is a precaution and they plan to do 2 rounds???? Have any of you ever heard of doing two rounds only??? Something seems to be missing out of this picture...

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Lisa, Never heard of 2 rounds. Heard of 4 rounds though...

    All, have arrived for family vacaion in NJ!! Went to a theme park today (Six Flags) and walked a lot. DH is snoring! I have to get to bed, but just wanted to check in ! Glad everyone is doing okay.... :)


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Nope....never heard of two rounds Beverly!   I think I would be looking for a different Dr.

    I'm sorry for not being here more.  I've been very down lately......lots of depression.  I'm here every day.....just haven't wanted to say much.  Just know I love you all with all my heart.....and even when I don't post......I still think about you all the time.  


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Oh Genia,

    I bet it is the latest thing you're dealing with, the dratted lymphademia!!! You just keep getting socked with every possible thing this dratted disease has to "offer". I don't blame you for feeling blue.  HUGS AND KISSES to you, you beautiful soul...


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    I do a lot of beating myself up......and I feel like I don't have a right to complain about anything........because it could be so much worse.   But for ME......right NOW.....I've had enough.  If this is all life has to offer me.....I really just as soon be gone.  That's where I am right now.......

    As far as I know at this point......I'm not dying......but the quality of life I bad and it's getting no better.  All the psychiatrist....psychologist can't make that go away.  So it's more than just's physical pain too, to the point I just as soon be dead.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2009

    Genia - BIG HUGS to you!!!! Are you on an anti-depressant? If not, try one, it might help.

    I saw my new onc yesterday. For the past month, I thought she was appealing my denied breast MRI, but nooooooooo...she never got the denial letter from the insurance company. So now she will start the appeal process. oh well...

    Off to work...another 100 degree day. OUCH!

     hugs Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Oh Genia,

    I do know what you mean. I remember feeling that way during chemo at a few points. I am sorry this is going on so long for you - you have really had every single thing go wrong!!!. I agree with Julie that an antidepressent may help, or maybe some of that ole Ativan - that stuff used to knock me unconcious, and sometimes we just need a break from it. 

    Don't feel like you don't have "a right" to feel this way. YOU DO. This has not been an easy road, AT ALL for you. We Know!!! We've been here wtih you through each thing!!!

    Honey, look into some meds. for the despair and for the pain. I am so sorry you have to go through more of this... Stupid RADs and lymphademia.

    In the mean time, i am going to send prayers up for you. 

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited July 2009

    I've not heard of two rounds either, but I wonder if she is definining "rounds" differently.  For example, I had two rounds of chemo - AC and then Taxol.  Now the AC was 4 treatments and the Taxol was 12, but depending on your definition, I could see saying two rounds.

    Genia - so sorry to here about the lymphedema.

    Robin - whats up with your surgery?  Are they still doing it this week?

    On another note, one of the girls in my rads group shows positive for cancer in her lungs.  She is going for a biopsy to determine if it is lung cancer, or breast cancer that spread.  She is hoping for lung cancer.  Crazy world when you are hoping for lung cancer, but we know what it means if the BC spread to her lungs.  Of course, I've been coughing for awhile now, and they say it is reflux, but I'm really concerned.  The Prilosec doesn't really seem to be making a difference. to herceptin tomorrow...

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Oh Colleen, how sad, either way, for your rads group friend. They can tell, then, if the cancer in her lungs has spread from elsewhere vs. is an "original" lung cancer? Is that right? I didn't know this.

    I hate "C". ugh.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    first of all- GENIA big hugs to you..I think there must be something in the air!!! Latley I have been the same way. Noone bothers to tell you when you are a newbie all the crap that goes along with this ride that is permanent. I will have to admit to feeling the same way. Some days i have wondered what I was fighting for and somedays the life I am living right now isn't it. I have been assured by so many that we will get over this hump..We have to allow ourselves a pity party once in a while. Pain is aggravating and very annoying..

    As far as the lady with the two rounds...she isn't the brightest cookie in the book. When she came in newly dx'd they had sent her to talk to me but I was at onco visit so she talked to my co-worker...who by the way can't tell you much about her DX either..This girl told us that day her surgery was in a few days and when i asked her what kind of surgery they were going to do she said she would find out at pre-op the day before.. you could have scooped my jaw up off the FLOOR!! So now she says she is a stage 1, no nodes, they caught it early and they are going to do "two rounds" of chemo. Like mentioned above i almost think that they are going to do two drugs...if she is an ealry stage 1 the only reason I could see for doing chemo was if it was overly aggressive OR they see someone who is just too agreeable. I told Susie (co-worker) that if any onco truly suggested going through that misery for only two treatments i'd tell em to go jump in a lake. To me two would be like trying to spit out a campfire....Anyway she is supposed to talk to Susie tonight. Maybe I will know more tomorrow...

    Colleen- So sorry to hear about your friend. I know that this is a difficult time for her. Let her know we are all thinking about her and (((((HUGS)))))) to you too.

    Hey somebody pull out the virtual margaritas...I think we could all use on today..Jules can you find us a california tanned cabana boy to bring em to us???????

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009
  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    MMMMMM thanks Jane!!! I knew I could count on ya!!! I needed that if only juli can round up the cabana boy for us....

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2009

    Lisa - I'm putting in the cabana boy order. How many do we need, girls?

     hugs Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    If he does lymphatic massage.....I'll just need one Juli!!! 

    This is a pain in the A$$!!!  I am now constantly sitting with a pillow under my arm because I can't stand for my arm to touch my breast.......or what's left of it.   I thought about putting an ice pack on it........but then remembered that they advise against that.  So last night I sat with my shirt off...........and fanned my pillow to cool it off........then put the cool pillow back under there until it would get too warm.....then repeated the process.   I'm back on my pain pills AGAIN.  I hate taking them.......but I can't deal with this.  It actually hurts worse than right after my mastectomy.   Every time I lay my arm down it feels like I'm putting it down on a tennis ball.......very painful.  

    My Onco is leaving....he's moving back to NYC.  I hate to see him go....made me very sad when I had to say goodbye to him yesterday.  He hugged me and gave me his email address and told me if I ever had ANY questions or needed advice to send him an email.   One of a kind Dr........

    Hugs Lisa.....hope you feel better soon.  Believe me I know exactly what you are feeling right now.  

    Love you all.......

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    I still can't get a straight story from either of the two village idiots...(sorry it's been a LONG day) this girl still says two rounds...2 drugs...she didn't realize chemo would make you so sick...DUH!!!! and that they sent her home with some antibiotics.....?????? I told Susie today it is probably a good thing she didnt talk to me cause i think i would have melted down on her by blows my mind that anyone would do 2....AND not know what drugs they were...AND not know chemo would make you sick....AND....I have given up trying to figure it out....

    Put me down for another margarita and a cabana boy...

    Any of you on tamoxifen having trouble with your eyes??? I can't see squat!!!!!!

    Genia- I know you will miss your onco and as far as your arm..I wish I could kiss it and make it all better.

    Take care


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited July 2009

    I think there should be enough for us each to have one.  Ya think?

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    looks like a good start anyway....everybody put in your order....looks like we have a few good men to assist with the serving!! Thanks Jane!!!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited July 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Have just finished reading all the posts and am very sorry that a few of you are having a bad time. Genia you have every right to feel depressed, you have had an especially hard time. Make sure you keep talking to us, so we can boost you up.  I am sure just knowing we care does help in a small way. Like Spring and Juli have said, take the pain meds and find out if you are clinically depressed as there is medication that will make you feel better.  Coping with lymphadema is bad enough, but when you are depressed it would feel like too much.  Get all the help you can.  Read about it here on these boards and start doing some massage on your arm yourself.  Buy some baby powder and spinkle it on your arm to help with friction so it won't get sore.  When is your appointment with the specialist?

    Thanks for the margarita, funny how now whenever I think of cocktails I immediately think of cabana boys, thanks for all of them Jane.

    Lisa, you take care and try not to worry, it is alright to post crazy post, we don't mind, at least there is somewhere to off load and it's important to have a place to do it.

    Winkie, lovely to hear from you, hope allis well.

    We are having a wonderful time in the UK with our family, lovely weather etc.  We move cottages tomorrow to the coast near Norfolk, so am looking forward to that.  

    Must rush off and have fun, so sorry not to mention everyone by name, but I am thinking of you all and am sending positive uplifting vibes to everyone.

    Try to find something to be grateful for even if you are feeling terrible, but recongnise that it's alright to feel bad too, regardless how much worse off other people may be.

    Since finishing my treatment I am so greatful to be alive, I didn't think about dying when I was having treatment, but am so happy for every day I have now and am determined to enjoy every minute I can, and hopefully that will be for another 50 years.

    It may seem hard now, but all the bad stuff will pass and life will be good again! Keep believing!

    Love Singapore Chris xx

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited July 2009

    Bettys girl, I forgot to say I am having trouble with my eyes, my oncol said to be sure to mention it to my eye guy as tamox can definately damage your eyes.  I have one eye with floater and clouds passing over some of the time.  Very frustrating, but my eye guy says all is fine for now although I have a cateract starting. Never mind, will deal with it as and when necessary. Go and see someone and get your eyes checked.

    Love Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Lisa and Chris, I take Tamox and don't have the eye thing, but I have read on other Tamox boards of women who do. I agree should mention it and get it checked out.

    Lisa, don't know what to say about the lady .... all of us deal with this in our own way, I guess. However, not knowing chemo would make you feel sick is sort of over the top!!! I mean really! :O

    Jane, Thanks for the Cabana Boys and the virtual cocktail! That is as close as I get to alchohol right now! :)

    Genia, that sounds aweful! is the pain under your arm pit, or where your boob area is or what? I imagine it is painful b/c the tissues are full of a fluid that can't drain?  Did you see the specialist yet? Sorry can't remember (and they say chemo brain is not real....) There is apparently "self massage" you can do, I think Chris mentioned this. I looked online but could not find a really good one just for the arm area. 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Thanks to all of you....I do appreciate and love you all. 

    I go see the lymph specialist on Tuesday.  I found some massages but I'm afraid to try them because of doing them wrong.  The whole reason I'm going to the specialist is so she can teach my husband and I how to do them right.

    I am on an anti depressant.  I take 40mgs of Prozac a day.  It works most of the time, until I have more than I can deal with.  But then anti depressant would make that easier to handle.  Constant pain has a way of making a person depressed.'s the whole area.  The armpit AND the side of my breast.  They both when I try to put my arm down it hurts because the fluid has no place to go.

    Gotta get dressed to go for my Herceptin.........

    love ya

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009


    you are doing all you can do.... good grief.... it sounds horrid. I can't wait for you to get to that specialist! Good that your husband will also learn. Hang in there. ....   


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    No Herceptin today......they stuck me 4 times and couldn't find a vein.  I'm supposed to go back in the morning.......but I think I'm gonna reschedule.  My hand hurts and that's the only veins they can use.   Three times in my hand and once in the bend of my arm........

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited July 2009

    Genia- ((((((SUPER HUGS))))))) I think I would take a reschedule's been a week for you. Take a break from it an move into a new week refreshed. LOVE YOU

    I did make the appt to see my eye guy. There is also a family history of glaucoma too so I need that checked. The new computer monitors are nice but i am not the only one having trouble seeing them so that is a little comforting. I have made so many adjustments to the contrast, color and settings...I go next week

    Have a lovely TGIF. Grab a margarita...OH i FORGOT we have men for that....Let the guys bring you a margarita...raise your glasses and shout TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hope everybody has a lovely weekend. Love to you all


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2009

    Genia, ouch. Did you drink lots of fluids? I assume you did. They always yell at me about drinking fluids. ugh.

    Still on vacation! just sending love out to you cuties...

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Yes I did Bev.....didn't help.  I go back Monday......then Tues I start my lymphedema therapy every day the rest of the week.  I'm scheduled for a mammogram at some point next week.  Gotta call the hospital and find out when........I've lost my appt card.

    Have fun on your vacation. 

    Has anyone heard from Robin yet?  I wish I had gotten more info as to where she was having her surgery done so I could call her.

    love you all

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited July 2009

    Genia - Big hugs to you. I hope your arm gets better fast! I know what you mean about pain making you depressed. I get down when I think this stinging might never go away.

    I just looked at the clock. I have to get up in 4 hours to get ready to go to the airport. Yikes! Hope I can sleep on the plane. I've been working so much this week, typing till 1 am some nights, that I haven't had much time to check in here. Boy, do I need this vacation!

     I should be able to check in occasionally, but if I don't, just know I must be havin' fun with my b/f! LOL

    hugs to all! Kiss

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited July 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Juli hope you are having lots of fun with your b/f, you really do work too hard, is there some way you can slow down and get more rest when you get back?

    Genia, I am sure the lypm specialist will do a good job and you will be back to normal pretty soon. Good to hear that your husband is learning how to do it too. Make sure you lady writes down the sequence of massage as it can be a lot to remember.  I had my lady draw a diagam of a body and number the areas. Good Luck!

    Spring, enjoy your trip.

    Bettys, hope the eye appointment goes well.

    Like Betty said, I hope Robin is alright would be good to hear from her.

    I am having a lovely time in a little cottage by the sea.

    Take care girls.

    Love Singapore Chris x

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited July 2009

    Someone tell me I'm imagining this......can ONE Tamoxifen make me have hot flashes like crazy???  I just started them today.....had them since the beginning of the week.  I'm so scared of taking them.  Both my parents had had blood clots.  But I guess it beats cancer.  Is life EVER EVER EVER gonna be normal again??? 

    I went on a diet.....not a strict one.....just cutting back on quanity and what I'm eating.  Cut out my Pepsi (I'm a fene)......trying to drink lots of water.  I'm not up to excercising much til I get this swelling down.  I've gained about 30 pounds since last July.  I know that's part of the reason my energy level is zero....but not all of it.

    Yesterday was my one year anniversary since my diagnosis.  

    Hope you all are having a great and hugs