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Chemo in Sept 08



  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2009


    Yea, I know about the path....but in my case probably won't change too much.  There is a chance that when they do the surgery it will change, but since I did the 4 AC and 12 Taxol before sugery, my tumor is pretty much gone.  Not having a path report from the onset does drive the onc's nuts, but it was really cool to see how much and how fast it shrunk.  My onc says I am a fantastic example for this type of process.  She was really excited when after the 4AC my tumor had already shrunk to less than 1 cm !!!!!  Rads is still a possibility after they look inside but I am hoping for a good report !!!! 

    Denise - I agree, the constipation really sucks !!!!!   It was the worst part of this whole thing.  Thank God when I got to Taxol it pretty much stopped.....just a small hint now and again. Wow !!! I never would have expected that to be the worst thing !!!!!  Bad poop is a very bad thing. !!!  My dh used to laugh when I came out of the bathroom announcing it was a good poop day, then have a happy dance !!!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    No echo results today. Apparently just because the technician says he has the results immediately, doesn't mean the cardiologist looks at them. Yell 

    I mentioned to my nurse today, that my resting pulse rate seems high. She says its the Decadron, but it was high during my echo too. She says they don't like it over 90. Mine is over 100. So she looks at my chart and says that its been high for weeks now (I suspect ever since I've been on Taxol & Herceptin) and goes and tells the doctor. He ordered a thyroid test from today's CBC. Hopefully, Monday I will get results from echo and thyroid tests.

    I told my onc I had 2 more occular migraines this week. He wants me to see an opthamologist. I'd rather wait till chemo is over... cause that's why I'm getting them, right? Unless it's the Herceptin, that won't be over till November... Undecided

    Beverly - I had a Muga back in September. (I think it was you who asked. I'm on the next page so I can't look back.

    Trude - same with me...horrible constipation with AC, back to normal with Taxol. Laughing

    Yay, it's the weekend! Hugs to all! Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Joy joy....the se's are kickin my butt this time.  I'm about one breath away from a good puke right now......and even without the NeuBlasta bones are killing me.

    But hey........this is IT......once over this........I'm done with all this garbage!!!

    So if I'm not around will know why.  

    hugssssss and hope everyone has a terrific weekend...........genia

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2009

    Juli - Aren't you really close on the Taxol ???  If yes, I agree, wait untill Taxol is done and then decide.  I have been having lots of eyes issues.....blurred vision and dried eyes.  The eye doc says it is common with chemo.  He agreed with waiting till I was done for an exam.  (my dd works for him).  Do you have any neuropathy in your feet or toes.  Mine got worse with treatment #9.....onc says any worse and we have to stop.  My toes have been numb for 3 weeks, better with the glucosamine but this time my soles of my feet and calves got tingly, but it is back to just the toes this morning.  Can't help on the herceptin, but may be after Taxol you can figure it out. 

    My onc also told me most women don't make it all the way to 12 for Taxol.  She said she wished the trials had been done at 8 or 10 as she feels it is max effectiveness by then.

    Well, hope every one has a pain free weekend....especially you Genia.  Maybe you will get past the SE's over the weekend....WOOOO HOOO


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited January 2009

    Normal resting heartrate is 60-100 bpm...and when you figure that our metabolism is running in overdrive to process the chemo drugs that we get, it would stand  to reason that our hearts would be beating a bit faster than normal. Once we're all done with chemo, everything should settle back down to normal...whatever that is! 

    hang in there Juli!

    You too, Genia! Let yourself do one last hurl and flush this damned chemo down the drain! 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    I haven't had the neuropathy on the taxol, but I have been weak-kneed (literally).  When I walk it feels like my knees are going to give out.  Counting down days to no SEs.

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited January 2009

    Did anybody miss me?   I certainly missed you all!  I thought that I was going to be able to use my laptop on the ship - but they wanted $75.00 just for the initial sign-in....and about a bazillion dollars a minute after that!   I think I actually suffered internet withdrawals.   We had a wonderful time - it was great to be with my family for 10 days; saw lots of beautiful sights, but also a lot of poverty (made me feel sad, guilty, and fortunate).  Had a cabana (cabin) boy who was really nice; he didn't give back rubs (had two massages at the spa though), but he did take good care of our cabin and made funny creatures out of towels.

    Missed out on the cold weather here, and really missed my four-legged furry children!   We got home last night and were greeted with a tornado of tails and tongues - it's good to be home.

    Wow - so much to catch up with!

    First of all - HAPPY B-DAY GENIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  HAPPY END OF CHEMO DAYS GENIA & JANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOO

    Denise - I swear, I'll never understand the male gender.  It's no wonder that so many women are lesbians (I mean that in a very respectful way).  I do know that men seem to lack coping skills (and apparently edit functions) - I guess it's because they are genetically inferior - they are missing part of a chromosome ( where we're XX, they are only XY, poor things).  

    Trude - I miss read your comment "Now all I have to do is face surgery " as meaning that you were going to have surgery on your face and I thought to myself "I want face surgery too!" lol.  After going through the chemo part - to me the surgery was a breeze!

    Juli - I'm praying that everything will be fine for you.  I know that  steriods can really wreck havoc with your system. 

    Lisa - I guess that the South is the new North!  Now if I could only grow some fur panties to keep me warm Embarassed.

    Hey Beverly - hope all is well over on your side of the state and I hope that you get a pass-over on the lay-offs.  Does your daughter ski?  I bet the resorts are going crazy around Banner Elk.

    Chris - I have Skype on my laptop and it works great!  We should all try to schedule a session.  Someone asked about being about to do a group call - do you know if that's possible?  I try and look into it.

    Mina - I think I missed something (ok - I know, I've missed a lot); hip surgery?  Was that a result of the movie mauling incident?

    My hair is coming back like gang busters - especially on my face - does anyone else have a blond beard?  I'm going to have to mow that sucker down - and I was horrified when I noticed that I had a stellar growth of nose hair!!!! TWEEZERS   I've had to shave my legs twice now - but still scant in the old pelvic region.  As for sex....twice since DX in July - I feel sorry for my DH - I tell him to spend extra attention to himself in the shower....don't want him to suffer from DSB (deadly sperm buildup).  He's very patient with me.

    OK - just a little politics - I watched the inauguration and cried my eyes out - partially for our new wonderful president and first family, and partially because I fear for his safety - there are so many crazy people out there.  I pray that God will keep them safe.

    Love you all!

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2009


    Glad to have you back! How was your trip? Glad you had a good time with the cabin boy! Can I trade in my DH for a cabana boy???? I still have my peach fuzz growing back and LOTS of chin hairs!Embarassed Hope evertone is doing OK


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Jane - How did you manage to avoid the neuropathy? I guess you deserve to avoid at least one of the SE's, since you got so many others!

    Welcome back Donna!!! Sounds like you had a good time. Laughing

    Trude - 5 more Taxols for me...if I make it through all 12. Undecided

    Genia & Jane - Feel better soon!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Sorry I have been missing, got carried away with life stuff, I have been having fun and doing a little big of work and really enjoying myself.

    Genia, fantastic that you are done, but I know that you still have a few weeks to get that nasty stuff out of your body, then you can begin to feel great again.

    If you girls are having a party, count me in, and I will bring champagne! We have a lot to celebrate. 

    Denise, I hope you are feeling better after your DH comment. It must have been a very hard thing to hear, especially as we all try to hard not to let our physical appearance affect us.   I have two things to say, one is that it is good that your husband feels able to talk to your about your surgery and it is good for him to get it off his chest Laughing, no pun intended. If you intend to spend the rest of your life with this man, he needs to have the space to speak his mind. I know that we often think that this Cancer think only happened to us, but actually our partners think it happened to them to, and they are right. It affects the whole family. I am sure he feels terrible for having said it and probably thinks he is a bad person for feeling it.

    The second thing is, that you are still who you were before, except you will probably be a lot stronger  by the time you have finished the journey, as you have no choice but to be so. You are a survivor we all are!  DH will get used to the look of the new you and so will you.  I am learning to love my scars, I look at them and say to myself, that surgeon did such a great job, they look lovely and I do belive it. One of the reasons you DH probably doesn't like to look at your injury site at the moment is because he probably feel that it must be so awful to have gone through it and feels bad for you. This will of course all pass and he will learn to love the new you probably even more than the old one. I would take it as a compliment that you have a relationship that he feels is strong enough to speak your mind in. You might like to point out to him, that it is not always a good idea though and he has really hurt you!!! I totally agree with Genia about how he would feel if he had his balls removed! Sometimes men just don't think!

    Jane, keep up the good work and try to keep your own bed clean!

    Spring, I am doing really well, I have had 13 doses so far and I feel great, I have had the odd feeling of tingeling in my breast, but only for a few seconds and it has gone now. I have no redness or suntanning yet and absolutely no fatigue!  The word alone frightens me now as I know how I felt on Taxotere. I have been out and about, I went to two small makeover evenings and am having my colour/style and wardrobe revamped, I will let you know how it goes.  I have lots 9 lbs, so far this year and am feeling good.  I am out without my hat day and night, and did have one bad comment, not sure if I told you girls about it.  One women who I never liked came up to me and said "are you sick or did you shave your head! I was a little taken aback and found it hard to put out of my head for a few days.  We have to accept that not everyone is very nice!

    I am glad to say that all you girls on this board are really nice and I thank you for being there.

    It is Chinese New year here, which will last for two weeks, so I have four days off from rads including the weekend.  Spring you have a chance to catch up with me.

    Take Care, Singapore Chris x

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Hi Donna, I didn't see your post when I wrote mine.glad you had a good time. It's nice to hear your humour again, I enjoyed reading your post! The cabana boy swap sounds like a nice idea priz!

    Singapore Chris

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2009

    Wink and Chris, nice to hear from you both.  Wink, I am so glad to hear your hair is growing back.  Hopefully your dh will be dsb for him !!! 

    Aren't our dh's pretty good.  For the most we have all had ups and downs but their seem to have been more of the ups with our dh's.  They need a party after all this too.  It will be good to move in to survivor mode after treatment mode.


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2009

    Well, isn't it amazing when you actually figure something out and the light bulb goes off in your head??? My DH is EMBARRASSED to go out with me in public! We went to dinner last night with friends. After I got dressed, I came out of bedroom. He looked at me and said "is that the only scarf you have??" I said yes, I know it doesn't totally match, but oh well! He said it does not look good so I took it off and said let's go! He took my scarf and refolded it and put it back on my head. We normally do not go out (no $$$$) but this was a birthday celebration for him and his friend. Our friends have treated me normally throughout this whole thing!

    Sorry to vent, but I finally have anger and it is coming out! I am feeling better, except for the awful leg cramps and hot flashes! (Dogs slept on me last night so no need for covers!) I am trying to walk more everyday and I too have lost some weight. i hope to at least smaintain this weight loss or lose moreTongue out ( I dream alot!) Al these good things and all DH sees is my fuzzy head! He told my friend lastnight that my hair was prickly and she reached up and said, no it's soft! See how much he knows when he won't touch me! maybe I'm contagious! He might get cancer!

    Sorry, justneed to get this off my chest (lol) Oops, I already did that!


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited January 2009

    let me know what intersection he'll be in the middle of, Denise....I'll run him over for ya. 

    It's not enough that we had to choose to mutilate our bodies, lose our hair, deal with bone crushing pain and horrendous nausea... I guess that's why women really are the superior sex...because we can see past scars and crap like that and see the person. 

    Men are really pissing me off and it seems that the only ones that GET it, are the ones that have/had cancer themselves.

    Sending love and strength...


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited January 2009

    i think it must be male PMS week cause mine is showing his butt this wweekend also! I think they get battle fatigue too (partly caused by lack of you-know what) Mine is ILL today. We also went and picked up the little one from his cousin and listened to her cry in the carseat for an hour as he wanted her pa-pa....I was about ready to jump out into the river when we crossed it!!!!  anyway we all have to deal with this crap some days and my opinion is that i am not entirley happy with my body either, i am tired of the pain BUT he does no have to deal with it and UNTIL he does he can SHUT UP! He has been great but some days we both need space and it has been a stressful week with the two yr olds surgery and even though she has done great it has been a long week. Now we start rads tomorrow and he is determined to go and see me through the first one i am about ready to tell him to go to work instead. This "journey" is going to take more than my body my mind is going to explode before it's all over too..!!!

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2009

    There must be something in the air, phase of the moon, something! My DH invited people over for dinner, didn't ask me if it was Ok. I refuse to cook. (I did vaccuum tho) I have to be at a meeting tomorrow at 8am and need to prepare myself mentally for it. Do not want people over for dinner and hot tub! So DH is banging pots and pans around in the kitchen! I say "Go for it!"

    I just wish he would ask first!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2009

    Denise, you husband takes the cake, I take back everything I said that defended him, he is just completely insensitive and does not deserve you! His behaviour is shocking, Does he really have no idea of what you have been going through and how you feel now, I would now shout and scream at him and tell him he is going to be replaced, a cabana boy would definately be an improvement!  hang in there, women are superior beings.  Just keep venting here and all will be well.

    Take Care, Singapore Chris x

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    Even having cancer doesn't make them get it.  My DH had kidney cancer in 07.  They removed the tumor, a little kidney and he's cured.  Of course, at the time, I was devastated.  That was until I found out the other side of cancer.  So this week, he complained because I hurt him after he asked me to pick a pimple on his back.  When I was done he asked how I would like it if someone twisted by titty? Uh....I told him they did.  They twisted it right off.   Then this morning he told me my outfit for church didn't look right.  I asked if my shirt didn't match the skirt and he said that my hat clashed with the outfit.  So, I changed the outfit.  I came downstairs and he started laughing.  He said, "Why didn't you change the hat instead?  I told him I liked the hat.  It's a "Sunday-go-to-meeting" hat.

    He didn't sleep well last night, so he was cranky.  I know he didn't sleep well because I was up 6 times going to the bathroom - I didn't sleep well either.  So he didn 't want to go to church with me, but he was going to make a big roast for dinner that we had already thawed.  After church, my dd and I went to my second job so I could do payroll.  We came home and dd opened the oven asked what happened to the roast.  DH said we were our of potatoes and carrotts...blah...blah.  I asked him why he didn't just call and have us bring them over between church and work.  He went nuts and started slamming things and I heard him mutter somethime about how come he doesn't get to not feel well.

    I was alreaady in a cruddy mood (still am), and I really wanted to tell him that he had no clue about what not feeling well meant to me, but I didn't.  So now I'm going to go eat a yogurt and a pudding and hope we both wake up in a better mood tomorrow.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2009

    Well, It must be a full moon for hubbys !!!  Mine is finally acting normal this weekend.  Last week he was so depressed, withdrawn and just a plain pain the in the a**.  Thank goodness he is better now.  I even called his best friend asking him if he knew what was wrong.  MEN !!!  I agree, cabana boys would be much better.  Maybe if they were mute it would be even better !!! 

    I know how part of this feels, I have a dd with rheumatoid arthritis, with a dx when she was 15.  After a while you just get tired of the other person being sick and having to take care of them. Not that we don't want to, we just get weary.  This may be where our dh's are at.  It has been months and they have been scarry and unsettled.  We all just need a break.  I wish we could all have a nice vacation in the Bahamas just to relaxe and forget all the BC stuff


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited January 2009

    maybe becuse we all started chemo about the same time it is getting to be long enough that they have had to do without that they are at melting point. THEN they think when they act like this they are making a case FOR intimacy....GET REAL!!!! He has in his mind he HAS to go tomorrow to see me through my first rads....I am about in the mood to pack up the car tonight and sneak out on my own in the am and let him go to work and work his frustration out. Between him and the babies today i have almost wondered what the *#)) i am fighting for. Cause life like today isn't worth a crap!

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited January 2009

    Sorry others are going through this, but its good to know I am not alone. DH yelled at DS in front of our friends cuz he wasn't mashing the potatoes right! Give me a break! I do understand that this has been a long process and they are tired. I take care of DS all the time, making sure he gets to his appts, etc. So I am a caretaker AND a patient. There is no reason to make me more miserable! I know that I will go to onc alone on Tuesday for my PET results. I do not want him there unless he can be supportive and right now that doesn't seem possible.

    I am going to bed to dream abt SILENT cabana boys!


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited January 2009


     I had 4 AC before surgery and the oncologist had said my reaction to AC was tremendous.  Still my pathology changed.


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited January 2009

    Genia - I hope that you are coping with your SEs and that they are letting up a little.  I hate that you're feeling bad; thanks goodness your done with your txs!

    Denise, Jane, Trude, & Bettysgirl - we girls have to stick together!  It's time that we concentrate on ourselves.  I have a friend that has offered her guest room as a time-out (or should I say away) if the need be.  Bettysgirl - you could always use my guest bedroom - or for that matter, anyone of you who needs a break and use it. 

    Lots of hugs y'all!

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited January 2009

    Hey ladies, those of you who did Taxol.....and are now done.  Have your eyes gotton better yet? I am really frustrated by the blurry vision. 


  • Gigi717
    Gigi717 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2009

    I, too, began chemo in Sept 08 and have been reading the posts for the past little while and have really appreciated the wisdom, advice and encouragement. I was diagnosed with breast cancer 19 years ago and had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation - lots of positive nodes and large tumor. This time it was caught early and there were no positive nodes, so I had a mastectom;y of the other breast, TCH X 6 and then herceptin for a year.

    I particularly wanted to comment to Juli50 because I'm on taxotere, carboplatin and herceptin and ever since my fourth treatment, I have been having visual disturbances (bright multi-colored half wheel rectangles) that were diagnosed as occular migraines by an opthamologist after a referral from my oncologist. I've never had a migraine before and have no family history, etc. The oncologist said he had never heard of chemo causing occular migraines. I did find one article that mentioned that a pediatric oncologist noticed that his young patients were more likely to have regular migraines after taking Zofran for nausea (which I took).

    But, another interesting development has occurred and might be related. My port has apparently been the cause of a recent diagnosis of a deep vein thrombosis in my jugular vein and they are sort of wondering if that might be the precipitant for the occular migraines.

    Just thought it was worth reporting in, because there are now at least two of us who have this very weird phenomenon. Made me feel a bit reassured to read your posts!


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited January 2009

    he ladies- had my first rad tx today. No biggie- got 5 or 6 tats. ( i lost count) Only one hurt really bad. All in all not too bad but i can't find the tats for all the pen marks...The only tenderness is under my arm and some drawing in the scar.

    DH has been a little better today but insisted on going this am and liked to have made me late. He decided to work outside before we left and knowing we had an hour drive came in at 9:50 for a shower knowing we needed to leave by 10----UGH!!! I wallked in at 11:00 on the dot with high BP i am sure from all the passing and flying in the interstate!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Lisa - Congrats on getting the 1st rad tx over, but I think I'd like to give your dh a little kick in the pants... I hate being late too! Yell

    Gigi - So glad you wrote. I see an opthamologist on Monday. I love having a port because I have lousy veins, but I hope it's not causing any serious problems. I need it until November.

    No test results today. I called the office this afternoon and the nurse said she saw my results (thyroid and echo) on the onc's desk, but he was not in, and he had not signed them off. She said to call back in the morning. Frown

    I have an appt on Wednesday with a Derm to see if I have any more skin cancer on my head. I haven't been checked in almost 2 yrs and he might as well look when I have no hair. Smile

    My 15 yr old son is going to the dr tomorrow...looks like he has a hernia. Maybe he needed some attention, having a mom with cancer and a brother with Crohn's. Undecided

    Genia & Jane - Feeling better today?

    Hugs to all! Kiss

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited January 2009

    Nope Juli....I feel like dog meat!!!  

    This last round was determined I was gonna go out with a BANG.  I have been in bed for 3 days now.  Well not constantly.....but pretty much.  I'm as weak as is the enemy again.  My tongue feels like someone poured acid on it.......I'm bloated......I have diarrhea......need I go on?

    Thank GOD this is the last's been the hardest I must say.   Maybe they gave me my money's worth this time......

    Oh....and for what it's worth.  All the complaining I did about the Neulasta shot was for nothing.  It wasn't even the culprit in how I was feeling.  I didn't get it this time and I feel just as bad if not worse than when I got it.  Guess we live and learn........

    My bones have ached just like I got the difference at all.  

    I was supposed to have gone to see another surgeon today.......but I rescheduled it to next Monday.  I was just so sick I couldn't get myself showered and ready.  

    Better times ahead............RIGHT???

    hugsssssss and love to all

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited January 2009

    I had my last Taxol on the 19th and my eyes are NOT getting any better.  I almost think they are getting worse.  My onc said it could take a couple of months.

    I'm still waiting for the SEs to end from this last one...shouldn't be long, now.  I see gyn tomorrow to discuss what we're going to do with ovaries and back to onc on Wednesday to discuss what happens next...setting up rads, meds, etc.

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited January 2009

    Genia - That sux big time! Time to call the cabana boy to cater to your every need! Wink