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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    I'm thinking about just wrapping myself in bubble wrap.  I've managed to get through today without slipping, falling, dropping or stabbing myself...then again, the day isn't over yet.  I swear, Genia, our bodies are in competition.  My tooth is still bothering me, but at least I'm on the antibiotic so I know I won't end up with a full-blown infection.  I got the paperwork from the rad onc office today that I have to fill out.  They sure did ask a lot of questions.  The name of the center is the "Murphy Center for Radiaiton Oncology."  Since my last name is Murphy, is that a good sign or just more "Murphy's Law?" I had to fax them all of my reports so I did get a chance to re-read them again.  It freshened things in my memory so that, when I meet with them, I'll have a better recollection of what I think they need to know to make the best treatment decision.  As much as I am enjoying this little reprieve from treatment, I hate this waiting game. I feel like my life has already been on hold for 6 months.  I want to get the rest of this done and over with and (maybe) get on with my life and put this behind me.

    I also talked to my gyn today and he said that the FSH (33.4) indicates that I am post-menopausal (so why am I still having hot flashes).  This means that my ovaries don't need to be removed nor do I need the Lupron injections.  We talked about the fact that this could just be "chemopause" and maybe they would start working again now that the chemo was over, so he's going to recheck the FSH again in the beginning of April.  Another wait and see.

    Well, have a nice night ladies.  I'm going to have a dish of ice cream and watch some mindless TV.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2009

    Hi everyone,

    I've miss y'all said in my very best Paula Dean her and the Neely's BBQ show on Food Network, though I have no interest in food. I've been gone this long battling with all the insurances. TY trudecox...The Advantage company wouldn't let me go until I filed a third complaint vvia Medicare and everything started all over again. I love  that you Genia are finished with nasty chemo. I would love to make comments to everyone...I miss the board very much but I had to talk to three companies one day nearly 4 hours. arr. 2 Neulasta injections arrived via overnight UPS this morning and my Taxol arrived at my Onc's office. I am on for next Friday. Unbelievable.

    One friend asked me if I wanted to quit. I said yeah...for about 1.5 seconds and then I   go back to trying to get my insurances changed. 

    Wink, welcome back...The movie mauling is overSmile...crutches gone and walking has commenced. 

    It's been so long since I felt like coming on. I'll come back later and try to catch up. I'm on page 69...YIKES! 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009
    Welcome back Mena!!!!  Kiss Sorry you have to go through so much insurance crap! Yell
  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi girls,

    priz, hope you feel better now the MRI is over I am sure the results will be good. I hate going into that machine and know that it is something I will probably have to do at least once or twice a year from now on, as mamograme didn't show my cancer.

    Spring, what do you mean a baldy picture, there is a lot of hair on my head, it may not be very long, but it IS THERE! yes you can probably tell, I am very sensitive about the number of hair folicles that are very slow to produced any hair.

    Wink, you look great, seeing all our (very very short hair photos) makes me feel like we are looking deeper into the faces and seeing real character. I wish we could all be together, we could have a very very short hair party!

    Genia, you poor thing, you must put your feet as high as you can, (without being indecent!)Innocent, I hope the swelling goes down soon, and your blood count rises, you should be on the mend very soon. Thank god you don't have any more chemo to add to this weight.

    Take Care girls, Singapore Chris

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    Are any of you beautiful women on Facebook?

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited February 2009

    Today I have my 6th taxol/Herceptin.  For those counting, I've gotten to the 1/2 point!  Also, I've been holding my breath, but my hair has survived so far.  I officially have an Obama cut!!  At least that's my story - you know the real deal.  Hey maybe we will start a trend!

    Last time I was successful on cutting down on the steroids for Taxol, so that was good news.  For those of you that take steroids, keep in mind that it will show your white count as high, but you are still immune suppressed.  Steroids cause your white cells to take the day off and float around in the blood stream where they can be easily counted, rather than out there fighting  infection.  At least, that's my best non-medical explanation.

     Take care everyone.  Oh, another note about Chillow's (and my verdict is still out on whether I love it or not), but it is made in the USA!!!  How many things can you say that about these days!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Robin - I am on FB. Haven't been on too long. Just figuring it out. Not sure how to request a friend, but you can request me, if you know how.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Not on Facebook......but I am on Yearbook.....that one is fun!

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2009

    Priz, still just catching up...wanted to send  you many many warm hugs's 26 degreees in NYC today.

    hugs again,


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited February 2009

    Welcome back Mina!  Gald to hear that your back on you feet again!  It was 9 degrees at my house this morning..brrrrrrrrrrrrr

    Jane - Murphy x Murphy = a Positive (they cancel each other out). 

    I'm on MySpace - is Facebook better?

    Thanks SingChris - love your new pic too!

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    I love Facebook... it's easier to keep up with your friends, and it seems that more people are on FB than MySpace...

    I'm listed as Robin Bentz McRath, if anyone's interested in friending!

    Two more chemo to go, six more leukine shots, two more labs and one more exam...I'm taking a three week break before I start radiation. I want to have some semblance of normal for a little while! 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    I just joined facebook about a month ago and I'm having fun.  It makes me feel old, though, because there are so many young kids on there, but I've had the chance to do a lot of catching up with people I don't see all the time.  I don't know how to friend request either unless you are a friend of a friend.  But I'll accept your friend requests - Jane Murphy, email address =

    Genia - I've never heard of Yearbook - tell me more.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009

    This is just so funny, I am a photographer, but have no pics of myself.....this is why I take pics of other people.  I can't stand to have my pic done.  Love to see all your smiling faces.  Maybe I will pull out my camera and have dh take a pic of my uncle fester doooo. 

    Well, I got the official word from my onc.  Chemo is done!!!  Only 10 out of the 12 Taxol, but my poor feet can't take anymore.  I couldn't walk for 2 days after the last treatment.  I am so glad not to have to call that office again.  I just have to see the onc 2 weeks after surgery for a referral to radiation. Yipeeeeeee!!!!!  I am working on an idea of a newletter for the cancer facility. Maybe go in and interview pts during chemo infusion.......make in non medical.....just how friends have helped and what things made their journey easier.  It seems the least I can do for all those suffering due to this jerky, crappy office with no compasion. 

    Oh, and the icing on the cake, after 4 weeks of problems with neuropathy in my feet, my onc finally offers me Lyrica today !!!!  After I am done!!!!  How dumb is that !!!!  I just hope my feet get better and my taste buds come back soon.


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Jane....Yearbook is about like Facebook and Myspace....only you earn lunch money to play with.  You can buy your friends gifts and stickers....and you can also buy their pictures.  It's really fun....I've already met two ladies that had breast cancer.

    If you think it would be something you would like I'll send you an invite.....

    Trude....glad you're done sweetie!!!  

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    Congratulations, Trude!!

    Jane...I "friended" you on FB!

    I just HAD to change my pic here...I can't stand the big ol' moonface...and to top it off, I found BOYHAIRS on my chin, my upper lip, and two growing out of my cheek!! What the heck is up with THAT??

    I think that everyone that's slapped up a photo is most beautiful...Photoshop is a wonderful thing...hehe... nice hazy & whites....yep... that's my story!

    I got permission to take a two/three week break between chemo & rads...yippee!! I don't know what I'm gonna DO with myself! Any suggestions? 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Not photoshop Robin.....PICASA!!!!  lolol

    Glad you get a break girl......get you a Cabana boy for those two/three weeks!!! 

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    Is that why you've been so quiet, Genia?  Have you been spending all your free time with a cabana boy?

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    OK, now you can all see my puffy moon face up close.  This is my Valentine's Day hat and I love it.  I don't know if it's just because this is all getting old, because my tooth and my face hurt, or because of my headaches (or because, of course, I have brain mets), but it's getting harder and harder. By mid-afternoon, the wig comes off and on goes a hat.  They'll either have to learn to get used to it or I stay home.  It's up to them.  I don't really think it bothers them, though.

    I didn't realize how round my face had gotten until dd took this picture tonight.  I look old, fat and ugly.  I guess old, fat and ugly is better than all dressed up in a casket.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009


    You all have no idea how good a friend photoshop can be to a woman... I will post a couple pics later to show you.  Anyone can loose 15 or 20 lbs with just a whip of the liquify best friend.  Ok I have had half a bottle of champagne to celebrate never going to the chemo room again.  I can't tell you how happy I am today !!!!   Yipee  !!!!!


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    LOL...Jane you are a nut!!! 

    And you are NOT old fat and ugly!!!  You are beautiful inside and out girl! 

    I've been quiet cause I've been feelin like CRAP.......havin a very hard time getting over this last chemo.  I think one more and "I" would be dressed out in a

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2009

    Hi al I am just plain old and not on Fb or Yearboook or whatever. I let y kids do that!

    I need to have a biopsy on my right breast. Don't have it scheduled as I have played telephone tag all day with BS office. Going to drain a cyst or two and biopsy a 'thickening'. I did a unilat so I could keep some sensationWink. Now I wonder if I did the right thing. Life goes on!

    Exhausted after woring 6 hours at the hospital. I used to routinely work 16 hrs and not think twice! I must be old (and bald with a round fat face!)

    We all need to celebrate with Trude! Bring on the champagne and cabana boys!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Trude - my fingers are really hurting this time... makes it hard to type Yell Maybe I won't be having 4 more Taxols. If I can't type, I can't work... Undecided     BTW, can you photoshop 15 lbs off of me please Laughing

    Jane - Love the new hat!

    Genie - Feel better soon, sweetie. Kiss

    I'm off to find Robin and Jane on Facebook...

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Denise - your message came up while I was typing. Good luck with the biopsy. Kiss

    Jane and Robin - I "friended" you on FB!

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi Girls,

     Congrats, Trude, what great news, now more chemo Hurry!

    Juli, hope you fingers get better soon, make sure you tell your oncol exactly how bad they are, as it seems the trend, to stop taxol early if the effects on your hands and feet are bad. I spoke to a lady yesterday who said it is VERY RARE, but the feeling in her toes still isn't back after 2 years. She had a test done and the nerves are damaged beyond repair. It is not my intention to worry anyone, but please don't put up with too much numbness.

    I was on facebook, but got so many emails, I couldn't keep up, so I deleted myself.

    Genia, we will have no talk of caskets, only cabana boys, rest and get better soon.

    Can anyone tell me where this cabana boy thing came from, did I miss a very important movie or something? I must have had chemo brain at the time, but I am ready for my cabana boy now!Innocent

    Welcome bakc Mina,

    Take Care girls, Singapore Chris

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009

    Juli - I stopped at onc said trials were done at 12 so that is what they shoot for but if the neuropathy is too bad they feel results are about the same after 8.  Are you doing the Glutamine? I also found out too late, that it works better when B6 and B12 are added.  You might try this.

    Good luck


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009
    Trude, I have done L-Glutamine and B-12 since I started Taxol. I added Vitamin E a month ago (my onc's suggestion). My fingers were not too bad till this week. Frown I'm thinking about calling in this morning and seeing if I can have tomorrow (no tx) off.
  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited February 2009

    Yay Trude - Glad that you're done.  When are you scheduled for surgery?  I hope that you have some time to take a break. Could you photoshop me 15 lbs lighter too.....please?  I just took my pic with the camera that's intergrated into my labtop. Your newsletter sounds like a great idea - you'll have to post it when you're finished.

    Juli - here's to hoping that you're done too!  I'm sorry that you are hurting Cry.

    Denise - hope that all is B9 with your biopsy.  I know what you mean - I can't work those long shifts anymore either; I'm really dragging butt after 8 hours.

    Genia - how are you doing today?  Are you getting a break in the snow?  Have you had any sunshine lately?

    Jane & Robin - I'm going to check out FB; will find out about friending you both & Juli.

    SingChris - it was either Genia or Ruth (from Spokane) who initially brought up the "Cabana Boy" and marguarita suggestion....I think that we all agreed that we'd rather have Cabana Men!  I wish that I could find out what has happened to RuthFrown.

    Luv Y'all (or y'uns in mountain speak) 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Hi Donna.....yes I think the snow has finally given us a much needed break!  I'm sick of Winter....sick of cancer......and just sick of being SICK!  lol

    It was Ruth who thought that one up......and I wish we could find out what happened to her too!  She was such a regular here for so long......and then poof!  I don't like it when women on this board go poof!!!  Really worries me.......

    I'm doing a little better.....I figure once my body figures out "NO MORE CHEMO" it will kick in and try to help me get better.  Right now it's thinkin....what's the point?  Just gonna zap me again.....

    And BTW....I griped and complained about that NeuBlasta shot all the time. wasn't the shot at all that made my bones ache.  They have hurt just as bad if not worse this time than the other times.  AND my white count hit rock I take back everything I said about that shot.....I'm sure it kept me from getting much sicker all those months!

    hugs and hope you all are good you!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    I just checked....and the last time Ruth logged in was Dec 18th!

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009

    It is so hard to keep up with who is on what treatment.  How far are you Genia ???  For some reason I thought you were done. 

    My surgery is either 2-25 or 3-4.  I have appts with both surgeons tomorrow so I should know then.  Will take my laptop so I can let you know. 

    Juli - I wish my onc told  me about glutamine and b12.....I found out from you ladies.  My onc said I could try but there was no proof it worked.....she is crazy, it helps alot.

    Well, off to Costco to pick up meds and some snacks for the 3 hour drive tomorrow.

    Every body have a great weekend, I hope you all feel wonderful
