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Chemo in Sept 08



  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009


    I made you skinnier....but I need an email to send it to. 


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009
    I'm sitting here crying like a big baby. I called the onc's office this morning and spoke to a nurse. She said "Have you tried L-Glutamine?" I said "yes, since Taxol #1." She said she would have the onc call me. Well, he didn't call. I haven't cried like this since I found out I had to have chemo. Do I take the Decadron tonight and walk in tomorrow telling them it is my last? Or not show up and take a week off? Cry
  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited February 2009

    Juli50 - I'd take the decadron to be ready. Worst case, you just have taken extra decadron.

     I just finished taxol/herceptin #6.  Halfway through!

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009
    Colleen - Thanks, I'm over the crying jag now. I will suck it up and take my decadron. Undecided
  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    HUGS Juli.......wish I could give you one in person!

    Trude....I am finished with the chemo.  Sorry if I confused you...... Smile

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009
    Genia - Thanks, I needed that hug! Laughing
  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Anytime pretty lots of them!!!

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009

    Juli - So does that mean you finished 8 Taxol????  Any other problems, or just the fingers?  FYI, I never took decadron the night before....only as a premed with my Taxol infusion.  My onc did say they were happy if you made it to 8. 

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009
    Trude - yes, I finished 8 Taxols. My big toes are numb, but I can live with that. It's my index fingers and thumbs that are bothering me the most. Tomorrow is it! 9 will have to be enough! Tongue out
  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Juli, a good cry now and then is good for us, it lets out the toxins! Hope you are feeling better, It's not fair if we are in pain and no one returns our calls, they should be there for us.  Talk to your oncol before you have taxol no 9 and see what he says.

    I was hoping the cabana boy/man thing came from a movie, I wanted to see one!

    I have just been for a lovely massage, by a swiss lady who is a lymphatic specialist, I feel calm and destressed. sending you all calm and postive vibes..................

    Take care everyone.   Singapore Chris

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Not doin well this morning.  I got up.....went to the bathroom....then looked in the mirror at a monsterous face and eyes.  I am so swollen....I have a Drs appt at 11.  If I am not here later you will know they put me  in the hospital.  I almost passed out in the kitchen, but managed to hold on to furniture to make my way to the bottom of the stairs to yell for my husband.   Just SO dizzy.......I took an ativan because I thought it might be anxiety.  And I also took my potassium pills....thinking my potassium might be too low again.  Something isn't right....

    I wanted to give you Jim's email address.....just in case

    Just tell him who you he will know.

    love and hugs


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2009

    Afternoon everyone,

    Chris, I just read your bear story and I love it...TY:)

    Talk about tears, apprehension and anxiety.

    My doctor increased my anti-depressant to 2 Effexor 75 SR's a day. I've been so crabby, angry and teary. Realistically, I know Cancer is a tricky disease that might come back,  but I can't take people telling me I will heal, even though I love the occasional hugs.  I miss getting and giving hugs, even though my son gives me bye-bye hugs and hugs me if he catches me crying for no reason.

    My mood is improved after just 4-5 days of taking the Effexor twice a day. I may be experiencing the placebo effect, but I don't mind the placebo effect: I needed to  stop feeling so awful all the time. Fingers crossed.

    My Oncologist scared me and I've become more nervous than I was when I was to receive A/C chemo. She looked  worried after I  reminded her  of my Diabetes as she was telling me about Taxol SEs. My blood sugars are under good control @ 97-104 per week so I try not to worry about the Decadron 60 mgm I'll get in one day.

    We talked again about her giving me so much Decadron...she says my side effects will be so much worse in her experience if I take less Decadron and I might even pass out. She had one patient pass out in her office and  says she will not have that happen again if possible.

    Therefore, I will take 20 mgm of Decadron @ 11:30 Next Thursday night  and 20 mgm Decadron @ Breakfast Friday morning. She will give me 20 MGM in my IV @ noon Friday when I get the Taxol. She didn't even raise her head to acknowledge me when I told her that 11 mgm of Decadron IV kept me up 24 hours. Oh well.

    My son is off to his Comicon weekend here in the city. It's a $ sacrifice but he needs to get out. He enjoys all the new friends he's met in the Anime/Manga groups and I know he'll have fun.

    My hair  has  a strip brown hair mixed in with my white hair. I may snap a pic of the top of my head to share...WOW...scary.


    love to you all,


    off to catch up with the posts







  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2009


    I am praying that you are Ok. Tel that body of yours, that you are DONE!!!! Time to recooperate and move on! maybe thaey need to give you some Lasix to get rid of all the swelling.....


  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2009

    Jane, we need to hook up.  Sorry you had another injury... I want  join the tooth brigade. When I got RA, I  got really dry mouth and didn't have dental insurance  after my disability at work left the building...Most of my teeth need to say goodbye too. My Onc is not happy but  she told me to not do anything with my teeth  until I'm finished with the Taxol. 

    I didn't know the two sisters who left us, but I wish I had since everyone loved them so much. I wish I could remember names when I post because I  want to let you know how much you're are in my heart and mind. However, I can't remember anything anymore so please know that I  want to.

     Chris, TY for letting us know about the numbness. I am most concerned with that and with my bloods sugars. 

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2009

    Before I crash, I thought I'd post a picture of my son with me wearing a wig I can't wear more than 30 minutes. He was born  when I was 42 and he's kept me young these past 21 years. 

    Again love,


  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited February 2009

    He's beautiful Mina - what a blessing he must be for you!  My son just recently moved to the Spokane, WA area - too far away from his mama!

    Genia - I'm worried about you - please give us an update - or have your husband do so if you are not able.  Big sloppy hugs to you GF!

    Juli - how did it go today; I'm praying that this is the last one for you.

    SingChris - I'm envious of your massage - I'm a total massage puppy!

    Trude - now if you could just make me skinner in real life Wink

    Has anyone heard for Lei (Tanzie)?


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    I just got off the phone with Genia.  She spent 5 hours in the ER today.  She got so dizzy this morning and her pulse was racing so bad, she thought she was going to die.  They did a CT scan of her head, a chest x-ray and bloodwork.  Thankfully, there was nothing to see on the CT scan or chest x-ray.  She does have an inner ear infection.  She's very anemic as well, bordering on needing a transfusion.  They sent her home with some medicine and told her to come back if she feels worse.  Her onc told her it will take a while for the effects of the chemo to wear off.  She's going to take an ativan and go to bed, which sounds like a good idea.

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2009

    I am worried abt you Genia! Let us know you are Ok.

    My husband has a cold and is a total baby. He wants to know why I'm not taking care of him????? He took medicine and wondered why he was not better. I told him that a cold last 7-10 days and he needed to just wait it out. "But I'm coughing!" My gosh, what have I  just been through?!?!? Men are babies


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    My dh is whiny tonight, too. But, I can't say that I blame him.  I think I've pretty much drained the life out of him the last 6 months.

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited February 2009

    TY cheers me up to see my blessings face here  just now...

    Genia should  go back tonight if she's not better. I would think she would be admitted for 24 hours...but I haven't worked in a I can't speak  with recent knowledge... plus I have no friends in Oncology Nursing...most of my friends are near retirement.

    back soon, 


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009


    WOW!!! a lot of NEWS. Poor Genia! That girl and chemo treatmetns just DO NOT MIX WELL! She needs to get off the stuff and heal up. 

    Robin and Jand and anybody else, *Juli*  I am Beverly Lovelace on Facebook. I will try to find you and friend you. But Julie I can't remember your last name!

    I am half way through the RADs and getting sun burned and itchy now. 

    Guess what. My last chemo was Nov 10 and I am officially off L-Glutamin now. No pinches yet. I am hoping this is IT. I am also going to try and go off the anti-depresants in March. The ONC said wait until March as there is more sun and people do better with more sun. (Interesting huh?)

    Winkie Dink, You look wonderful. OK ladies. This wkend I will take a "bald" (OK CHRIS!!! NOT BALD!!! but short sassy hair!!!) picutre of me and post it. I got hair color today too. Hmmm, I don't know, will I color it or not? 

    Confession. I have been transfixed by embattled Gov. Rod Blogojevich and his HAIR. One late night comic said about him: "Slum Dog, Million Hairs". And I thought, HEY, I WANT A MILLION HAIRS!!!! lol.

    Love you ladies. Hang in there Genia, Jane, Juli, Mina (cute kid!), Winkie, Denise, Trude Robin, and all other beauties...

    Spring (Beverly)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    Jane Murphy, you would not believe how many Jane Murphy's there are on facebook!!! Would you "friend" me? I will be easier to find!!! Beverly Lovelace.

    Juli, what is your last name and I'll try to find you on facebook.


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    I sent you a friend request, Spring.  Now all you have to do is accept me

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Beverly - I just sent you a friend request.

    For anyone else, it's Juliann McKenna.

    As for today's chemo...good news and bad news... 
    good news... I got a break - no chemo today, just Herceptin. 
    bad news... He wants to give me Taxotere for the last 4 treatments, which can cause neuropathy too, but not as bad. great Undecided  he also gave me a prescription for Neurontin. Has anyone tried that?

    Jane - Thanks for the update on Genia. I was thinking about her all day.

    Mina - Love the pic of you and your son!

    Hugs to all! Kiss

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    OK Jane, we are now friends, and same with Juli.

    Did you all find Robin Bentz McRath? She is there too!   :)


  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2009

    Have you guys seen the new website abt chemobrain? It wants $17.95 for a report on how to counteract chemobrain. Wonder what it says that we haven't figured out yet.

    Facebook is the new thing it appears!

    Anyone hear from Genia??

    I will attempt to post my peachfuzz this weekend. (My oldest is coming home tonite so he can help me!)


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Beverly - yes, I have "friended" Robin, Jane, and you, so far. Didn't Donna say she is on it too?

    I just searched...and found a "Donna Winkler Lander". that must be her!

    yes, I see Robin and Beverly are on her friends list. Laughing

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    OK I will make sure I have Donna! Winkie Poo!!!

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited February 2009

    genia babe- get some of jane's bubble wrap!! Girlfriend i hope you feel better soon.

    I am sorry that chemo is kicking tail and taking names but it will be over soon... I still have some problems left from my last one. Had an echo today and a veinous study (no clots) but my legs are still super swollen. Won't hear from the echo till Monday probably. Also did a LOAD of bloodwork to try to figure it out. I am hoping that the chemo hasn't damaged the kidneys or heart but we will find out next week. Meanwhile i am doubling up on fluid pills to try to at least keep feeling in my toes....Oh the JOYS huh??

    Everybody have a SAFE and wonderful weekend. Lets pray for the better days that are coming.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Hi everyone...

    I know the benefits of prayer....I've seen it many times in my life.....especially since I was diagnosed with cancer. I am asking for more of those prayers right now.

    I went to the Dr. on Tuesday. They did my routine blood work and told me all my counts were low including my potassium level. Potassium is needed especially for the keeps it in rhythm. Mine was extremely low. The Dr. gave me potassium pills to take. I came home and started taking them.

    Yesterday morning when I got out of bed and came downstairs....I was making coffee.....and when I turned around to walk out of the kitchen.....I almost passed out. I got so dizzy I didn't know if I was gonna be able to make it to a chair.

    To make a long story short.......I ended up in the ER for 5 hours yesterday. All my blood counts are still low. My red blood cells were almost to the critical point and they considered giving me a blood transfusion.....but decided to wait to see if my body would produce the cells on it's own.

    My potassium is still rock bottom....after 4 days of taking the pills. I am swollen soooo much. I gained 4 pounds of fluid in one day. They can't give me anything for the fluid because it depletes the potassium even more. So it's a catch 22.

    The only thing I know to do is PRAY.....God has brought me through this horrible battle....and I don't think he did it to let me down now.

    So I'm asking for your prayers.....because if something doesn't give I'm gonna end up in the hospital....which is probably where I need to be.

    Hugs and love to you ALL......thanks for all the well wishes!
