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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2009

    Genia - If your daughter comes to stay with you, then she should be paying her share.  She's a grown girl and capable of working.  If she can afford drugs, she can afford to help with the rent.  You and Jim can't afford to support her and her habit.  I can't believe they are taking your disability for child support.  You have the kids, too.  Just keep praying, GF, He'll figure it all out.

    Juli - please keep us up on how you're doing.  Even if you can't post, maybe one of your boys can let someone know what's going on.  We worry about you.  We've become like a family here.  Speaking for myself, I've grown close to quite a few of you and plan on spending many years bonding with you all.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited March 2009

    Juli - I am soooo sad for you.  The hospital is yucky, but it will make you better faster.  The IV antibiotics are like a super charge.  You should feel better soon. Please keep in touch, we all miss you. 

    Mina - Wow girl, you are one writing fool !!!  LOL  Thank you soooo much for all your insight. It's crazy but I could follow every word too.  I can read a novel, but anything technical I just can't keep up.....also at work sometimes I just can't keep my mind on one's crazy. 

    Spring - So glad you are healing .....It should be better from now on....and guess what ....You are done !!!!  YEAH !!!

    Juli - On the billing make sure they cut you a check NOW.  The big trick is to tell you they have to wait for this that and the is just not true.  Be tough or they will give you the run around.  Good Luck

    Ok, all you with snow, I am in Northern Calif, and we have no rain, no snow.....the lakes are so low ....we may have water rationing this summer.  

    Now, the big news.  I leave for surgery tomorrow.  We have a 3 hour drive to Eureka, and will stay in a motel tomorrow night.....then have to be at the hospital at 5:30 at 7:00.  Unilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction with expander. I am scared to death.  Never had any surgery......checked on the web site for lists of what to take with me.  I only have to stay over night.....then on to our cousins house for 5 days.  I will take my laptop, but may not be on line for a couple days. 

    Good luck to all.....feel better. 


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2009

    Juli... I agree with Trude regarding the insurance company. I also have a little trick. Three little words will usually get a mighty fast response: Police, Attorney, and Lawsuit. Fraud might be another word you might feel like tossing in there, too. I'll pretend to be your attorney, if you need me to... :D


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Chris, you are right about permanent changes. I've started and am having pretty good success. I highly recommend this book: Check it out! It is a great guide on an anti-cancer diet, exercise and serenity/de-stress life style. It suggests these things in ADDITION to medical treatment. The research sited is amazing!  Anti-Cancer, A New Way of Life. by David Servan-Schreiber (Author).   Please check out this great book!!!

    JULI LOVE!!!! oh please let us know you are okay. HEAL BABY HEAL. 

    Genia, I am totally with you on the daughter thing. I have a teen at home that went crazy with a boyfriend all through this cancer thing. I remember the defining moment was me feeling like I was going to barf after AC in the OB/GYN office with her getting her on birth control. I mean REALLLLLY!!!  Do we need this??  I wonder if it was God giving me a distraction to focus on the here and now. For us the last straw was her older sister home from college discovering the boyfriend in her sister's bedroom! Talk about DRAMA! My husband went balistic, as you can just imagine... 'nough said!!! I know it is not drugs, but doesn't it seem it is always something? I don't know. Hang in there.

    Bettys!!!!   FOUR MORE BABY!!!!! Woooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!   I felt SO HAPPY to be done with Rads. the daily thing, I don't know. I now feel like a rebirth of me is coming! I signed up for my old Yoga class, I started taking anti-oxidents, etc etc. 

    Love you girls!!!! 


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2009

    This was a little something that my sister in law, also a BC Survivor, sent me this morning... and I wanted to pass it on to all of you... my sisters whom I love so very much!


    Dear God: 

    The lady reading this is beautiful, classy and strong, and I love her. 

    Help her live her life to the fullest. 

    Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations. 

    Help her shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love. 

    Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs you the most, and  let her know when she

    walks with you, she will always be safe..

    Amen and AMEN!

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2009

    Hey ladies!

    Mina- I had decadron too-- Unfortunately, it never gave me the cleaning bug. lol  Looks like you got your snow, chica!  I'm a little jealous.  We hardly ever get the white stuff down here. And when we do, it's almost always gone by the next day. Btw: Percocet is great stuff.  It was the only thing that helped with my head yesterday.  I haven't seen Slumdog Millionaire, but I'd like too.  Shoot! I haven't even seen The Beach. :p Wow!  You've been a' postin'. lol I'm sending the SandMan your address, cause apparently he's forgotten where you live!

    Chris- Love your thoughts for the day!  Your positive attitude is catching! Thanks so much for being a beacon of postive energy.

    Spring- I don't know about Rads and blood counts, but I have read that it can cause fatigue. Perhaps this is due to low WBC?   So glad to hear that you're healing well!  I think going out to the gym as you did deserves a WHOOT!  You go girl!  Isn't it freeing?  I think, as you go out more without a covering, you'll discover that people aren't paying as much attention to the state of your head as you think they are. That's what I found anyway!

    Juli-  Belated congrats! on the no blot clot!  I know that was such a load off your shoulders.  Aside from the SE's of biaxin,are the antibiotics doing their job?  About the over paying-- of *course* they aren't gonna mention it to you!  :/  Hope you get back what's coming to you!  I hate that you're having to go back into the Hospital, even if it is just for 'biotics.  Hopefully it'll be a quick in and out!

    Robin-  Don't worry-- it'll come back to you--- the reading, that is.  It has for me, and I've been making up for lost time. :)  Getting lost in a good book is one of my very favorite things to do.  You'll have to let us know what you find out next Tues.  Thank you so much for sharing the email your SIL sent you...

    Genia- I wish you all the best in making your mast decision.   I don't think docs realize exactly how crushing it is to hear that you have a  'suspicious mass/spot,ect' in your supposedly 'good' breast.  Mine kept saying, "We'll just keep an eye on it.  Come back in 6 months for another MRI.." Umm, how about no.  I requested a double Mast and haven't regretted it for one second. 

    Lots of hugs go out to you on the subject of your DD.  I know any decision you make will be a tough one.  I'll be sending some prayers up for you on this one...

    Jane-  2 hour round trip for Rads?  I feel for you. Rest up, girly.. and remember-- "This too shall pass.."

    Bettys-  You were blessed with snow too?  *sigh* We just got the cold.  Thankfully the rain passed north of us.  French onion soup and crusty bread sound wonderful. :)

    Wink-  I've been FCC for several weeks too.  I've even had one or two people say, "I really like your hair cut.." LOL  I've said, "I didn't cut it off-- it's growing in."  

    Trude- Good luck with your surgery! Praying that all goes well with it and that your recovery is a swift one.  You will be staying at your cousins?  Hopefully, it'll be a restful place where you'll have a lot of help.

     Okay.. I think I'm caught up! lol 

    Girls, please pay attention when they say to take your meds at the same time every day.   I was running late Sunday and forgot to take my Arimidex and Effexor.  I didn't remember it until I was at church.  And then later when I was in town for the afternoon.  To make a long story short, I didn't end up taking it until about 8:30 Sunday night.  My hormones must have fluxuated and triggered a migraine.  I spent the whole day yesterday in the bed and vomitting. :/  Needless to say, I won't be forgetting my meds again anytime soon!

    Today, I am back to me-- and it's so wonderful not to be hurting! 

    Much love, ya'll!


  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2009

    Oh my gosh!  I almost spazzed out!  I got a 'connection interrupted' message when trying to post.  I thought I lost everything! lol  Thank goodness it came up after clicking the 'refresh' button. 



  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2009

    Trude - good luck on the surgery.  Praying all goes well.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Good luck prayers will be with you sweetie.

    I just got home from the ultra sound.  There is something there.......but she said it's very SMALL!!!!  I LIKE that    So I'm off to the Onco in a few.  Hope they have read my ultra sound by the time I see him.

    I'll write more later when I have time........

    hugssssss and love

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Genia, AHHHHCK. You need to be so done with breast tissue. Sorry, not my call, I am projecting!!! I am squirming in my seat for you. Let us know what you find out.

    Lei! What a nice long post!!!

    I love the FCC comments (Full Cranial Commando, was that Winkie's?) I am FCC around the house, but need caps to keep my head warm. My husband does not like to pay the heating bills, and sometimes it is ccccccooooold!!! 

    Hey, this weekend will be 70's in Raleigh! Sun! Warm! I can't wait!!!

    ROBIN!!! THANK YOU FOR THAT PRAYER!!! It is so wonderful! I feel special reading it!!! :)

    Springie (tanner and tanner and less redish by the day...)

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    I'm HOME....whew I'm tired too!!! 

    My Onco said there is a very small cyst in my left  breast.  He recommended it be biopsied......I said NOOOOOO.....we are not biopsying another lump.  That whole breast is coming off.  He said that was my decision.....if that is what I wanted to do.  I won't go through another breast biopsy......especially after going through what I went through with the biopsy on my right breast! 

    So I see my surgeon tomorrow morning.  Pretty sure he will schedule my surgery.  I'm going to see PS too at some point soon.......just to see what he says.  I have mixed feelings about reconstructive surgery.  So I need to talk to him to just hear what he has to say.  According to my Onco....the PS is an excellent Dr.  He has specialized in breast reconstruction for 15 years.  So I will just see.......

    He said my tumor is my right breast.  Other than some clouding......there's nothing there.   He said the clouding could just be scar tissue from the tumor since it was so big.  One lymph node is a little over a 1/2 inch and he doesn't know if it still contains cancer cells or not.  He said the radiation would depend on what they find when they do the surgery.  Chances are I will have to have it.  Maybe not........ can project away girl.  I never ever turn down good advice from anyone and you gals are pretty clever when it comes to this stuff!!!

    Robin....that was soooo beautiful it made me cry.  I think I may steal it to keep.....if it's ok!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Genia, WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Cancer GONE!!! What fantastic news!

    If you don't have to have radiation, then reconstruction is not such a big deal (oh, easy for me to say, but It is a longer drawn out deal with radiation).

    I know you are pooped out now, but I've heard from many women who don't do recon initially, and then years later they regret it. 

    I am glad I had bilateral, and I am glad I did recon. I may have to do more, but it just feels like me. I am focused on my hair coming in, because my chest doesn't phase me in the least. When I have my hair back, I will be me again. (I know I am me, but you all knkow what I mean!)

    Genia!!! FEET UP!!! REST!!!! Take some time to just "be". 


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited March 2009

    three left!!! lets hope the skin holds out. sorry i can't catch  up ut i have two babies o the lap and this post will be lucky to make it.

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2009

    Genia!! Crack open a bottle of champagne, girl!! MASS IS GONE!! WOOOOO HOOOO!!! 

    I am pretty much FCC 90% of the time, only wearing a headband to keep my ears warm, and sometimes wearing one of my awesome hats when I go to church...I figure it like this... I lost my hair fighting to save my own life...and if it bothers anyone to look at my fuzzy head... DON'T LOOK!!

    A friend of mine from church sent me a card that said this: "No one said it would be easy to lose your hair. But knowing you, you'll find a way to turn this situation around and use it as a BADGE OF HONOR, a sign to the world that YOUR TREATMENTS ARE WORKING. And when this is all behind you and your hair grows back, you'll be able to say with assurance that EVERY day is a GOOD HAIR DAY.

    I loved it!

    Oh...Genia, and anyone else that wants to... swipe that poem all you want!!

    I love you girls!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009


    Robin, do tell about these "awesome hats". Really. I wondered what I'd do about church, a ball cap just does not seem quite the thing... Send pics if you have?

    Genia, I second Robin's champaign sentiment!

    Chris, don't forget our thought of the day for tomorrow!!!


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2009

    I've got awesome greek fisherman's hats, newsboys hats from Chinatown, a Coach bucket hat, a couple of handmade scarves from our sister church in Africa, beautiful tye-dyed scarves...all given to me by the awesome women at my church! I've worn bandannas with skull & crossbones, hearts, peace symbols, and lots of other things like that printed on them... my church isn't one for fashion! We don't care if you've just rolled out of bed and arrive in your jammies...we're happy that you're here! 

    Does anyone have any questions about nutrition and the like that they'd like me to ask the team when I go on Tuesday? I'm getting a list together for myself, because I want to know if I can go back to eating flax and soy once in a while because I'm estrogen positive...same for taking Vits E & C. 

    I just found out that when I start rads (an hour away distance-wise), my center will be handing me $250 in gas cards and the Komen Foundation will pay $1000 of my household bills or car repairs or whatever I need paid, provided I turn in a copy of the bill or statement. How cool is that? Has anyone else checked into that for themselves? 


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2009

    Robin - My radiation center is over an hour away as well.  The American Cancer Society will reimburse me $100 for gas, but who is giving you the gas cards and how does one get assistance from the Komen foundation? 

    What's up with flax?  I thought flax was good for breast cancer.  I know no soy, but I didn't know no flax.

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2009

    I go to the Johnson Cancer Center in Muskegon Michigan, and they're the ones that give the gas cards, apparently on one of the first visits. Every patient is set up with a caseworker, and they search out whatever assistance a patient may need, whether it be help with paying a utility bill, getting food...whatever. They also are pretty tight with the Komen foundation, and anyone that lives or is receiving treatment in Muskegon Heights, will receive $1000 to help defray the costs of getting treatment, loss of hours at work if you are working, wear and tear on your car...anything.

    My nutritionist said early in my treatment that I should stay away from, or severely limit my soy/flax intake because I've only been eating it for ten or so years. If I had been ingesting soy/flax since childhood, it wouldn't be an issue. Both soy and flax are phytoestrogens, and until I get the "all clear", I'm not eating either of them. I'll find out more on Tuesday! 

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited March 2009

    Genia, I wish all your worries would just go away and you could relax and enjoy life.  I must say I had no idea you were old enough to have a grown up daughter, you look so young! Things have a way of working out, so please don't give up, all will be well in the end.  As far as surgery goes, just remember it is your body, but if you do have a double mast, ask them not to take the lymph nodes out on your cyst side, if there is no reason too, or you will be left without a good arm, which means you won't be able to sleep on either side and both arms will be at risk of lymphedeama. Fantastic news about you cancer being GONE! Excellent, it is always so good to hear when things go right too. While your daughter is with you, make sure you talk to her and tell her that you will need help around the house with everything as it will take you some time to fully recover, I am sure she loves you as much as you love her and that she will be willing to help.

    Trude, Good luck with the surgery, I am quite sure it will be fine, we look forward to hearing how well you are recovering.

    Juli, I think Robin looks like a very good lawyer, use her if you need to. Hope all is going well for you in hospital. We are thinking of you.

    Spring, I already have the book, I have read about a quarter so far and I agree it is very good.  I will definitely read the rest, thanks.

    Robin, what wonderful sentiments and thank you so much for passing them on to us. We need all the help we can get to move through this difficult time. What a nice surprise about the gas money and contribution to the bills, it's good to hear that some people/companies are really trying to help.

    Lei, thanks for the warning about taking our meds on time, what is the Effexor for? I know how it feels to lose a long post, it can be so upsetting, I now type mine in word if it's for more than a few lines, just in case.

    Bettysgirl, only three to go !! How lovely to have babies on your lap.

    Thought for the day:

    "I am in charge of the thoughts I choose to think.  I choose joy as often as possible.

    Take care girls, Singapore Chris x

  • Lili46
    Lili46 Member Posts: 102
    edited March 2009

    Hi All,

    Wow, a lot has been happening since I last posted. For all of you that are still dealing with chemo, rads, and surgery hang in there. I finished chemo in Nov. and rads at the end of Jan. I did have some fatigue with rads but not until the last 10 treatments but feel really good now. I gave up wearing the wig, scarves and hats (except when outside because this poor head gets so cold) on Valentine's Day. No one has been shocked by my very short hair. Most have very nice comments..."You look European chic". I guess that's nice. My chemo nails are growing out too. I also have seen an integrative doctor for nutrition, read all I can read about nutrition and cancer and attended a seminar about women's health and cancer. Basically, I have really beaten the nutrition subject to death but it is something we can control. The common thread with them all is, if you can, eat a plant based diet and avoid dairy. I had all kinds of blood and urine tests done to check my immune system, check for heavy metals, etc... So....I have been meat and dairy free for a few months. My Vit. D levels were low so I am on a high dose of D...5,000 iu daily, B-complex (since I'm not eating any animal products I need this and also because my homocysteine level was higher than he'd like), probiotics, CoQ10, and several other anti-oxidant amino acids. I wasn't a meat eater to begin with so that wasn't hard but I do miss cheese. I still use flax seed and both my onc and my integrative doctor were fine with it even though I am ER+.I try to eat 7-9 vegetables/fruit a day...somedays are better than others. I also have a gluten allergy so I haven't had any wheat products in about a year. I was a migraine sufferer pre-BC and since giving up wheat about a year ago I haven't even had a minor headache. I know this all sounds so restrictive but you don't have to eliminate it all at once. Experiment. I have a good energy level and although everyone around me has had a cold, the flu, the stomach virus this winter, I didn't get any of it. I've got to think that my diet has helped.

    Prettiest...I'm interested to hear what your integrative dr has to say. Please post.

    Springtime...I agree with you, Anticancer: A New Way of Life is a great book. I highly recommend it.

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2009

    Genia-  Congratulations!!! No more tumor on the right side is absolutely wonderful!!  I'm so happy for you!  You were due some good news, chica. :)   I don't blame you for insisting on a double.  I did, and don't regret it a bit.  I'm also glad I went ahead with the reconstruction.  The fills and exchange surgery were so much easier than I thought they would be. After the orginial Mast and expander placement, they were a breeze.

    Bettys-- Three left!  Yes-- the light at the end of the tunnel is here! :)  You can do it; hang in there!

    Robin-- Whomever sent you that card did a great job empathizing and lifting spirits. :)  It made me smile just reading it second hand!  We all need a friend like that. :)  I've been curious about the flax/soy thing as well.  And that is so awesome that your Cancer center offers gas cards and help through the Koman foundation!  I wish my center had offered something similar...

    Spring--  I bet you look cute as a button in hats. You could still wear your scarves though, if you aren't comfortable with FCC yet.  Just wear them a bit higher, allowing your new whispy sideburns to show.  This way the scarf looks more like an accessory, rather than a necessity. lol  

    Jane- I hope the day is treating you well!  Like you, I'm clueless about flax. :/   Looks like I need to break down and get the book Beverly and Chris and Lili are all talking about!

    Chris-- My onco put me on a low dose of Effexor to help combat nightsweats.  It's actually helped!  I was a bit leary of it, sense it is an anti-depressant, but the dose is so low- 37 ml that I haven't really noticed it affecting me other than the flashes.

    Trude- Still thinking about you.  Hope your surgery went well. *hugs*

     Much love,


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Robin - About the eating of stuff: I also heard from a Dietician at our cancer center to avoid soy, but she didn't mention flax. I was on /off /on off flax, currenty on, but little. So, I have been eating some Flax. Please find out about Flax!!!  (I am ER+, 90%)  I would like to know!

    I agree Genia looks young, Chris. She must have been a young mommie!!  Genia. Prayers to you, girl.

    Chris! Choose JOY!! I love it!! "I am in charge of the thoughts I choose to think. I choose joy as often as possible."

    Lili, I also have switched to more plant based, less meat, but I haven't excluded dairy. I was on Soy milk vs. cows, but the dietician at cancer center said to go to Organic Cow's milk (no fat) vs. Soy or Almond milk. I also have cheese and yogurt. Much less meat. More fish, about 2x a week. Tell me about Dairy.  !!! I had not heard!  I was up to 5,000 D and recently, bc of more sun, dropped to 4,000. I also am on fish oil & CoQ10 & C since recently finishing rads. I take biotin for hair and nails. (I also had nail issues, growing out now! mostly discoloration, slight, but glad it's gone...)

    Lei, good idea about the scarf! I do love the caps with my hair showing in the back and sides! I just wish I had bangs, but they are coming! I am starting to have enough hair to let it stick up!

    Where is Juli??? Prayers to you girl!

    Winkie! Hope you are well!! I am still transitioning to FCC!!! (Full Cranial Commando!!)  I have ordered some different colors of Henna/blonde online from, and will feel better when I have some more color...

    Mina is probably sleeping up a strom given her insomnia from the decodron!!!! 

    Robin, that is some center you go to!!! You sound so happy. :-)

    Update: My skin is so much better.... Betty's, don't worry. they told me it would take 1-2 weeks to "turn the corner" but it took about 4-5 days.  I am so much better every day. Last night, I was able to sleep with a PJ top for the first time in WEEKS!!!! I was so warm!

    Love you girls!!

    Springie (tannish pink, and less bright red!)

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited March 2009

    Hi everyone! I had to catch up on all the posts! I have been busy, trying to get back into work. I am exhausted! I give kudos to all of you who worked full-time during chemo! I never could have done it! My biopsy came back negative, so I had my port out on Friday. The area is sore due to where it was located. Makes it hard to lift at work. I am glad to be all done. I will start the SOFT drug trial in April.

    I do not think I can give up dairy. I have been drinking more milk and eating yogurt for the protein. i also LOVE red meat. We eat mostly game meat. I also have been taking flax, CQ10, B12, magnesium, potasium and Vit D. Please ask if game meat is Ok (less fat than normal beef)

    My son has been in and out of the hospital due to seizures. It has been draining to me. I just want him to be better.

    I am totally commando. It is much easier and most people assume I just have VERY short hair!

    Genia-take care. I kow how hard it is to turn your kids away. My middle son was arrested and we told him he could stay if he listened to our rules. He refused and I have not seen him in 2 years. Cry I am happy with my reconstruction and do recommend it!

    Trude-good luck with your surgery. You are strong and will do well.

    Hope everyone is feeling Ok


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    I'm home.....after a very emotional day.  I've cried a lot today.....just can't get it together.   I saw my surgeon this morning and love him more every time I go see him.  He recommended I only have my right breast removed right now with all the lymph nodes.  He wants me to leave the left one for a little while because apparently this port is gonna cause some problems if he takes my breast off without taking the port out and letting it heal first.  There is a pocket in there where my port sits....and he said if there is ANY infection in there....when he removes that breast......the infection could spread and i could have a huge problem.  He will be putting another port in up higher.

     Sooo.....he says let's take the right breast......then I will at some point see my Onco after surgery.  From the test results on the breast tissue......they will determine if I need radiation and more......................................C H E M O................................................that's where I about lost it right in his office.  I can't do more chemo girls.....I can NOT do it.   Then he wants me to see a plastic surgeon about reconstruction.  IFFFFF I decide to have reconstruction......then he will remove my other breast if I still want it gone.......and do the reconstruction on both breasts at the same time.

    I left his down the road and pulled over and cried hysterically.  I cried when i got home.........I don't know what's wrong with me!!!

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited March 2009

    genia babe- it's called overload!! You have had a lot on your plate and it's tough to walk this road. Some days are gonna suck and today was one of those days for you. We will pray for you send you well wishes and a time will come where your inner strenght will kick in and you will do whatever it takes to KICK SOME BC BUTT!!!!!!! HUGS TO YOU!!!!

    I am down to TWO LEFT!!!! The skin on my collarbone and underarm feels like leather to the touch so i know it will peel. FUNNY thing is that for some reason all of a sudden it wants to turn brown rather that RED!!! I told them that was my luck,,,finally get a tan SOMEWHERE and can't show it off!!LOL

    Anyway FRIDAY IS PARTY DAY!!!!!

    Juli- hope you are better and look forward to hearing from you when you get back home.

    Trude- BEST WISHES!! I know everything will go great for you. Can't wait to hear an update from you.

    Chris- Thanks for your encouragement and daily thoughts. They keep me lifted up!!

    Have a great evening ladies!!

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited March 2009


     I hope you get this before you go.  I never had surgery either and was scared to death.  One thing that helped me was to keep in mind, you were going to wake up cancer-free!!  Pretty cool!  Also, the good thing about going at 5:30AM (time I had to be there too), was that you are not full awake yet!  I thought the surgery staff was amazingly professional and made me feel very comfortable.  We were even laughing about stuff before the surgery. 

    What to bring to the hospital - food and drinks.  The apple juice wasn't bad, but everything else tasted horrible!  I slept a lot in the hospital and watched TV, so I wasn't exactly looking for things to do. 

    I'm hoping your surgery goes as smoothly as I did.  I also had a unilateral with an exander.  Remember to ask about any little thing you feel or need.  I found particularly the surgery staff to be amazingly quick with anything.  Let's see, I whispered that it hurt and had pain meds right away. I asked for more pillows and they were there in an instant.  I said I felt nauseaus and the medicine was there in an instant.  I actually like the blow up pillow things on my feet.  It felt very relaxing.

     Big hugs!  We've all done it!  My first surgery as well, and to be honest, other than the birth of my child, the only time I've been an inpatient!  In 24 hours, you are going to be cancer-free!!!  Woo hoo!

    Take care,


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited March 2009

    colleen- I thought it was just me!! I LOVED the blow up pillows on the legs!! IT felt great to me and i kinda wished i could have brought them home.!!!LOL

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Trude, blessings to you! You will be okay.... You are out of surgery now and cancer free!!! Woooo! Can't wait to hear how she is....

    Genia, I also heard the "might need more chemo" statement and I know exactly what you are going through. Well, maybe I don't because while I hated chemo, I think chemo hates you more than it did me. But honestly, That was my one true down on my knees breakdown. It is just too much, the thought of it. You had a complete response to your chemo, honestly, unless your ONC utters these words, I would not get nutzo quite yet. The surgeon is not the one. I thought when one had a complete response like you've had, that there was no more chemo. Hang in there. I know the words mean nothing, but girl, you are not alone. I say let it out. Keeping it inside can't be good. 

    BETTYs,  two Woooooooooooo!!!! I know you will be throwing a party on Friday! I was too toasty to go out to dinner - and the next 3-5 days are not so great, but girl, healing is just around the corner!!! I am so much better now, and I stopped a week ago yesterday (Tues).


  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited March 2009


    Why do you need a port?  To be honest, I've never had one.  I' opted for a PICC, which sounds bad, but to be honest, I never think about it.  It was easy peasy to put in.  Yes, I need to change the bandage once a week, but not a biggy, and yes I need to cover it before a shower, but again, not a big deal.  I found a cast cover and even found that the bag bagels come in make great covers.

    I know the oncs love ports, but your body just rejects them.  GIve it some thought. You can always go back to a port.  The piccs come out easy.  Maybe they could even put in a picc when the take out the port and give your body a chance to heal. That's what they did for my son when his port got infected.  His PICC worked out so well, they ended up leaving it in. That's why I wasn't worried.

    There's another alternative too. It's called a PASSPORT.  It is a port, goes under the skin, but it is in your arm, not  your chest.  I just think you got enough going on in that chest and we need as much stuff outta that area, at least for awhile.

     OK, so I'm not a dr by any means.  I got a c in biology.  It's just my two cents. 

    I've been thinking about your situation, and if there is questionable anything in the other breast, let's get it out now.  It probably would have been the time, since you've already had all the chemo.  You know, I went to three breast surgeons before I got one I felt comfortable with.  Ithink you should at least try one more for a second opinion.  Again, just my two cents.

    BTW, I wasn't as hard on plastic surgeons. My criteria was in had to be an in-network doctor.  I didn't even meet my Plastic S urgeon until the day before surgery.  Can you believe it?  I know my onc didn't because I was so hard on my breast surgeons.  My logic was, the breast surgeon is going to save my life.  At least at the time of the initial surgery, all my PS was going to do was stick in an implant.  Turns out he is a really great guy, and I'm keeping him.  I couldn't be more happy with what he did for closing.  Kind of a trial run.  If I hadn't liked it, it was all going to be fixed later again (after rads), so I could consider changing again.

    Take care. I don't post all the time, but I read all the time, and I worry about you a lot. All the girls on this site.  I sure wish we knew what was up with Juli.  I'm worried sick...


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    I have calmed down a daughter is gone for the night so I get a break there anyway.  I needed when I got home I was shaking so much I couldn't even get a straw opened up.  In my heart.....I want BOTH breasts gone at the same time.  That was my plan from the beginning.  This surgeon WILL do it if I really want it done.  He told me so today.  But like I said earlier....he is afraid of this port and what will happen when that port comes out and the breast comes off.

    Colleen.....I have to have herceptin for a year which is why they want a port there.  I've heard of PICC lines.....and even considered asking for one if the port I have now had to come out before my chemo was over.  But since I will be's just as easy to put another port in.  I also think the reason I have had so many problems with my port is because of where it was placed.  Almost between my breast, laying up on my left breast.  It constantly gets squeezed when I'm sleeping and turn from one side to the other.  So there's always irritation.  If one was placed up higher on my chest I wouldn't have that problem anymore.

    I am seriously considering calling the surgeon tomorrow and telling them I want  a bi-lateral mast.  I hate the thought of going through another surgery when I don't have to other than the reconstruction if I decided to even do it!  I haven't fully decided to do that yet.

    Thank you girls for you sweet caring hearts and trying to make me feel better.  God knows I was a mess when i got home today. 

    Beverly.....even tho my Onco said my tumor literally melted.....the surgeon says there still could be some residual cells in my breast and lymph nodes.  If they find them when my breast is sent to pathology.....that's when the Onco would consider more chemo.  Heck I don't know.....I'm so confused.  My onco never mentioned this to me yesterday when i saw him.  Maybe he just didn't want to overwhelm me with that info.

    I'm really worried about Juli too......does anyone have her phone number?