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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    Morning ladies,

    Juli, you sound a mess, you poor thing. Hang in there. It took me a while to seemingly get the chemo out of my system. I had my last one in early Nov and stopped needing the LGlutamin in Feb! 

    Lei, havn't done the comando yet with the baby hair, not sure how I would feel about someone petting my head! 

    Genia, hand in there. Let us know how the scans go. I agree with Chris - you should tell us all what new doo's to get!

    OK here is my countdown:

                        2!!!!!!!      (my countdown)   2!!!!!!!!!!

    There is about a dime sized spot in my underarm that is really really sore and bothering me. I am going to ask them today if they can avoid that spot, we'll see what they say. 


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    Lei - I don't quilt.  I'm lucky if I can sew on a button.

    I had my first rad today.  It took longer than I thought it would, but maybe it will go quicker as time goes on.  Tomorrow I have to have blood drawn.  They will draw blood every Tuesday and I will see the rad onc every Thursday.

    Genia - good luck with the scans tomorrow.

    All I dreamt about last night was hair!  In my dream I had enough hair to go out without a wig or hat on.

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited February 2009

    Lei - Yes, I find everyone wants to rub my hair now, and they are not asking first, they just grab it and give it a good toss :)  I don't mind, though, because I find myself doing the same thing with my own head.  It is starting to curl a lot now.  I wonder if it is getting tossled too much :)

    Looks like I'll be turning out the chemo lights on our little starting chemo in September group. I don't mind, though.  I've gotta feeling I'll get a little nervous when the chemo stops.  Strange, huh?  Hate it going in, hate it stopping.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited February 2009

    it is a mixed blessing to be done with chemo and almost done with rads...seems almost surreal.

    With 7 rads left i am being evaluated day to day. I am thoroughly toasted and beginning to look like a raw piece of steak. They say the rads keep working for two weeks after you stop so if the damage continues i will have a serious problem. They are thinking of taking a break of about a week to allow time for it to get better but they will let me know tomorrow. I had bloodwork at my regular onco's office but the rads office hasn't checked it any....

    Anyway i am so looking forward to ending rads and starting tamoxifen....NOT

    Have a great evening.

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2009

    My boss rubs my head and tells me I feel like a puppy! I guess its not so bad....

    At least my hair is growing!


  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    I was right - I have Bronchitis. The doc gave me Augmentin. He says that since I am still anemic from the chemo, it could cause a faster heart rate. He wants to monitor the anemia and see me back in a month.

    I love rubbing the hair on my head too!

    I was going to type this an hour ago (at 5:30 pm), but I fell asleep ...sitting up in front of my laptop. LOL

    Hugs Kiss

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited February 2009


    Kind of good to know I'm not the only one falling asleep on the laptop!  My coworkers just don't understand :)

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2009

    Hey,  I looked back and it was rude, that quilts, not Juli!. LOL  Sorry for the mix-up.  Can I still claim chemo-brain?

    Night girls!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Juli, glad you have some antibiotics to take care of the chest.

    Nobody has been touching my hair, as it is not really that soft! but I have been touching my other chemo friends hair, feels just like a rabbit.

    Spring, only 2 to go, wonderful. I am standing by the pool waiting to jump in!

    Tanzie,I think we can all claim chemo brain for about 6 months after that we are on our own!

    bettysgirl, your steak will be ready soon, hang in there, I hope they give you a week off.  I asked my rads oncol and he said that the rads only keep working for about 6 hours, so there is plenty of time to recover by the next morning for the next hit.  Have people been assuming the rads go on, or have they been told. How can it keep working for three weeks, if one week off is time enough to recover??? Anyway, I really hope you feel good soon.

    Jane,the first rads appointment always takes longer, hope they speed things up for you after this.  I found the first week was a bit longer as they also need to take some xrays every day to make sure they are zapping the right bit!  but don't worry, any extra radiation you have from the x-rays should be deducted from your dose.  You might like to confirm this with the rads techs. Here's wishing you a SE free run.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    Chris, get ready to jump in the pool!!! one more one more one more one more one more one more one more one more one more one more one more one more one more one more one more one more one more one...

    Bettys, I know how you feel..... I am bright red! I have a teensy "hole" looking thing under my arm that I now can't moisturize, supposed to wash it 2x a day with soap, and then put hydrogen peroxide on it to keep it dry. I am supposed to go around with my arm up to give it air!!! LOL

    He said in a week or so I would turn the corner. I can't believe I will "cook" for 2 more weeks?? That seems to be the conventional wisdom!!! aaaahhhhck!

    I love to rub my head/hair too!!!!! It feels SOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD to have hair up there, as short as it is!!! AMen Priz! And Brandonmom!!!

    Juli, mend baby mend!

    one more one more one more...... 


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Back from round one of my fun filled RADIOACTIVE day.  I'm glowing......had my MRI.  Got my radioactive crap injected for my bone scan that is at 5.   It just never ends.........but at least I'm not takin RADS yet.......I really feel sorry for you all.........but SPRING.......JUST ONE MORE G/F!!!!!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Hope you're feelin better Juli.........hugsssssss

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited February 2009

    2 down, 31 to go.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited February 2009

    Lei - We need to see some quilts.  I plan on doing some hand applique while recovering from surgery.

    Juli -  get better soon !!!  Watch out for the runs from the your doc right away if it is bad some yogurt tooo....keeps away the yeast !!!

    Now I am worried about all sound miserable.  Is anyone having radiation with an implant or expander in place???? 

    Surgery next week....thank the Lord for meds....xanax is my friend when I start to freak. 

    Spent all day yesterday seeing surgeon, plastic surgeon (very good looking) and hosp.  Who would have thought I would be posing for my first nude photo at 52 !!!!!  How scary is that


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Cry  I'm back from all the scans.  Only spent 8 hours there total.......I'm wiped out. 

    The bone scan has me concerned.  I layed there and watched the image on the screen.  After the whole body scan was done....she said she wanted to take some extra scans of my spine.  When she zero'd in on it.......there were little places that were glowing like stars.  One group of them and then 4 or 5 stragglers above and below the group.  I asked her about it and she said she didn't read the scans.......I would have to wait.  After her sitting there telling me what my bladder was and why it was glowing....and my kidney....because the tracer went through the urinary system.  So there WERE things she knew.......but when I asked her about my spine all of a sudden she didn't read them.

    Of course I'm mortified now.........and will be until tomorrow when I can find something out.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Thought for the day

    "I am very conscious of what I eat, which is not only nutritious, but also delicious

    Genia when do you get your results back from the scans.

    Trude, don't worry about radiation you may be like me and get away with out any pain at all.. fingers crossed for you.

    Jane, it will go by very fast.

    Spring, only one more!!!

    Juli, how are you feeling?

    Take care everyone. Singapore Chris

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009
    Genia!! DO NOT WORRY!! I had a bone scan done a couple of months ago, and the tech told me when I ALSO saw glowing spots that some types of scans will glow if positive, others will show up as dark spots if positive...she wasn't supposed to tell me, but she said that their system would show up as shadows if cancer were present. I got my results back a couple of days later and they were negative... what they were seeing was arthritis and osteoporosis. 
  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Whew....thank you Robin.  Maybe I can sleep tonight now.........hugsssssss

    Chris I'll call them tomorrow.......they said all the results from both scans would be read this my Dr. can get them in the morning if he needs them........and trust me.......he needs them!!!!  Or I will aggravate him to 

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    it's freaky, I know...Personally, I think that all procedures that are done with screens should have to be in a separate room, and some little old person should have to stay with you and hold your hand...then some Chatty Cathy wouldn't be compelled to blather on about nothing, then shut the hell up when she "thinks" she sees something wrong... smack that person right upside the head.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited February 2009

    Hi Genia,

    You must have posted at the same time as me, as your most recently post wasn't there before. As Robin says, don't worry, mostly when we see somthing, the reverse is true and it is probably good to have little stars showing, we are not the experts, so don't jump to any conclusions without any facts.  Most of what we worry about never happens. O.K. with the exception of breast cancer Frown.

    I will be having an PET scan and a bone scan in a couple of weeks, just to keep a check on things now my treatment is over.

    Try to keep busy and fill your mind with something nice, keep us posted.

    Singapore Chris x

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Robin your idea sounds perfect......I know we would be far better off not to lay there and watch that screen........but I know how I am.  If it's there.......I'm gonna look!!!  lol

    Chris.....I just decided last night....why worry?  Whatever gonna be..... and there's nothing I can do to change it......even IF it's bad.  And like Robin said.......the little glowies maybe absolutely nothing.  I did see my tumor on one of the scans.  It was just totally white.......and looked a lot smaller.  So maybe what I needed to be looking for was just WHITE instead of Mr. Glowie!!!!

    I'll let ya'll know something when I hear you all!!! 

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited February 2009

    Aww, Genia! *HUGS* to you.  I know it is so hard not to worry.  But as you said, what is, is. In the meantime, please don't borrow trouble!  Please let us know what you find out.

    Trude, not much to show right now on the quilt front. lol   The one quilt I finished I gave away. :p And the one I'm working on right now isn't much to look at at the moment. :)

    Spring-- One more to go after today? yes?  WHOOT!!  

    much love,


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2009

    I just wrote a long note and my computer BLUE SCREENED!!! arhhr!

    Genia, oh Genia. Hang in there. Do let us know what they say. Hang in there woman. 

    I AM DONE DONE DONE with radiation! "Free at last, Free at last, I thank God I'm Free at Last!"

    I am so cooked, and get this, they told me yesterday that my skin was "not bad at all" (!!) I am bright red on my collar bone (small spot) and center of chest. They say it will get worse, and then better.

    Jane, hand in there. You're at the start. The first few weeks are not bad at all. When you think you can't take it any more, it ends. (Sounds like pregnancy! LOL!!)

    In any case, I am amazed and thankful for our bodies and how they HEAL and KEEP HEALing through all this cancer stuff! 

    Chris, Jump in the pool for me!!! LOL. It is like 40 degrees here today. 

    Love to all. You amazing women!

    Where is our Winkie!!!???

  • Juli50
    Juli50 Member Posts: 652
    edited February 2009

    Beverly - Doing happy dance for ya (while I wheeze)!!! Woohoo!

    Still can't breathe - guess 4 doses of Augmentin is not enough to make a difference.

    Had to type 2 appraisals after work last night. Didn't finish till 12:45 am! What a sucker I am! Just can't say no when someone is begging. Who would like to smack me up side the head???

    I get to meet the radiologist today. oh joy.

     Have a good day girls, I'm off to work (and wheeze)...

    Hugs Kiss

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited February 2009

    I'm Here, I'm Here!  Worked the weekend; drove down to Charlotte after work on Sunday.  It was the first road-trip with just my mom & I.  She said that the trip to Charlotte has never been so's a wonder we didn't have "lock jaw" from gabbing so much!  Had a great time with my brother, SIL, & nieces and became addicted to Guitar Hero on their Wii!  Got to get me one of those! 

    Juli - if you have been on an antibiotic for >48 hours and you are not noticing a difference, your bug maybe resistant to augmentin - call you doc and have him put you on something different.  You should be noticing some improvement by now.  How was the radiologist?

    Beverly - YOU BE DONE GF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PAR-TEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAPPY-HAPPY-JOY-JOY Cool

    Genia - I know that it's frustrating, but the radiology tech is not allowed to tell you anything that might be construed as diagnostic - she could be fired for doing such.  My boss is the pathologist that read the slides from my biopsy and he would not tell me (he grabbed me and hugged me so long [I started patting him on the back]; he kept saying "I so sorry, I'm so very sorry" over and over again - so needless to say, I'd have to be an idiot to not know what the diagnosis was).  I know that the waiting is the worst part; we have to have faith, it's out of our handsInnocent.

    Chris - How's the water?  LOL I thought that we could milk the "chemobrain" for at least a year - that's what I'm going to do!

    Ok - they are pestering me to go to lunch so I'll have to finish this later.

    Love y'all


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    I talked to the nurse at my Onco's office and my bone scan was CLEAN..........wooooohooooo!  I can't remember when I've been this happy.  She said what I was seeing on the scan was degenerative arthritis.  Just gettin old I reckon! I get to go see the surgeon on see where we are going next.  I have to have the genetic testing done.  Do any of you know how long it takes for the results of that?

    Beverly.........YAAAAAAYYYYYYY....I'm glad you are done g/f!!!!!   If I could I would give you the biggest hug ever!!!!!!!!!!!  

    Donna.....glad you have a good weekend with your family!   That's always so nice and it gets your mind off things..........

    Love you all!!! 

  • priz47
    priz47 Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2009


    Genetic testing takes awhile, minimum of 2 weeks. My genetic counselor called me the results. She specifically asked when I went in, if she could call me the results. I worried abt mine, but should not have. very few women are positive, no matter of family hx. I have a HUGE family hx and tested negative.

    Chemo brain has hit hard. I  have screwed up our checking account BIG TIME! Bounced MULTIPLE checks, unknowingly. What a ditz I am!

    Going to BS this afternoon for biopsy results.


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    Hmm....takes that long?  Well....don't know what he will do then.  I guess he will send me and just wait until the results come back for the surgery. 

    Since I go see him Monday....maybe he will get it scheduled soon.  Will just have to wait and see what his plan is.  He may just go on without it.....don't know.

    Good to see you Denise......hope your results turn out good sweetie!  Will be praying....

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited February 2009

    Genia... YEAH!!!! I'm so glad that you're just OLD!!

    Praise God! Hallelujah! 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited February 2009

    LOL...yea I'm glad I'm just OLD too!!!!  I told the nurse I would be all humped over one of these days but at least i would be alive.......

    Thanks ya