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Chemo in Sept 08



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Well, now, Genia, don't get too excited! It is about an inch! (where the bangs should be is super short). But anyway. I will post a pic once I try the henna. OOOHHH!! I will do a before and AFTER!!! Then all you ladies can vote should I leave it au natural or go for the reddish...


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2009


    Friends of Juli:

    Hello, I hope you are all doing well. My mom has asked that I post a short message on her wall to let you all know how she is doing. Juli went to Simi Valley Hospital on Monday, she has been under observation for 3 days and last night was moved to ICU. Earlier today she had some kind of brachiosaurus bronchitis procedure to check out her lungs in order to determine why she is having trouble breathing. Her mother has even cancelled her vacation in order to spend as much time as possible at the hospital to get on any nurses who take too long getting medication or whatnot. She has shown some good progress lately and did not even need a breathing treatment today. We are hoping that tomorrow they move her out of ICU and back to a regular room, and hopefully soon she can go back home! 

    Thanks to everyone who has shown their support and concern. Please take care and keep up all the great things that you do!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009


    ICU? oh my. God please heal Juli!!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.............I had a feeling it was not good!!!!  My prayers are with ya Juli!!!!!

    Love you and you just gotta come back to us........please Lord hear our prayers.........Amen

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Thank you Robin for posting this.........I haven't been to FB this evening.

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited March 2009

    praying for you juli!!!! Hang in there and heal quickly!! Lots of love to ya!!!

    I BE DONE DONE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RADS are over. Now to start the gold bond lotion and get this skin better!!!!!  All the girls did a happy dance for me!!!  THEN I   jump on board the tamozifen train next week. 

    Have a GREAT weekend ladies!!! Enjoy the weather is it is coming your way!!!!!


  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited March 2009

    Hi Girls,

    How worrying about Juli, I really hope she is feeling better by now. At least in ICU they will be watching her very carefully, which can only be a good thing. If she doesn't need the breathing machine, she must be on the mend! I am sure we will get a post from her very soon, saying all is well.  Stay calm ladies, it does us no good to panic, remember speculation is the enemy of calm.  "I love that saying".

    Bettsygirl, Congratulations, it's over, a new life begins today!

    Spring, hope you are healing well and Genia, I take it you are feeling alright, nothing like another distraction to take your mind off your own troubles.  Hope all is well at home.

    Take Care everyone, Singapore Chris

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited March 2009

    OHHHHHHH!!!  Poor juli....Hope she feels better soon. I wish Simi Valley was closer than 10 hrs away.....I would be there.  Well, not sure I could take the drive right now.  Dr said she did the lymph thru the mast site...pretty cool.  I didn't know they could do that. Just changing drains now.  I did get really cool vacum tube drains.  I didn't know about these much smaller and easier than the old bag type.  Can't type to long, not supposed to use my arm.  I can't remember who was asking but I did have mast with expander and may have rads.  Per the docs at MD Anderson in Texas, the expander does help ....streching first and some protection during rads....we'll see.

    Love to all.....especially Juli


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Chris, you are GOOD woman! "Speculation is the enemy of calm". That is one to remember for life!!!

    Hey girls, many of us are over on the "MOTIVATION" thread. Join us if you feel it may be good for you. We're talking about exercise, healthy eating, changes, etc...

    Ladies I am in AWE OF HEALING!!! We are so well made. I am a out from being BRIGHT RED last weekend, and I am nearly all healed!!!! Peeling is resolving, tannish color. Our bodies are so amazing! I just can't get over how much my body has "absorbed" and it still keeps on going, healing, etc. I am just so utterly THANKFUL for HEALING!!!

    Trude, that vacuum things sounds awesome. You should so good, just hang in there. Maybe you won't need rads? You never know. 

    I am helping the mom of a friend just diagnosed with ILC. Genia, I know you have this type. At first they thought it may be DCIS/LCIS, and she was so happy at the thought she would avoid chemo. But yesterday, they told her it was ILC and she'd not only need chemo, but they want mastectomy vs. lumpectomy because it is in multiple areas around her breast. She is devistated. It sort of brings me back to July 10th when I found out. It is hard living through this again with someone, but I feel called to help her. She seems to clueless. (Remember those days? Before all this??) Genia, any pointers appreciated on the ILC angle...

    JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULLLiiii!!! We are thinking of you girl! Prayers!!!

    Mina??? Are you sleeping or cleaning up a storm??? LOL.

    Colleen, Gold Bond, what a good idea. I may get that today... I am out of the one I used through rads and the Eucerin is a bit thick... AndAquafor is like glop!!

    Love you girls! (Today I henna my hair, will try to post before and after pics!)

    Spring (Beverly)

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    New from Kevin (Juli's son) posted on Facebook (for those not on FB!)  As you can see, we are the FOJ fan club!!!

     Kevin C Cruz wrote at 3:58am
    Hello again FOJ (friends of Jules):

    Sorry to say my mom spent another day in ICU. However, great news is that her heart rate, temperature and breathing, as well as overall strength, continue to improve. She even ate some chicken, rice and peas for dinner ... no more milk and crakers. As of now, all results from the lung procedure yesterday show... Read More Negative. Tomorrow is now the new goal for getting out of ICU, but a few more days in the new hospital wing are to be expected.

    Juli has asked that I let everyone know how much she enjoys and appreciates your kind-hearted words. She will continue to do her best on the road to recovery and can't wait to get back online to say a big Hello to everyone.

    Please take care and enjoy the weekend!

    Best wishes,

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2009

    Does anybody have the address for the hospital Juli is in?  I'd like to send flowers as soon as we hear she is out of ICU, or do you think it would be better to send them to her home address; I have that?  What do you think would be best - something cheery or something pink.  I use a lot since my DIL lives in Virginia.  There is a flower shop on my route to the cancer center so yesterday I stopped by and bought myself some stargazer lilies and a couple of roses.  They smell so nice. 

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited March 2009

    I'm working 2 - 16.5 hr shifts this weekend and don't have access to FB.  Maybe someone could post a note on Juli's wall asking for the address of the hospital in Simi Valley.  I could contribute via PayPal for flowers from the Sept 08 FOJ.

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009 your inspiration girlfriend!!!

    Spring.....I can understand her disappointment.  Only I was the reverse.  They initially diagnosed me with IBC.  So I was glad to get the ILC diagnosis.  My surgeon did explain to me with ILC the breast has to come off........even if the tumor is all but gone.....because there probably is still small cells throughout my breast that the chemo didn't kill.  So there would be no way they could do a lumpectomy.  Plus the PS told me that a lumpectomy would be out of the question anyway.....because of the size of my breast.  Never heard of such.....but that's what he said.  Maybe it's because of the amount of breast tissue they would have to take.  It would make me look deformed.  I will say this much......both the surgeon and PS want to do the best job they can do to give me "perky 20 year old"

    Just tell her to do what the Dr. wants to do........and RESEARCH.  All of us know we are the only advocates we have.  The more she knows....the more questions she can ask.  Not bragging......but the PS said to me the other need to be an

    I would love to donate money for Juli some flowers.....but I don't have it right now.  I'm sorry.....'s good to see you on here and feeling decent sweetie.  I hope I get along that good........gonna ask about those vacuum drains!!!! 

    Love you all.......

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Genia, you go woman. I am wearing some of those 20 year old "perky" tatas and it is ALL it is cracked up to be! lol. Thank you for the pointers about IBC. Poor thing. How life can change from one day to the next with a cancer dx.

    I wish I knew how to post pics! I have some showing before and after "Sweedish Blonde" henna treatment! I am gong to try one with more "red" in it next, Strawberry blonde I think! wooooo! It totally worked, no gray left! Maybe it is the case you can only point to pics on web sites (that is my analysis anyway!! LOL)

  • Wink
    Wink Member Posts: 476
    edited March 2009

    Beverly - I've never used henna before; how long does it last?

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2009

    I posted a note to Kevin on Juli's facebook page asking him when and where it would be ok to send flowers.  PM me if you are interested and I will send a bunch from from FOJs. 

    My path report said I had both IDC and ILC cells, the majority were ductal, is this possible?

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited March 2009

    I would love to help with the flowers.  My advice would be send to home.  There is never a place to put them in the hospital.....and you are so sick you just don't care so much.  At home is when you start to feel better and bored !!!!  I am going crazy, Genia, the vacum tubes are great, just pull one off and plug in measuring or anything....easy!!!! 

    I want to know about the henna too!!!  Where did you find it and how long will it last ?

    What was the book you guys were talking about, we have so much posted it's hard to find stuff. 

    Thanks   Trude

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Hi you lovely women!!

    Henna, this is my first time and the Nurse Navigator at my cancer center suggested I use this because there are no "bad" chemicals. I got mine online at - search on henna hair or whatever. The type I have is "Surya" henna, and they have a ton of colors!   I think it is supposed to last up to 6 weeks - I think it is like a semi permanent color? I tried Swedish Blonde first (it was the lightest that I ordered) and I'm moving up to more red tones next! (Strawberry Blonde and then Rich Golden Blonde). I also got deeper Blonde and a light brown. I had no idea what color, so I ordered several, they are not that expensive ($ 6.63 for cream and 3.88 for the powder that you mix with water.) At this point with so little hair, I am only using half ! I am finding the color fun... So much better than gray to me.

    Jane, I sent you a PM. I agree with Trude about sending them home.

    Trude, I highly recommend this book: Anti-Cancer, A New Way of Life. Click that link and it will take you to the page and there is an interview with the author, you'll get the idea. I am following these principles now, as much as I can, and trying to keep my eyes and ears open to other healthy living tips. 

    My Yoga Class (my real, old, Yoga Class) starts the new session on 3/18 and I am signed up again!!! I have not been there since last July. I was diagnosed on July 10. It has been 8 months. Now that rads are over and I'll soon be on the Tamoxifen or AI, it's like life is "reawakening" again.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    OK Girls, I figured out the picture thing...

    Before Henna


    After Henna (Swedish Blonde)



  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Spring I only see red x's..... :)

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2009

    I don't even have red X's - I only have the words before and after.

  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited March 2009

    Genia - I say do both too.....It seems like the docs are always trying to SAVE tissue, but they forget they may be saving cancer too.  Not only that but exposing us to more surgerys.  I thought about doing both but my doc really said doing the single was good enough.....I am glad to have at least one good arm during healing.  Be sure you have plenty of slaves after surgery....LOL!!!  It's hard to do simple stuff for a while since you can't use that arm.  You might look into the recon now with an expander.  It saves the skin, and it can be done with rads.  There are many varing opinions on this and I have seen it first hand.  But the newest most updated info says it is a good thing to do for most.  It does prevent one extra surgery too !!!! 

    Save up some books or movies.....I am sooooo bored, and can't play my computer games or guitar hero !!!!!!  I have read 3 books already !!!

    Well, off to Walmart for a short trip, walking does feel good


  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2009

    I just checked Juli's FB page and her son, Kevin, said that it would be ok to send flowers to Juli's house, so I'll do that tomorrow.  For those of you who said you want to contribute, I'll let you know how much they come to and I'll give you the name of what we send so you can look at it on the site.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited March 2009

    Hi Girls,

    Jane I am not sure how I can pay you, perhaps I could pay a portion with my credit card directly to the flower place?? If it is a problem I will send her a small boquiet just from me, let me know what you think.

    Hope everyone is doing well, Trude, hope the recovery is going well.

    Spring, we are now really wanting to see your pictures, have another go please!

     Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Good grief! The picks show for me! I also posted on the Hair Hair forum, so will check there to see if anybody can see them there.... (What a pain!!)

    They didn't show up for others on the HAIR HAIR forum either, though I can see them. This is a pain!! I will have to try something else...

    I have to go check if Julie is out of ICU... Well here is the latest update on FB from her son Kevin...

    Hello again FOJ,

    Sorry to say we have heard that both Thosand Oaks and Simi Valley hospitals are nearing capacity. This means that my mom is still stuck in ICU until they can clear out a regular room for her. I can provide more details regarding anyone else interested in sending her something after she switches rooms. For those of you who have ... Read MoreJules' home address you can send something there as she still has many visits (everyday), so someone would be able to bring it along with them.

    We're all glad to hear they feel she's well enough to move out of ICU. There are still many more tests for the week ahead, as well as a CAT scan planned for tomorrow. Your posts regarding thoughts, prayers and kind words always seem to light up her face when she checks her Facebook page (on my phone when I come to visit).

    Take care! :)

    I will post that we continue to think of her. She is a fighter, but our poor girl!!! I think of her all the time...


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Beverly.....are you putting your pics on a website that will host your pics or just copying them from your computer?  There are several websites that host pics you put online.  One of them is photobucket.  Let me know and I will try to help you........

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Here is a link to my BEFORE and AFTER Henna Hair pics!!!!

    Let me know if THAT works???

  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2009

    Hey girls,

    Jane, I sent you a pm. Hope I am not too late!

    Thanks to those that are posting FB updates.  I haven't logged into FB in a few days.

    Speaking of-- Your pics would probably post there, Spring?  I'd love to see them! Also, I'll be checking out the motivate thread, thanks for the tip. :)

     Trude, the vacume drains sound AWESOME!  I hated having to tote, clean, empty those bulbs!

    Colleen!  Congrats!  All that's left is healing! Isn't life sweet!

    Chris, I love your thought for the day.  I had a friend tell me the other day how much more 'peaceful' I seem after all this.  And it's true-- once you've faced down one of your worst fears, what is the point in sweating the small stuff?

    Genia-Still keeping you in my thoughts. Hope all is going well with DD.

    Mina-Sorry to hear that the last tx kicked butt!  *HUGS*  I hope your absence right now is because you are resting and healing!

    Wink- I had a girlfriend post some pics of the icestorm you guys got a bit back! (She is in HighPoint) Wow.. that was a doozy!

    Much love, ya'll!


  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2009

    The link works!  We have the same amount of hair! lol

  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2009

    I've got about that much hair, too, and I broke down and colored mine a light blonde, too!