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Chemo in Sept 08



  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited March 2009

    Hi Girls

    Brandonmum, I hope you are alright, a numb face doesn't sound good, I know you want to finish up the 12 x taxol, but I hope there are monitoring you well.  Good luck.

    Bettysgirl, you take care, hope you knee is alright!

    Thought for the day

    "I always have enough money.  Every thought I think is creating my future, so I choose to be well balanced financially"

    Remember girls, you get what you think about, so watch those thoughts and if you catch yourself thinking in a negative way, replace the thought with a positive one.

    Juli, we are thinking of you and wishing you well, with a fast recovery. We miss you face here on the forum!!!!

    Singapore Chris x

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Some of you have seen this update from Juli's FB, but for the others:


    Hi to all of my wonderful friends! I am feeling much better. Hope to be home in a few days. They still don't know what is wrong with my lungs. At least I am getting better. Miss you all! Hugs, julip 

    Mina??? Mina??? Are you okay???

    Robin, thank you for all that info!! I am going to copy it and print it out. I had heard the same about Flax - I get ground Flax seed and stay away from the oil! Selenium. Have to look into that one...

    I went to my woman's "circle" last night for the first time in 8 months - I ditched the wig and just wore a ball cap. It was dinner at someone's house and a lesson. I got such a reception from my friends, and they all rubbed my hair and said I didn't need the ball cap, didn't I know that this style was very European?, etc... It was very good for the soul to get "loved on" like that. :)  Next week Yoga!!

    Colleen, hope you are okay from the fall!!!! Lei, you okay?? How is Genia??


  • Tanzie
    Tanzie Member Posts: 115
    edited March 2009

    I'm doing good, Bev. :)  Just running myself ragged trying to get everything set up for a dinner theater that the youth are putting on at church.  It's called 'Uncle Phil's Dinner', and is set in the 50's.  There will be much singing, dancing and eatin' going on.

    I went with a girlfriend yesterday to the Salvation Army thrift store and dug about for old clothes.  We actually found some really cool 50's stuff!   The kids are trying to raise money to go to Student Life this year at Orange Beach.

    Robin-- Thanks for the info!  I'm already on several suppliments.  I'll have to go read up on the labels! That 30 lb wt gain is scary!  Sadly, I have added back the pounds I lost during chemo as well as a few more.  I've done WW too, and will probably pick it back up.  Although my onco remmended South Beach as a good baseline eating plan.  Not the first two weeks of it, but the rest.

    Brandonmom--Numb face? Yikes!  As Chris said, that definitely doesn't sound good! Let us know what your doc says.

    Bettysgirl--How are you feeling this morning?  Hope your knee isn't hurt too badly!

    Chris-  "Every thought I think is creating my future.."  This is so true!  We really are what we think!  Sometimes I think we dont' realize just how much choice we have in shaping the way we feel about things.  

    Mina-- I'm getting worried!  I hope that everything is okay?

    Genia--Morning to you!! Please don't worry over your surgery.  You've been through CHEMO, woman!  You can do anything!

    Jane-- I pm'd ya!  Thank you so much for taking care of the flowers for us. :)  I just know that juli will love them!

    Trude-- We had our quilters meeting last night and I missed it!  :/  There was just too much going on here at the house and I've been 'going' too much lately, if you know what I mean!  What are you working on now, if anything?

    Much love ya'll!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Thinking of all you ladies!

    Hi Lei!!!!

    I got blood test results back and while I had my period regularly right up until Chemo oblitterated it, I am now fully post menopause! Also, I am an "Extreme metabolizer" of Tamoxifen. 

    I find out at the end of the month what drug they'll put me on. I imagine it will be an AI for at least 5 years and them maybe Tamox after that. My ONC said she will want me on them for a long time. She was saying that the ER+ type seems to reoccur later rather than sooner. And given I am "young" (50) .... well you get the picture.

    50 young. How bout that!


    Mina, Julie, thinking of you!!!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Present and accounted for......even tho I wanna go on a very LONG vacation..........SOUTH!!!   I have this huge urge to run again.  That's the way my family dealt with things......we didn't!!!!  I learned from the parents.   Everything was hush hush.....we just didn't talk about it......or deal with  it.  My dad ran from problems. Unfortunately this is something I can't run from.

    Called my surgeons office today.....still don't know if it's gonna be a one boober or a two boober!!!  PS says both........surgeon only wants to do one at a time.  This is driving me nuts.....the not knowing!  Guess they need to get together and decide......I like the PS's opinion myself!  Git'r

    Hey everyone.......hope you all are having a good day!

    And are just whizzing through these RADS girl.....haven't heard you mention anything bad about them.  I hope you are doing good with them.   After the problems you had with the chemo you deserve a good RADS tx!!!!

    Juli and Mina.....still praying for you ya both

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited March 2009

    hi my wonderful peeps,

     I had a bone scan today... got a gander at lots of highlighted areas but who knows. I felt a little strange cause one of the residents came to "chat with me,"  about my surgery, when did I have long ago etc. Bah Humbug!

      MY gait would be downright funny if it weren't so damned irritating. Now I have to have a brain scan and then the CT with contrast followed by a bone density followed by an appt with my neurologist . I am not getting Taxol this Friday...can't say I'm sorry... heheheheheheh

    I'M REALLY  tired now, I hope you all know I love you and keep you in my prayers and heart ALL the time. 

    After my bone density I have an  appt with my neurologist.. I hope you all know I love you and keep you in my prayers and heart ALL the time. 


  • trudecox
    trudecox Member Posts: 143
    edited March 2009

    Hi Ladies

    Lei - Do I have anything going (quilting) .....are you kidding !!!  LOL  I am a true quilter with many things going and much fabric everywhere.  It has become a disease.  I have 3 tops ready to quilt, a wall hanging I am trying to hand quilt (not so good) 2 machine pieced quilts in the works, one applique quilt in process and two or three with all the fabrics bought and sitting in the wings.  I told you,  CRAZY !!!! Just waiting for my arm to get better to spend some of my healing time at m sewing machine.

    Juli - hope you are getting better.....don't get tooo  spoiled ....and no more typing reports for you !!!!

    Genia - I agree.....go for both, what the heck.  Get it over with. 


  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited March 2009

    getting in a quick post while DH is outside with the girls and dinner is in the works. The knee is swolen and bruised but i am getting around on it. Still very sore to touch and bruised on my neck where i hit the table but i am fine...this too shall pass..

    trude- i would love to see your quilts. My grandmother made quite a few tops that i got when she passed away. One of my favorites is the Drunkards Path she did in royal blue and gold.

    Genia- Keep hanging in there.

    Tanzie- The dinner theater sounds like a lot of fun. I know it's hard work but i'm sure everyone will enjoy it. Good to hear from you.

    Have a great evening ladies..gotta go get the pasta out.


    Lisa (bettysgirl)

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited March 2009

    Hello, all.

    So glad to hear Juli is on the mend.  I was a little worried the chemo was what caused it - especially since she and I have the same :)

    Friday was so weird, I was so confused, couldn't make sense of anything.  I thougth about going to the hospital but my pulse, bp, and oxygen were fine.  I spoke at the office, and they said it sounded like chemo-brain and a lack of sleep.  Face being numb is also normal at this stage of the game. I think that just added to the odd feeling.  So I got treatment #11 today!  Let's see how things are on Friday...a bit scared, but at least they are in the office.  You know, it is almost good I'm getting this bigger symptoms.  I was so worried we were not pushing enough, and now I feel like it really is all I could tolerate.  Reminds me of when I was pregant.  I loved being pregnant all through the pregnancy and was a little sad about giving birth - until 2 weeks before he was born. I really felt like he was draining on my health.  I started getting sick and my feet were so swollen old people passed me in the mall - seriously.  Funny to me, even at the time, but it wasn't exactly comfortable.  So, I think this is just what I need to get rid of those feelings.  They also said they could pull my PICC after treatment, agreeing that I could handle the every 3 week Herceptin.  I may leave it in for just a bit, as I wonder if the onc will want additional blood tests as I see him the next week.  For me the PICC was the solution.  No surgery to put it in, so it felt less committed to me.  Don't ask, it is just me.

    Genia - if I had someone to take care of me, really take care of me for a couple weeks, I would have done the double.  As a single mom, one at a time was the thing to do.  Surgery will be longer if you have the double, and maybe that is what your surgeon is worried about with all the other issues you have had.  I had a single, but literally at the first sign of trouble, I'm getting the other one off.  Are you getting the expanders?  Not exactly comfortable, and maybe the most uncomfortable part as you body gets used to feeling something where it has never been before :).  Sometimes it also wrinkles or sloshes, but it is more just weird, not so uncomfortable.  That was my experience - your mileage may vary :)  It really was not any where near the pain I expected.  I'm a wimp, had an epi right away when my son was born, and I was ready to switch to the Tylenol/Advil thing about a day or so after being home.  Some people never even use the prescription med, but I was a bit too scared to stop.  I loved the pump at the hospital, but I did sleep an awful lot.  I never really felt like it helped with the pain as much as it just calmed me down and helped me to sleep.  Back to the single versus double thing, is that you have a "good" arm.  I loved that!  So guess for the pros of doing the single (and the other a short time later), is that you have a good arm, and surgery is shorter.  Double, surgery is longer, but once you get through those first few weeks, it is all done.  As long as they are still going to do both, and that's what you want, and I can totally understand that, it is still a relatively short term issue, and may be better for you health-wise.  Plus, my son would say that you get the relax medicine twice!! A real bonus in his book!  Whatever decision you make, I know will be the right one.  You'll know.

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited March 2009

    Oh one thing to add about flax seed.  It breaks down really quickly.  If you are buying ground flax seed, it has probably lost all the benefit.  Buy whole flax seed, and then grind them right before you need them. It has no real flavor, so I just grind it right into whatever.  It is one of the few things my onc said I could continue to do through chemo.  To be honest, I just chew on some flax seed.  I realize that doesn't work for everyone, but really no flavor, and as long as chew them (not just swallow), you are good to go.  Whole flax seeds are useless, so grind right before you use.

    Johns Hopkins also sells a special tea -brassica tea that you may want to google.  When I asked my onc, he said he never heard of it, but thinks I should just eat a balanced diet :)  Of course, I bought it, but have been waiting until I was done with chemo to really hit it. There are lots of different flavors, and not the best tasting, but I flavor it with some agave nectar and it is not bad.  They also sell brocco sprouts which have the same thing, but I never found them, and the tea is easier.

  • SingaporeChris
    SingaporeChris Member Posts: 460
    edited March 2009

    Hi girls,

    Glad to hear that Juli is feeling better. sounds like everyone is busy getting on with their lives, apart from a couple of our poor chemo brained girls.  The good news is that the brain cells grow back.  Take care everyone.

    "Every postive thought I think, brings good into my life"

    Singapore Chris

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Thanks for all your input.....I think I want them both gone.  I would just feel better and worry less if they were.  The not using my arms will be the hardest many days do I have to keep them still?

    hugs my sweet sisters

  • bar62
    bar62 Member Posts: 221
    edited March 2009

    Genia, this is my third note to you. My thoughts and prayrers are with you. If I'd known I was triple neg I would have had them off in a NY Minute. Brandonmom, offers pragmatic advice I would follow if I were to have this surgery.....and I still might.. I get so tired of hitting my knees and other body parts *hee* when I take one step sideways, then 2 steps forward, 2 more steps forward,then I a trip up or two on the way to my seat. What a mess..


    My doctor scared me me s*itless yesterday ...he was the only one I observed that had to come,sit with me and get my entire history since the tumor was. discovered. Imagine this lovely soft-spoken doc saying, . "Now Mrs. Jensen when did you discover the tumor. Oh and you had NEG lymph nodes didn't you?" "How lovely." Now I am thoroughly suspicious... silly doc. nice bedside manner...coming around scaring pants patients da*ned near off my body..

    .Bernie Madoff is off to court in a KIA as I post..... I'll let you know more if I can. NO more Town Car for ole Bernie. It's estimated he stole  closer to 164 billion as of this week not 50 billion...YIKES!!!

    love and hugs,



    What the heck do white areas of the mean on the bone scan...If it's not good I'll ask my doc tomorrow:lol:lol



    Remember OJ?  Well the NYC police are following Bernie to court as I post. OMG!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Genia, I was using my arms right after surgery, wiggling my shoulders, etc. Honestly, if I was you I would put my foot down and insist on both! Tell the PS you want both and I believe he'll do it. I have such relief not having to think about mammograms, breast MRI's. Take a look around these boards at how anxious women get even years down the road about mammograms! 'Nough said!

    Mina! Lawdy woman, you are going through some TESTS.... I pray everything is A-okay. Good to hear from you again. 

    Jules Update

    Kevin C Cruz wrote at 7:46pm
    Hey you girls are so sweet! Thanks for the flowers! My b/f took a pic and printed it. The fluid is between the lung and the chest wall. The dr may try to drain it tomorrow , but I hope to be home by Friday . Hugs, juli 

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    hit the botton too soon, lol

    Good thought of the day, Chris...

    BrandonMom - thank you for the info about the Flax seed, I had not heard that but it makes sense. I also read about GREEN TEA that the max beneifit is after 10 min of steeping. Don't store it, whatever the good stuff is wares off (like if you refrigerated). 

    Lisa, ouchie about the knee!!!! Glad you are on the mend...

    Trude, you QUILTING MANIAC!!!!! Sounds like your passion! So good!!!

    Back at 'em. I am thinking of exercising every day through Lent. Rather than "give something up" I will apply something new. 

    Hope you are okay, Winkie!!


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2009

    Mina! Don't worry about the white spots on your bone scan...some positive scans glow white, while others that are positive show up as dark shadows. Most likely, the white spots are showing where you have arthritis or osteoporosis. It depends on the machine they're using...don't worry! 

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Yes Mina....I had some white spots too.  They told me I was just getting me feel much better.  I'll take old over cancer any day of the week. Try not to worry too much....I did the same thing and Robin told me what she just told you and it made me feel so much better.

    Got a call from my surgeon today.....he wants me to come in to his office on Monday so he can discuss what he is going to do.  HELLOOOOO......that's one day before surgery.  I think I would like to know NOW!  God I just want this all over with.......if I could cut em off myself I would!  Drivin me nutso.  I can just feel this thing spreading and growing again......I know it's all in my head....but what if it isn't???  Plus I'm coughing.....and I feel like I might be gettin a cold.....yippie......ya know what that means.

    Gonna run away.....I swear I am!   And Robin....guess who's closest?  lolol

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    GENIA GET IT OFF. ahhhhck!

    Mina, you be old woman, like Genia and the rest of us!!! LOL   (Listen to Robin!!!)


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Yea be OLD!!!!  lol........I swear when they told me that I laughed so hard.  Before cancer I would have probably cried......NOW......I'll be OLD.......don't care one bit!   Heck I'll even take the gray hair....wouldn't bother me at all!  As long as I'm healthy and cancer free!

    Thanks for that laugh Springie!!!  love ya girl

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    Genia, when is your surgery scheduled for??

    Oh, guess what. my ILC lady friend got into see my ONC and they are going to do NeoAdjuvant chemo on her. Apparently the lesion is only 0.7CM (so less than one) and they are not sure if the "other stuff" in there isn't just bruising and trauma from being "tenderized" by the core needle biopsy (still gives me the willies, think I'd rather go through another Mx than one of those dang biopsies! ahhhck!) So anyway, they will reassess the size after chemo and maybe she'll get lumpectomy. She felt better after talking to an Onc about the "plan". The surgeon near scared her to death. Dumb man.


  • theprettiestmess
    theprettiestmess Member Posts: 198
    edited March 2009

    Genia!! Bring it on!! You're more than welcome to come...we'll get a hotel room and soak in the hot tub until we look like prunes!!

  • BrandonMom
    BrandonMom Member Posts: 209
    edited March 2009


     You sound like me.  Before surgery I was like, I just want it out, if I could have, I would have.  After that kind of thinking, surgery seems like a pretty good option!  Maybe it is just our way of getting ready for surgery.  BTW, I didn't meet my PS until the day before surgery.  Long story, but I kept having trouble finding a breast surgeon and PS both in my plan at the same hospital. I talked with 3 breast surgeons, and felt really good about my choice.  But the PS, I was just sure, I'll go with whoever.  Looking back, I think (at least I hope) I realized their surgery could save my life. I wanted a surgeon that I knew would get it all, and that would talk to me about what to expect.  I knew the PS was just going to put in an expander and close. If I really didn't like them, I could have changed.  Turns out, I love my PS.  He did a really good job and seems to really care about the outcome.  I hope your surgery comes out as well as mine.  I had my drains out and was driving within a week. I pretty much was just couch potato.  Sat on the couch and watched Christmas videos (my surgery was day before Thanksgiving).  Played Wii from time to time.  Ordered in pizza, walked to a local carryout a couple times.  Was able to make the beds, do a little laundry, take showers (ask your dr before you leave what their protocol is).   I actually look back at that couch potato week fondly.  Do you ever watch that show about plastic surgery - I wish I could remember the name, stupid show, but I did catch one episode, and he said that stress could actually mess up the surgery.  That thought stayed with me, and I just said I didn't go through all this surgery to mess things up now.  I just laid around and enjoyed it.  I didn't do anything I didn't want to do, and I slept as much as I wanted.  The CNP that pulled my drains said I got an A+ for healing.  She actually seemed very surprised I healed so well, so fast.  I never did tell her it was from the advice I got on that silly PS show :).  So relax, kick back, and enjoy doing as little as possible!  I think it also helped that I have a 16 year old son.  He showed me how to really enjoy being a couch potato!  He was also there to help with any lifting, but he also didn't try to do everything (would have driven me crazy).  So no stress, think couch potato!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Sounds like good advice Colleen.......I'm on it!!!  lol

    Oh Robin......that does sound just wait.....we will do that sometime!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009 surgery is scheduled on Tuesday at 9:00.  Supposed to be there at 7:30.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2009

    OH MY.

    How are we going to survive here on this list without our Genia!!! Tuesday March 17th Surgury! Woman!  Are you staying overnight? How will you let us know how you are???? I can't take it. I hope Juli is out by then, can't be two of us in the hospital at the same time.  Surprised

    Oh, Genia and Jane, I am thinking Juli won the "sickest from chemo" award. I kept telling her you two had already won it, so stop trying, but that girl did not LISTEN TO ME!!!!!! lol. 


  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Nope she didn't listen Beverly......and I worked soooo hard for that prized posession!!!  lol

    I'm takin my laptop to the hopes they have internet like my cancer center does.  If I can move my arms I'll let you all know how I am.  If hubby can!  If you don't hear from me....then that will mean they don't have internet.  

    He said I have to stay at least one night.....but he's putting me down for two just in case I need it.  I'll prob stay two....just so they can give me the good drugs.....lolol

    Sooo if I type like this fdasnhgk;ldnmkl;nhkl;jfdkl; will know they gave me good that's my head laying on the keyboard!  

  • bettysgirl
    bettysgirl Member Posts: 645
    edited March 2009

    genia girl you are too funny!!! Keep that sense of humor and you will do fine.

    Sorry to tell you girls but i have been on the broom all day today. Don't know if it's tamoxifen kicking in or just the pause in general but i have been soooo aggitatied. The boss i work for rides her broom EVERY day and the other co-worker is just negativity walking. Today i woke up aggitated then i got to ork and it all went downhill from there...I told DH IF it is tomoxifen i may have to drop it cuz i WILL get fired for saying something I shouldn't. I mean after all i have been through this year I have NEVER once brought my problems from home and taken it out on them. Bossie girl needs to get a life, and realize that people don't respect you more when you act like a witch all day long. The part that irritates me the most is that she is my father made over into a woman. With the public she drips sugar, let them walk out of the office and the acid pours out of her mouth like water from a spigot....I want to tell them both a thing or two but right now I do need to work....BUT in the long run if it continues I have to look at the long range effect on my health and my life as well!!!

    Enough whining!!!

    Juli girl I hope you are continuing to improve.Prayers and HUGS to you!

    Mina- BIG HUGS!! Sorry you are having to go through all those tests.

  • Jane_M
    Jane_M Member Posts: 932
    edited March 2009

    Juli wins - does she get the "booby" prize?

    If Genia doesn't let us know how she's doing, I'll just call Jim myself!

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    LOL @ booby  prize......good one Jane!

    I just want her back here.....I miss her pretty face.

    hugs Miss ya sweets

  • Genia
    Genia Member Posts: 1,055
    edited March 2009

    Lisa.....just whack em over the head with your broom.   Simple enough.....I hate working in an enviroment like that.  Makes ya feel like you are walking on eggshells all the time.  And I used to be so timid and shy and never say a word.  Come home and cry all evening.  Then I got tired of it.....and now....they get just exactly what they send to me.  The stress from working like that will kill you.....and with don't need more stress!!!