flax seed oil & cottage cheese

Yesterday I read flax seed oil & cottage cheese can cure cancer. Has anyone heard anything about it? There are a lot of testimonies of people whose cancers disappeared after using it. That with a few other remedies would be easier, affordable and I wouldn't have to have surgery. I need to speak with my naturpathic doctor about all this. But, she likes to work with conventional medicine. Some of these alternative sites recommend not doing surgery, tax, or radiation..especially chemo. I wouldn't take it to heart if it weren't for their amazing testimonies.
I have read about it too....Joanna Budwig. She did help alot of people...
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I started eating flaxseed for breakfast before I read about the budwig protocol. I was reading Dr Northrup's book on menopause last year and the list of benefits from flaxseed was impressive. It has lignans, omega3 fatty acids, fiber, phytoestrogens (camps are divided as to whether this is good or bad for er/pr+). I read it in May of last year and I think I keyed in some notes on a thread in this section if you want to seek it out. Cholesterol levels are supposed to improve from eating it regularly. Last year mine were the same as three years prior. And I think northrup said deficiencies in omega3 fatty acids can be a cause of fatigue, so that was the selling point for me to try it. I'm now a solid three years out from radiation and I'm still trying to kick fatigue to the curb. It's enough to make me wonder if I'm lugging around another tumor and if one more doctor shrugs his shoulders when I say fatigue is my number one complaint, well, it's enough to keep me from seeing any doctors right now. Mine are happy to take what my insurance pays and expect even more.
Budwig protocol says to mix ground flaxseed, cottage cheese and flaxseed oil. I started out with just ground flaxseed and yogurt. I finally got around to reading about the budwig diet this year. I decided to try the recommended mixture, but I really didn't like the cottage cheese and missed the yogurt. I did stick with including the oil, though. The price of the oil had been a deterrent, and I couldn't understand at first why it was necessary, since grinding up the seeds released the oil. I was convinced to add the oil because of the amounts needed for the omega3. The amount of seeds represented by just a teaspoon of oil would be considerable if you had to eat that many every day. And I'm just crossing my fingers that whatever chemical reaction that happens between flax and cottage cheese is happening with yogurt as well.
barry, I wouldn't hesitate to suggest flaxseed, oil and cottage cheese as a sensible breakfast that could possibly have cancer fighting properties. I just don't think there could be any downside in it as a food choice, but I doubt I would rest very well at night if I wanted it to defeat a tumor. In my own personal experience, it doesn't even keep my cholesterol in check. The only definitive benefit I can report is relief from constipation. Beyond that, I'm just taking a leap of faith. I stopped taking tamoxifen in january (yet one more item on my lengthy laundry list to conquer fatigue). I'm hoping that the flaxseed/dairy combo is equal to or superior than the supposed protection tamoxifen is touted to provide.
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Barry- I just went on the Joanna Budwig site and printed off the recipes and diet she says to follow!! I am giving them to my Mom cuz it never hurts to try something thats good for you in the first place!! My Mom was just diagnosed today and we are already discussing alternative medicine and holistic approaches. Like I said, it never hurts to TRY!!!
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Althea, I saw flax seed oil at the nature store for $20. Didn't have the cash on hand so I thought I' pick it up later. The woman helping me suggested something else that had helped people. Need to check that out as well. I like cottage cheese so I will try it. Does flax seed aid estrogen? I am estrogen positive.
It's surprising to me that I have cancer because I never get sick, have lots of energy and I'm a pretty up person. This second bout of cancer has thrown me for a loop. After some reading, I realize it can also be due to liver problems. The liver is where vitamin B-12 is stored..and it detoxifies our body. Have you heard anything about this? In the past I was told, after blood workup, I have a vitamin B-12 deficienty. About 2 months ago I've begun taking B-12 shots. I'm also drinking K alkaline water. I had numbness in my toes and feet that is now back to normal. My daughter said, who is now taking B-12 shots that she has so much more energy. My husband is drinking a vitamin B-12 juice that has given him a lot more energy. For me, I've always been hyperactive..maybe this is why I'm sleeping less now...who knows.
Vitamin B-12 is suppose to give you more energy. It helps bring oxogen to our cells. Cancer can't live in an alkaline enviroment and doesn't like oxoygen..B-12 shots or liquid might help you.
Just a suggestion.
Bobbijolyn...what are some of those recipies...I am seriously looking into the alternative approach to solving cancer. I'm researching my options. I have to live with the results of my decision..not my doc..they can go home and forget. I will never forget or can go back on a decision they made for me...so therefore..it is a tough decision, and should be my decision. Research it...it's your mom's life.
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I learned recently that B12 is not always assimilated even when it is present in our diets, especially in older people and vegans. Brittle nails can be a sign of not enough biotin and also hypythyroidism. The thing to look for is sublingual B vitamins. Mine are drops, but it also comes in tablets that dissolve under your tongue. To my knowledge, my B vitamin levels have never been tested. Now I'm on a mission to make sure my mom's levels get tested. I'd bet a dozen doughnuts her doctor doesn't monitor her levels either.
I do feel marginally improved from taking the sublingual B vitamins. I had taken biotin a good long while in the past in hopes of helping my brittle nails. This time around it I can see a difference.
I have also read about the oxygen levels being very important. I spend time every day focusing on deep breathing. I also put green veggies in my juice every day. The chlorophyll from raw green veggies is supposed to elevate our oxygen levels.
The sublingual B vitamins are inexpensive and the breathing exercises are free. These are things that could benefit everyone.
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I tried the B-12 under my tongue and the juice...but the B-12 shots work like magic. Great results.
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Barry, You may want to try Flax Seed.... and grind it to eat on cereal or in cottage cheese. It also is said to pull carcinogens from the intestine. It is less $ than the oil and doesn't spoil as quickly. Be sure to keep it refrigerated, however. You can buy it already ground or buy whole flax seeds and grind it in a coffee grinder or with mortar and pestle.
Also, You may want to check out Dr. Patrick Quillin's Beating Cancer With Nutrition. You can also Google him and read excerpts from his book. He is former VP pf Cancer Treatment Centers of America. The good thing is he doesn't sell any supplements, but does offer a priority list of what you should take when $ is an issue.
Best of Luck. Remember. this thing is body, mind and spirit!!
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A dear pal died of cancer recently (not breast cancer) but I was intrigued with research into cancer therapies. I strongly recommend joining or visiting the yahoo newsgroup on Budwig Protocol - 4,000 members. There are many kinds of cancer testimonials there.
Also you can subscribe for $21 FOR 2 MOS. to the budwigvideos.com site and see the videos of the making of the ORGANIC flaxseed meal, cottage cheese mix. (It is about $10 a month after that, but 2 mos. should be plenty to view the videos.) OR one can just read the info on line.
The flax seed should be ground WITHIN 15 minutes of eating it by the way. I bought the paperback (slim volume ca. $20 that also has a lot of letter testimonials in it) by Johanna Budwig from 1999 (the translation from German is not perfect but acceptable): CANCER: the PROBLEM AND THE SOLUTION.
Johanna Budwig, nominated for 7 Nobels, was trained in pharmacology, physics, medicine and more, died at about 95 years of age and half of her patients were OTHER DOCTORS. People from every continent consulted with her. She had worked in a leadership role for the German government interacting with pharmaceutical companies, et al.
Part of the protocol is ONE GLASS OF ORGANIC SAUERKRAUT juice one hour before breakfast. The cottage cheese and flax seed should also be ORGANIC. She also was firm about getting sunight daily.
Also, NO MEAT should be eaten (there is one comment in the book that if it is eaten, it should be grass fed). Budwig herself was a lifelong vegetarian. From the research I did, it seemed that 80-90% of the cancer patients that used the protocol were cured within a 60 year period. Wine and champagne are part of the diet!
One must keep up the diet for at least 3 years, and if one does not keep it up, cancer often returns.
Budwig did seminal research into the Omega 3 and 6 oils and was a friend of Heisenberg - remember...the uncertainty principle?. She seemed to be a genius!
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Barry I just read your post....If it were that easy we wouldn't need chemo.....
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I have seen more testimonies of helping to fight cancer with diet, apricot seeds, budwig diet, adam and eve diet, etc. than I have with chemo.
It's not about killing a tumor, it's about helping the immune system to be strong enough to fight on its own...otherwise, it will most likely come back.
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If you want to see a man's wife's testimony on flaxseed and cottage cheese, he speaks of how his wife shrunk it twice. Just do a google search under "flaxseed and cottage cheese forum DCA site"
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i've been eating flaxseed for years and have breast cancer pretty bad.
maybe i'm not the norm
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I had breast cancer, August, 2006. IDC, 2cm, Stage I, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2- Cut out with clear margins. I declined any other treatments. Specifically, Radiation, Tamoxifen.Chemo was never even offered.
January, 2009, presented with a Breast MRI diagnosis of Birad5, Highly Suspicious, for Cancer. In the X-Cancer breast. Had an Ultrasound-guided biopsy. And the pathology said?
Benign. Fat Necrosis, caused by the August, 2006 Lumpectomy, trauma. And the ensuing, Major Hematoma. Fat Necrosis can simulate, malignancy, on a MRI scan. One of the many causes, of False Positive, MRIs.
My point? The day after, my MRI, before I'd even gotten the Birad5 result, I went on the Flax Seed Oil and cottage cheese. Dr. Buddwig's protocol. And even with this GREAT benign, result, I'm on the FOCC, as it's called, for life.
To me, anyway, it just makes sense. We ARE what we eat. The FOCC just promotes, life. Eating all of this dead food, and all of these processed oils, really does cause cancer. Which is what everyone is this country mostly eats. And then, why we all need, all of these "medical treatments."
But in any event, I'm just speaking, for myself. The FOCC has been GREAT, for me. It's like, I can just "breathe," better. More oxygen, in my cells, I think. And I believe that it will prevent my cancer, from coming back.
Even before I knew about the FOCC, I rejected that Whole Breast Radiation and the Tamoxifen, from the outset. Back in 2006. That NEVER made sense, to me.
The FOCC does make sense. Because the latter, prevents, ALL cancers.
As someone said, there are no "clinical trials," of the FOCC, because there is no $$$ to be made, from it.
They want to sell you the Chemo and the Radiation. That pays, the bills. To the people, providing, it.
Yet, I'm living it, and loving it, without any of that shit. And in just one month, I have SO much, more energy. It is, really remarkable!
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Is this the Budwig Protocol?
Do you have any links or web pages describing it which you recommend?
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Yes, this is the Budwig Protocol. I've gotten most of my information from the Yahoo group FlaxSeedOil2
Plus, I've read two of Dr. Budwig's books. "Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases." And a cookbook, "The Oil Protein Diet Cookbook." Both are available on Amazon.com. Plus, I read her book "Cancer: The Problem and the Solution."
You might even be able to get them, from the library.
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I forgot I posted this question. Since I've posted this, I've heard various opinions that I wasn't for sure if I should use it or avoid it. Yesterday, my naturpathic doctor recommended I use it daily! It will help control my colesterol and reduce the risk of bc. Thus, my questions is...other than using it in cerial, and cottage cheese, how do I incorporate it into my diet? Does cottage cheese raise one's colesterol?
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barry, could you ask your naturopath if yogurt provides the same chemical reaction as cottage cheese when mixed with flaxseed? I tried it with cottage cheese last summer, and I really really don't like it that way.
I've added ground flaxseed to my juice on occasion, and that's an easy, tasty way to get both juice and flax. I don't take in flax every day, however, and I've decided that fish oil should be part of my daily supplements to make sure I get enough omega 3's.
I'm not sure about the cholesterol question. Mine's been checked just three times in the last 4 years. I was majorly disappointed because last year my cholesterol was still at the same level as pre-dx and a full 7 months of eating flaxseed and yogurt nearly every day. Proponents of vegan diets say anything from an animal source will elevate cholesterol. Yet, I've read personal accounts of people going vegan and seeing their cholesterol skyrocket. Opinions vary widely.
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I think you are suppose to use cottage cheese because this works with the "natural" sulfur that is in cottage cheese? I'd have to read my notes but I think that is why they want you to use the cottage cheeses.
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Thanks Flalady, I know there's some kind of reaction between the seeds and the cottage cheese that's beneficial. I'm just hoping it's also present with yogurt.
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Where is the data on efficacy?
Is there any proof that it works?
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We don't need to prove anything to you.
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There is no proof that anything actually works for everybody.
Leia, thank you for sharing your story. I am also declining Tamoxifen for a lot of reasons. Just finished my four TXs of CT and I'm glad it is over with. As far as I am concerned, I HAD cancer, I don't have it any more!
I add ground flaxseed to a lot of different things...cottage cheese, yogurt and I sprinkle in on my salads, etc. Also started making a really great flaxseed and sunflower seed bread it the breadmaker...the family loves it!
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Just from what I've read in Dr. Budwig's books and on the FlaxSeedOil2 Yahoo site, it's critical to mix the flax seed oil with the cottage cheese. Because the cottage cheese, is protein. On a 1 to 2 ratio, FO to CC. I'm currently doing 3 to 6. And you blend it all, together, with a stick blender. That's also, a critical step. Because from what I've read, by blending the two, it makes the FO water soluble. So, it can immediately enter each individual cell.
And then, I add the Costco Triple berry mix, rasberries, marionberries, and blueberries. All anti-oxidants, themselves.
To me, it's really delicious.
I need to get to where you are, Lisasayers. To just incorporate MORE of the ground flaxseed in my diet. And to start making my own fresh vegetable juices. But my sister is TOTALLY on the Budwig (a survivor of Stage 3, Ovarian Cancer, totally clear, now) and she's helping me. She clued me in, to begin with.
And I had thought, that "I HAD cancer, I don't have it, anymore," until this January 2009, Birad 5, to Benign, fiasco.
That was IT. Time for me, to step up, and take care, of myself.
And to the people wanting to see some proof that it works? Well, there isn't any proof. Other than the testimonials that Barry originally referred to. And those that are in Dr. Budwig's books.
Although, as I've said, for my part, I just FEEL better! From this thread, other people have had different experiences. I can just relate, mine.
It's like night and day. I can breathe better, physically, and mentally, I'm just ... calmer.
And I'm a two-time cancer, survivor, I had Leiomyosarcoma, in December, 2004. Cut out, with clear margins.
Well, I'll just leave it at that. I'm going to continue the FOCC for the rest of my life. I love, feeling great! And I think it will prevent any future cancers, so what a deal. Without any radiation or Tamoxifen, both of which, can CAUSE cancer.
NOT, for me
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Leia thanks for sharing your amazing story.
Another thing to hide the taste of the flax is to put a large table spoon of chocolate whey protein dry mix it in and stir. The chocolate covers it nicely.
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There are no proof that natural items feed hormone positive cancers. All they know is that these things have hormones in them. You are only taking very little amount of flax....I think it is a table spoon. Not enough to hurt you. Research is showing there are a lot of foods that have hormones in them. And they have been eaten for hundred of years with no side effects. I believe artificial hormones can stimulate hormones not natural. (beef & chicken) There is just not enough proof about any food items.
As for some one who has done flax seed years and still have bc...we do not know her cancer or her outside exposure to possible things that could have caused her cancer. Research clinic's never ask what you have eaten when coming to them for the first time. They ask where you were born, what kind of work environment you were exposed to, hobbies and family history. Never what you eat.
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Flax Seeds and Their Effect on Breast Cancer
San Francisco, CA, USA -- Canadian scientists say a common seed is proving uncommonly good at helping women battle breast cancer. Healthbeat team doctor Kim Mulvihill reports.
A new Canadian study shows the flax can significantly slow the rate of breast cancer cell growth.
"The scientific community is very interested in this study," says Dr. Paul Goss, Breast cancer researcher. "We have been bombarded by other investigators from around the world."
Researchers at the University of Toronto asked newly diagnosed breast cancer patients to eat two tablespoons of ground flaxseed each day. They then analyzed samples of their tumors before starting this treatment and 30 days after. They found that women taking the flaxseed slowed their rate of cancer cell growth by up to 33 percent compared to women not on flax. And there was nearly a 60 percent drop in the spread of the most aggressive cancer cells.
What's more, this nutritional treatment effect was equal to anti-cancer drugs like Tamoxofin.
"Flax seed is the first nutritional product that's been studied, that has actually produced hard scientific evidence," says Dr. Goss. Researchers think a fiber in the seeds may help sweep estrogen out of the body, blocking the hormone's ability to make tumors grow.
While this is just one piece of evidence, cancer support groups say it is very exciting news.
"There is a community out there who are hungry for this kind of information," says Sue Wright, Breast Cancer activist. "It won't bother them that it wasn't pharmaceutical. In fact, it might encourage them."
In fact, women have been eager to join other ongoing flax studies.
The researchers are now trying to raise funding for more studies to see if flax can help prevent breast cancer in the first place. This is not the first time flax has been shown to have health benefits. There are a number of studies showing it can help protect against heart disease. You can buy it in most health food stores.
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Flaxseed, or linseed, is an ancient grain that may have originated in Egypt. The seeds, oil and seed meal can be used in many ways. Flaxseeds contain phytoestrogens, which may reduce your risk of breast cancer and possibly prevent a recurrence. The fibers from the flax plant have been used in linen fabric, yarns and bandages.
Dietary Benefits from Flaxseeds
Flaxseeds have two anticancer components: lignans and an omega-3 fat called "alphalinolenic acid" (ALA). You may be familiar with flaxseeds as they are used as a natural laxative, a good source of dietary fiber and in preparations that help lower your cholesterol. Flaxseeds may also be helpful in reducing your risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, breast and endometrial cancers. Flaxseed oil has been used for the relief of hot flashes, breast pain, arthritis pain, and pain related to constipation.Anticancer Action of Flaxseeds
Several studies have been done to determine how the phytoestrogens in flaxseeds may help cancer. One theory compares the estrogen-receptor blocking ability of flaxseeds with estrogen-receptor modulation drugs. The weak plant-based estrogens block the estrogen receptors on cells within breast tissue, starving them of full-strength female estrogen, possibly stopping tumor growth and preventing cell damage. This effect may be most effective for younger, premenopausal women with estrogen-receptor negative cancers. A clinical trial combining flaxseeds with a macrobiotic diet has been done by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Among other goals, the study hopes to find out whether a macrobiotic diet that includes flaxseed will be beneficial during and after breast cancer therapy.Breaking Down the Bounty from Flaxseeds
Flaxseeds are about the size of sesame seeds, but despite their small size, they are packed with great anticancer powers. The two most notable anticancer components of flaxseeds are lignans and alphalinolenic acid (ALA). Dietary fiber in flaxseeds and flaxseed oil is also of great benefit to your digestion.- Dietary Fiber: Freshly ground flaxseeds are a good source of dietary fiber. You can sprinkle these on breads, cereals, soups and salads to lower your cholesterol and your risk of heart disease while keeping your tummy happy. Fiber from flaxseeds helps reduce constipation, but must be used with plenty of fluids. Add flaxseed oil to salad dressings or mix it with a smoothie.
- Lignans: Flaxseeds and sesame seeds are both great sources of lignans, a plant-based estrogen. Lignans may act as weak estrogens, fitting in to estrogen receptors on cells in breast and endometrial tissues. This action may protect cells that may become damaged or become cancerous when in contact with powerful female estrogens.
- Alphalinolenic acid (ALA): An omega-3 fatty acid, alphalinolenic acid is not made in your body, but must come from food. Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats that help reduce inflammation. When omega-3s are part of a well-balanced diet, and including vitamin C, vitamin E beta-carotene and selenium, they may be most effective in preventing and even treating breast cancer.
Easy Ways to Add Flaxseed to Your Diet
Here are some quick ways to add flaxseeds to your food:- Sprinkle flaxseeds over salads and on cooked vegetables.
- Top off baked breads and muffins with ground flaxseeds in the last few minutes of baking.
- Include flaxseed meal in batter for waffles, pancakes, banana bread and whole wheat rolls.
- Stir some flaxseed oil in to your salad dressing and blend it in to a smoothie.
If you're taking flaxseed as a laxative, drink plenty of water to avoid constipation or intestinal blockage, as the seeds expand during digestion. Your body needs time to absorb the components of flaxseed, so wait a while before taking any other supplements or medications. Avoid flaxseed oil if you are allergic to flax or if you are pregnant or nursing. If you've had estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer, use flaxseed products in moderation.0 -
Why cottage cheese? I looked it up again. Leia we both where right.
They found that the body's assimilation and use of essential fatty acids was greatly enhanced when the fatty acids were combined with sulphur-based protein's. Research showed that cancer patients or other chronic illnesses have marked lack of phosphatides (important fatty compound) and lipoproteins (fat bound to proteins) in their blood. This is because we use very little good oil in our diets now.
Good news Althea yogurt does have some sulphur just not as much as cottage cheese.
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Jo, thanks for sharing your info.
Everyone should be very dubious of the statement "XXXX cures cancer." I don't care if it's flaxseed or conventional. Cancer is a vicious disease that resists "cure" in all but a very few cases. But as my surgeon says, if you are in remission for 25 years and die from a stroke at 75, that's pretty darn good.
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I was dx August 08, I have 1 chemo treatment to go. Early in my treatment at the health food store the lady behind the counter gave me the name of a book, "Natural Strategies for Cancer patients" written by an onconologist, Dr. Russell L. Blaylock. I had to order it ($15) at the mall, but it has a wealth of information. He does not tell you to stop chemo but how to protect your body and help chemo work better. Some of the vitamins I had to order over the internet because stores do not carry them.I take them off and on. At time I wonder if they interfer with chemo, at other times I feel they help me be healthier and better to deal with chemo. So some days I take a hand full of the pills and other days I don't. Some days I couldn't swallow pills or much of anything else. There are many things that can help your tumor decrease, of course it depends on what the tumor is made of as to what works on it. Mine is triple neg. and is decreasing in size. Is it decreasing more with the supplements? I do not know? I hope it is helping and keepning me stronger. I will do better taking supplements once chemo is over, that way I hope not to have it reoccur.
There is also an ebook out there "Cancer Free" I find it hard to get through since it is over 300 pages. I do believe the cottage cheese/flaxseed oil is in that book. It tasted so awful to me I couldn't get it down. Flax seed oil is not the best tasting stuff.