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  • tenaj
    tenaj Member Posts: 365

    Good luck Mollydog!!!! I love your puppy :-)

  • tenaj
    tenaj Member Posts: 365

    Jlmg, I'm sorry you are dealing with this. You will be feeling better soon. I had an infection after my exchange in january & had to be hospitalized for 2 days in March for IV Zyvox, fortunately I was to take it orally & it has worked so far, I haven't lost the implant. I started taking the femera at night almost a week ago and it has helped. I'm taking less Motrin. I also take some supplements. Good luck!! :-)

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Jmlg- that is Interesting because I had been taking the pink letrozole and having terrible joint pain. I started taking the yellow one a week ago and I have barely any joint pain now. I think we all react differently to the fillers and have to work hard to find the right fit for us.

  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    Does anyone have problem with hands getting numb? It only my middle finger and ring finger and small finger that does it on both hands.It only does it a night when i go bed. I have used the carparal tunnel splints and they still get numb. I have had carparal  tunnel surgery about 5 yrs ago

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Yes nanna, I have that too since treatment and have read a couple of other women having this trouble.  I don't know what causes it.
  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378

    I had this during my last pregnancy (before breast cancer) but haven't had it since.  I wonder what causes it.  It was just my left ring finger and pinky.  And it lasted the WHOLE pregnancy.  It was bothersome at first, but then I think I sort of just got used to it.  It was weird.  After pregnancy, it went away.  I don't even really remember it going away.  I just realized one day that it was gone. 

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    Since starting Femara my hands get numb when I sleep...though the non cancer side is doing it much less now.  The other side had gets numb if I hold it up in the air for more than 15 minutes and while I sleep....weird.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Nanna- I have the finger numbness in my ring finger and pinky at night too. My arm goes numb and I have to wake it up to reach the alarm.

  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378

    Okay, so what causes this?  Is it all on your breast cancer side?  I've wondered if it had anything to do with that before. . .

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    It's not just on my breast cancer side - but I've had it for years, so am nobody to use for a measure...

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Aot of times it is caused by arthritis or narrowing in the cervical discss causing compression in the nerves that go to the hand and arm. I haven't figured out why the AL's aggrevate this.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    well, the AI's seem to worsen arthritis, and cause narrowing in other joints (i.e. "trigger" fingers, toes, etc), so maybe that all fits together....

    pt, is that a rose or a peony for your avatar?

  • jlmg
    jlmg Member Posts: 27

    I wanted to share something I use for knee pain.  I put Lidoderm patches on my knees during the day, and I use castor oil packs on them at night.  You soak a piece of flannel in castor oil, put it on your knee and cover it with saran wrap.  Be careful becasue the castor oil stains.  I also sleep with a pillow under my knees.  I add a little bit of castor oil each night to the flannel.  I cut the lidoderm patches in half and put them on the tops of my feet during the day, too.  The arthritis doc gave me the prescription for the patches.  Votaren gel is also a  prescription, and sometimes I use that instead of the patches.  It helps if I do leg extensions with an exercise band and swim.  Hope this helps someone!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Gardengumby, Its a peony.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Ok.  I know this has been asked a million here is one million and one.

    Joint pain.  I'm having a lot of it in the knees and elbows.  Woke me up last night hurting, and I haven't woke up hurting through this entire thing.

    I'm 4 weeks into Femara, just started my second month's bottle.  Does this get better for some?  I noticed on Tamoxifen most SE came and went, and by 6 months I knew which were hanging around for the duration.

    I'd appreciate any feedback....even if you've said it a thousand times already.  Tongue out

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393

    I have been on the generic (Letrozole) since Nov. 21.  My experience is that the joint (even some soft tissue sometimes) pain comes and goes.  I can have a good day or two then a day or 2 or 3 of being quite uncomfortable.  Keep telling myself that at least I am on the sunshinny side of the grass...;-)

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Thanks Vicks.

    If it stays this bad I will ask to try something else.....

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    tonlee - I've had joint pain on and off since starting the letrozole.  I have found that IMO curcumin and glucosamine help.  Exercise help, too, but I think I read that you do that already.  :)

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    I was very achy in knees and feet about an hour ago. I am staying ina hotel with an exercise room, so I went and walked on the treadmill for a half hour, just leisurely walking, 3mph, and it feels much better now.

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437

    Momine- I think exercise is really helping me and my joint pain is much better. I have been on it for 4&1/2 months.

  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378

    Does anyone think femara might be causing my TMJ?  My left jaw is popping in and out of the socket, and it is driving me crazy.  Femara affects all of the other joints, many it might be affecting my jaw too?

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    Well I guess my SE's are not normal, I have cold or allergy symptoms. My Onc. was thinking I was nuts till my blood work came back. Well guess what it shows I am having major signs of infection in my body. The thing is when I went off the generic for a week the allergic reaction cleared up, and I tested it 2 times.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Weety, I have TMJ and it has been actng up after starting femara. So, yes, I think it is related. It also got bad during chemo, and my onc said it was from the inflammation caused by the taxotere.

  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378

    What are the treatments for TMJ?  This is the first time I've experienced and I've self-diagnosed.  I haven't been to see anyone---would I go to the doctor or the dentist?  Do I need to go, or will they just tell me to do something I can do on my own? 

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    There is no real treatment for TMJ. Some doctors and/or dentists will try to sell you expensive guards for your teeth to prevent grinding of the teeth. They don't work well.

    Do not "pop" the jaw. Try to relax the jaw. Avoid biting nails and chewing gum. Don't grit or grind your teeth. I also find that if I wake up and feel the TMJ hurting I take 200mg of ibuprofen and that usually nips it in the bud.

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    Well is does seem my mysterious sickness has been the generic Femera. My blood work shows massive infection, and since when I'm off the stuff  all the coughing, dripping eyes, and chest congestion goes away, so it must be something in the fillers. I will be on the name brand from now on. Thank goodness, I am so tired of feeling sick. 6 months is way to long to be living like this.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Weety, one more thing. The past ten days I was in the US (from Greece where I live). We stayed in hotels and ate out, so my diet took a nosedive and I kinda gave up anyway. I ate white bread, fries, meat even sweets. My knees, hips and feet ached like crazy and the TMJ acted up.

    I got back Friday and Saturday I was back to eating a better diet, cabbage salad, lots of garlic and onion, no sugar etc. I am much better today. It may be coincidence, but you may want to try to make sure that you eat some anti-inflammatory foods daily. 

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    Momine, What kind of cabbage salad was it? I am always looking for ways to eat more cabbage.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Very simple really, something I eat at our local noodle place. Shredded white cabbage with some shredded carrot and some strips of red pepper, poached, chopped chicken, some coriander and dressed with lime juice.

  • jlmg
    jlmg Member Posts: 27

    Genereic/Brand Femara,  This may be the case for some, but I discovered the generic letrazole is better for me than the brand name.  Go figure!  I used Novaris for 3 weeks, and felt miserable, all the SE's were worse, especially the joint pain, and it interferred with my sleep.  I thought it was the IV Zyvox, which I'm on for another 2 weeks.   After reading these posts, I experimented and went off the brand name for a few days.  The hot flashes were terrible and the joint pain stayed on.  Then I went on the generic, and I'm sleeping better, and the joint pain is manageable with all my supplements, stretching, and castor oil packs.  If I could just get rid of this frozen shoulder!  I ordered Manuka honey to try to address this infection.  Has anyone tried that?