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  • Snowgirl63
    Snowgirl63 Member Posts: 37

    hi everyone, I wanted to ask if anyone has problems with swelling after a lumpectomy. My left breast is now bigger than my right with swelling. I'm prone to blame it on the antidepressant citalopram since I seem to be really sensitive to anything that stimulates prolactin. Also tomorrow have an ultrasound of lumps on my right breast and hoping it's just because left breast is not draining to the left side anymore . Scared. And to top it of its the birthdate of my son who died when he was twenty two. Might as well be sad all at once I guess. I'm really sick o pain. Bother emotional and physical.

    Is it to late to go to a half dose of letrozole and then step it up or should I wait till my ovaries are out and then try. I really need to loose weight by ao sore it's hard to walk fast enough for a good workout. Going to do chair yoga from you tube tonight thou cause the floor one causes to much pain even if it is for beginners .


  • Snowgirl63
    Snowgirl63 Member Posts: 37

    Oh and for those wanting to not notice the side effects as much during the day I found taking it at 10 at night to be helpful since it affects my vision and I was unable to drive during the day because o the blurriness and hot flashes seem to be less during the day and since I have a fan blowing in my room not so bothersome at night.

  • Early60s
    Early60s Member Posts: 6

    Hi everyone,

    I've only read the last few pages on this thread, so please forgive if you guys have talked about this before, but I have a new crappy side effect., I think.

    I've been on Letrazole since December, and beside the hot flashes and slight swelling of my hands, I've now got another symptom that doesn't appear on the SE lists. Hot hands. Uncomfortably hot hands. Noticeable to my husband.

    Don't like!!!

    Am I the only one with this oddball symptom? If so, it's probably unrelated to the Letrozole,

    Interested in your experiences.

  • cbaird99
    cbaird99 Member Posts: 27

    Has anyone talked to their onco about taking glucosamine sulfate with femara? Just read the following blurb but I don't think femara is antimitotic:

    Medications for cancer (Antimitotic chemotherapy)Some medications for cancer work by decreasing how fast cancer cells can copy themselves. Some scientists think that glucosamine sulfate might increase how fast tumor cells can copy themselves. Taking glucosamine sulfate along with some medications for cancer might decrease the effectiveness of these medications for cancer. Any person who is receiving chemotherapy should talk with their health provider before taking glucosamine sulfate.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Cbaird, First I've heard of that. I'll have to ask my MO next visit.

    I'm so tired of seeing the doctor.... I'm having other health problems. Poop.

    Momma, The side effects do improve as you become accustomed to Femara. But, call your MO. My hot flashes were so bad I couldn't sleep. I was having the 4 times (or more) per hour, 24 hours a day. I was given Effexor, vitamin E and magnesium to help. I really do feel better. I'm still stiff in the morning and if I sit too long, but that has improved, too. Don't give up yet. Give it some time, then decide what is best for you!

  • CatsRus
    CatsRus Member Posts: 98

    Thanks for all the input on this thread. I started Letrozole (generic Femara) last night.

  • mommafletch
    mommafletch Member Posts: 2

    Thank you all for your input! I saw my eye doctor yesterday, who diagnosed Dry Eye Syndrome. Anyone ever heard of that related to Femara? I googled it and did find there have been a few studies of Femara & dry eye syndrome, so perhaps it is another lesser known side effect. I saw the PA of my oncologist today, and we have decided to give me a break for 3 weeks, and then I will start Aromasin. I am to take that for 3 weeks and then go back and see her. She said sometimes patients don't have as severe of side effects when they switch. We will see! I'm ready for some relief from the hot flashes, joint pain and dry eyes! I look like I'm crying all the time and have big dark circles. She did mention taking Effexor also, I may look into that if the other SEs are tolerable.

  • meshell
    meshell Member Posts: 4

    So I have asked this on these discussion boards before and haven't got a bunch of responses so I thought I would try again.. I am wondering if anyone had hair loss with femara/letrozle and if/when it came back after completing femara.

    Thank you all!

  • daisylover
    daisylover Member Posts: 173


    I have had excessive hair loss with Femara after taking Palbociclib. Mine appears to be permanent and chemically induced -- says the dermatologist. However, I began my cancer treatment having had alopecia areata. Before taking these drugs, I would have one bald spot at a time, about the size of a quarter. They always grew back. The limited alopecia began about 6 years ago for me. When I told the dermatologist that I began having bald spots around the time that they think my cancer started to grow, she was not surprised. So, my hair loss is unusual, a combination of my immune system attacking my hair follicles as well as these drugs... The dermatologist said that they have seen an increase in the number of patients having permanent hair loss due to cancer treatments. I would guess that others have had thinning that may or may not have been reversed. Hopefully, they will respond here? There is a thread "Hair, hair, hair - Another question" which might be a good place to post: Many women take Biotin to encourage hair growth. It has helped my husband to grow hair in his bald spot! It has not addressed my needs :(

    I hope that your hair will grow back soon and ease your worries!

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564

    I may have asked this before, but my memory these days...not as good as it used to be... so forgive me if I asked already...but when you have joint/muscle/aches and pains all over your do you determine if its the fermara, the beginning of something else... or in fact something else??

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Thinkingpositive, I can't answer your question, but I've had so many xrays and scans lately show mild arthritis, so I'm thinking my aches are all due to letrozole.

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564

    Thanks PoppyK... I just get so worried.... hope you are doing well.

  • beergirl
    beergirl Member Posts: 83

    Mommafletch, walk a lot and drink a lot of water. That will help with side effects of femara.

  • MsPharoah
    MsPharoah Member Posts: 224

    thinking positive, I have been on femara for almost 2 years and it is very disquieting that the side effects from this medicine are also possible indicators of cancer returning, especially joint pain. So how do you determine which is which? I have and have had that same question.
    First, how old are you? If you are a senior, you have to accept that some joint pain can be arthritic and muscle pain associated with doing too much activity...gardening, housework, a new exercise etc.

    if i have new pain or symptom, not associated with something new or a new activity, I try to treat it myself...heating pad, cold packs, otc pain meds and if it doesn't relieve in 2 weeks, I call my doctor. So far, I have not had to do that.

    Everyone is different. My side effects are creaky, painful joints that make it difficult to get out of the car, out of bed or after sitting. Very annoying, but goes away after I take a few steps. I also have mild hot flashes. Just recently, I have had painful thumb joints, not horrible but I am paying attention. My hair is very thin now. I don't think I am shedding now, but I am a senior and with the chemo, the anti hormonals, I'm pretty sure my hair is thinning as part of a normal aging process.

    Ultimately, you should feel comfortable to contact your pcp or oncologist any time you are concerned. Worry is not healthy and if you are worried, it will take all the joy from your life and that is not good!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Cbaird, femara is not a chemo agent in the way described. However, glucosamine can also either up blood glucose or muddle certain liver functions (can't remember which). I took it briefly and then decided the potential downside was not worth the very modest (if any) upside in my case.

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    I have heard that bone mets pain tends to be isolated...your right hip or left thigh, etc.. I think generalized pain, which the AI gives me, tends to be arthritic. I also have heard about the 2 week rule-of-thumb.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541

    My MO had me stop femara yesterday for 2 weeks to see if the pain and stiffness subsides. If so she will switch me to a different drug. It would be such a blessing to have less pain. Love, Jean

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564

    Can you get isolated pain in joints from the Fermara?

  • windingshores
    windingshores Member Posts: 160

    Like others, I find that a 30+ minute walk each day greatly relieves the joint pains from Femara.

    When I first head out, my joints don't feel great but by the time I return they feel fine: I don't know of motion lubricates them or provides some sort of glandular advantage or what, but it works every time and also seems to be cumulative.

  • Tammy_M43
    Tammy_M43 Member Posts: 565

    Isolated pain in joints! Let me tell you my story.......I used to run but I've had lots of issues with my left hip including bursitis and new oncologists says Femara can cause tendinitis... Mmmmm......

    On the positive I can still walk and laugh!!! Take care ladies...

  • Janetanned
    Janetanned Member Posts: 118

    Hmmmmm - I was recently diagnosed with bursitis in my right shoulder. The doctor I saw for this condition blamed it on my altered posture (after BMX/reconstruction). Maybe it is really due to Femara or a combination of the two. Something to think about.

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564

    Janetanned..thats where I am having intermittent pain... I can't really call it pain..maybe ache...its my right shoulder.. I thought it may be due to the way I hold myself after MX on left side... I had my exchange surgery with reconstruction/implant on my right side so I thought maybe this was the reason I had the soreness in the shoulder. Its not constant.. only after I lay or sit still for a while. But my mind keeps going in the other direction.

  • LuvLulu07
    LuvLulu07 Member Posts: 596

    Hi All Haven't posted in this forum before ~

    Age 53, started Tamoxifen about 3 years ago and 6 months ago made the switch to Anastrazole. Everything was okay until last week when side effects started - headaches, clumsiness, achey joints and a general feeling of not being well. Taking a week break from the Anastrozole, and MO wants me to start Femara in a week.

    I'm active, go to the gym and recently started ballroom dancing but it's been tough to keep going with terrible joint aches! My ankles and feet in particular are terrible, hobbled with pain and feel like I'm 100 years old!

    Has anybody had success with making a switch from one AI to another, in terms of less side effects?


  • Janetanned
    Janetanned Member Posts: 118

    ThinkingPositive - When I first mentioned the achy shoulder my MO sent me for a shoulder x-ray. I'm slightly arthritic in the right clavicle, but that didn't explain the pain, since it not at the same location. My MO sent me to see a pain management dr. who works in the same office. After extensive bending, pulling, pushing and taking my history, she felt that I was exhibiting the classic signs of bursitis with mild tendonitis of the rotator cuff. Off to PT I went where it was confirmed by the PT that the pain was from bursitis.

    Apparently, due to all of the trauma and physical changes that occur with a MX or BMX, our muscles and tendons and joints are all being used differently. This may cause strain and injury. I find I am in most pain when sitting in a chair that has a curved back (my beloved recliner or comfortable car seats). The curve pushes my shoulder forward and cause the bursa to be pinched by the shoulder joint. Pt helped a lot. NSAIDs help too. I find I sometimes need a Tylenol PM to get through the night. There are other more invasive treatments available. I'm trying to avoid that by doing my PT exercises and using correct posture. Try changing your posture when standing and sitting. Throw your shoulders back (shoulder blades pinching together), and let your shoulder drop. When reaching above your head (putting dishes away etc) extend your arm out off to the side with your palms up, rather than directly out in front of you with palms facing down. If I think of other tips, I'll let you know.

    You should let your mo know so that he/she can rule out anything more sinister.

  • Janetanned
    Janetanned Member Posts: 118

    Joy - I was originally on Anastrozol, for about 2 years. My aches and pains got progressively worse. Eventually, I had trouble getting up and down stairs. I felt like I was going to need knee replacements and a new hip. It was alful. My MO switched me to Femera last summer. I am so much better! I (knock wood) have no pain other than the bursitis mentioned above. I go to jazzercise and have no difficulty with stairs. I am a little achy when I get up from sleeping or sitting too long. However, that achiness is gone after a few steps. Femara has been so much easier for me to tolerate!

    Good luck with the switch!

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541

    At the recommendation of my chemo doc. I have been off femara for a week, so far there has been no change still having joint pain and cramping. Love, Jean

  • DivePuppy
    DivePuppy Member Posts: 9

    Hi Poppy K! I'm very interested in the regimen of effexor, vitamin e and magnesium prescribed by your MO. I have ridiculous hot flashes, several times an hour, which make sleep difficult. Do you mind if I ask if you'd been on an antidepressant before? I've been on Cymbalta for years for depression...not working well for me know, but psychiatrist said she wouldn't take me off while I'm having hot flashes and neuropathy. Found another doc who is trying Brintellix. Big side effect is nausea, as I'm finding out. I'd much rather just switch to effexor is it will help the hot flashes and depression. Just trying to figure all of this out...Thanks..

  • lifelover
    lifelover Member Posts: 263

    Just want to say re: magnesium - I recently upped my dose to 750 mg a day and my hot flushes have calmed down a lot. It means I have to make sure I get enough fibre in my diet to deal with the loose bowels so this may not work for everyone :( But I'm happier :)

  • peacestrength
    peacestrength Member Posts: 236

    I'm not sure if this is the correct thread for my question but I'll ask. I've been taking Femara almost 2 years and considering reconstruction. For those that have had reconstruction, was it required that you stop taking Femara before and after surgery? If so, how long before and after?

  • trailrose
    trailrose Member Posts: 89

    Hi Ladies, I'm actually writing in for my sister who is 11 1/2 years out since her diagnosis of Stage IIIb breast cancer at the age of 27. She is doing great and trying to enjoy life to the fullest but her MO put her on Femara one year ago (she's had her ovaries and uterus removed since she was BRCA 1 +) and she suffered pains, aches, hair loss and lethargy. Her MO told her to stop it for one month and all of that went away. When she called her MO to let her know this she was told she needed to go back on it for life. I know my sister is upset about this and wondered if anyone had some ideas on what she can do to help with these side effects. I know exercise is beneficial. Thank you!