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  • hopeinfitcher
    hopeinfitcher Member Posts: 16

    dear farmerlucy,thank you for good wishes.

    all best you too and God bless you and all girls!

  • peaches12
    peaches12 Member Posts: 28

    BosumBlues- I've been on Femara 15 months and the hair loss began right away, just when it had started coming back in after chemo. It is soooo thin now I am back in baseball caps and my wig. Can you tell me about using Rogaine, please. I've thought about it, but have been afraid to try it.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    SusanHG, Bwa! "Femara. I swear it was invented by some Pharm D who hates his mom."

    Tiredness, yes, but the sex drive is fine, although the actual equipment is somewhat impaired. Since the AI stops my body from converting testosterone to estrogen, I have waves of too much testosterone (I know, because it gives me pimples). I am guessing that is what is fueling the sex drive.

  • Snowgirl63
    Snowgirl63 Member Posts: 37

    I guess they have missed something cause my bloodwork shows high protein and low WCB and other things the dr didn't want me to look at. I'm really freaked out now and my depression is so bad that I have given up anyway.

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Snowgirl, What's up? (I have chemo brain still, and have a hard time remembering what everyone here on the board is going through.) The docs should always give you your complete results and explain what it means. Some "abnormal" results are expected when you are forced into menopause and taking all of these meds. With all of the stuff we go through, it's not unexpected to be depressed or anxious, too. Have you thought about anti-depressants or increasing your dosage if you are already taking them? Did the doctor tell you that they missed something?


  • Snowgirl63
    Snowgirl63 Member Posts: 37

    Hi Poppy,

    No they won't disclose...even when I asked what it meant. I have a call into my oncologist to look at the bloodwork another dr ordered. She will call me back tomorrow. My family dr thinks I'm a hypochondriac and funny enough went off on stress leave after I foun the lump after complaining something was wrong and all the bone pain I have, while he rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Only in Canada:(! I'm on Wellbutrin 300mg which is what I took before the breast cancer but now I'm as depressed as I was after my 22 year old son had died. I cry all the time and no matter what I can't seem to help it. I just got my youngest son back after his after keeping him from me for 4 years. But no I'm really not doing well and worried I will have to send him back. My youngest son tried to commit suicide because he was so fed up with his dad and step mom and was found on the road screaming for me and he is disabled. It's not like I want to send him back but I don't feel well at all. Does anyone know a medication they can add in to the Wellbutrin for the depression? I was in citalopram but it caused heart problems. Desperate on Hope. Oh and how low of WBC in canadadian levels does it have to be before you get treated to boost them

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541

    Well I finally got up the courage to go back to my senior Zumba class yesterday. It was painful and difficult but I managed about 40 min. of the class. I think it might help get my mojo back. Teehee! Love, Jean

  • Nash54
    Nash54 Member Posts: 699

    Congrats zrosenthal....zumba is hard! But I love the music. Just can't do those sides moves, too hard on the knees. Happy 4th!!!

  • smrlvr
    smrlvr Member Posts: 117

    I tried he glucosamine and chondroitin for two weeks with no results. How long should I give it to work? I too, have painful hands that wake me up at night. Yoga helps for the leg and back pain

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564

    Did everyone have a bone density prior to starting letrizole?  My MO did not send me for one..past bone density tests showed had been taking Vitamin D3 and calcium supplements.  Still taking those along with letrizole.  He said we would do a bone density after being on letrizole for awhile.  Now I think what is going to compare to?  Last bone density was back in 2013.. I guess compare to that? 

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    smrlvr - I've heard differing opinions for how long it takes supplements to show results.  It depends on how much you're taking, what you're taking and the way you take them.   I've heard 3 weeks to 3 months.  Most supplements by pill take a while for results to start showing up.  It's usually such a small amount.  For example, when I started taking fish oil 1,000mg ( 1 gram) gel caps, I take 4 per day, spread over the day at the advice of onc., for joint pain, it took a month for me to really notice a difference. At 3 months I no longer needed a cane.  I've been taking it now for 2 1/2 years and have little  joint pain.  I also walk.  Here's a link from this site, that also shows that fish oil may help reduce breast cancer risk:

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    ThinkingPositive - Your bone density test in 2013 is a great base line to compare to.  It was recent enough that there wouldn't be any significant change.  The standard is bone density test after 2 years on femara.  So you're good to go.

  • BC2015
    BC2015 Member Posts: 29

    I asked for a bone density test prior to starting Femara and it showed osteopenia. My onco said he wasn't worried about it even though I was.

  • thinkingpositive
    thinkingpositive Member Posts: 564

    Thanks for the info...anyone taking Vitamin D3 and Calcium pills as well as the Fermara?   What is the fish oil for?  And one more question, if anyone has side effects, can you share what they are?  And when NOT to worry about joint pain?

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    BosumBlues - Before starting fish oil, my cholesterol was about 180. Nine months into letrozole my cholesterol  had jumped to 250.  That's when joint pain was also at it's worst and onc suggested the fish oil.  Started the fish oil and just over a year later cholesterol had declined to 210 or so. I'm scheduled for cholesterol check July 14 and am anxious to see if there is any more improvement.  I have also made changes in my diet and now only use olive oil for cooking and eat a lot less red meat and eat lots vegetables.  Primary doc mentioned statins last blood check so I've been really working at it to get it down.  Don't want to go on statins if I don't have to.

  • lifelover
    lifelover Member Posts: 263

    I'd been on Femara several weeks now and I didn't seem to have side effects until now. I think. Does anyone else have very sore aching feet (actually painful to walk on sometimes)? They have been swollen as well.

    The swollen painful feet may be related to some cardiac issues I'm having and still being investigated for (have CT angiogram tomorrow) but I thought I'd ask anyway.

    Also hot flushes and chills are still coming strong. So I guess these are side effects :(

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596

    My heels burn and my hands are stiff when I wake up but it seems to improve throughout the day. The HF seem reduced. I'm taking 75 mg Effexor and magnesium

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    I hate the hot flashes, but they are decreasing. My MO said they should decrease as time goes on...sometimes up to a year. I am also taking Effexor and magnesium.

    I just started taking letrozole about 2 mos ago. I had a baseline dexascan, which showed osteopenia. My MO told me that some women take a long time to go from osteopenia to osteoporosis; others progress quickly, sometimes in less than a year. She said there isn't a way to predict who will fall into which category. She also gave me the option of taking Fosamax; my choice, as she said there isn't a wrong answer. I opted to take the Fosamax and see how I tolerate it. I'm only 50, but think chemo took it's toll on my body. I'm taking calcium and Vit D3, too.

    I just received orders for blood work, including Vit D levels and cholesterol. My liver is still trying to recover from chemo; last test, my liver enzymes were the same as those of an alcoholic.

    Man, this cancer crap just goes on and on.....

  • ml143333
    ml143333 Member Posts: 190

    Good morning all!

    I have been on letrozole for 7 weeks now and just had my 6 week check-up with my MO last week.  He said my blood work is great and he is happy with everything so far.

    We talked about being on letrozole and the side effects I am experiencing.  I have horrific hot flashes especially at night.  He offered Effexor, but I didn't want to take it just yet.  I told him as far as my joints go, I feel like a 90 year old woman when I get up from sitting.  My knees hurt going up and down stairs.  My hips hurt sometimes after sitting and the bottom of my feet kill me when I first stand up.  I know that sounds like a lot, but for right now, it is bearable.  He offered pain meds and I declined.  I just want to see if they get worse or better or level off.  My next check-up in August 2nd.

    For the past two days, I have been bike riding with my son for his online PE class this summer.  He wanted to take it to get ahead so I agreed to tag along for the physical education part.  For the heart monitor to register, he has to be in the target heart range for 25 minutes.  That is 135 - 185 beats/minute.  I made it through two nights and then each night, we jumped in the pool after.  I really do enjoy the time spent with him, but man oh man are my knees killing me.

    Wondering if the knee/joint pain will get better as my body gets used to exercising again.


  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Member Posts: 118


    I think that your physical reaction to femara is not abnormal. I recall the joint stiffness being awful--and yes, exercise was the thing that eventually helped... and it took about 6 months (I was on femara and letrozole). I remember taking glucosimine contriton for a while for the joint stiffness, but it did eventually pass and I was able to move better--lots of yoga, walking, running, etc.... which I had been doing before--- it was harder to do--- I have been off femara for over a year--- hang in there... it should get better...

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    The hot flashes were unbearable for me!!!! All day and all night, 3-4 times an hour. I took Effexor and it helped. Since I started letrozole, the hot flashes became more frequent and intense. They have eased up a bit this last month. It's now bearable.

    I still have the joint pain and stiffness, especially when I first get out of bed and surprisingly, after exercise/activity.

  • kkuziel
    kkuziel Member Posts: 77

    I've been on letrozole for over two years. The hot flashes are now few and far between. The joint pain is mostly just when getting up after sitting for a while. Knee pain is there, but to be honest for me it may just be part of being nearly 60 and having a family history of arthritis. I had some stiffness in my hands for a while as well, but that seems to be done. All in all it's doable. Give it some time. I think for most of us the SE ease up with time.

  • zjrosenthal
    zjrosenthal Member Posts: 1,541

    How long does it take for the SE's to subside. I've been on Femara since January and still no relief. Love, Jean

  • gavinsgrandma
    gavinsgrandma Member Posts: 115

    Hi ladies, I have been on Letrozole for about 9 months now, I seem to tolerate it better than Tamoxifen or Arimdex, but I have experienced some pretty sever joint and bone pain along with neuropathy in my feet ass well as my joints swelling in my hands and developing "trigger thumb" on my right hand and of coarse I am right handed😝 I stopped taking Letrozole 3 weeks ago to see if the symptoms eased up, they did a little but not much..... I also wanted to know from MO some statistics on chance of recurrance with and w/o taking it, being stage 3C I was not taking this decision lightly. MO's PA got back to me yesterday with some interesting numbers, she found a site that you can plug in all your specific information and get some kind of idea, she said with my personal history and the tx I had, not taking the Letrozole gives me an approximate life span of 5 years whereas taking it increases that expectancy to 10 years, so that being said I will continue to take the Letrozole..... I did however ask her if she was saying that I have an experation date in 10 years

  • Snowgirl63
    Snowgirl63 Member Posts: 37

    Hi Poppy,

    I'm feeling a little better as I just started on a low dose of gabapentin for the nerve pain that shoots all around my breast to my shoulder and armpit to the point I can't even lift my arm by 5 in the evening. But this has helped so much and relieved so much stress over the pain I have I can almost cry. Cause the pain I have had is so physical and emotionally wearing. The antidepressant idea you suggested is great and they have increased the dose. The gabapentin makes me a wee bit sleepy but I will take that over nerve pain. Does anyone have constant ear pain with no ear infection. I am completely frustrated and have to use ear drops and cotton to try and ease the pain for some reasons all the pain med I take doesn't work for my ear. Any ideas? Poppy my liver enzymes twice the normal level now and j don't know why except to much Tylenol #3 cause they keep asking me if I drink alcohol and since this whole thing I can't tolerate my favorite glass of wine so that's a no go for me:( I'm worried I will become a hypochondriac and be my Drs worst nightmare. They are going to do a bone scan though since I do have so much pain but I wanted to ask you Poppy if you get Lupron injections or if you had your ovaries taken out? I'm 52 still not in menopause so that what they are doing for my treatment. My ovaries will be out soon though as the cardiologist passes me for surgery.

    I hope everyone here has one healthy dose of laughter today. I'm searching Pininterst for motivation, laughs and healthy meal ideas. That is helping me a lot these last few days as well as did yoga for the first time today and that mad me feel like I could get strong again as well as relaxes me. Wish I had a studio to invite you all over:)

    Love and hugs, Teresa

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    Snowgirl, So glad you are getting some relief. Being in constant pain is so stressful on your body! Sleepy vs extreme pain... I'd go with sleepy, too. I don't have any ideas for the ear issue. Maybe someone else will. And you won't become a hypochondriac... all of these issues are real, and the doctors need to know about them so they can help you. My MO got cross with me when I told her some of my SE were "no big deal". She wanted to know every single one of them. I was 49 and perimenopausal when I was diagnosed. After chemo, it seems my ovaries have just given up. My gyn says I'm permanently in menopause, so no Lupron for me.

    Gavinsgrandma, My MO showed me that site, too. I found it helpful, and scary all at the same time! :-)

  • Snowgirl63
    Snowgirl63 Member Posts: 37

    Hello Poppy, I didn't think that the chemo was 100% that it shuts down your ovaries, you are so fortunate if it did, I'm having mine out as soon as possible and everyone at the cancer agency here in BC that I go to says that's a very good idea. They also say the femera offers better protection that's tamoxifen so I'm kinda glad I couldn't take it and for the femera instead. Feeling less hot flashes now with the gabapentin as well so that is awesome.

    Hugs , Teresa

  • PoppyK
    PoppyK Member Posts: 1,275

    That's exactly why I asked my gyn about ovary removal. She said that ovaries in young women sometimes come back after chemo, but mine won't. I was already having hot flashes, periods 1-2 times a year. Now my estrogen levels are below that of a man's. They will monitor me to make sure the ovaries don't do anything unexpected.

  • dventi
    dventi Member Posts: 100

    Has anyone experienced external vulvar burning intermittently? Went to PCP for UTI test - came back negative. Made an appointment with Urologist to be sure.

    Wondering if has anything to do with Femara??

    Thank you!

  • farmerjo
    farmerjo Member Posts: 239

    Dventi - I do know that without estrogen we are bound to have some female issues. I take a cranberry supplement every night in addition to something I found on Amazon called V-Magic; it's an external crème that has helped with my 'issues'.