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  • lexislove
    lexislove Member Posts: 277

    Day 3 of

    How many more to go? Undecided

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126


    oh, day #3...  gee, I am afraid to count how many more...   lol    I'm not sure I can get through THREE more years on Femara... 

    I try not to think about how many # are left...  I may lose my mind!! 

    I keep reminding myself... one day at a time...

    Hugs to you


  • sunnyfornow
    sunnyfornow Member Posts: 12

    Carol 1949

    You mention alternative therapies, what are you doing as a alternative. I am very interested as I really don't want to be on any medicine and I just am not convinced that this pill is right for me.

    Anyone else consider going the alternative after being on the pill.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    ...I don't know of ANY alternative treatments that are PROVEN to work, in preventing recurrence...

  • MauraAnn
    MauraAnn Member Posts: 2

    Hi Carol, I haven't considered alternatives to orthodox treatment, but I have tried all sorts of alternative therapies that certainly make it easier to cope with side-effects.When I can afford it, I treat myself to a massaqe, sometimes just a hand and arm massage which gives relief for days.Also good are the meditation type sessions that help you to not fight the pain. Some cancer organizations run a variety of these therapies (at very low cost or free) not as a main treatment, but as an aid to wellbeing.  

    Harley, I'm finding the warm swimming pool is a great help and yes, am very lucky to have one nearby. Feel more relaxed and flexible. I love your idea of Epsom salts baths..think I'll forgo the Old Country Roses bubble stuff and give the old salts a go! 

    Enjoy the day. Maura 

  • susieqt54
    susieqt54 Member Posts: 3

    Last October, the Germans published their findings for a landmark study on Tomoxifen and genetic identification of success of usage.  Very large study that examined women who benefited against those who didn't.  It's possible for women to be tested to determine if they are strong, moderate, or weak candidates for Tomoxifen.  For women who are strong candidates, the benefits of Tomxifen can be as great as with aromatase inhibitors.  German MDs are suggesting that those women continue with Tomoxifen. I had myself tested and am not a good candidate.  Wish I knew that when I was given it 19 years ago!  However, this important study is paving the way for treatment to become more prescriptive rather than doctors hoping women will respond well on different mecications.

     Additionally, my oncologist agreed with Sloan Kettering oncologist that moderate use of soy products would not affect success of aromatase inhibitors.  Last month, very large study statistically indicated that soy products helped prevented breast cancer and also helped prevent recurrences.  The use of soy products in Asian countries along with vegetables, green tea, ginger, high omega lean protein seems to work.  When Asian women adopt a western diet, incident of breast cancer becomes same.  Curcumin is also a powerful antiinflammatory.  In fact, many of the antiinflamatory supplements that ocunteract arthritic symptoms also help counteract cancer.  MD Anderson published during last four weeks clinical trial II results showing very strong correlations with 8 more more cups of green tea consumption correlates with descreased incidence of primary cancery and improved response with recurrence.  I don't think we want to wait for clinical III trial results to drink green/white tea -- it'll take another 10 years, so why wait?  White tea is even stronger in regard to antioxidants.  Since I was diagnozed with metatastic cancer around 6 months ago, I have been drinking around 5 cups a day in combination with supplement (decafinated supplements also unfortunately eliminate most of the benefits, so take cafinated tablet that provides the equivalent of 5 cups.  Green/white tea have about 1/17 cafineof one cup of coffee.  I try not to have more than one cup of coffee a day when I drink it. 

     I have been on Femara for four months with no sumptoms except problems sleeping (use melatonin and herbal remedies that really help if I take them hour before going to bed) and also feeling cold when I first try to go to sleep.  Mild hot flashes -- I reframe and think aobut how the femara is working.  Was taking most of supplements recommended on board prior to beginning Femara, so perhaps one reason I'm mostly ok right now.  I cannot stress enough how important exercise is in helping me achieve deeper sleep and feel better overall.  I had problems with hair loss but seems to have stopped after taking biotin and silica for over four weeks.

     Based on mammography today, I possibly have local recurrence in breast -- will need to biopsy next week to determine.   I was strongly premenopausal when I was diagnosed around 20 years ago and during the last year, diagnosed my remote recurrence to absomen in advance of the best doctors.  Strongly node positive in both respects (estrogen and progestrogen) along with possibility of slow-growing cancer.  CA 27-29 dropping steadily.  I am hoping to beat the odds, but also feel a bit of humility at this point.

     30% of women will have recurrences, so hang tough with identified hormone medications that can reduce your chances.   But also, there's some indication that those who have symptoms (without the use of supplements) may be benefiting the most. Unfortunately, 30% who demonstrate symptoms are chosing to stop taking femara.  I would recommend that you strive to reduce the symptoms of the medication so you can tolerate the aromatase inhibitor as well as possible.   If you are overweight, losing weight relieves joint problems in and of itself.  Eating well and exercising will help you lose weightl and eliminate toxins.

     Pre and probiotics are extremely important to digest food completely.  70% of the immune system is achieved by good maintenance of the intestinal tract and also avoiding foods for which one is intolerant as determined by individual testing.  I am taking Good Belly each day since taking probiotics in nondairy form is beneficial (Good Belly uses a berry base and will provide one serving of fruit).  We all know how important eating plenty of vegetables, fiber, and lean protein and drinking fresh water is.  It's a matter of making a habit of doing so.  We know how important exercise is.  It's a matter of taking walks and lifting weights -- you don't need to go to the gym if it's not convenient or affordable.

    Finally, the cost of femara has gone up!  Now over $500, over a $100 increase.  This is hitting many women hard if they don't have health care.  My oncologist is switching many women to aremidex which will become generic in the next few months.   Symptoms releated to aremidex can be counteracted in ways similar to counteracting symptoms related to femara.  The aremidex offers essentially the same benefits as femara and might be a very important alternative for many women when it goes generic.

     Hang tight and be proactive in finding solutions!  Every day of life is a blessing!

  • susieqt54
    susieqt54 Member Posts: 3

    Also recommend ready Russel Blaylock's book/s.  Andrew Weill agrees that it's important to ingest omega 3 in proportions of 3:1 to omeg 6.  The average American diet has too much omega 6.  Soy is high in omega 6, a reason why Blaylock would recommend that one not overdo it with soy.  However, the Asians ingest soy in combination with high Omega 3 foods, maintaining the correct balance.

    I've read on the boards that many oncologists are insisting that women avoid soy products.  I myself avoided them prior to diagnosis of my met.  However, the recent research istrongly indicates that eating some soy, particularly the fermented types, might be beneficial.   

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    my onoc told me that it was 300.00 and it is the only one my insurance co doesn't have to be pushed to pay for me for.


  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139

    Hot flashes - not sooo bad when it's cold out, but boy, oh boy, I am not looking forward to the HOT weather. Cold showers - here I come! Chris

  • Caya
    Caya Member Posts: 46

    The cost of Femara that you are all posting - is that per month?  In Ontario Canada I am paying $185/month for Femara.  I have drug coverage for $1,000/year.  Drugs are not covered under the universal health plan, unless it is given in a hospital setting - i.e. my chemo and Herceptin were covered by the government plan.  If you have an operation, all anaesthetic, meds etc. while you are in the hospital are covered. 

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    With my insurance, Femara is only $9 per month. 


  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250

    I've been on Femara since April 09.  Minimal side effects until recently.  My left knee began to really hurt about 3 weeks ago and it has gotten worse.  I had x-rays this week, but no results yet.  I know I need to exercise more, but had a bad cold for almost a month.  Just now beginning to get well again.  I have a heated pool here in Florida, but it has been too cold to keep it at the 86 degrees we like.  Will have to wait for about another month before I can do that. Have to make myself go out to walk, but I hate it.  I like Harley's idea of taking hot salt baths.  Will do that over this long weekend.  I did not have to pay co-pays at all last year because I was in a catastrophic co-pay situation, but just found out it will be $35 a month.

  • Caya
    Caya Member Posts: 46

    Hi everyone,

    I was the one who first suggested taking epsom salt baths. - I try to take them 3 times/week - a nice soak for about 15 - 20 minutes really helps.  If you have a whirlpool tub like I do, turn on those jets for part of the time and enjoy.  It's the magnesium in the salts that eases muscular/joint pain. 

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126


    I didn't see your post.  My friend soaks in Epsom Salts and she said her naturopath dr. recommends it.

    I don't think I would put anything in the water, if I turned those jets on.  You can get the jets all clogged up. 


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Femara vs. Tamoxifen for Breast Cancer

    Femara, Tamoxifen Show Equal Survival Rates in Breast Cancer Study By Miranda Hitti
    WebMD Health News Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD

    Aug. 19, 2009 -- Breast cancer patients may do as well with the drug Femara as they do with tamoxifen, a new study shows.

    The international study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, included more than 6,100 postmenopausal women who had breast cancer that was sensitive to the hormones estrogen or progesterone.

    After the women finished their breast cancer treatment, they were assigned to one of the following plans:

    • Take tamoxifen for five years
    • Take Femara for five years
    • Take tamoxifen for two years, then Femara for three years
    • Take Femara for two years, then tamoxifen for three years

    The women didn't know which pills they were taking. 

    Tamoxifen and Femara work differently. Tamoxifen blocks the action of estrogen in the body. 

    Femara belongs to a class of drugs called aromatase inhibitors. Those drugs, which also include Arimidex and Aromasin, target the aromatase enzyme, which is needed to make estrogen.  

    The new study shows that over about six years, the women's odds of cancer-free survival were equally good taking Femara alone or taking either tamoxifen first and Femara later or vice versa.

    There was no significant difference in overall survival between women who took Femara alone compared to women who took tamoxifen alone for five years, report the researchers, who included Henning Mouridsen, MD, chair of the Danish Breast Cancer Cooperative Group.  

    In 2005, the researchers reported that recurrence of breast cancer in sites far from the breast was less common in women taking Femara than in those taking tamoxifen.

    The new study shows that the drugs' side effects were in line with known risks; no unusual adverse events were reported.

    The study was funded by Novartis, the drug company that makes Femara. In the journal, Mouridsen and several other researchers disclose ties to Novartis. Femara was the only aromatase inhibitor included in the study

    I think all this means is, you can take whatever you feel is safest for you....My Oncologist wanted me to take Femara, after the first Oncologist put me on Tamoxifen...I'm just afraid to start Femara, since the Tamoxifen is working alright...I have had no side effects so far, from Tamoxifen....Wouldn't it be nice to KNOW which one is really the best?  Jeannette.

  • ktmimi2
    ktmimi2 Member Posts: 23
    Hi Femara-mates, Happy Valentine's Day to all. Okay, so, I haven't been on the Femara very long....October(first month) November - December, I was switched to Arimidex. Bone pain started about the second month which would be December until the middle of Jan. I went to see my Onc and he switched me back to Femara. February, has been the worst month for the bone pain/fatigue. I can't imagine living my life like this for the next five years. Does anyone know  of survivor friends or family that just stopped taking this medication? I was talking with a neighbors daughter tonight who told me that her friend stopped the Femara because she just could not deal with the pain anymore. I have tried Advil, Alieve, Vicodin and so far, nothing is helping this pain. It is depressing getting up each morning and feeling stiff, sore, and in pain all day. It's not any one area. It's starting at the neck and goes to arms and hips, and legs and then feet. I wonder if this is only a small percentage of women experiencing this. Most of the women writing on this site are women having issues and they are trying to get help or suggestions. What about all the other women who are dealing with the same things we are going through? Maybe they don't know about this discussion board. In reality, I would love to NOT take this at all because I feel terrible but I don't know what the chances are of recurrence or if this cancer will reappear in another organ via my estrogen if I don't take the blocker. Sorry, I am just sounding off right now and this is a great way to do it. I realize there is not an answer that will make it all go away but it does help to vent.
  • gauleyeagle
    gauleyeagle Member Posts: 24

    I haven't been on here for a while and can't remember what I did write!! LOL  I have been on femara since July 09 and it seems that my side effects are just getting worse and closer together.  For 3 days this past week, I have hurt from my neck down with not much let up.  Now, my arms both hurt and my pinky finger and one next to it (right hand--cancer was on left side!) are hurting so bad that I really wouldn't care if they fell off!!  So many things that I eat now that didn't bother me before really hurt my stomach and a lot of it will give me diarrhea.  Before fermara, it took an act of congress for me to get nauseated or loose bowels! ha ha  Also have been getting muscle spasms in my legs and feet--don't know if this is old age or another side effect.  Am afraid not to take femara because this is my second round with cancer-first was 14 1/2 years before it came back.  What really gets me the most is simple chores that I just cannot do anymore.  Like loading the bottom of the dishwasher-top is no problem, but can't bend over because of aches in my back.  Even washing and drying clothes nearly wears me out, but I have got to keep on moving.  Am afraid to quit everything.  And I bruised or cracked another rib--this time on the right side.  Actually , my own stupidity--I am only 4'11 1/2" tall; and when I washed clothes the other day, I saw a dime in the bottom of the tub; without thinking I tried to get it out; and you guessed it--another rib hurt.  BUT recent bone density and nuclear bone scan (according to my oncologist) showed no change in bones.  I truly believe tho, that he is in total denial as to any side effects of the femara!!

  • BooBee
    BooBee Member Posts: 288

    Susie....thanks for all your valuable information.  Keep us posted on your test results.  My Onco said the same thing about soy.  I like tofu on occasion. 

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    ok.. I posted here, and POOF, it disappeared!

    Haven't been on much so I am sorry if I miss replying to someone's post...

    gauleyeagle & ktmimi2,

    I wouldn't blame you if you quit taking hormonals due to se's...  but, for now, I want to try to do everything I can to prevent recurrence.  If I have too much se from Femara, I guess I'll ask my onc about switching back to Tamoxifen, although Tamox. caused these dreadful uterine polyps to grow, and I had to have a d & c...   not fun...

    Hi boo

    I like to think that since we are taking the anti hormonal, it is ok to get some soy... after all, it IS in EVERYTHING!!

    Hope everyone is doing well. 


  • kac
    kac Member Posts: 43

    Hi Ladies,

    Visit to Onc. last week, good news, MRI clean!!!!! Evidently tumor markers good since I've not heard anything back.  Also, have started glucosamine/chondroiton to see if it helps with joints.  Dr. said it was ok to give it a try now.  Hope for the best cuz hips are starting to bother me now.

    To those wanting help with the cost of Femara, if you go to their website, you can print a coupon and if you're eligible, you can get it for $10.00/month.  This program last until June 2011, when the generic comes out.  Read the fine print as there are some conditions but every bit helps!

    Back to side effects, I have noticed that since I take it at night now, I can sleep a bit better, not great but better.  I also asked onc about vagifem and she said that I could take it if things got really bad and I started bleeding.  She said that the replens takes a while to build up in your system so give it time.  Just taking things a day at a time.

    Take care and everyone have a great day!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126


    Thanks for reposting about the Femara $10 coupons... my onc gave me one... but my insurance is only $9...  if anyone needs it, please pm me...


  • rayhope
    rayhope Member Posts: 75

    I was able to print one of the  Femara $10 coupons from their website.  I've used it so know it works!

  • dsgirl
    dsgirl Member Posts: 193

    Hello Femara Ladies,

    I  was also able to print the $10.00 coupon and use it, it's great for me as my insurance copay is 379.00 for 30 pills. There is also another coupon at the same website where you can print a form for a Free 30 day supply of Femara, needed to have the onc. sign the form and also attach a 30 day script, but it's free,

    If you are on medicare and have a prescription medicare plan, the $10.00 coupon cannot be used with the plan, however you can buy femara with the coupon OUTSIDE your plan, but the $800.00 limit is reached in two months then as the cost at the pharmacy is close to $500. for 30 tablets, so first month I paid $10.00 the second month $230. and that was the end of that one, but a help never the less/

    It's hard for me to happily pay the high cost of femara and have so many aches and pains from it, sometimes I really think I will just stop taking this medicine. and take my chances, after all there is no guarantee that a recurrence of bc wont happen anyway.  (sigh)


  • Caya
    Caya Member Posts: 46

    Harley, when you put the epsom salts in the water,swish them around a little and then they dissolve.  I have had no trouble with the jets in my tub.

    Kelley, great news about the clean MRI.

  • Pattyfish
    Pattyfish Member Posts: 5

    Hi everyone,

    I don't know whether or not this works for everyone, but I take my Femara at night and I take two  Tylenol PM tablets at night also.  So far, and I hope this stays this way, no se and the aches and pains are manageable.

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126


    I know now..... I just had a bath last night... thanks for the advice.... :D


    How long have you been taking Femara?   I have been taking Femara since Jan 1, and didn't have too much trouble at 1st with se's, but lately, it's been so COLD here, and I have noticed more se's... more aches and pains...   


  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    Hello Ladies - Ques. Anyone on Femara say 3 mos or more: How has Femara affected your bone density? I am due to have a bone scan in Apr, at which point I will have been on Fem for 3 mos. Aside from being on an AI, I also have other risk factors for osteoporosis/penia. Obviously getting a little anxious about it. I have been taking calcium/vit D. I am interested in knowing other's experience with it and how it's been managed/treated. Thanks for any info you can share. Have a great day. Chris
  • Pattyfish
    Pattyfish Member Posts: 5

    Harley, I have been on Femara since Jan 16, and it has been very cold here in central FL. I know most say, "Yeah, right," but the cold here is very damp and penetrating, plus we don't have the insulation.  We live in a concrete block home--great against hurricanes but poor against cold..  You look young, and I am older than dirt, so I am used to aches and pains being the rule.  My hubby g ave me a gift certificate for 4 massages and I think those have helped. 

    reeltchr- I had my routine bone density test last Sept, so I can't have one in a while.  I had a bone scan before I had surgery.  My docs wanted to rule out the possibility of other cancers before they did the lumpectomy.


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126


    You are too kind!  Somedays I feel 82...   lol   I think it's the Femara and the COLD weather we've been having...  I know, people keep telling ME that I live near Myrtle Beach, SC  so I have temps in the 40's and I shouldn't complain... but the low 40's are still cold, when we are usually in the low 60's in the Winter months... 

    I have noticed more aches and pains in the past couple of weeks...  1.  I haven't been able to exercise as much as I was doing earlier, and 2. well... it's SO COLD...  

    Hope it warms up soon!

  • jkcrml
    jkcrml Member Posts: 53

    I have been on Femara for a month, the Dr. gave me a sample bottle to see if I would have side effects. Yesterday they gave me a prescription and when I went to fill it I had a $250.00 copay! Are all of you paying this much or is there a cheaper place to get this! I was not expecting this "side effect" Surprised

    thanks for your help
