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  • jkcrml
    jkcrml Member Posts: 53

    I just read some fo the past posts, I will be looking for that 10$ coupon but if it's only up to 800$ that will go quickly. Is Femara coming out with a genetic pill too?



  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    I have heard that Femara will go generic next year, in June sometime...  let's hope so...

    If anyone needs a $10 coupon, please pm me and I'll send it to you.  With my insurance, it only costs me $9 per month, so I would be crazy to pay $10!  lol   I was under the impression that with the coupon, all you have to pay is $10, and that coupon is supposed to be good thru 2011.


  • jude14
    jude14 Member Posts: 29

    where do I get the coupon?  I would be happy to send mine to anyone as I get mine for $7 for a three month supply using my mail order insurance.....I could not pay they full amount!!!!!!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126


    that is great!  If I send mine through express scripts, I can get it for $16, for 90 days... your plan  is better than mine! 

    I got a Rx card from my onc....  so if anyone wants mine, please send me a pm and I'll send it to you.


  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Member Posts: 118

    Hi all,

    just back from vacation in California.... somehow the side effects of femara were worse there for me.  I continued exercising every day--- and we did walk alot-- but we went sailing and I could barely move from one side of the boat to the other.  I think I have been exercising, going to work and coming home all winter and not doing other things--- and this was my first time trying and it was painful..... it was almost comical as I tried to scoot from one side of the boat to the other-- but it was also frustrating---- I have managed to get back to yoga, swimming, biking and was really hoping to start running again--but this past week was really a surprise to me.....I am still stiff in places...I know it will be ok eventually-but I see my onc in March--- it will take all my energy NOT to ask to get off this drug!!!1 

  • infohh
    infohh Member Posts: 22


    After one year of femara my bone density dropped 30% but I was not taking calcium.  I am now on Zometa 2x a year calcium and D3 took my first in August I should be checking DXA soon so will let you know how my bone density is now.


  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250

    For those who may not know, go to  You can print out the coupon for the co-pay and take it to the pharmacy.  I did not have to pay co-pays on anything last year (in catastrophic co-pays situation with insurance) but do now.  I haven't had to fill my femara script yet, but called to see what my co-pay per month would be with my insurance.  $35.00.  I took the coupon in today and they will honor it.  Now it is only $10.00 month.  That I can live with.I'm really having trouble with a knee and the pain.  It must be like arthritis, on some days it is ok and on others it is almost unbearable.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    wondering if anybody a side effect of cramping (charlie horses) from Femera?  I seem to be getting one a day!!

  • jude14
    jude14 Member Posts: 29

    Blondie, I have muscle spasms in my leg all the time.  They were so bad one time I could not walk and went to the emergency room.  they lasted for several days.

    I did not know till I went to and read up that t his femara can cause heart problems.  Anyone  know what kind of heart problems? 

    the more I read and the longer I take I like them even less.  jude

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    I got cramps from Tamoxifen, also...  

    I guess the heart problems may come in, because Femara causes Elevated Cholesterol levels... that causes heart disease... heart attacks.... etc....


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    oh, and blood clots and strokes....

    WHY are we taking this drug again??   :D


  • jude14
    jude14 Member Posts: 29

    Harley...I thnk we are taking this drug because they keep telling us it is the wise thing to do........hmmmmm?    Undecided


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    I know.... EVERY NIGHT, I have to remind myself, before I take out that little yellow pill.... 

    YOU ARE TAKING THIS LITTLE YELLOW PILL  TO PREVENT A RECURRENCE!!   I'm scared to take it, but I am also scared NOT to take it....



  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    well I have the recurrence and why am I taking it, if the cancer doesn't kill me the meds will!!


  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    I'm sorry Sandy...  I wish there was a way to take the bc out of you. 

    I think you are taking this drug to try to keep the beast at bay. 



  • reeltchr
    reeltchr Member Posts: 139
    Infohh- Thanks for the info. I guess I'll find out early Apr how I am faring with bone density. I did start taking calcium and vit d when I started Femara which, hopefully, will help. 30% is quite a difference. I hope your test results show improvement. Good luck. Chris
  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234

    I've been on Femara, and also Zometa, for a year now.  I had few side effects until about 8 months into treatment, then the muscle and joint aches and pains started.  Glucosamine/Chondroitin and Ibuprofen help.  Have been feeling good lately, but have been fatigued from the beginning.  NED on my PET/CT scan last week, so it's working.  First diagnosed 12 years ago at 47, then found it had metastasized to the bone and lung pleura at age 59 (after 12 years of clear mammograms).

  • lwd
    lwd Member Posts: 234

    I've had charlie horses in my feet since I've been on Femara, which seemed to start after 7 or 8 months of treatment.  Keeping well hydrated seems to help.  Also, I'm taking potassium daily. 

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    apparently I am taking it because is the one with the least side effects that is what the onco. told me.  That is tumor will not go away but hopefully it will help with the the other places that it is.


  • HollyHatesFemara
    HollyHatesFemara Member Posts: 16

    Hey girls - been off the posts for a while.  I'm the one on F for 5 1/2 years and still cursing the affects.  Switched to nite time and it is a bit better.  Have to remind myself about getting the salts for my bath as my memory is so bad from all this.  Everyone is rightfully nervous about this drug.  I was on Tamox for a little over a year when I had my re-currence, so this was the next step.  I'm just sitting tight and waiting for the next published study for us re-currence gals and the protocol for how long to be on this drug.  My onc is just so unsure and I think she's tired of my gripes about the se's.  Just want a good quality of life, is that so much to ask for???  I am just so scared that the SE's will become permanent.  Have gone back to resistance training when I can get the umph to do it.  Just typing hurts.  You guys at least keep me in the loop as my dr. visits are every 3 months.  Thanks to Femara, I also have a Rheumatologist on my coat-tails.  My insurance comp considered this a Tier II drug ($35), which is a lot better than what i'm seeing here.  If they change it to a generic, it will be $15.  I also have the high cholesterol, so i'm on Crestor too!  I'm losing track of all these pills.  Have no bone loss, but a big drop in Vitamin D, so they also have me on a script med, which is sort of a super "D" pill.  I need reminders to keep all these pills in check.  It really stinks.  It's raining and cold here in NY right now and it makes me ache.  I am soooo looking foward to Spring and letting the sun shine on my face.  Keep those posts coming as it helps to know we all have so much in common!  xxxooo - Holly

  • Harley44
    Harley44 Member Posts: 2,126

    Hi Holly

    Sorry about your recurrence.

    Looks like we are all in the same boat, taking Femara to try to keep this beast at bay, either to prevent a recurrence, or to keep it from going any further.

    I hope everyone is doing ok, and I agree that when the weather warms up, I think we'll ALL feel better.

    Hang in there!


  • gauleyeagle
    gauleyeagle Member Posts: 24

    Hello all my femara friends

    To Holly Hates Femara- I have been on this stuff since July 09 and for the first 6 month or a little less, my side effects weren't too terribly bad.  But it seems in the last month, they have come with a vengeance.  Besides all the pains, my hair has really started coming out especially when I wash and dry it.  Has your done this?  I have even been taking 5000 a day of biotin-which is supposed to be good for thinning hair.  Has yours thinned; and if so, how much?  My son said he would buy me a doo rag if things get really bad.  HA HA

    As I have said before, it seems as if my onc. doesn't want to hear anything about any side effects; always wants to blame them on something else.  Anymore, I can't hardly type anything because of the pain in my left arm--where the cancer recurred and also have lymphodema (SP)?

    I do have a lymph press for the lymph. and it does help a lot.

    I cannot remember the last time I had a normal nights sleep.  I just thank goodness I am retired and do not have to get out in the morning to go to work.  I was still working the first time I had cancer (breast with modified mastectomy) and aside from dr visits and chemo days, only missed one day of work and this was when my hair started falling out really bad! I totally lost it that day!!

    Well girls, will go for now.  Hugs and prayers to everyone.


  • lexislove
    lexislove Member Posts: 277

    So, its been a little over 2 weeks since starting Femara. Im doing it with OS ( poor tamox metabolizer).

    I know its still early for side effects and all...BUT...Im happy to report that I am sleeping now!

    On sleep. If I was lucky 3-4 hours total. Going to bed between 12- 1am. Waking up 3-5x a night. Finally....falling asleep around 4 or 5am. Up at 8am with my 4yr old. It was horrible. I was not functioning well.  to everyone around me I was doing great, but inside I was not. Extremely tired and cranky. I noticed it was taking over any enjoyment and I was struggling. Now, I can go to bed at a reasonale time...and wake up feeling relaxed. It does not take me 1-2 hours of tossing and turning before I finally hit snooze. Smile

    I havent noticed any any more joint aches ect. I have been less mobile because I have been taking it easy since my exchange surgery the end of January, and last week a small infection developed. So my "laziness" may be more to blame for feeling stiff. Lets hope.

    Since I havent had a period since Dec 2007, on AC, I cant really compare to much. Being on the Lupron for 20 months Im use to the stiffness ect. I have learned to adapt and Im hoping that my levels of aches and pains stay the same.

    Thats my update, if anything changes or I have questions you'll hear from me. So far....the Femara has been much...much better than Tamox.

  • HollyHatesFemara
    HollyHatesFemara Member Posts: 16

    Sue: Fortunately I didn't get the hair loss or even the bone loss and it's been 5 1/2 years!!  The side affects seemed to come with the years of use.  I've never slept well since my first occurrence back in 2001.  I had to be forced into meno in 2004 with Lupron and it only got worse.  I've been having hot flashes for EIGHT YEARS!!  Talk about not sleeping.  I love the Summer, but when I have them in the heat, I want to pass out.  At least you can go swimming!  I really advocate that one.  You can't sweat in the water.  As I sit here at the end of the day at work, I can see the snow flakes outside my window.  Looks pretty.  Some things still can make you feel good.  Like to see the snow, don't like to drive in it!  Let me know how your doing.  I still have yet to remember to pick up those epsom salts!!  This stuff kills your memory too.  Estrogen is good for a lot of things.  Damn I miss it.  Kisses to all.

  • maltomlin
    maltomlin Member Posts: 48

    Hi Girls

    I'm one of the lucky ones it would seem.

    I've been taking femara for just over a year and the side effects are virtually nothing. My fingers are a bit stiff first thing in the morning and I have to watch what I eat (loose bowels) but otherwise fine.

    Really feel for all of you suffering. The prospect of five years must be dreadful. 

    Take care

    Mal x

  • Katrina292002
    Katrina292002 Member Posts: 2

    great info on the supplements.....I've been on Femara for a year and a half now, and the only supplements my doc told me to take was calcium and vitamin d......but I also take vitamin e b12 and a good multivitamin(with no iron) there is so much info out there on which supplements will help, any advice on the BEST ones for us bc survivors?

    Also, no hair loss SE for me.....but then I'm just happy to have hair again after chemo! weight gain has been a problem tho....anyone else?

  • bopeep
    bopeep Member Posts: 31

    Femara was kind of ok in the beginning, just a few aches in my ankles at night along with hot flashes big time (I never really got many hot flashes during menopause).  Now, after three years it's really doing a number on me.  I have hot flashes all the time, so bad that have to have the window open and fan on at night IN WINTER and I cannot cuddle with my husband because I get too hot.  I can only wear the thinnest and barest of summer nightgowns.  Whenever I get vaguely annoyed about anything, for example finding a spot on a shirt, here comes a hot flash and suddenly I'm an infrared menopausal old lady.

    Every morning by 2 am or so everything starts to ache--my hip joints, my ankles.  I just lie there half asleep too tired to do anything about it and too uncomfortable to sleep.  When my alarm goes off to take my pills and I see that little mustard colored pill looking up at me I think...well, can I deal with you today?  Some days I can't and I don't.  Other days I do, and think about all the damage it's doing to me, aging me prematurely, eating away at my bones.   I've always been a very health conscious person, keeping up with exercise, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, avoiding processed foods.  It annoys me that after all this, I have to surrender to that stupid little mustard colored pill that ruins my sense of physical well being.

    I am DES and I recently learned that DES daughters have a 40% greater chance of getting breast cancer after age 50 than normal women.   Add the HRT risk to that, and taking birth control and you realize that caner is all about synthetic estrogens, take fake estrogens that my body didn't like.  In fact, my body hates synethic estrogens so much I've developed an allergy to every kind of external estrogen that enters my body...from patches to pills to Estrace cream.  I once had to go to emergeny with an anaphalactic reaction to some new kind of estrogen pill.

    So my Mom took synthetic estrogens to stay pregnant, I took estrogens to keep from getting pregnant, and then I took estrogens after Menopause so I could stay young and sexy to keep my marriage healthy.  And all that caused cancer.  Now I have to take the strongest pills of all, the ones that take every iota and dram of the natural good estrogen that my body produces, to raise havoc with my health and my physical and emotional well being and ruin my sex life.

    When will it ever end? 

  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Member Posts: 118

    Not sure if this will help anyone.  Started femara in July--- had all the joint/muscle pain--- started glucosomine, vitamin d, kept exercising--- but still was stiff--- was taking meds in the am--

     In the fall, moved meds to noontime--- felt a little better--- but still looked like an 80 year old when I tried to get out of a chair...kept exercising, taking vit d, glucosomine...

    On Sunday last week decided to take meds at night- still doing everything else the same... Today is Friday and I have not been stiff or achy all week..... don't know why, not going to question it!!!  

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    me too take it at night and got to sleep about 20 min after I take it, can't get through a book, lol


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    As I posted previously, I switched to nighttime mid-January!  My daytime fatigue and stiffness has diminished tremendously!  And I only get a page or 2 read in books now days too.
