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  • LilyLu
    LilyLu Member Posts: 1

    OMG-I got my 1st script of Femara filled today. It would have been $422.00 for 30 days.  Right now I have insurance that will cover 100%, but our company is being bought and I will have different insurance by end of June or July. I can't afford that every month. Is everyone else's like this?

  • Deb49
    Deb49 Member Posts: 1

    LilyLu, Novartis currently has a prescription discount program that you might want to check out. Just go to for details. I have insurance and have been paying out-of-pocket about $250 for 90 days of medication. I just happened to find this offer and the last time I filled my meds I paid $10 for 90 days of Femara. (It is supposed to be $10 for 30 days, so I really got a bargain:)

    As for joint pain and other SEs associated with Femara, my only advice is: EXERCISE. I have been taking Femara for over two years now and have experienced very few SEs. I stretch daily and run four times a week. My joints can get a bit sore, but I attribute the soreness to the running. (Believing that I am in control of my pain helps keep me strong and more in charge of my life.) 

  • anhk0c0d0n
    anhk0c0d0n Member Posts: 2
    Oy alright!!! Despite eating less, walking hard an hour most days as well as playing competition tennis about 5 hours a week for the last 5 months I have still put on 7kgs in a year!!!!!!!!!!! and most of it seems to be going on around my middle!!!!! Have always had a nice small waist despite my 'twin' belly but am looking more and more like an apple nowdays  

    Speaking of tennis, we are into our winter season now and I am off now for my weekly thrash about the courts - fantastic night for it - no wind, clear, fine and warm.

    Enjoy you day ladies!

  • AnnNYC
    AnnNYC Member Posts: 236

    Don't click on links in the post above.  Reported because of links.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671

    I have been on femara for about 18 months.  did not notice any increase in joint pain, had 'em before and they continued.

    but, I had been on actonel previously, switched to generic fosamax due to cost.

    a month ago I ran out of my fosamax, did not take it for a week..  Bingo joint pain decreased and each week since, better.  I have spoken to my PCD as I have a bone scan set for first week June.  I am beefing up the weight bearing workout.  Doing stuff now that I could not do when on the fosamax.  Have not told my onco so that will be a discussion when I get the bone scan in June.  Hoping hoping

  • nursecal
    nursecal Member Posts: 34
    Bonnie, fantastic...........Can you tell me what brand glucosamine/chondroitin you are taking.  I am taking some right now with MSM..........maybe what you are taking will do better.  Thanks.....Caren
  • Hi Gals,

    wanted to update you. I went off Femera and on Arimidex now of that and on Tomxifen hope I do better on it!!  had way to many aches and pains on the others.

  • Alcie1
    Alcie1 Member Posts: 7

    I've been off all AIs for a couple of months now and feel SO much better.  Femara was the least painful, but still intolerable over time.  What I can't understand is - according to the pdf hiding in a link on one of the last pages - is why, since .5 mg is effective, do they only sell us a one-size-fits-all dose of 2.5 mg?  Since the company doesn't recommend cutting pills in half, our only recourse is to stop them, because our oncs won't prescribe anything less. BTW, the prescribing info links don't work, so don't bother with them.

    The last AI I took, caused me to have trigger fingers after only 3 pills.  I have to have surgery in another week.

  • KristyAnn
    KristyAnn Member Posts: 131

    Hi Everyone,

    Anyone have difficulty with being moody/cranky on femara? Ive been on femara for about 16 months and I am really tired and cranky- dont know whether it is a side effect or just cumulative junk after going through the last 2 years of treatment/surgeries etc.


  • emegram
    emegram Member Posts: 60

    I have been taking Femara for only 2 weeks now.  I am also half-way through my radiation treatments, and I drive 140 miles round-trip each weekday morning for those.  I am 62 yrs old & thought I had menopause behind me some time ago.  BUT -- now I am having trouble sleeping.  Either can't get to sleep or wake up wide awake at about 3 AM.  And then I feel frustrated knowing I have to get up and on the road at 7 AM to radiation.  Then I go to work as soon as I get home from the drive to radiation.  I'm exhausted!!!  Help -- anyone else with sleep issues on Femara?  Any suggestions?  I've tried Melatonin & Tylenol PM -- still wake up in middle of night!!!!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Bev, What time of day are you taking the yellow pill?

  • lassie11
    lassie11 Member Posts: 468

    Wow Bev - sounds to me as if you are packing way more than most of us into each day. No wonder you are tired! When your radiation is done and you don't have to get up to do that crazy drive and the bit of stress that goes with it all, things could calm down. I had a shorter drive to radiation (100 m roundtrip) and didn't have to go to work and found it all tiring. Now with all of that done and "just" Femara and Herceptin, my energy level is returning and I sleep quite well.  Hope that happens for you too.

  • emegram
    emegram Member Posts: 60

    Eph3_12:  I take the Femara when I get up in the morning.  Would the time-of-day make a difference?  Would just before bed be better to take it?  When do you other ladies take it? 

    lassie11:  Yes, I'm experiencing some stress right now with everything I've got going on.  Glad to know that you are doing better & sleeping well.  I've learned a lot through this breast cancer experience, and mostly, it has taken some patience and persistence.  It just seems that when a person doesn't sleep well, it effects every other aspect of our day.  Thank you for your kind comments. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Bev, I took it in the AM when I 1st started in Nov '09.  Began experiencing horrid daytime fatigue, muscle aches, poor sleep.  In January 2010, I switched to nighttime.  Now I am a firm believer in taking it at night.  My fatigue and poor sleep went away within a couple weeks, maybe sooner.  Although I still am very stiff by mid-afternoon, I am NOT experiencing the fatigue or sleep problems to this day.  Try it, it can't hurt.

  • blacknwhite
    blacknwhite Member Posts: 1

    Hi ladies;

    I am very glad to have found out about this forum.

    My mom had a mastectomy and her 8 axillary lymph nodes were removed 3 weeks ago.

    They wont give her chemo since she is too old.She will get some radiation therapy tough.

    Her doctor advised her Femara. But her HR test result is weird:
    estrogen recepter +  10 %

    progestrone recepter  +  90%

    I asked for a second opinion and I was told Tamoxifen would be better for her.

    I am very confused since all these medicines are anti estrogens. I fear that she would be facing

    all the side effects for no great benefits.

    I'd be grateful if somebody told me everything was ok.

     Wishing you all the best....

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553


    I have sent you a private message re your post.  To read the message, click the Private Message tab at the top of the page.


  • painterly
    painterly Member Posts: 266

    Hi Alcie 1

    I too have been off AI's for two month's and feel really great.I had only been on them 6 months. How long were you on them?

    You mentioned about cutting pills in half and that women tend to go off the drug rather than trying to work with them by trying to do a smaller dosage such as cutting them in half. 

    Today, I had my onc. check up and discussed trying another AI since I have had all the usual symptoms of joint pain (mine were pretty bad).  He was actually in agreement with me cutting them in half. He said it makes a lot of sense  since it is a "one size fits all drug" and that we are all individuals. I was so pleased that he was on my side. He laughed when I told him that I had learned from this website the AI's are called "the drug from hell" by many women.

    You read that .5mg is effective....... that is so interesting. That makes me feel so much better knowing that just in case I go back on them. I feel so well and happy right now that it is hard to give up this delicious feeling. My onc. more or less is leaving it to me as he agrees that quality of life is so important and that depression which many women experience can have an adverse effect on good health.

  • RobinNY
    RobinNY Member Posts: 136

    I am in my 6th week of Femara and I can feel the fatigue already.  Will be switching to a night pill..thanks to all the ladies who post and teach me so much.  

  • livingunderthebird
    livingunderthebird Member Posts: 3

    ACK!~ no, no,wblibrary--I meant I'VE been being treated like a nut case because of complaining about the very SEs you delineated!   I am here on the board, like you all are--and am so glad i'm reading all this stuff--because my oncologist phoo-phoo-ed my list of complaints, and i need someone to listen to me. 

    I started this stuff 2 months ago. With the whiplash mood swings, increasing aches and pains and fatigue, I thought i was just going crazy.   PLEASE don't take offense--my comment was relief that another woman put into words and actions the very things i thought.   My family doctor's nurse has pretty much cold-shouldered me since i mentioned just NOT doing the Femara--like I was mentally deficient and shouldn't be allowed to make decisions.  I have several friends who think i'm wierd because they either don't have the side effects or choose to live with them...I was just so delighted someone else said "enough, already" 

  • wblibrary
    wblibrary Member Posts: 66

    Sorry, Livingunderthebird - I must have misunderstood your comment.  I think everyone's oncologist doesn't believe us when we complain about our side effects from Femara.  I've been off for 3 weeks now and I still have joint pain and HORRIBLE sleeping issues.  I will see my oncologist at the end of the month.  I have not told him that I was going off.  I just ordered Dr. Lee's book about breast cancer.  I'm hoping to read it and have a list of questions to ask my onc when I see him.  If I could get an even balance of hormones in my system - I think my body would appreciate it.  I dread having to go back on that little yellow pill! 

  • RobinNY
    RobinNY Member Posts: 136

    Hi ladies

     I would like to start the lucosamine/condroiton tablets also and need to know what mg to buy?  My dog takes 500/400 and there was a big difference for him....are humans the same?  How many a day are you taking?  Thanks for any info.  

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553


    The one I take is in capsule form and it is 750mg glucosamine and 250mg chondroiton with support nutrients copper, manganese, zinc, selenium and boron.  The dosage is 1-3 daily with food and I find two works for me.  I just happened to buy this one to start with as it was on special at the pharmacy but when I finished the bottle I bought a cheaper sort and it didn't work anywhere near as well so I would suggest you try a few before you decide it isn't going to work for you.



  • ddmfb1007
    ddmfb1007 Member Posts: 1
    Hello everyone! I am new to this site. So glad I joined! Have been reading all the comments about the Femara which I have been taking now for approx 2 mos. This was after stopping Arimidex (was on that for about 6-7 mos). Waited 6 weeks before starting Femara. I am now certain that the SE I am experiencing are from the Femara! Feeling relief but a little anxious as I am now wondering whether stopping all these meds are going to be more of a benefit or hinderance in the long run. Have been cancer free for 5 yrs on my left side but have experienced some pre-cancerous sites on the right side over the past 2 yrs. I would just like to be ME again! I will continue to read comments and appreciate support. Thanks! Smile
  • RobinNY
    RobinNY Member Posts: 136

    Thanks Rae

  • infohh
    infohh Member Posts: 22

    Hi Ladies

    2 years of femara now.  I had stiffness muscle and joint pains and they are gone.  I had sleeplessness and it is gone.  I gained 14 pounds and now 12 are gone.  So hang on there.  For me things got better after 1 year of treatment.


  • infohh
    infohh Member Posts: 22

    Hi Again

     I am including my treatments.


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    HH-that's encouraging.  Thank you.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Me too. Poundage per scale is only about 4 lbs since last summer, but my middle looks like I'm 19 months pregnant (and I was never pregnant!) Not happy about the size of my middle.  Plus it's messin' with my blood sugars-anyone else dealing with that?

  • aprilgirl1
    aprilgirl1 Member Posts: 794

    Hi Femara takers - 

    Eph3_12 - I too have not necessarily gained weight, but BOY has my waist expanded - can't fit into shorts from last year!  I have started (one month ago) working out again, and hope to lose some weight or at least fit into my shorts!  UGH

    I was at my quarterly onc. visit today and was reading one of the many cancer mags they have lying around.  I found an ad for a Femara coupon - which brought my cost down to $20.  I am SO HAPPY!  With insurance, I have been paying $124.  I recently received (in the mail) a coupon card from Norvartis giving me $20 off but this deal is MUCH better (maximum of $800 a year and you can't be on medicare or something like that).  I printed it off of their website which I found on bing.  

    DOn't know if that helps any of you.

  • psavast
    psavast Member Posts: 8

    Ok Ladies............

     I am supposed to begin my Femara ..........Today!!!  Is there ANYONE who has not had  difficulties with SE's from this drug? I am feeling very apprehensive. My oncologist, when I expressed  my concern over taking it poo-poo'ed it and said.......the most common side effect is me know if any of you are not experiencing bad stuff on it.