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  • puppers
    puppers Member Posts: 12

    Happy new years everyone!

    I started on Femara in early October, and now battle nausea/sick stomach feelings almost every day, along with real fatigue in the mornings - VERY difficult to get out of bed!

    I also have VERY dry skin and dry eyes/eyelids, and have found relief from AmLactin lotion for my skin, and Refresh PM gel for my eyes at night.

    From your experience, would taking Femara at bedtime help the nausea??

    I am needing caffeine now to "get me going" in the mornings....any better/healthier alternatives?

     My sisters - God bless you all today!!!!Wink

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    Lisa, I don't have the nausea, but I find taking the Femara at night helps with the tiredness.I would at least try it at night to see if it helps with the nausea. I also use the Refresh PM for my eyes. Even with it my eyes seem to tear a lot which my eye Dr. says if from dry eyes.

    As far as coffee or caffeine no help there. I need my fix to get going in the AM too.

  • LindaBusEd
    LindaBusEd Member Posts: 20


    I had to go to my GP to renew my blood pressure medicine. I told him that I had a problem with my sleep(I would sleep at night but when I woke up I felt that I had been run over by a train and I had to take a 2-3 hour nap every day.  I also told him what I could not lose weight as this medicine (Femara) had cause me to gain weight. He gave me Nuvigil which helps me with my sleep (I have not had a nap during the day since I have been on this medicine.). I feel like a different person.  I am limited on what I can take due to my blood pressure but this medicine works wonders. I lost 11 lbs in 1 month. The medicine is not cheap (cheaper than Femara). My insurance approved it. 

  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378

    Does the nuvigil cause weight loss???  What is it usually prescribed for?  Is it a sleep aid?

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    nuvigil is a sleep aid, but I was wondering about the weight as well.

  • LindaBusEd
    LindaBusEd Member Posts: 20

    I was sleeping at night however, when I got up I felt like I had been run over by a truck. I slept but did not rest. I was taking a 2-3 hour nap everyday and still felt like a zombie. I told my doctor that I had trouble losing weight as well. He told me this (nuvigil) would help with this.  After finally getting it approved by the insurance company, I started taking it.  I feel like a totally different person. I also lost 11 lbs in 1 month. 

  • LindaBusEd
    LindaBusEd Member Posts: 20

    I have problems with my hand/fingers on my left side (side I had the lumpectomy) tingling--anyone else.

  • gauleyeagle
    gauleyeagle Member Posts: 24

    I also have numbness and tingling of fingers on my left hand--same side I had breast surgery in 94 and then in 2009 for cancer under arm in same side.  It really is a big aggravation but don't know what to do about it.  Unless it might be a side effect of the femara; because oncologist said he didn't know what was causing this.  Have been on femara since July of 2009 and worst sides effects seem to be not sleeping and being so tired all the time.  Everything else just seems to come and go!!!  I would rather that all was GO!!!

  • EWB
    EWB Member Posts: 592

    I have been on Femara for 4 yrs now and have had a range of SEs...tendonitis, fatigue, very painful joints, stiff muscles, fuzzy brain, loosing words, I could sleep for days at a time and then have a great stretch when I feel great for a few weeks.

    I am afraid to stop it because I do not think I would be able to start up again; its hard enough taking this pill KNOWING what it will do (both good and bad) everyday for who knows how long. 

    What has helped the most? light exercise (walking, Curves, swimming, yoga-type stretching, TaiChiGong and others like that) Hot baths or hot tubs/heating pads, lots of fluids, really cutting down to little salt, sugar, processed foods, little caffiene or alcohol, good sleep. Getting rid of as much bad stress as possible.

    I wish you all the best, with little pain and much love and happiness!

  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Member Posts: 118

    dear all,

    I have some of the side effects--- some joint stiffness, mostly eradicated with exercise, the vaginal dryness--somewhat helped by coconut oil and replens.... but the two big ones I want to check with you are:  what feels like extreme forgetfulness--honestly, I will be in a meeting, we will make decisions and an hour later, I cannot remember (I do write everything down and that helps), but I was NEVER forgetful--I could remember everything.

    The other issue is lack of emotion--I am on lupron and femara- and I feel so neutral-- now, this is sometimes a gift-- I don't tend to get all worked up about stupid things as I did in the past, but I miss that feeling of my heart welling up with emotion about my kids, things like that.  I don't think I am depressed because I generally am pretty optimistic, but this lack of sort of "physical" emotion (also the extreme lack of sexual desire) is really strange....

    anyone else have this?

  • saltykm
    saltykm Member Posts: 77

    momand2kids, My onc warnded me about the forgetfulness, so yes it is a side effect, and yes I have it too!  I do not have rhe  lack of emotion though, probably the opposite, I cry at the drop of a hat. I am not on lupron though.  salty

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332
    Amen to the ... what? huh? oh yea ... the forgetfulness. It's a side effect. Smile
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    an extremely noticeable one! Tongue out
  • mbtlcsw01
    mbtlcsw01 Member Posts: 250

    I was having real problems with forgetfulness.  I started taking a large dose of vitamin b12 and it has gotten much, much better.

  • weety
    weety Member Posts: 378

    I am so glad to hear others are having this forgetful problem, too.  I get so frustrated because it's the same situation here--I'll do something, or make a decision about something etc and later I can not even remember what I did or said.   It's like the whole episode is just erased from my mind!  I never had problems with memory before, either.  I was one who could remember everything and never had to write things down.  I'm a teacher, and before bc I could tell you scores and specifics about every single one of my kids in the class--now, you'd be lucky if I could remember their last name.  LOL!  It really makes me feel dumb.

    mbticsw, why vitamin b12?  Was that recommended by your doc?  Is it for memory?

  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    Whew!  So gald to hear others experiencing forgetfullness.  I have been on Femara for 7 weeks and I have been noticing that also.  Was thinking it was leftover chemo fog, but probably is the Femara.  Wow, after five years of this stuff, my mind will be completely blank!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Which means we won't hold grudges and everyone we meet will be new.  We can read any book, see any movie and it's all a clean slate!! Whoo hoo!

  • jacee
    jacee Member Posts: 219

    Too funny Joni :)

  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Member Posts: 118


    that is  a great way to look at it--- I can now see a movie and have seen it before and really not remember it.... just came from the bookstore where I bought some new notebooks for work projects--my current system isn't cutting it since it was so dependent on my excellent recall.....I just wonder if it comes back when you go off the drug..... 

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    I have been on Femara for three months now and my SE are minimal.  The usual hot flashes (started during chemo), night sweats, joint pains (try to take walking breaks at work), tiredness and forgetfulness too (I like the everything can be new) but hate forgetting names.  The one thing that is really bothering me is insomnia, I guess the trick is to do as much as you can during the day to make you tired at night.  I hate taking sleeping aids.

    As for hair loss, as soon as I started taking Femara my hair came in fast, felt like a chia pet.  Does that stop and then fall out?  curious

    On rads so other than mulit vitamins I am not for sure what to take.

  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    momand2kids - re emotional numbness - I have had all the symptoms of the avoidance and emotional numbing type of PTSD (see definition below) since dx but am mostly left with only the emotional numb feeling now. I thought I was depressed but my doctor said no because I was still functioning 'normally' in day to day life and he said it was PTSD.  He said it should resolve itself eventually with time but at nearly 2 years out it is still lingering. I hate it but don't want to pump any more drugs into me so I am just going to wait it out. The following was posted on another thread - thought it might interest you.

    Here's a definition of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from the Mayo Clinic website (

    "Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety disorder that's triggered by a traumatic event. You can develop post-traumatic stress disorder when you experience or witness an event that causes intense fear, helplessness or horror.

    Many people who are involved in traumatic events have a brief period of difficulty adjusting and coping. But with time and healthy coping methods, such traumatic reactions usually get better. In some cases, though, the symptoms can get worse or last for months or even years. Sometimes they may completely disrupt your life. In these cases, you may have post-traumatic stress disorder."

    Here's what the site says about the symptoms of PTSD:

    "Signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder typically begin within three months of a traumatic event. In a small number of cases, though, PTSD symptoms may not occur until years after the event.   Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms are commonly grouped into three types: intrusive memories, avoidance and numbing, and increased anxiety or emotional arousal (hyperarousal).

    Symptoms of intrusive memories may include:
        * Flashbacks, or reliving the traumatic event for minutes or even days at a time
        * Upsetting dreams about the traumatic event

    Symptoms of avoidance and emotional numbing may include:
        * Trying to avoid thinking or talking about the traumatic event
        * Feeling emotionally numb
        * Avoiding activities you once enjoyed
        * Hopelessness about the future
        * Memory problems
        * Trouble concentrating
        * Difficulty maintaining close relationships

    Symptoms of anxiety and increased emotional arousal may include:
        * Irritability or anger
        * Overwhelming guilt or shame
        * Self-destructive behavior, such as drinking too much
        * Trouble sleeping
        * Being easily startled or frightened
        * Hearing or seeing things that aren't there

    Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms can come and go. You may have more post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms during times of higher stress or when you experience reminders of what you went through. You may hear a car backfire and relive combat experiences, for instance. Or you may see a report on the news about a rape, and feel again the horror and fear of your own assault

    fatigue, sleeplessness, forgetfulness, fuzzy brain, power surges, sore joints, hair loss - the SEs hit dramatically after 3 months of starting Femara but I have learned to manage them and 21 months since I started taking it I live a reasonably 'normal' life again.  Sleeplessness had plagued me since dx but revved up once I started Femara but it has eased with time and dealing with the emotions that had been bottled up during active tx, power surges have lessened during the day but still wake me several times a night, hair loss just stopped at about 18 months thank goodnessSmile, sore joints were helped by taking glucosamine/chondroitin and fish oil capsules and walking (still have to take painkillers to be able to play tennis and after long days on my feet though) and to combat the forgetfullness and fuzzy brain I make lists and notes and do not multi task anymore - one thing at a time and then I can't forget anything.  Funnily enough I am a librarian and find that my long term memory is still reliable - it is just the short term stuff I have problems with - gulp sounds like Alzheimers - hope not!!

  • KristyAnn
    KristyAnn Member Posts: 131

    I havent noticed the forgetfulness but I have noticed the emotionless or lowered emotion state- thought it was just fatigue and being tired and achy- maybe not!

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    I have not had insomnia lately but that could be due to taking pain med before bed.  Rt leg bothering the heck out of me but could be due to leg operation I had 2 1/2 years ago, cold weather or femara.  All of the above.  I have also experienced some emotionless or lowered emotion state-thought espcially after my last surgery in November to try recon on right side again (had first infection after BiMX and TE on right side had to come out, still have TE on left side). Which did not work.  Have been overly emotional about it and I cry every time I think of doing any recon.  Starting in March, it was one heck of a year, 2010.  Looking for better out come 2011.  I have been taking note from this topic to ask my onco next week when I see him.

    Question about hair loss though.  Since I have been taking Femara, my hair has been growing by leaps and bounds since Oct when I started.  When does the hair loss start?  Have a wig but not looking forward to it.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    mjbmiller: since my hair grew back from chemo, I have not experienced any hair loss.  I've been on Femara since 11-09.
  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442
    Eph3_12 Thanks relives my mind that it may not happen.
  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656

    Did you know you could get your Femara perscription for $10 for one year?  Up tp $800. So if you have no insurance it wouldn't help much.   I haven't used it yet but I did print out a card and will try it next month.   I found this on the Femara web site.

  • momand2kids
    momand2kids Member Posts: 118


    thanks for this--I am so glad I am not I mentioned, sometimes this "neutral" feeling is not a bad thing--- but it can be unsettling.  I had not considered PSTD.....

  • Texas357
    Texas357 Member Posts: 332

    I know I've had PTSD symptoms. Sometimes I walk around feeling shell shocked. It's getting better.

    I have neuropathy in my fingertips that is really annoying. It started with Taxotere and since it's also a side effect of Femara, it just kept on bothering me. I'm hoping that it will resolve once I'm finally off this drug.

  • emegram
    emegram Member Posts: 60

    Seven months on Femara - and I am suffering from severe joint pain.  My back - my hip - my knees - one shoulder - and my left hand.  I could not go to sleep last night because my hip made it uncomfortable to get settled in, and I awoke several times.  I finally got up at 3 AM & took some Advil.  I'm also taking fish oil and the glucosamine chondroitin.  Weather has turned bitter cold now so I have not been quite so faithful in getting to the gym to walk, which might help me somewhat.  I don't know if I can continue to take the Femara.  My husband suggested a two-week break to see how I feel.

    I see my oncologist again Feb 1 and plan to discuss with her my situation. 

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    I have been overly emotional today, cry a the drop of a hat.  Had #7 rads treatment today.  Been trying to walk every hour to off set the joint pains.  Took a hot bath last night, helped me to sleep with out pain meds.  To cold to walk out side.  When will this be over I think some days.  But its OK, gota pull myself up by the boot straps and get going, I keep telling my self.  I'll cry in the shower tomorrow and it will all wash away.