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  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Chevyboy, I'm post menopausal and have been on Femara for 4 months after taking Arimidex for 18 months.  At Ephs suggestion, I started taking the Femara at night and have found that other that a few hot flashes and a bit of minor tiredness, I have no other SE's at all......for this I'm am very gratefull.  I do hope that your hearing loss is not permanent.  Good luck!


  • ronqt1
    ronqt1 Member Posts: 565

    Nanny, I am replying to your request for an answer. I went from Arimidex which caused severe mental fog, tendoniitis, depressession and more, I switched to Femara and everything went away except tendonitis which was recently diagnosed by a rheumotologist who gave me a cortise shot in my wrist as my wrists and hands were in severe pain. The pain was caused by Arimidex.

    Due to the wrist pain onc took me off for 10 days, and in this period I went to rheumotologist. I can now hold a pen again and write legibly. I am waiting for onc to call today to let me know if I will cotninue with Femara which I felt was much better than Arimidex. I just hope going back on Femara will not bring the wrist pain back.

    I just felt that for me Femara is better than Arimidex.


  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    I am going to try Arimidex see what happens I have been off femara for 10 days and still have aches and pains. So i can get generic Arimidex so will it at least it wont hurt my pocketbook

  • ktmimi2
    ktmimi2 Member Posts: 23


    Please keep me posted on your progress. I am on the SAME path as you are. I have been off Femara for one week and I still have pain but not as bad. My next step, if taking the Femara every other day doesn't work, will be switching to Arimidex. I don't start the every other day routine until April. I would love to know your progress. Good Luck!!!!

  • johnrazor
    johnrazor Member Posts: 1

    I have thrown so much stuff with all parabens and other crap-get goat milk soap at the local farmer market and order stuff from noelle at make h7er own products little store in canada.

  • KristyAnn
    KristyAnn Member Posts: 131 is wonderful- Noelle (owner) is a breast cancer survivor and member of our May 2008 chemo group. She can also recommend products you can get locally if you dont want or cant afford to order.

    her Bath boms are my absolute favorite indulgence!

  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    Just got my second Zometa infusion yesterday. Shew had rough night had flu like symptoms. I was awake all night. I drank plenty of water but, still was rough. Glad i just have it every 6mo.

  • ainemw
    ainemw Member Posts: 8

    Dear All, has anyone had a positive experiences with femara - i.e. no side effects? Is it possible to have no side effects? I am trying to weigh up the pros and cons of taking it... Thank you 

  • jjjsjames
    jjjsjames Member Posts: 24

    I've only taken if for 3 weeks, but so far so good.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I suspect there are some lucky people who don't have any effects (although in my case some of the "effects" I feel I had before Femara, off & on, so who's to say if it's really the med or not).  I know some have very much less effects than others....I don't know if there's any rhyme or reason but I hope for less for everyone/.

  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    My onc wants put me on cymbalta for my pain she thinks that the fibromalygia is what causeing lot of my pain. Has anyone else used this for pain?

  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    Haven't posted in a while but am trying to keep up reading this thread.  I have been on Femara for a little over three months.  When I visited my ONC a few weeks ago, he and I both thought that I was tolerating it well enough to keep going with it.  But the past couple weeks, I am noticing very stiff  joints, especially later in the day.  We live in a house that is a virtual stair master so I really notice it.  As long as I stay on flat ground, it just isn't an issue.  The bigger issue for me really is the HUNGER!  Anybody else?  I was doing pretty good at knocking off some of the 13 pounds I gained through chemo, but now I just need to tape my mouth shut!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ainemw, I have been on Femara for 4mths now and other than the fact that I tire easily and I have a few hot flashes, I have no other side effects at all.  I was on Arimidex proir and the side effects I had from that were really terrible and yet there are women out there who have no SE's at all.  We are all different and as such will react differently to the drugs.  The only real way to know is to try ir for yourself. 

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    Ainemu, I have been on Femara for 5 months so far, and can say the SE have been minimal. I had lots of hot flashes the first couple of weeks, but now only a couple a day. My worst SE are the joint pains. For me keeping glutin out of my diet does help. Wish I didn't love noodles so much.Smile

  • ellanvannin
    ellanvannin Member Posts: 1

    I had slight lingering neuropathy in my feet from taxol. It had become minimal during 5 years of tamoxifen. I have been on femara for 6 weeks and it is getting worse. If it starts in my hands I will have to come off the drugs as I will not be able to work.

  • fromMontreal
    fromMontreal Member Posts: 5

    To Chevyboy: I'm 58 yo, had been on Femara from Aug 2010 to Jan 2011. Stopped because of many SE's which started after two month taking: non-stop headache with tinnitus (was this a hearing problem or vascular - nobody knows), very strong breath difficulties, feeling I'm going to dye soon, hypothyroid, nimbness of hands and legs fingers, vision lost (black spots), insomnia (now don't sleep without sleeping pills), palpitation and symptoms of depressions. My doctor also coulnd't believe me that is from Femara and sent me for all kind of tests including brain scan and MRI. All tests were so good! Finally I called to the doctor and said I stopped Femara. Then, he prescribed me Tamoxiphen. I didn't started yet, so much I'm scared of any othe SE's. A month after stopping I feel much better, stronger, able to do everyday meeds (with Femara I couldn't lift things and bend the head, was very tied in the evening and couldn't drive). Hearing/tinnitus problem still the same. Thyroid function come back to normal very fast. Is Tamoxiphen better choice?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258

    Hi Montreal....I also sent you a PM....I just don't want to scare anyone who is taking Tamoxifen, but I am ALSO afraid to take anything else.....

    I don't know if Tamoxifen is a better choice....The Doctors just try & prescribe us something that will keep cancer from coming back...but man, the SE's are sometimes worse than the actual disease!  And so are the drugs! 

    I heard from the Author of Tamoxifen, Tears and Terror, & she said to avoid Aspertame at all costs....and I have used it for years....Maybe you all knew this, but since reading about this & it's relation to Breast Cancer...I guess I'll just give it up!

    So sorry about your SE's!!!!!    Talk to you later after I get my hearing aids...then I can HEAR you, Ha! 

  • ariesrottie
    ariesrottie Member Posts: 43

    Been oh Femara since September...For about 1 month I been having knee pain... So Bad that I need a brace.. I walk with a limp . Ice, heat , you name I tried it... I haven't called Onco yet because I just finished today with my tattoos for my Bi lateral Mx. I figured one thing at a time... Does any one else have this kind of pain... I hyper extended my knee about 2 years ago.. I feel like I did again... but I know I didn't do anything to my knee...HELP>>>>>>

    Any suggestions. ??

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656

    My knee kills me too and I also injured it many years ago.  I have started taking two motrin at bedtime and one in the morning.  My ankle also hurts and it to has an old injury to it.  Makes me wonder if it isn't attacking my injuries. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    ariesrottie-not sure, but more than likely that pain will go away eventually, possibly showing up elsewhere.  My joint pains were fairly intense initially (started Femara 11/09) but went away.  About 4 months ago I was having some wrist discomfort; that's gone & for the last week, my left ankle, which has been severely sprained a couple times back in the 80s, has decided to start hurting.  Trying to ignore, but thinking I may need to get & use an ankle brace for a while.  Why don't you try a knee brace for a while?  

  • nanna
    nanna Member Posts: 138

    Went see onc yesterday. She told me go back on femara and see what happens see also gave me a prec for tramadol took it last night slept so  good. When got up didnt have hardly any pain so pray this works. She also told me Femara would be generic in may my pharmist told me he heard end of march. Guess wait and see.

  • emegram
    emegram Member Posts: 60

    I've taken Femara since May, 2010 and am 63 yrs old.  I have developed "trigger thumb" on my right hand.  Thumb joint pops in & out when bent & is so painful.  I am also taking a statin for my elevated cholesterol, so saw my regular doc yesterday to ask about the combination of the two drugs & my joint pain.  He told me to stop the statin for 2 weeks & not to take any Aleve (if I can manage) to see if the statin is contributing to my pain.  My regular doc is also sending me to an orthopedic "hand" doc about my incredibly painful thumb.  Anybody have any luck with treating a trigger thumb with cortisone shots, or as a last resort, surgery??  I can't imagine my future with this thumb problem.  And I've got a long way to go before my 5 yrs on Femara are up!! 

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656

    Oh I want to know if anybody has sought treatment for it too.  My Dr. offered to send me to an ortho but I told him let me see what my oncologist said first.

  • cd1234
    cd1234 Member Posts: 40

    Hi Ladies,

    I have been on Femara for about 2 months. My hip feels like someone hammered a nail in it. I run lots, which I am sure does not help. My onc wants me to have a bone scan. I am pretty sure it is just the Femara. What do you all think? I really do not want a scan. I feel great other than the nail in my hip.

    Take care!

  • joan888
    joan888 Member Posts: 711

    I've been taking Femara now for about 4 months and am having some pain in one thumb and I am wondering if it will turn into "trigger thumb".  I had carpul tunnel surgery on my right wrist about 5 years ago and never had any problems with my left until about 2-3 weeks after starting Femara.  I mentioned it to my PCP and my PT and neither of them will definitely blame it on the drug, but I really think it is. For now, I am wearing a wrist brace at night, and that at least lets me sleep.  Any one else have trouble with carpul tunnel while taking Femara?

  • dkerler
    dkerler Member Posts: 41

    I've been on Femara since June 2009. Since then I've had joint pain which I keep in check with Tylenol for arthritis. I had two trigger fingers one of which has gotten better and a trigger thumb. I had my chiropractor look at my thumb. He pulled it and twisted it and told me to squeeze a tennis ball to help it heal. To be honest I don't think anything he did helped but it did eventually go away. I blame Femara for my dry eyes and high cholesterol and belly weight gain but I won't stop taking it until my five years are up.

  • jjjsjames
    jjjsjames Member Posts: 24

    This may be off topic, but I have seen others who are taking Femara complain about the cost of the prescription.  Does everyone already know about the $10 coupon from  My co-pay is $65 for a month's worth, but with the coupon it's only $10.  The coupon expires in June though.

  • aussieched
    aussieched Member Posts: 87

    Hi Sherri, does that coupon for $10 Femara only apply in America?

  • aussieched
    aussieched Member Posts: 87

    Hi Montreal,

     I am 56 years old and have been on Femara 3.5 years.  Had every imaginable medical problem during that time. Bone issues, tendonitis in hand and forearms for 6 months, asthma (never had before), weeping rashes with no explanation, painful neck for 6 month, painful feet when walking for 3 years, back problems, hair falling out and very very thin now.

    My latest problem is dizzy all the time with tinnitus.Have had it for the last 9 weeks with no answer at this stage. Had blood tests, then send to ENT, couldn't find anything.  Why did your doc sent you for brain scan, did he think the dizziness was cancer in the brain.  That is one test I have not been sent for.  I am really freaking out about what the cause is.


  • jjjsjames
    jjjsjames Member Posts: 24
    Aussieched, I would imagine so, but it actually only says at participating pharmacies.  Check out and ask your pharmacist.  It's worth a try.