Stop Smoking Support Thread
Ok, so it is FRIDAY! With so many of you going through such tough times with friends, family and your own treatment, I think we should all treat ourselves to something special this weekend. It is also Easter, so for those of you that are Christian (or Jewish for Passover) enjoy this special religious weekend. Luckily, my forecast for the weekend is 85 and cocktails, pool and bbq are definitely in my future. Also, all the veggies and fruit are in full season right now, so since I love to cook, I will be spending hours at the farmer's market tomorrow, buying up everything I can buy. I wish you all a great weekend! Spoil yourselves!
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Hi Pantufas, didn't mean to confuse you. I write pretty bad and tend to leave out things. I have been pretty out there lately too with all the work and stress. I was referring to cyber hugs and support and forgot to mention how wonderful the ladies here are with their support, makes them special and you all rock because of the love in your hearts and what you all give. I really feel for you and I was worried with one of your last posts. I could hear the pain in your writing and my heart went out to you. I will always be here if you need me along with the rest of the Butt Fondlers.
Like Fifish said, let's try to treat our self this weekend, even if it's just for one hour. I say this as I tend to work a lot before my events and I even eat at my computer so I can get more done. I know some of you are busy like me so that one hour may be huge, but I hope most of you can treat yourself a day or two.
Sending all of you positive thoughts.
Janet0 -
Hi Janzin,
Sorry about the flub. It doesn't take much to confuse me! I am more reconciled now about Linda but had a few rough days there. It will take a while to get used to opening my emails and not seeing 20 from her first thing. Your kindness and support means a lot to me. I didn't mean to bring the group down. I'm fairly new in VA and am pretty isolated. All of my friends are back in NC.
I can't imagine going through bc without the wealth of info and support I've found on this board. All of you are heroines!
I agree with you and filfish about taking the time to do something good for us this weekend. My BIL is taking us shopping and out to dinner tomorrow. Yay!
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Happy weekend to all of my butt fondling cyber friends! I am so happy that you all have been actively supporting each other. My 80 yr old father is living with us following a fall that broke his hip and shattered his elbow (Feb 21st). Amazingly, the crises didn't make me smoke. Having him STILL here has definitely had the I-really-really-really WANT one moments, but I refused to, telling myself that it would be proof that I let my father run my life. So I've managed to stay butt-less for 10 weeks. It's truly amazing. And on the up side, hopefully he'll be back to his own home next week. It's been difficult as he has confused the "r" in Rehab with the "r" in Bed and bReakfast!!
For those of you who have a targeted quit date, I'll make a couple of suggestions from my smoking cessation class. Instead of looking at this from the negative side (I need to quit because it is bad for my health) make a list of POSITIVE things that come from not smoking. For example: whiter teeth, car won't smell, clothes won't smell, can save the money for something, etc. Write down little stuff and big stuff--don't have to go outside in a tornado to have a puff; won't have ashes to clean on the desk. You'll want this list--once you hit your quit date you can refer back to it. On my quit day I made little notes of things like "I am a healthy non smoker", "I am saving $5 a pack (before the new taxes)" and I left the notes in my organizer, in an in basket, etc. I still find them and then put them somewhere else to be found again later. It's silly, but it helps.
For the first time in all my prior quitting attempts I actually told a few people that I quit. Three of these friends have been so, so supportive--they have even managed to find cards that say "no puffin"!! Having them check in every week or so, I just couldn't say "I gave in and smoked". It's so fun when they say "REALLY? You STILL aren't smoking?!!".
Lastly, I am really appreciating deep, deep breaths. When I was first trying to beat the need I'd stop and take a deep breath and fight off the urge; since I quit I've been going to the gym and working myself out really hard--and not stopping to cough the cough that cannot be mistaken as anything BUT a smoker's cough.
When I was going through treatment I really wanted to quit smoking but just couldn't do it. I cut way back, but still smoked. I even had a little voice in my brain saying "Oh, this will work okay because if I HAVE lung cancer now, certainly all this chemo will help get rid of it." Now that is "Oh, Duh, you dumbsh(* thinking, but it's sort of how I justified it. And then I'd be so embarassed that I'd be smoking and was clearly a just-finished chemo hairdo person.
Ladies, I wish you each the best. It's a tough thing and you'll do it when the time is right. You're not any less of a person because you smoke. You're battling a super battle right now--the battle to be cancer free. Your non-smoking day will come. And in the meantime you have each other here to support you, and your butt, if necessary!!
Happy happy to all~~Jill
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Hi Ladies, I promise to take at least one hour off this weekend! My tournament is next Sat so I have a lot to do plus I need 3 designs done this week. I didn't smoke as much as I thought I would so I have enough till my quit day.
Nancy, my bad not yours. I confuse people all the time, even myself, lol. My heart broke for you as I know I would be devastated without my best friend too. I am isolated like you, move here to Denver and just worked at home and hung out with my ex so on the divorce, I had only a few friends whom I didn't know too well. Gotten close to them since the divorce but what really helped saved me was to know that I wasn't alone even though my best friends were miles away, they close in my heart. That was years of friendship and love that you can't break, I feel them with me at all times. And I will always feel them with me. You are making new friends here and you have a friend in me!
Nervousknitter, wow, 10 WEEKS! Congrats and you made even through hard times. I remember when you were doing the disco quit smoking dance, lol. Thanks for your tips as we need reminders and have to keep each other motivated. I like your silly notes, I have to re-program my brain to be a nonsmoker so thinking on the positive side is a great idea and reminders is another tool. Good luck with your father!
FIfish, have a cocktail on me! Hope your treat weekend goes great.
Nobleanna, hope you get to treat yourself this weekend, especially since you are a busy person!
Webbie, hope the last crash isn't too bad. Chantix works and I will use it again on my quitting. Sending you positive thoughts.
2NewBoobs, sending positive thoughts your way, have a great weekend. Love having you here.
MB, hope you are okay with your expander and your meds. Your getting there! Try to treat yourself!
ReKoz, I hope your father is doing better. My heart is with you. Sending you a big cyber hug!
Malleme and Jancie, miss you. Hope you are doing okay! Drop a line sometime.
To the rest of you ladies who haven't posted in while. Don't give up!!! Maybe sticking with us will help you quit and stay focus, and you will be helping us too!
Janet0 -
Jill--10 weeks is AWESOME! I hope to join you someday. That is just incredible. You can officially say you are a FORMER smoker. Nice work.
I understand what you guys mean about being alone. I moved to Florida 7 years ago. I have great neighbors, but if it wasn't for my dh I would be lonely. I do miss all my family and friends up north (but I don't miss the weather). Going through treatment alone was the toughest part, but it is times like that which make us strong, right?
So, if we are strong enough to go through bc treatment alone, we are certainly strong enough to quit smoking!! Have a great weekend everyone. It is getting hot here, so it might be time to make a bloody mary or fire up the blender!
Love you guys!
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Hi Ladies,
Janzin, you are a pearl beyond compare. I have two cigs left in this pack and am really going to try hard not to smoke after them because I know it won't be good for healing after the surgery. Thanks nervousknitter, for the tips. I like your approach.
Mb, REKoz, 2NewBoobs, Webwriter, filfish. How are you doing?
Malleme, still worried about you! Jancie, too new to know you but wish I did. To all of the butt fondlers. I am praying for strength for each of us to endure what we must and to handle what life throws our way. You are one fantastic group of ladies!
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I'm still smoking, but I know I'll have to cut down a couple of weeks before my revision on left breast pocket. Thats still a over a month away, May 18. I've tried not to smoke in my car, doing okay so far. I now smoke in only 1 room in my house (the office).
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
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Hi Everyone!!!
Wishing you all a Happy Easter with family and friends!!!! Unfournatly I am like Janzin and will be working all week-end. Oh Well my kids will still get their Chocalate Easter Bunnies!! I remember one year when they were alot younger I hid their Easter Baskets and they had to follow the trail of the Bunny POOP!! That was so much fun!!! We laughed so hard on that one!!! It makes me sad now that they are at the age where they know their is no Easter Bunny, or Santa!!!! I guess I will just have to wait for GrandChildren!! Hopefully not too soon though due to they are 16&13.
Janzin- Hopefully you will take that hour off and relax!!!! I only work 5hr. shifts so the rest is for Me time!!! And a little family time stuck in their!!!!
Nervousknitter- You are our inspiration!!!! We our all so proud of you, And your right you do have to make lists and tell people which I never do cause I hate to let people down!! But your right in the fact that they will keep you on track. I have one friend who is on me all the time to quit, and I know its cause she cares!!! So she would be the one I would tell and my husband who totally hates it!! And my children! It makes them sad to see me still smoking!!! UUUGH!!!! I so want to go to sleep and wake up not ever wanting one! If only iy could be this easy!
Flfish- I so wish I was sitting by that pool enjoying a cocktail and a good BBQ! That sounds so nice. Since I live in Maine and its not very spring like yet here!!!!! Have one for me!
Nancy- I am so sorry about your pain, I know it must be so weird and hard to get used to. Although I have not lost a dear friend I am dealing with my own emotions right now. My bestfriend who we did everything together since the 8th grade was diagnoised about a year after me with BC. I can't believe it!!! We are the same age live in the same town, what the heck. She just had a bilateral Mas. This past week and will have to have 16 rounds of chemo and Rads and Herceptin just like me! Hers is a diffrent type then mine she has ILC in both breasts and some lymphnode involvement. I am so sad for her, she has just recently seperated from her husband and has 3 kids 2 are in high school and one is 4. I hate this disease and I would not wish this on my worst enemy! I so worry about her, cause she refused chemo first she wanted the masactomy first, but everything I have read about her type its best to get some chemo first cause it does not always respond well to chemo and they may have to change it. Now she will not know! But I could not explain that to her she took another Hospital's advice which I have not heard of dealing with oncology stuff. They are well known for their Plastic Surgeons but I have not heard of anyone going their for cancer treatment. So I don't know I can only support and hope she made the right choice. We are having a huge benefit for her which should raise alot of money for her to live on for a year. We live in a small community that is so great at supporting people!
And to all of the other Buttfondlers we miss you and care about you!!!!
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Oh nobleanna, I am so sorry about your dear friend. I can understand why you are worried about her. I wish her the best with her decision. Both of you have my prayers.
You made me smile remembering what you did for your kids for Easter. My boys are 14 and 7 years older than than their sister. I remember when my then 16 yr old son complained one year because I only gave him candy and not an Easter basket like I did for my daughter. ( And he was a tough football player! )
Happy weekend to all!
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Hi ladies-
Wishing you all a happy holiday weekend. Since first my own childhood, and then after my girls grew up, Easter does not really do much for me! Of course, I like the fact that it usually signifies spring, flowers popping and beautiful weather though you surely wouldn't know that here on LI today. It's miserable, raw and pouring rain. That, combined with having chemo yesterday does not do much to lift my spirits! BUT, I only have 2...yessiree...TWO more tx to go!! Next Friday and then Monday the 27th. Don't know if I mentioned that my daughter's shower is Sun, the 26th so I changed my LAST chemo to the day after to insure she would have a fully present Mom!
The news on my Dad is not good though we still don't have an "official" prognosis. They had him scheduled for Thursday surgery up until Wed. night when the results of his bone scan came in. Turns out, the cancer is in the adjoining ribs. He still needs a PET and MRI which is scheduled for Tues. In the meantime, since they were able to stop the coughing with blood, he is now back home. There was some talk about doing chemo and then surgery if nothing is found in the PET scan. But he is 81 after all and as of now, we don't know if that would in fact give him alot more quality time. As we all know, the waiting really sucks! It does remind me a lot of the feelings I experienced early on in my own journey. After my biopsy, I knew there was some form of cancer but until I knew exactly what I was dealing with, I kept the worst "what if" scenarios from ruling my thoughts. Figured I didn't need to stress anymore with terrible things that may never happen. So although things do not look favorable for my Dad, my emotions are not going to the worst case right now. My hope of all hopes is that he stays well at least through my daughter's wedding on July 25 and my niece's Sept. 12. It's all too much to think about now as what will happen to my mother and where will she live will be the hugest of end results coming from this.
Anyway...I am still awaiting the free patches to arrive and I will use them immediately upon receipt! Until then, I'm not really doing too much more cutting down. Probably smoked more this past week then I had been but I KNOW I am soon going to be joining Jill and marking double digit weeks without smokes. CONGRATS to rock! Are you a more nervous knitter now???
So sorry to hear of your heartbreaking loss Nancy. Life truly does get difficult as we grow older and experience the loss of people we love. There really is non worse pain then I can think of then getting on with life with such a huge hole in our souls.
2 new boobs- I am also having revision surgery on the 27th of May and like you, MUST be a non smoker before that. I had a horrible post op infection after my bilateral mx and do think my smoking contributed to that. I just can't put myself in that position again. What exactly are you having done with the pocket? In my case, the PS stopped filling the expanders because they were so uneven (the original PS was given his walking papers even before this discovery!). I also have to have my left (cancer side) expander lowered. Is that your story as well?
Well my friends, it's time to nap as I am having the day after chemo sleepies....
Happy Easter to all!
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So glad you were able to drop in for chat Rekoz! My thoughts and prayers are with you regarding your father,family, and your last 2 treatments!! I am also thinking of and praying for all of the kind-hearted women on this thread.
Things are going ok for me- I am having kind of a blue day-could be the weather, age, tamox, who knows. Had my third fill Thursday and I think that has to be my last one- oh so painful. The others weren't anything like this. My ps actually thought i was good at placement, when he put 100 in. I told him I'd like to be a little bigger. I hope I haven't made a mistake by getting to 250. My expander is 275. He would have told me if that wouldn't work right? I hate when I second guess myself- which is what I am doing now. Can overexpanding the skin be corrected at time of implant placement? I am just wondering if he had a size that he thought would look good on me and now will have to go bigger and consequently do more augmenting to my good boob. I don't know why I am thinking like this- he hasn't said anything worrisome or negative. In fact I did ask him if he would go bigger if he had the chance..he looked shocked, then laughed and said he'd check with his wife. I am sorry about the babbling ramble....i think I am getting tired of thinking about cancer, and boobs and appointments.
I thank each of you for being here and showing me how to deal with this disease with class, and humor, and love. You guys are awesome
Mary Beth
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Thank you Ellen. You said it so well. There is such a huge empty place in my soul but I know that time heals. I think of Easter as life budding again and renewal of the spirit. The weather is pretty crappy here too but I do see blossoms outside my window and it makes me happy to look at them. I'm a real flower nut.
Gosh! You have so much on your plate right now. Try to put everything on hold and focus on your daughter's wedding. My ex used to say he would have to pay someone to marry my daughter. Well he didn't know that she would blossom and look like Anjelina Jolie (she doesn't get it from me). She's been engaged for two years now but she's the one who refuses to marry. Anyway let there be some joy in your life if only for a few days. Then take on what you have to deal with.
I am so sorry about your dad. Sadly, mine has passed and it was a tremendous struggle for him but he was ever so brave. You are getting hit with everything at once and I wish there was something I could do to ease your burden. From what I get from your postings, you are incredibly brave as well. I only hope I do as well as you when I go through chemo. Thanks for spreading your courage.
Just one word of caution when you begin the patches. DO NOT SMOKE ! It will put too much pressure on your heart. If you do have to smoke, take the bloody things off and let it get out of your system before you overload yourself. Get it firmly in your head that you will not touch a cigarette while you are using them. I know whereof I speak. Lecture over!
Happy, happy thoughts to you, your daughter and your niece. And everybody else too!
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Mary Beth,
I think I am the queen of rambling babble and I know you guys tolerate me but I do love everyone so much. Good luck with your boobs!
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REkoz - My PS "fixed" my left breast pocket when I had my exchange in Sept., but my stitches on the inside (far left side) didn't hold so my implant is laying partly under my arm which also leaves a huge gap between my boobs. I guess he will try stitching me up again on the side so my implant is in the right position. I'm not sure what all is involved, but should find out more at my Pre-op on May 6.
I hate to hear that you had an infection after bilat mast. Guess I just got lucky, because I was smoking like crazy! Your revision is on my daughters bd...she'll be 24. Hope both of our revisions go well!
Thinking of you and your family. 2 more treatments....yeah!
Gotta go....hope everyones having a good day!
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Hi Ladies, you will be proud of me! I quit working after 7 hours and played my game for the rest of the night. I did have a few cocktails so I am a little tired today. But will have to work a little bit today.
Pantufas, thanks for the compliment, I hope you are feeling better! And I love your babble, I love to babble too! I hope you had a better day, sending you much love!
2NewBoobs, your cutting down areas is awesome! I cut from my morning coffee but got weak and went back to that habit. I think I will be with the ladies with it's either all or none. Sorry to hear about your boobs, I hope your surgery goes well on May 6th!
Nobleanna, your support is awesome! I would love bunny poops! I could say I am full of bunny shit! That should confuse a few people. I hope today you get some time off for fun!
REKoz, excellent news with your chemo, that must be a relief! I will send positive thoughts to you father and you! Good luck with the patch, I quit on them the first time.
MB, my Dr filled an extra 50 cc for the preparation of the new implants. So you need to expand a little over when you hit the size you want. I think you will be fine! Good luck to you.
FIfish, you are not alone! You have a friend in me. I would love to be your neighbor, time for BBQ's and cocktails! You are right though, it is tough going through this alone, we are so lucky to find each other!
Let's all stop to smell the flowers and find the beauty in life, which is all of you, my beautiful Butt Fondlers! Thanks for being here!
Janet0 -
Janzin--you are always so wonderful about addressing each person. Proves your mind is much clearer than your older ex butt fondling cyber friend, here!!! So I'll jump on your bandwagon and say "hear, hear--I agree with ALL of the above!!". So your last paragraph gave me and idea, perhaps some inspiration for all....instead of stopping to smell the flowers in life, how about stopping to smell the non-smoke air? So when you think you need a smoke, take a deep breath and say "my, this AIR smells good" and give it a few minutes before you light up. Hey, it's a try. Whatever works for anyone. I'm at the point where smelling someone else's smoke doesn't smell good to me. I was SO excited when I realized that! I opened a box of paperwork stored in the garage and could smell the cig smoke and thought "ick. I probably smelled like that and didn't even know it".
For those who need inspiration--I'm sure I've said that the straw that broke the camel's back for me was being at my mother's house. She wasn't doing well and the place was a mess so I was cleaning. The phone was sticky from cigs; the cabinet knobs were black; the windows were yellow orange. She's a heavy smoker and at 79 I don't even ask her to quit. But I was quite grossed out and it occured to me that if I didn't quit smoking I would be just as bad as her--and I'm reaching the point where I don't like to visit my mother because her house smells so bad and is so filthy. I don't want MY kids to avoid me because I'm a butt addict (I want them to avoid me because I'm NUTS and have a sick sense of humor!!). And that was the point where I decided to quit. My husband has never smoked and is no support at all. You'll have to find support from where ever you can; don't expect it from people you THINK will be supportive. Strangely enough, my mother tries to be supportive by not smoking when I'm there. I don't stay too long--I can see her start to think "*hit, she needs to leave. I need a smoke!!".
LOVE the idea of chasing the bunny poop. I sprinkled goat poo on the deck one year on Xmas eve to prove the reindeer had been there but never thought about it's multiple use as bunny poo. Since the kids are 21 and almost 18, it's too late now. Since I didn't remember to even get them chocolate bunnies I'll just have to tell them that the bunny was hit by an 18 wheeler when it crossed the freeway. That always makes them laugh (told you I had a sick sense of humor!)
Keep holding each other's hands, gals, even if you're grabbing their butt (take that any way your mind goes). You are so wonderfully supportive of each other, you keep me going, too. I have been knitting A LOT. When I went through chemo I took a real hard look at my house and it's contents and decided we have waaayyyy tooooo muccchhhhh STUFF. I didn't feel like unloading it at the time, but over the years I have slowly worked on organizing it and getting rid of it. I have a large plastic drawer thing (Costco special) that was filled with bits and pieces of yarn. I have been sitting and tying little pieces together to make multi color scarves. Well, more like a blue in all the shades of blue, etc. My son's school has a dinner with an auction and I've always given them a dozen or more items. Knitting does keep me from smoking. Knitting does NOT keep me away from Pirate Booty, though! (Pirate Booty, for those of you who haven't heard of it, is like popcorn but without the kernels. It comes in different flavors like white with cheddar cheese, I just tried veggie last week, and then of course the thigh-loving coated with caramel. It's QUITE yummy but it's relatively low in calories and I keep some here at the desk where the pack of smokes used to be. They have it at Whole Foods)
May all your left over bunny poo make your garden even more beautiful; just as each of you already are!! Cyber hugs to all
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Jill--where can I learn to knit? I think it is a lost art and it would help keep my hands busy. Last time I quit smoking (I made 5 weeks) I cooked, baked and read. I fed the entire neighborhood. I HATE baking, but I did it anyway because it kept me busy. All those things I can do inside too, and we do not smoke inside. That is one problem with Florida, it is ALWAYS nice and warm so going out for a smoke is not a hassle. Plus, we have as much living area outside as inside.
I am glad to see people are taking care of themselves. Ellen--I am very sorry to hear about the latest news on your dad. My prayers are with you.
Janzin, I too wish you were all my neighbors, although we might not get too much done....heehee...although we would have great tans and be smiling a LOT!
My daughter called me crying last night. (No matter how old they get, that always breaks your heart, right?). She is a Junior up at the university in Tampa and she just found out that her summer job (internship) was canceled for this summer due to the poor economy. She really counts on that job to help with her bills during the school year. I felt so bad and there was nothing I could do. It is always something right? I pray that she finds something soon and all of us climb out of this ugly recession quickly. It is hitting us HARD down here.
Did you hear all the fuss about the photo of Christina Applegate smoking after having her double mastectomy? Poor gal. Give her a break, she is NO DIFFERENT than us.
Have a great week ladies. Hugs to all!
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I am SO on my way to Whole Foods right now to find me some Pirate Booty! Thanks for remindning me just how much I love that stuff!!
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Hey Fellow Ex/Butt Fondlers! Yesterday I was pretty tired so I quit work early and treated myself to pizza which of course I now regret. Not only because of the fat factor, but I wasn't used to so much grease that I woke up in the middle of the night with the runs. Now during my private moment I was thinking to myself, why did I eat so many jalapenos, ouchie! Amazing that if we could focus just for a short while, we could get past so much stuff such as quitting cigs or losing 20lbs. Losing 20lbs is 2 months of being good and with quitting cigs, 2 months is huge and your on your way to be a non smoker. I told myself I would be good for 2 weeks of dieting and lose 4 lbs but didn't make it. We have to find our incentives and focus on that!!!
Nervousknitter, my memory is not that great, have to remember to shave both legs, lol. I am with you on getting grossed out as a nonsmoker. My parents home were disgusting to me along with the smell on them too. I just want to hold my breath around them. My adoptive parents do not smoke and are pretty healthy and they are out there skiing at in their late 70's, that's where I want to be. Will try the smell the clean air trick!!
FIfish, sorry to hear about your daughter, I have friends getting laid off too.I mail out packages to the schools to advertise my tournaments. Last year I had 2 come back to me and this year I had about 12, most went out of business. So sad!!! Yup, we would be one happy neighbors!!!! I would get a fishing pole to fish myself some of your BBQ's, lol.
2NewBoobs, REKoz, MB, Nobleanna, Pantufas, Webbie, hope you all are doing well! It's a sunny day here in Denver today, I am sending you all sunshine day!
Janet0 -
Janzin - thanks for sending sunshine!! It's a crappy day here, dark and rainy. It's supposed to be worse later in the day. Sorry to hear about your pizza incident! I had some Indian food on Saturday, they asked if I wanted it mild, medium or hot. Stupid me said Hot! I sure paid for that one!
Hope your all doing well.
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heehee..."some like it HOT"....others know better. That is some funny stuff! I hope all is going well out there. I am anticipating more company, but this time it is my sister, so this will be a good time. I have 6 sisters, but this one happens to also be my best friend, so I am excited to see her. That is why I put my "quit date" for May 1st because there would be NO WAY I could quit with her down here. I am doing my stomach exercises in anticipation of the giggle fest. My DH knows better, he has already informed me he will be working a LOT during her visit. So, until May 1st, smoke, drink and be merry!!
Good luck to all going through treatment this week. Let's try and keep our stress levels low this week!
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Whatz up!! Hope you all are doing okay with BC and your quit smoking program. I have cut down since I am working so much. Maybe that is what we need, something to keep us real busy like Nervouknitter cleaning all the residue from smoking on our quit days. Pirate Booty sound great too.
2NewBoobs, sorry you had a dark and rainy day, guess I should of done a rain dance. For sure watch out for that hot food, lol. Almost had to use an ice pack where the sun don't shine.
Cyber hugs to you all, wishing a little bit of peace where ever you can find it. Maybe I will find a goofy picture of me. Too bad my things are in storage, I could show you my Tina Turner look a like picture, lol.0 -
Hey Fifish, I want to do a giggle fest! Well I guess I have to entertain myself.
My late night jalapenos run.
Learned my lesson!0 -
Oh my good Lord, that is funny! I can only imagine. My farmer that I go see every weekend for fresh fruits and vegetables slipped a habenero pepper into my little grape tomatoes for a joke. I popped that bad boy in my mouth just like it were a tomato. I do know how you feel! (I need to figure out how to paste it just a cut and paste?)
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Janzin you so crack me up!!! I am sorry to say I don't have any of those stories! My story is I wished to heck I would GO!!!! my meds make me not go and being the stupidhead that I have become I just don't remeber or think about it till my stomache looks like I am 8 months pregnant!!LOL!! The I go into the okay I gotta go or I will be in the hospital, so I take a ton of Senokot and drink warm prune juice and if I am lucky I go! Its tricky cause I never know when its going to hit!!! And I have a big problem not using my own batroom. I used to be so regular. Coffee, Cigg, Bathroom! And when I try to quit that causes me not to go too. Boy am I going to be in trouble!!
I just wanted to add my MOM quit and is still not smoking I have probably already said this but she has not smoked since the 1st of March. She has smoked for at least 40+ years. And she said she has not had a craving!! I can't believe it!!!! So Kudo's to my mom!!!!
Flfish- I wish you the best of time with your sister!! And have a cocktail for me!! And just have a BLAST!! You deserve it!!!
Everyone else I am hoping you all will have a good week, and be kind to yourselves!!!!!
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ok, girls...I really have to quit the smoking. I went to my PCP this morning for pre-op EKG and blood work. (Having surgery done on my wrist next week...have a bone cyst which attached itself to a nerve...painfull son of a gun!) Anyway, when my PCP was checking me out this morning, she hopped up on the table with me to hear my lungs and kept saying take a deep breath...but I realized she was doing it all over my back, concentrating on the upper right side and did it much more that usual. she asked me had I quit smoking as I had told her last itme that I was gonna. When I saod no...she freaked out on me. She says she hears something faintly in my back (Iguess she means lung) Well, I freaked out too. She told me not to worry for now, get my wrist surgery done, come back to her in 2 weeks and we will do whatever is necessary to figure out what that is. she says it doens't mean it is could be asthma,COPD,emphysema and a host of ther things...or nothing. I cried all the way to work this morning...I am so tired of being scared...if it isn't one thing it's another. So I had 3 cigarettes today..I plan on having one more tonight and then no more. I will come here for support cause I am hoping when I go back in 2 weeks she doesnt hear anything. What is wrong with me that I dont quit. I had Cancer once, amd I waiting for it to come back??? Thanks for listening...and hats off to those here who are sticking to the no smoking plan...God bless you...I want to be strong like you.
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Bridget, I raise my martini glass to your mom. That is wonderful. After 40 years she can quit, that means we ALL can do it.
Welcome Candie1971. There is nothing wrong with you that you haven't quit, a lot of us are in the same situation. Some have quit already, some (like me) have a quit date set (mine is May 1), and some did quit and fell off the wagon, and some are still smoking but just wanting to quit. Read the previous posts on this blog and you will see a LOT of good tips. Also, this is a great group of ladies, so feel free to vent if needed. You will find the support you need here. We are all cheering for you. Please, let us know how your surgery goes as well as your follow up doctor appointment!
Best of luck to you. Cheers to all the ladies who have quit, and prayers to all getting chemo this week.
Love to all!
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Please don't beat yourself up, I am in the same position as you. When I get a cold I get bronchitis asmah and I have to do those nebulizer things cause I can't breath. They have told me I am heading for COPD if I don't quit. Guess what I am still smoking, I agree with you whats wrong with us that we just don't stop!! I beat myself up about it alot. Sometimes I really don't like myself very much cause of this weakness. I am with you we need to quit!! And I will help you anyway I can I will check back to make sure you don't need to talk or you just need to vent. You can do this, you have gotten your warning as me now we both need to QUIT I am taking my Chantix right now!!!!! I am with you as the rest will be soon to follow!!!!! But you just brought it all back when you wrote the post. Its scary when you can't breath and I don't want anyone to have to experience that!!!! One time they actually had to put me on oxygen for awhile! And then the nebulizer treatment. "HELLO" to me!!!!
Good-luck Candy I am with you Sistah!!!!!!
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