Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • Janzin
    Janzin Member Posts: 491
    edited April 2009
    Fifish, must know the farmer well for him to pull a joke like that. I was the queen of jokes when I was younger. Not that I am to old for jokes, just busy. You have to load your picture to server and copy and paste the url. You can use my server if you want, just email me your pictures and I will email you the url. I did the same thing for Jancie. That's goes for any of you, here is my email.

    Nobleanna, Congrats on your mom. Every success story will become our success story! I so understand the wish I could go! I will tell you a story when I quit the first time. I had this terrible pain and it reminded me of when I burst a cist so I went to the emergency hospital. The Dr did an ultra sound and told me, "Well I don't see anything except for a lot of stool." So I went home and about a week later I was in so much pain that I was doubled over, crawling on the ground and holding my gut. Then it hit me, I was full of poop! I had broken my morning routine of coffee, cig and bathroom but was dealing with the quit smoking that I totally forgot about it as I was having a real hard time with quitting. I called my ex to go by the store and get me some exlax as there was NO WAY I was going to crawl up to the cashier holding my gut and a box of exlax. I could hear the cashier now, "Oh my God, why did she wait so long, or wow she is really full of shit."  I knew I would be a story that they would pass on and I would never shop there again, lol. My suggestion ladies, drinks lot's of water when you quit!!! Go Nobleanna!

    Welcome back Candie! I have heard that quitting smoking being compared to quitting heroin, so don't be so hard on yourself. But you can do it if you put your mind in the right place. Use all the tools you can get, try meetings, quit smoking aid, whatever will work for you. Then grin and bear it and day by day it will get better! Keep posting as it will help give you strength. Good luck to you!

    Well back to work, hope all of you are doing well and try to find humor where ever you can!
  • tami48
    tami48 Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2009

    Candie1971 - Please try not to beat yourself up.  A lot of us are still trying to quit.  I have mild COPD, have known this for 3 years, yet here I am still smoking!   It's an addiction that's hard to break.  I've also heard that smoking cigs is like being addicted to heroin like Janzin said.   You have a wonderful group of ladies here to lean on.  I'm just glad you found us!

    Noble - Wishing you luck with the Chantix!  

    I've been looking into nicotine nasal spray and nicotine patches.  I haven't set a date yet.  My 10 year anniversary of being sober is Sept. 5....  I keep thinking that if I was able to quit drinking cold turkey then I should be able to do this.  I just sometimes feel like it's my only vice.  Excuses! 

    Thinking of you all and hoping your having a good day.

  • mbscruggs
    mbscruggs Member Posts: 72
    edited April 2009

    2Newboobs- just wanted to give you a shout out and say congrats on your upcoming anniversary!  I will celebrate my 9th year of sobriety in July.  Agreed- smoking is my one vice, too.  Can't be too righteous, can we?  : )

  • tami48
    tami48 Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2009

    mbscruggs - Thanks and congrats to you also....9 years!!!!   Isn't it great?!! 

  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited April 2009

    mscruggs and 2newboobs...congrats on your sobriety...what an accomplishment. I had 2 cigs already today...ok, I will try again...darn it!!! I am scared what my PCP will find in 2 weeks...please pray for me to get the strength to quit.

    Thank you for your support

    editedd to add: when I was at the dr's yesterday, she said to make my surgery date as my quitting date since I shouldn't smoke on the day of surgery. I am trying to make an attempt to quit ahead of time. Maybe what she hears will be gone by the time I go back to her.

  • REKoz
    REKoz Member Posts: 164
    edited April 2009

    MB and 2 New-  We share another common sisterhood in sobriety! Coming up on 5 years for me and yes, life-even this one- is grand without Mr. John Barleycorn. Can't even imagine how depressed I'd be with that in my life. What was once a blast turned on me in the blink of an eye!

    Anyway....that experience I think does help once we become totally committed to quitting. I really really don't want to but I have to and that is a familiar scenerio as well! I got my patches in the mail yesterday and am going to slap one on come my Friday chemo. I don't feel like smoking the first couple of days after anyway so I figure it I can just get those first 3 days in, the committment I need will be reinforced enough to go on. I really hope so. I am so tired of this issue. Sick and tired of being sick and tired is a good thing ya know?

    Janzin- as always, you are "da bomb! " This thread could not survive without you. And that sense of humor is right up my alley!

    Welcome Candie- I wish you much success in this excruitiating endevour! Come on now ladies, there's no reason why others can do it and we can't!!


  • nancypat
    nancypat Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2009

    Hi Ladies!

    Hope all of you are well as can be and off your butts.  Wish I could say the same.  Well, I am well.  My surgery went great and I just heard from my surgeon a little while ago with the path report.  Absolutely no sign of cancer in the tissue she removed or any of the 8 lymph nodes.  I still don't regret my decision about having the mastectomy.  My mind is clear now. 

    However, I am smoking.  What a fool am I?  I can agree with you other ladies that quiting drinking was a lot easier.  I just stopped and alcoholism ran in my family.  What is it with the nicotene (sp?) that has such a hold?  I still want to quit.  I will just have to find a way.

  • tami48
    tami48 Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2009

    REKoz - Congrats on your upcoming 5 years of sobriety!!  Good luck with the patches and keep us posted on how your doing.

    pantufas - I'm so glad your surgery went good....great news about your path report!!   Actually, quitting drinking was extremely difficult for me and the withdrawals were horrible!  I just wish I were at that point of throwing out my cigarettes.  I just wish I didn't still ENJOY smoking!  Like you, I still want to quit and I will somehow find a way. 

    Janzin - it was a beautiful, sunny day...guess your Denver sunshine came my way! 

    I still haven't smoked in my I'm a little proud of myself.  I usually drive short distances anyway, so I light up as soon as I get out.  Hope I keep it up!  I need more willpower than I have at this moment.... I think it's building up a little at a time.

  • tami48
    tami48 Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2009

    Candie1971 - Hang in there girl!   Are you using any smoking aides or are you trying to quit cold turkey? 

  • mbscruggs
    mbscruggs Member Posts: 72
    edited April 2009

    Thank you for the giggle fest photo Janzin- too funny

    Rekoz- hello sista.  Agreed:  this life is grand.  So much better than the way I was living before.  You sound good.  So proud of you getting the patches.  They worked for me, after my mx.

    Pantufas- congratulations on your report.  That is great news

    2newboobs- I am proud of you for not smoking in the new car.  That is a big step, at least for me it is.

    Candie- glad that you are here.  I wish the best for you.  You have really cut down the amount of smokes-hopefully things will be clear next dr. visit

    Flfishand Nobleanna- I hope you 2 are well.

    Night ladies.

    Thank you so much for sharing your lives with me.  I always get a smile when I read each of your posts. Sending prayers to each of you.


  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited April 2009

    2newboobs..I am trying cold turkey, tho I had 3 today...I only have 2 I am gonna try not to buy anymore

    pantufus, glad your surgery went well.

    good night dear friends,

    hugs and prayers

  • nancypat
    nancypat Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2009

    Thanks mb, 2NewBoobs and candie.  Isn't Janzin a hoot!!  I have to check in every day just to see what she's up to next.  Loved her "on fire" pic.  To those of you who prefer not to burn yourselves a new bumhole, I suggest Miralax if you have any bunging up problems.  It doesn't hurt, isn't unpredictable and makes you remember what normal was. 

    Janzin, speaking to you personally, you make my day!Laughing How are you REKoz?  Have you got your mother of the bride outfit yet.  I bet you will be beautiful!


  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited April 2009

     Crap (not you Janzin...heehee).....I put up two posts and neither of them showed.  Although who knows, with this stupid Tamoxifen I have a hard time wearing shoes that match, so I very well may not have hit the "submit" button. 

    Nine and Ten years of sobriety??!!!!  Congratulations ladies.  That is quite an accomplishment and if you can do that, you can certainly give up smoking!

    Candie, you can do it!  Be sure to let us know how your doc's appointment goes! 

  • Janzin
    Janzin Member Posts: 491
    edited April 2009


  • mbscruggs
    mbscruggs Member Posts: 72
    edited April 2009

    Hi to you, cutie!

    I hope you are doing OK there.  Do you need someone to come rescue you?


  • nancypat
    nancypat Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2009

    Hi Ladies,

    Anyone heard from Janzin?  Getting a little worried!!


  • nancypat
    nancypat Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2009

    Ok Ladies!  You have me scrambling for my lorezapam.  Did everyone quit smoking????  Are all of you delirious with joy entertaining new loves or old loves or maybe just comforatable ones?  Or maybe you all have LIVES!  Post when you can.  I'm getting real nervous.


  • Janzin
    Janzin Member Posts: 491
    edited April 2009
    Hi Ladies, sorry for the quick posts, been working 14-16 hours a day. May not have time to really reach out till Sunday or Monday.

    Well back to work.

    Miss you all!

  • nancypat
    nancypat Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2009


    Thank you God!  Take care!!  Miss you bunches!


  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited April 2009

    oh, I bought a pack today...damn!!! Had 6 cigs today.

    Tomorrow, tomorrow is the day I quit!!

    Love ya all!!

  • nancypat
    nancypat Member Posts: 239
    edited April 2009

    candie gal, thanks for posting.  Now with you and Janzin, I can cut my lorezapam just a little.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  We'll get there! 

    Now assuming the rest of you ladies are in the thralls of wild abandon; I will bid you a good night.Laughing

    Sweet dreams!


  • illinoislady
    illinoislady Member Posts: 40,342
    edited April 2009

    Hi everyone....I haven't much gone to other threads/forums since I got diagnosed in Sept.07 ---- chemo 12-3-08  thru 4-30-08   then rds ending 3rd. week of July 08.  Something caught my eye when going through the lists of forums this evening. 

    Let me tell you....I was such a good smoker.  From age 17 to age 54 ----- a love affair that lasted 37 years.  won't bore you with the details....lots of soap opera drama in my life which translates to plenty of material to keep a person relying on one of the best friends they ever had.  And I was really cool.....and like you are all well aware --- it is cool at first.  But then one day you look down and find some yellow sort of oily stain on your you learn to wash your hands really well and you never avoid using bleach either.  Then later on you notice a cough now and then.  But, of course you know it's because the seasons are changing or your coming down with a cold or something.

    Some time after that you realize that you can no longer drink coffee unless you have a cigarette with it....and heaven forbid a mixed drink.  Now you are working twice as hard at home because of the oily yellow stains on your curtains, walls, etc. 

    Then you find now and then you cough and dislodge a little mucus from the throat.....well why not.  I was smoking more than a pack a day.  By the time I quit a little over ten years ago.....I was probably smoking at least just under two packs a day.  Why did I quit....I didn't have cancer then, but was tired of all those other things you read above x's3 or so.  It was disgusting, dirty, cost too much, and so many people look at you with disdain.....and it happened enough that even if they didn't I felt like they were anyway.  The real kicker aside from all that.....I watched my beautiful, loving, giving, fantastic mother die of COPD. 

    She had given up smoking 35 years before and in her 50's started running 10K races and winning them.....even invited to carry the Olympic Torch in Los Angeles.  I had decided to quit before we even knew what was wrong with my Mom though she was diagnosed very late in the disease process and only lived 9 more months. 

    Shortly before her last hospital admission I had gotten a prescription filled for a drug called Zyban.  I don't hear anyone talk about this drug anymore but it was a wonder drug for 2 pack a day queen.  My Mom passed away in October 98....and my filled drug prescription sat in my drawer....such a bad time for me I didn't even consider quitting.

    Jan 1999----had a few cigarettes from a carton left......and by 10th. of the month, taking my Zyban and viola'....very successful.  Literature said to take the Zyban for at least 3 months.  I took it for two weeks....long enough to get over the heebie-jeebies.  See it said that if you forgot and took a second pill you could have a seizure.....scared the be-jesus out of me. 

    Got over the physical body-stuff.....I truly did need massive help with that as I was always so very weak otherwise.  Little did I know that the mental part would take me two years.  I won't whitewash....I did backslide once ---  but was able to pick myself up and get clean again w/o the Zyban.  Still, for a long time I felt so empty, devoid,.....yet strangely proud.  Every day brings you closer to your victory....even if you have to do it with a what !!! 

    One day....I just suddenly realized that it had been several weeks and I han't wanted or thought about a cigarette was LIKE I had never even smoked.  That is when I knew that you do have a REAL life after quitting.  You can get the monster off your back, out of your mind and life and live a rewarding smokeless life and be happier than you ever dreamed possible. 

    Seldom after that two year period did I ever want a cigarette again.  On rare occasion the thought would come....and then I'd think....oh, that's right, I don't smoke anymore....and it would leave as quick as it came. 

    I never missed many chances to tell people and family I had quit.....and even though at first I could not visualize very well what my life would be like w/o smoking....I persevered.  The time I relapsed, and the few times I almost did after that I kept thinking about the way my Mother died....unable to breathe because her lungs just would no longer push the stale air out....enough for her to take any fresh air in.......before she passed away she told me that she had lived  a good life....but that she had suffered and she was ready to go....wanted too.  The first time I ever heard my mother used words like suffer to describe herself. 

    I wish you all strength to make it through.  Believe me, it is one of the hardest things you will ever do....but you will be so proud of you ( in a wonderful way ) when you finally give yourself this gift of freedom from addiction.  I am pulling as hard as I can for all of you.  You are worth can do it.



  • mbscruggs
    mbscruggs Member Posts: 72
    edited April 2009


    Thank you so much for sharing your experience, strength, hope and love with us.  I am sorry about your moms' passing..she sounds like a phenomenal lady.  And, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

    It seems like a fairytale to me, to be a non-smoker.  I know that I need to quit, but I cannot make the commitment. I have an rx for chantix, unfilled.  I did use wellbutrin when first diagnosed with bc and that reduced my cravings greatly.  I got off of it after mx, and started up smoking again.  I have heard of zyban and may go that route.

    Thank  you for describing so well what you went through and how you felt.  It makes it more realistic to me.  Also makes it seem achievable.

    God Bless you and thank you for taking the time to share with us knuckleheads~ 

    Mary Beth

  • tami48
    tami48 Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2009

    Hello everyone!  I've not been sitting at my computer much....I have a huge cyst on my butt that hurts like hell!  Called a few dermatologists, but no one can see me before mid-May!!!  So, I'm taking an antibiotic that I already had at home and applying Ichthammol Ointment (that stuff is nasty looking).  I hope what I'm doing helps.  I just want to be able to sit down without pain!!! 

    I haven't read everyones posts yet, but I will later when I can sit down again!

    Hope all of you are having a good day!

  • flfish
    flfish Member Posts: 309
    edited April 2009

    Jackie, thanks for taking the time to inspire us.  I only hope to be 10 years as a non smoker some day!

    2newboobs, sorry to hear about your cyst.....sounds like a pain in the ass.....heehee.......Seriously, all jokes aside, it sounds painful.  I hope the ointment works.

    Janzin, are you buried in the snow?!?!?!  What is up with a couple feet of snow falling in Denver in APRIL?

    Hope all is well!


  • Janzin
    Janzin Member Posts: 491
    edited April 2009
    Hi, can't talk long, another 14 hour day. It's snowing pretty good here, hope I don't have to cancel my tournament. Just had my largest head count!!!!

    Will check in later, wishing you all well.
  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited April 2009

    Jackie thank you for your words of encouragement. So sorry to hear of your mom's passing.

    2newboobs, my husband had one of those once and it was very painful for him. take it easy and hoepfully it will subside soon.

    ok...I had my last cigarette about 2 hours ago. I am needing one now but I am going to go keep myself busy. I don't even have any. I would have to go to the store and I dont want to do that.
    I know I have to do this...but as sick as this sounds I like smoking. I feel cheated cause I HAVE to quit especially since my PCP wants to see me in 2 weeks to listen in my back again cause she hears "something" faint. Do I look at quitting in a sick way...of course I do!!! But I am gonna do it, darn it!!! I am counting on all of you for help .

    edited to fix misspelling and add a thought

    Hugs and prayers

  • tami48
    tami48 Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2009

    flfish - FUNNY!!!  But your right, it is a pain in the ass!

    candie1971 - No, you don't sound like a sicko...I like smoking too.  I know your worried about your health and your PCP appt---please let us know how the appt goes.  Have you tried any of the quit smoking websites?  They have some pretty good stuff to go by.  One of them I can think of right now is called Clear Horizons Online and there are many others. 

    Well, I need to ass hurts! Frown


  • candie1971
    candie1971 Member Posts: 2,467
    edited April 2009

    2newboobs....thanks for that info..gonna check it out. Benn 4 1/2 hours since I officially need to stop thinking about it. I just want a cigarette...and I'd be fine. I wonder does it really cause cancer or do they just say that...see how I think...ok I need to focus on the positive. I get a lil out of breath lately too. I really want to start walking everyday,maybe this will get me into taking better care of myself. Hey, this is great that I can vent here.Maybe this is what I needed all along...I can say what I need to or want to, to get myself through it and have encouragement too...thanks!!!

    hugs and prayers,


  • tami48
    tami48 Member Posts: 270
    edited April 2009

    candie1971 - Hope your day is a good one.  Walking is a great idea!  I have a treadmill and never use it...I need to start!  Yes, isn't it wonderful to have a place to go where you can say whatever you feel?!!  The ladies here are awesome!  Here are a couple of sites-- and can also google quit smoking websites and see what comes up. 

    REKoz - How are you doing with the patch?  I'm curious, has it caused any skin irritation?

    nobleanna007 - Hope your doing well with the Chantix. 

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.  <HUGS>