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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • chef127
    chef127 Member Posts: 226
    edited January 2012


    Yes as karen333 said, enjoy!  

    I did fall of the truck and bought a pack of cigs. I went a whole three days. BIG DEAL. Try, try again. Love yourself and take care of your body. My heart and thoughts are with you.

    Love and HUGS.........................................Maureen

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2012

    2z54 you do whatever you want! We will help you when/if you are ready.

    Maureen, same thing goes for you!

  • chef127
    chef127 Member Posts: 226
    edited January 2012

    THANK YOU Barbara,

    Today is another day. I'll keep trying.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2012

    2z54 - You do whatever makes you happy.  I am so very sorry you are going through this.

    chef127 - So what if you fell off the truck.  It happens.  You know we will be here for you.  Tomorrow is another day - just remember Rome was not built in a day. 

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited January 2012

    2Z54- honey you do anything want today...and if and when you want to quit again, you will

    I popped back in here and wasn't going to say anything since i am still actively smoking like a fiend....the stress level is so high but I know that is not excuse.....ack...I love you all for being here and when I am ready.....I will be ready

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited January 2012

    i must be nuts, trying to quit smoking in the middle of this new bc situation.  what was i thinking!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2012

    Galsal - I tried that right after I was diagnosis and found I simply could not do it.  Way too much going on so I waited until I was done with active treatment and the appts and such were pretty much back down to normal.  I quit Jul 15th but live with a smoker so I use an e-cig with no nicotine.  That is what keeps me sane.  Hope one day DH stops as well.

    Annette - You know we will be here for you girlfriend.  You will know when you are ready. 

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2012

    Annette -

    You are not alone.  I gave it up during treatments as it made me physically ill to just smell anyone smoking.  I did pretty well with some slips along the way over the past three years, but I lost my 39 yr. old daughter last March (I am a widow and raise her 16 yr. old now myself) (not cancer- digestive issues) and went back to smoking due to the stress and my nerves were just shot to hell.  I miss her dearly. I pray the day comes I can toss them forever, but until then - it is what it is.  I now have the stress of a CT of abd. pelvis on Friday as I have had a scant amount of free fluid in my pelvis and they can't tell why.  Had numerous sonargrams, TVs and 2 MRI's and no masses or cysts seen.  Went to a oncologic gyno on Friday to go over everything, but he can't find a reason.  "Doesn't feel I have a problem" but wants to cover all bases due to my TN status.  I think after posting this I will probably smoke three cartons in one sitting.  Kudos to all of you that have been strong enough to do it.  I admire you so.

  • annettek
    annettek Member Posts: 1,160
    edited January 2012

    LRM- oh sweetie, I am sorry that you have had so much on your plate=losing a child, I can't comprehend the pain and then having to snap to in order to be there for your grandchild. I wish I could hug you in person but I am sending one your way now. Here is hoping you get the all clear from your CT-this damn disease ARGH. Maybe we will get inspired to quit together somehow:)

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited January 2012

    2Z54: Prayer said for you.

    I too was just popping by to say hello. I've had the stomach bug all weekend (minor, I know). HUGS to my pink sisters who are hurting.

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2012

    LRM, hugs, pal, you do what you have to and when you are ready, we are here to help!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Dear 2x54, still thinking of you and sending good thoughts your way, ((((((((hugs))))))))), Karen

  • beccasgm
    beccasgm Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2012

    I have been avoiding this thread because I didnt want to hear how stupid I am...but you guys are very supportive. When I was diagnosed with BC, my PS told me I had to quit before the BMX surgery. I did, for about three weeks.

    I have tried twice since then as I swore I would never smoke while doing chemo. That didnt work. Then I swore I would quit when I went topless because everyoone would know I had cancer when I took off the wig. That didnt work either (although I do find my self hiding to smoke around strangers). Most of the people I smoke with dont really judge.

    At the same time I was diagnosed, my sons father was also diagnosed with Stage 4 Lung Cancer. They say it was from smoking. I have stayed in close contact with him and he is getting progressively worse. I know he is not going to make it. He cant breathe after walking across a room and I hate myself for picking up a cig after speaking with him. I dont want to die from Lung Cancer...

    I pray every day for the strength to is so hard!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Dear beccasgm, do you plan on using any of the stop smoking aids or did you quit cold turkey before, I tapered down to 6 a day from a pack to a pack and a half.  I then started using the light brand of the e cig, used that for two months then went down to the 4 mg.  Each person's path is different dependent on the method of quiting they use.  You have already proved you can do it, yes, it is hard but it is doable especially if you post often to get the support and encouragement you will need.  Others will post this evening to welcome you and offer tips on how they did it.  You can do it!  You already did bc and that is truly hard.  Karen

  • lrm216
    lrm216 Member Posts: 534
    edited January 2012

    Much thanks, Annette and Barbara - appreciate your kind words.


  • beccasgm
    beccasgm Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2012

    karen33-I did chantix the last three times and it did work for me. It made it easier to not smoke. My husband smokes however and it is hard but I cant make him quit...he has to want to.

    I think I am gearing up for another try because it is on my mind all the time!

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    beccasgm, one of our members Jo, has quit while her DH continues to smoke, that does make it much harder.  She will be by this evening to "talk" to you.  She used a natural spray and a special filter and now a nicotine free e cig to get through it.  You are right when it is on your mind a lot, it is a gentle sign that it is time. hugs to you, Karen

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2012

    Welcome beccasgm.  Yes, my DH still smokes and he is limited to the kitchen and no where else in the house.  I do not let me smoke in my car but he does in his truck.  Like Karen said, I do use an e-cig with no nicotine or I would surely go back to smoking regular cigs.  I used a device called a "Filtrim" that allows you to smoke over an 8 week period while reducing not only the number of cigs you smoke but also reducing the tar, nicotine and carcinogen levels - at the same time I was using an all natural spray that can be used as often as you need it.  I still keep a good supply of Crystal Light hard candies at home, in my purse and at my office.  What is adding insult to injury so to speak is that both my co workers also smoke.  They go outside but the smell is on their clothes.  I can't believe just how bad it smells and glad that is not me anymore.

    This is hard and so is battling BC.  You made it through cancer treatment and you can make it through this.  If you are interested in either of the natural products I used, I can share that info with you and send you a private message.

    All the ladies here are so fantastic.  They are the best bunch of cheerleaders - they have done this and know what you are go through.

  • tracie23
    tracie23 Member Posts: 214
    edited January 2012

    This is a great thread... Thanks for posting

  • beccasgm
    beccasgm Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2012

    @jo1955- I am definitely interested-please pm me

  • tracie23
    tracie23 Member Posts: 214
    edited January 2012

    jo1955 I would like the info as well

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2012

    beccasgm - I sent you a pm - please let me know if you got it. My computer has been acting up lately. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited January 2012

    becca and tracie, welcome. You can do it when you are ready. And if you falter, it is not the end of the world. Try Jo's way, as it worked well for her. Also, VJ (who will be along) is a smoking cessation professional and she has a workbook she will email you for free.

  • tracie23
    tracie23 Member Posts: 214
    edited January 2012
    Hi jo and Barbara, thanks for the info.... If you must know... I had not smoked in over 3 yrs so all through cancer and chemo and all that sh$% I did not smoke... In October I picked them up as I was having many celebratory drinks and I have not put them down since. As I sit here and write this I am crying and I feel like scum. I guess because only my husband and my best friend know that I am smoking. Everyday I light up and say this is my last one and than I panic and buy a pack . I cannot tell you how I feel right now... I feel low low low. I know I can do I have done it before but I do love to smoke Money mouth see that little guy , that is how my tongue feels...  I have been wanting to come on here but I didn't know what the other ladies from the other threads would say :( I am SOOOOOO gald you are here
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2012

    Tracie - Try an e-cig.  It is working for me right now.  If you are interested, send me a pm.

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    tracie, ditto on the e cig, it worked for me after 30+ years of smoking a pack to a pack and a half a day.  When a craving hits, you grab the e cig, and the panic dissipates.  Can't hurt to try, and don't beat up on yourself, when you are ready it will happen.  ((((hugs)))) Karen

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited January 2012

    It's always a mixed blessing when new posters show up. I wish there was a magic wand that would work for every smoker who wants to quit and no one would have to endure the quitting process. 

    I had quit smoking 3 months prior to my first cancer experience in 1987. I made it through surgery and radiation without relapsing but chemo did me in and I started smoking again to handle the stress of chemo.

    The people who pissed me off the most were other smokers--when I'd go out for a cigarette, inevitably another smoker would ask--"VJ, why are you smoking when you've had cancer?" but they didn't need to say anything because I was the one beating myself up, hating that I was so weak to relapse when I really wanted to stop but I couldn't. Their question would just make me feel more shame--that maybe something was wrong with me and that's why I wasn't successful. 

    My battle to become smoke-free lasted 3 years from that relapse before I was finally able to not relapse. I believe there are 2 parts to being successful --you have to stop smoking AND you  have to avoid relapsing. Different skills are needed at different times.

     I became at expert at quitting but failed miserably at staying quit. I've quit for at least 3 months 9 times, once for 1 year before I relapsed.

    So for those of you who are still struggling, know that we all have walked in your shoes, but we are at the end of a journey you are still taking. I believe that every method to quit will work for some smoker but NO method works for everyone. The hard part is figuring out what will work for you and it's usually not just one tool but a successful quitter will often have several different things they do when they quit, different tools for different situations. 

    I have an e-book, "Tips to Win at Quitting" that I will email to anyone on this list for free, just send my your private email. It's not about a particular "method" to quit but it's about the process of changing from a smoker to becoming smoke-free.

    Good luck to everyone and have a joyous day, VJ 

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    dear Jo, how goes your world, still as busy as ever?  Feel like I haven't talked to you in ages!!!  Hi to seaside, o2b, and Barbara, also VJ and Tracie. Looks like we are getting snow early tomorrow morning and through the day and into the weekend. Hopefully just enough to make it look pretty from WNY dreamer Karen

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    edited January 2012

    Hi Karen,

    I am doing well, thanks for asking. And yes, I am busier than ever.  That just comes with my job.  Highly stressful right now and this is the first winter as a nonsmoker so I am really using the e-cig and it is helping.  Went off Tamoxifen for a short time.  Was so achey and felt like a 90 year old woman, now doing much better.  Have to make a decision if I am going to go back on it.  BC the gift that keeps on giving - sheesh!  How are you doing these days?   

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited January 2012

    Jo, the whole house has been sick off and on for the last month and a half, sinus infections, headcolds, flu like symptoms, just now all are healthy.  Sooo glad you have the e cig to rely on - I can only guess that you are running all day long and long days at that.  I can relate to that feeling like a 90 year old woman, I am on a generic of Arimidex and some days my knees just don't want to work, all achey and downright painful, it is off and on though, I would have to make a tough decision too, if it were constant.  A few weeks ago I was at Walmart buying nose spray (which was on the bottom shelf), could not get back up.  Thankfully my grandson was with me and he gave me his arm and between the two of us I got up.  You're right bc the gift that keeps on giving.  Take care Jo, Karen