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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    Here is a review of this specific e-tank (it's an older version of the clearomizer tank, but you can still get the idea)

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited February 2013

    Yes, Beckers were were.  I used Chantix and then the 0% nicotine e-cig. Last summer I got past that need although I do still carry one as an emergency plan.

    The e-cigs I used are from Cloud 9 with a 0% Menthol Cartomizer (the filter) and the cig itself is the battery.  I also purchaed the USB connection pc to charger connector.  Chose these since the Smoke Juice is American Made.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,416
    edited February 2013

    Karen:  Nice to "see" you.  Of course we all understand distancing.  I seem to have a special mission to support this quit smoking thread since it's the hardest thing I've ever done in my life - cancer included - 68 years and counting.  Otherwise I no longer visit every day & I've pretty much distanced down to a couple of "building friendship" threads. 

    I looked back at my records.  I took Chantix as prescribed for the first 10 days - smoking the first 3 days and moving along from 0.5 mg to 1.0 mg once a day.  Then I never moved ahead to taking two 1.0 mg pills a day.  Just kept taking one a day until the starter pack was gone. Can't say I never looked back.  I still look back, but I too know I can't "have just one".

    Again ladies - just for today I will not smoke.  I'll NEVER be a non-smoker.  Just a smoker who hasn't smoked for 5+ years and counting.  If I could do it after smoking for more than 40 years, you can do it too!!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited February 2013

    Lisamarie, you go girl!  I know you can do it .... I think it is getting over the stigma of quitting that makes it successful.  I don't know what the hold is because I tried sooooooooo many times and only was successful with the bc diagnosis.  AND, I think it truly was because I didn't want them denying me surgery due to smoking.  Beckers, I think a lot of doctors are, or getting, like your physician.  I don't know what the outcome is of the nonsmoking part of surgery but I'm sure there are a lot of health benefits ..... for me I wanted the flippin cancer out, I wanted to wake up after surgery and I wanted to heal.  So after the first two, I concentrated on the 3rd and it worked for me.  Plus, I was too sore to go outside in the freezin cold to smoke.  To the two Lisas and tlew .. you probably are ready to quit but just don't know it .... as they say "fighting it to the end".  As least you know you had a good time kicking it's butt to the end!  Beckers, ewwwwwww "maggots".  Never thought of that trying to diet.  Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited February 2013

    Hi going to buy my E Cig ... yippeeee... Hope this works ... Love and hugs today ladies :) 

  • Lisa65inNY
    Lisa65inNY Member Posts: 57
    edited February 2013

    Good luck Lisamarie!  I am getting ready to buy a new starter kit for the Green Smoke e-cigs.  Hugs to you!!!

    Thank you all for your support!  I do have a question though about the e-cigarettes and nicotine patches.  Please forgive me if this is a dumb question but i'm just not feeling too intelligent about anything today - So here goes!

    From what I can determine on line, the average cigarette (say....USA Gold full flavor, Marlboro) has approximately 1.2 grams of nicotine in it.  The patch comes in 7, 14, and 21mg (and e-cigarettes come in cartridiges of comparable mgs.)  So if that's the case, then wouldn't we be putting more nicotine into ourselves than if we smoked e-cigarettes!  I think I understand the prinicpal behind the patch - one would receive a release of 21mg over the course of 24 hours (which would be about the same if we smoked about a pack throughout the day) but think I'm confused about the e-cigarette which I am getting ready to buy..again.

    I am sorry if this does not make sense, I am in a complete daze today!!

    Thanks everyone! Hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Yay lisas. What I do know is they say not to smoke with patch on. I was a 1/2 to 1 pack a day smoker and I think I used the medium strength patch. I'm glad my ecigs were cheap because the full flavor was too strong for my lungs. Would make me cough. I don't remember how long one cartridge would last. It is confusing because they don't burn out per se like regular cigs but you get used to it. Just be careful not to OD yourself on nicotine by wearing patch and smoking ecig at same time.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    Lisa, this should explain how it works for the e-liquid:

    So, basically, if you used to smoke Marlboro, a 10 ml bottle of 24 mg strength nicotine would be the equivalent of 1 carton of cigarettes. 1 cig=1.2mg nicotine; 1 pack=24 mg nicotine; 1 carton=240 mc nicotine. There are 24 mg nicotine in 1 ml of eliquid of 24 mg strength, and 240 mg in a 10 ml bottle.

    And a good table that helps you to chose the nicotine strength in an eliquid depending on what kind of cigarettes you smoked before:

    Here's another link to cigarette nicotine content. You basically look for the nicotine content in one cigarette, then multiply by 20* to get the equivalent nicotine concentration in the eliquid.

    For example: I used to smoke Eve 120 light menthols. The list shows that the nicotine content for 1 cigarette is 1.1; multiply by 20 it would be 22 mg nicotine concentration; I started with a 24mg e-liquid** and now I am down to 12 mg or even 6 mg, depending on the day. On my way to get to 6 mg and then to 0.

    *   If you were smoking 1 pack a day. For half a pack multiply by 10.

    ** e-liquid comes only in these strengths: 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 36.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    I presume the above calculation would hold the same for the nicotine patch for 24 hours.

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited February 2013

    For those thinking about an e-cig, you also might want to consider the nicotine inhaler--by rx only, but your insurance may cover the cost.

    For most smokers, one type of nictoine repalcement isn't enough. The current trend is to prescribe 2 meds-one long acting and the other short acting: long acting: chantix, zyban, patch,  plus short-acting: gum, lozenge, mini-lozenge, inhaler or spray. too many people underdose themselves when quitting because nothing gives as much bang of nicotine as inhalation does. Even though with both the e-cig and inhaler--you "inhale", the nicotine is actually absorbed through the mucosa in the mouth and throat. 

    My offer of my Tip book is still open to anyone on this site. I just need an email address to send it to you. 

  • tlew
    tlew Member Posts: 48
    edited February 2013

    Has anyone tried

    Honeyrose "Menthol" - Tobacco Free Nicotine Free Herbal Cigarettes ?

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    As I said, I had issues with everything else until I got my e-tank. Didn't need any other cigarette replacement after that. 8 months on the 5th of March. I feel way better, reduced the nicotine intake, and with these great flavors I'm actually also curbing my sweet cravings, as it's like smoking and having dessert at the same time. So you don't run to eat sweets.

    As VJSL8 says, it's probably because the inhalation is the best way, and the way they work, they bring way more vapor, hence nicotine, in the lung directly than anything else - the same principle as the cigarette. AND you also have to puff, so the habit doesn't get "cut" and you don't know what to do with your hand.

    There is something else I read once, that smoking actually re-activates that portion of your brain that is respoensible with... suckling. So it's a very deep primary instinct that gets awoken. The act of puffing is very similar to sucking. The e-tank gives you the same "puff". Give it a try. It's much easier afterwards to reduce the nicotine content.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013


  • Lisa65inNY
    Lisa65inNY Member Posts: 57
    edited February 2013

    Thank you, Day, for this awesome advice!  I have a Green Smoke e-cig, which is highly rated, but just doesn't seem to have the right flavor for me.  I don't know what it is exactly.  Maybe they are all the same in that respect?  I also think that the one I have may have an issue.  The first drag is a real "hit" but then I really have to suck pretty hard to get the next one...or wait a few seconds.  However what you are describing above sounds wonderful and I think that this weekend I will go on line and order it!!!!  Thank you so much for this information!  I hope I can find something that helps!  I am considering asking my MD to prescribe Wellbutrin again (for the 3rd time).  Maybe a combo of that and your e-cig would help me a lot!  I didn't notice much of a difference in my smoking habits the last few times I took it, but what I DID notice was that when I stopped the Wellbutrin I seemed to smoke more.  So it must have had some type of an effect.  I am terrified to try the Chantix again due to having such severe anxiety/panic disorder.  I don't know if I want to take the change since I'm already borderline manic when I start thinking about quitting... I just keep praying something will help me.  I no longer want to be a smoker!  Thank you again!!!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited February 2013

    ok so I spent $100.00 today , I got the Blu e cig and guess what .. I have no clue how it works . I got the starter pack , and all I see was the chargers and the flavor things , no cigarette .. OMG maybe I am dumb .. so then I went to the store and got the cigarette then I cannot figure out how that will work with the charger pack or did I buy a one time thing that gets thrown out .. I am so frustrated right now.. I am not sure we can use the patch and e cig together lisa .. I just dont know ... I am still waititng for my pa to go through for my lunesta been having bad nights sleeping .. so fight with the doctor office today .. yaddi yaddi so there goes my good day off .. Not .

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    By what I see, both of you got the regular e-cig, not the newer e-tank (those are either Joyetech eGo or Vivi-Nova). Before buying the e-tank I had tried 4 different brands of regular e-cigs, and I was still smoking. I advise you to get the e-tank if you want to have results. Besides, the e-tank with all the parts should be around $75-$80, not $100.

    lisamarie, on the regular e-cig, the part that is white unscrews from the part that looks like the filter. The part that is white is the battery and it screws in the charger, the part that is the "filter" is the one that has the flavor, the one that you use then throw away. I looked and the "Blubrand" doesn't have the newer styles, only regular old style e-cigarettes. Again, those will not work, you will still feel the need to smoke. By what I see, around you there is a store named VaporFlow that carries the eGo, if you do not want to purchase them online

    Lisa65inNY, I wasn't able to find any ecig stores in your area that would have the e-tanks. And yes, all the old style e-cigs are the same. You will not get enough vapor so you will still feel the need to smoke. They are not powerful enough and can't produce enough water vapor to inhale so you won't get the nicotine that you need.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited February 2013

    Day < thanks I just figured it out after i bought a cigarette that u throw away too .. jeeze .. that was $100 today alone , I guess I will look into the other one you talk about when I get more money ... I feel so stupid now ..

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited February 2013

    Lisamarie, I can't help you on how those darn things work but I can tell you never, ever, feel so stupid.  It's not like we know how these things operate on the first time aroound.  I don't know ..... can you get a refund or an exchange?  Call them and see what they say.  You are on making such an effort but always seem to have obstacles in the way ... I call that the bad little smoker on your shoulder who is trying to defeat you.  Never get up.  You will laugh about it one day.  I just did something majorly stupid the other day and now I can't even remember what is was.  That's one life is about .... always trying us.  Don't despair.  Laugh each day!

  • braids3
    braids3 Member Posts: 131
    edited February 2013

    hi I'm joining this group i have tried and tried i only smoked 5 today tommrow i'll try again for 0. just for today i won't smoke ! my mantra

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Welcome braids!!!! We have April and the Lisa's also working on getting supplies together to help their success. Good time for you to poke your head in cause Day has been sharing the info on the ecigs that many of us used to help us quit.

    Best wishes all. Sounds frustrating as you are working out the contraptions and flavors. I had cherry and menthol I loved.

    Hang in there! ((hugs))

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    Welcome, braids!

    Lisamarie, can't you try and take them back and ask for a refund? And don't worry, I spent probably over $1k on various crap before I found this e-tank thing. I was soooo desperate.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    Day, thanks so very much for all of the detailed information on the e-cigs! I am most definitely going to buy one with the stronger nicotine to start. Can we use the patch and the e-cigs at the same time? Would that be overdosing on nicotine? I just want to quit these evil cigarettes! Today I had another decent day. Only smoked three cigs...for me, this is a miracle! Heading to bed now so I won't be tempted to head into the garage to have one before bed. This is the hardest thing ever! I am going to do it this time though!!

    Just hope that e-cig comes fast when I order it!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited February 2013

    LisaMarie, I just wanted to send you a hug! We spend a fortune on cigarettes so just chalk this up if you can't get your money back. This is one time I am going to keep trying everything until I find what works for me! The money we save from not smoking alone will pay for that in no time is how I figure it.

    Welcome Braids! It seems to me we stumbled into the right place for this issue. Lots of support and plenty of knowledge. I can't wait to "vape" my way to non-smoking. And if I play my cards right, I get dessert without calories. What could be better than that? Smile

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Hi April! Great job on only 3. Hurry to bed!!!!!!! Nite.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    I don't think it's safe to "vape" while wearing a patch. But trust me, you will not need the patch anymore once you start using an etank. As for the eliquids (again, get them at Virgin Vapor not AltSmoke, the first ones are organic and 100% VG, the second ones aren't) I would recommend the Kona Coffee Milkshake, death by chocolate or chocolate cake, and anything with caramel; the cheesecake and fruity ones weren't bad either. I wasn't too impressed by the Vanilla Chai Latte Or the Spearmint Kiss, but other agreeable ones were Not So Virgin Eggnog, Black Cherry Marshmallow, vanilla Blackberry and Vanilla Peach Swirls.

    I was lucky that I discovered them around November, and they had a special, 22 x 3 ml bottles "holiday sampler" for $24 so I had the chance to taste a lot of their flavors.

    And you are right, as I said before, it's like smoking AND have a no-calories/no-carbs dessert. Those eliquids taste like the real thing. AND they make your house smell wonderful. I know about a week after I had started "vaping", a friend came to visit. After about 10 minutes of her being there, she asked "what air freshener are you using? It smells so wonderful in here!" I was a little taken aback as I wasn't using any air freshener, I only had some scented candles on a shelf, and I brought them to her and she sniffed and said that wasn't it. Then I took a puff and she was "that is it! that is it! oh it smells so good!" - at the time I hadn't discovered yet the Virgin Vapor, I had a regular not-so-terrific eliquid with the scent "Decadence" that tasted exactly like rich, dark chocolate

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Omg....those flavors sound so good! Wow.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited February 2013

    well ladies , another day . I am guessing they will not take it back since I opend it and charged it . after I figured it out . But I am going to get the other one as soon as I can . I am still not going to buy cigs if I can help it .. I will try to just be on this e cig ... welcome braids .. funny thing when I quit before and was just dx with BC and was waiting for my BMX and recon , that was y mantra just for today I will not smoke and it was fun and helped some ... April thanks for the hug.. Beckers you are the best .. I know I gotta stop beating myself up and calling myself stupid .. thats my crappy self esteem .. anyway I had a crappy crappy night sleep and now I gotta rush into shower and off to work ... talk to you later ... Hugs 

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013


  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited February 2013

    Day < I quit for 3 months and never felt so good .. I did the 21mg patch for exactly 2 weeks then just went without . It just seemed I had a strong will to quit .. maybe because the BC diagnosis scared the living daylights out of me . it so wierd how health issues can really have an impact . Although I know my health is still very much at risk . It seems I am not feeling as strong these days . Maybe because I have been so depressed and have an I don't care anymore attitude . I really gotta change that . I had a cat for many years and I had to give her up due to not being able to have her in an apt I had . I am now getting the chance to get her back . I am so excited to have some company . so Sunday I get my Allie cat back :) . I seem to just ramble at times . I am really going to do my best to just stay on this E Cig and not buy one darn real pack .. even if it kills me ... 

    Lisa, April, Braids ... We can soooo do this .. we are here for each other and the other ladies who are smoke free are our main support ... Lots of Hugs and hope fresh breaths today :)

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    Lisa, so happy for you to get Allie back!!! You know, I always complain about being persuaded to have lumpectomies first, but the truth is, I wasn't ready to give up smoking and I didn't want to wake up from surgery with no breasts. The surgeon said I would have to be quit for 3 months to get reconstruction. Damn you cigarettes. I hate you!