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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited February 2013

    Beckers , PS told me I needed to be 3or 6 cant remember weeks nicotine free in order to get reconstruction , so when I got mastectomy and TE I was 9 weeks smoke free 2 weeks from cigs just on patch and 7 weeks nicotine free .. He was so proud of me . He called me his little mirical . it made me feel so good about quitting and just made me feel good all together .. then came the Stress of not being able to pay my bills rent ect from being out of work 2 months after that I decided I deserved to have just one to calm my nerves .. well you all know where that led me .. right back to a pack a day ..and having the hardest time quitting .. well I do know I am continuing to try everything I can to get back to that place I once knew as freedom from the lil nicotine monster ... 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited February 2013

    You will do it Lisamarie. I want you to be freeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    Welcome braids!  You have company to help you with your quitting .... it's nice to have lots of support.  Beckers, remember when we thought we couldn't do it.  Now, I sometimes fanatize about having a smoking and feel the need.  Tonight, I read the post and the cries, and I thought, I don't have it in me.  Girls, you can do it. If I can do it, Beckers can do it, MinusTwo, Karen, Jo, and all the others who proceeded us can do it, then we have your back.  Don't fret .... it will work.  I remember being so scared to lose my best friend .... but it is worth it in the end!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Well said Judi!!!!! Hugs to all trying to quit.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    I just went and had a smoke in the garage before putting my patch on this morning. I am so tired of this stupidity! Who hangs out in a cold garage early in the morning? Me and my DH and my cat. My cat is not going to like it when we quit. He is so used to going in the garage with us that he meows at the

    I can't wait until I don't do this stupid stuff anymore! Hoping to not smoke another cigarette today. I will order my e-cig today and hope and pray it gets here quick. The patch is NOT DOING it for me. I need the oral satisfaction big time.

    Hugs and hoping you all have an excellent smoke-free day!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    April , we are all there with you struggling . The E cig I bought just as day said does not work ... !!!! it does not satisfy the nicotine or anything ... UGH !!! so as I smoked it all day yesterday , however after work last night my brain drove right to the store and got the real deal . I feel sooo damm helpless . I am going to begin the Allen Carr book again today and do what I can to refrain from the smokes . the e cig , and gum and water water water ... well off to work until 8 pm.. and beckers all I gotta do most mornings now is look at your avatar and it brings a smile to my face and a glimmer of hope .. I don't know girl you have a magical smile .. "how about just for today I will not beat myself up " good day ladies .. see you at work :) HUGS ...

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Oh, thank you Lisamarie!!! Made my day!! That pic is my "happy face" because I am working on a better attitude and more positive outlook. You see, after my dad died and being diagnosed with BC or RB (rat bastard) my girls on another thread call it....I became very angry. I also have MS. Isn't that enough? You would think so. I had lost my home to foreclosure, my beautiful first born son had been fighting drug addiction for 6 years and was finally incarcerated, I had moved away from friends and family half way across the country. I was just DONE. Anyway....I just had to go through that I guess. Now I am really trying to be happier. I am free from cigs. I was telling my Mom what a lovely group of ladies you are that are trying to quit together. I hope you all stay close to this thread. It helped me so much.

    April, my kids would come out to the garage just to see me. I lived in there practically! Just keep swimming! (hope you saw Finding Nemo so that made sense. Ha!)

    Happy Friday!!!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Funny thing, i was outside puffing on my e cig .. and thought well maybe it's all the other darn chemicals in realy smokes we are addicted too .. Any thoughts ? this darn E cig thing just don't seem same .. Ho hum .. 

    Beckers I honestly think about that all the time ... just moving away from everyone I know to some small quiet town and be a whole new me ya know . where nobody knows my name (unlike at cheers where everybody knows your name ) HaHa I guess im in a funny mood today .. I am such a chicken to just pack up and go do that.. maybe someday ..

    I'd have to say I would miss my granddaughter . I too have a son whom is 23 and he has been batteling a heroin addiction and I am just beside myself . he stays clean for a bit then he is back on the saddle again .. just like smoking I guess .. he is now employed and he hates it go figure.. but he is on saboxone and trying so thats all I can ask .. I pray for him daily but cannot enable him .. but they do say smoking is harder to quit than heroin . I would not know ... I do however know not smoking is hard ... :( 

    But then I can come here and Smile :) thanks to beckers :):) wooo hoooo

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Lisamarie, big hug! Addiction is so bad. I was a bad enabler. My son's last charge was heroin sales. We are lucky they are alive. The ones in our area are starting to die of over doses. I can't believe heroin is the drug nowadays. And these are kids from affluent families and all. It's so heart wrenching. When my son got out, he moved to Oregon and is flourishing. Finally!!! Jail is the best rehab in my opinion. I prayed him into jail more than once! Ha! Moving away is harder than it looks. Maybe take a traveling position with work for a year????

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2013

    Hi all, just checking in, so many of your stories just strike a chord with me, the cat meowing to go out in the garage, my dog would see me pick up my pack and head for the garage, I had it so comfy out there with an armchair, heater, ottoman, end table - the only thing I didn't have was art on the wall.  My daughter and I had decided to quit together, she was not able to do it, her boyfriend gave her a vapor cigarette for Christmas and she has not had a cigarette since!!!  And you are right Beckers, there are yummy flavors, she mostly uses chai latte, follow Day's directions, she is right on the money, and Lisamarie, the regular e cig did not work for my daughter where it worked for me, so it may just be the edge you need.  Karen

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    Lisamarie, the ecig doesn't give enough vapor for you to feel it the same as you feel the smoke from a cigarette, and it doesn't deliver the right amount of nicotine. Trust me, once you'll be able to get the right stuff you'll be out of smoking that very second! Congrats on your daughter, karen! maybe you should make your smoking spot less comfy?

  • karen333
    karen333 Member Posts: 2,037
    edited March 2013

    Dear Day, I had the smoking lounge back in the day when I was a 1 pack a day smoker.  About 7 years ago, long before my quiting day, you are so right about the vapor cigarette, the e cig worked for me but I was already down to 8 cigs a day, it did not work for my daughter at all, the vapor cigarette, did it for her.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Beckers , I know they say heroin here on Long Island is so bad that kids are using the lunch money for it . and lots of kids od here all the time .. sucks .. they just started a new prohgram that if you take a class you can get the Narcan to bring them back .. our police are trained with it now as well . I think a part of that is crazy because if they know you have narcan on hand and then they really dont care because they know u will revivie them.. sad but I guess kids were doing it and if one od they would not call for help being they were scared .. I have no clue .. Yeah Karen I am hoping the one that day recommended will do me good .. I still keep thinking its all a mind game .. in fact I know it is ..only because I quit before .. you need to really want it and just do it ... I am trying and I know I will be back in freedom soon enough .. just gotta get the right mix of help :) 

    Where is braids , April , and Lisa ... Hey chickas !!!! come out come out where ever you are .. Big Hugs 

  • Lisa65inNY
    Lisa65inNY Member Posts: 57
    edited March 2013

    Hi Lisamarie, Beckers, Day, Karen, April and Braids and anyone else I may have missed!  Its just bringing a smile to my face reading all your posts! I am disgusted with myself BUT it's Friday AND it does not do me one bit of good to berade myself for smoking! I know that a lot of it is nicotine addiction but MOST of it for me is the emotional attachment to that darn cigarette! Gosh! Every morning I tell myself this is going to be the day that I get to work without that cigarette and every morning I get up, shower, and smoke! Fail, fail, fail.  I just want to prove to myself that I can make it the whopping 1.5 hours it takes to leave the house but fail every single time.  Lisamarie, I give you so much credit for using the e-cigarette even though it's not working.  You did not have real smokes with you on hand!!  You are trying so hard and you will succeed!  I am trying just to get through morning #1.  OMG, this is crazy!  I spoke to the cashier in the gas station today - a young man, maybe in his 30's.  The woman in line ahead of me was buying a pack of cigarettes and he looked so confused as to which brand she was asking for.  I asked if he had ever smoked and said, "Hell no!  Tried it when I was younger but it made me gag."  And I thought...yup, me too...but kept smoking anyway.  I smoke about a pack and a half a day but never smoke the whole thing.  It's usually light them up, few hits, throw away.  I know, big waste of money.  But I do it a lot, all day long.  Seems like I'm smoking at least every half hour.  I don't know what I'm going to do!!!  However, on a positive note, I am going to order the vapor cig that Day suggested!!  I can't wait!  I know there is no magic pill, but something to help ease the cravings and give me just a teeny bit of confidence that I can do this.  Lats time I went without a cigarette I was 13!!!  I am 46 now and scared!!  Sorry for rambling here!  BTW, not that I am a Dr. Phil fan but I was watching his show the other day about the huge heroin problem all throughout the country in the middle and high schools.  I fear for my baby boy that is 13....  Anyway, thanks to everyone for the great and advice and for listening!!!  Group hug to everyone!!!!!!!   Lisa

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Hi all. After our talk about heroin addiction I saw a pic of my boys together when they were little. It is so hard to believe that boy got so far astray. I took a pic of that picture and sent to them. My #1 who had the drug problem posted it on Facebook with a caption "my best friend" referring to his little brother. Warmed my heart. Just start praying now for your son Lisa65. Get him involved in things and give him lots of your attention. If that fails, lock him in a box til he's 30... Ha!! Just kidding! I bot a surprise visitor for anslumber granddaughter!

    So girls, picturing the maggots in the cigs din work?? Ha! Just stay close and don't give up hope K?!!! Hang in there!!! XO

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    Wow, you girls have been through so much ..... I just can't imagine it.  Beckers and Lisamarie .... you both look tooooooo young to have children of that age.  My heart goes out to you and them, and that all goes well.  Smokers, don't despair .... we have all been there.  I remember when a friend of mine quit smoking.  She called me every night and talk forever because she knew I would be smoking while she talked.  She got her hit that way.  I was sooooooo jealous when she successfully quit and I was still smoking .... who was the moron.  Anyways, no longer am smoking but I can honestly say that it took me 20 years longer to quit.  Find you way that works for you and give it a try.  You will know what works .... some might, some won't.  But it will click.  

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited March 2013

    Oh yeah, I have some similar stories Beckers and Lisamarie .... a niece who was on coke and wasn't taking care of her kids.  Plus dancing in the clubs .... if you get my drift.  She has come out of it but I always worry .... every time she is a bad ass, I wonder.  But they are adults and you hope for the best for them!

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited March 2013

    Yes, there are ingredients in the standard cigs that get us addicted, not nearly as much as the tobacco itself does.  That's what I liked about the cigs I was using before I quit. They were a roll your own but without SO many chemicals.  The amount I was using dropped drastically from that mere change alone. 

    Like you, Lisamarie, I had to quit to have recon.  The ecigs were my crutch.  I went straight from smoking only a few cigs a day to the 0% nicotine ecigs.  Chewing gum, ecigs and water were my friends then.  All of us are different.  I firmly believe that had I not switched to the less chemical filled cigs, I'd not have been able to quit as well as it went.

    To all that are trying to even cut down on their path to quitting totally....WAY TO GO!!!!  Cool

  • shawntez
    shawntez Member Posts: 75
    edited March 2013

    Hi Ladies!

    New here, just diagnosed on Monday and see the oncologyst for the first time next Monday. They are starting me with chemo first, so I have set March 11th as my quit date. I am in a state of shock over the diagnosis and know I must quit with treatment just around the corner. I am also a little nervous about the e-cig. Skimmed thru some of the earlier posts to get a clue. 

    I have smoked cigarettes for over 20 years and gave them up for cigars. I have been smoking cigars for the last 2 years trying to train myself not to inhale...that ain't really working for me. Patches flare up my eczema and I have to quit and I am going to need all the help and support I can get.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Welcome Shawntez! Great time to join this thread, as there are 4-5 others trying and preparing for quitting. I quit last June with the help of this thread. I also used patch for one week and then zero nicotine ecig. Was nice to be able to have the feeling of smoking when it was hard. Stay close. I'm very Sorry about your recent diagnosis too. It is a whirlwind. We will help as much as we can. ((hugs)) Rebecca

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Good Morning! Happy Saturday. Slapped my patch on my arm this morning but not until I had that morning cigarette...sigh. Anyway, going to try and get out today and do some errands and I took the ashtray OUT of my car and will not bring my cigs with me. I wish I had the strength to just throw them in the trash but I don't. Pluse my DH smokes and he plans to quit with me but says "I am not ready" to me this morning when I handed him his I thought we were supposed to do this together!

    I guess I can't make him stop. It is his choice the same as it is anyones but sheesh, he said he would do this with me and that would make it a hell of a lot easier on me. He is a wonderful man and I love him to pieces, but right now I am a little annoyed with him.

    So, I ordered the e-cig...hoping it comes soon! The patch does NOT work for me. It takes the edge off but that is about it.

    LisainNY and LisaMarie, hang in there! This is so hard! But, look at the ladies who DID IT! We can too! Hard as this is, I keep telling myself that just the money I will save alone will be worth it! These things are almost 9 bucks a pack here in CT! Since both DH and I smoke, I figure that is about 140 bucks a week. We sure can use that $$ for something MUCH better than these evil smokes. Plus, having BC should be an added incentive for me big would think so anyway.

    Welcome Shawntez!

    Have a sparkling smoke free day ladies. I know that as hard as this is, it is worth it! WE are worth it!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Hi everyone .... It's saturday and I am at work for my long 12 hour shift ...:)  still fighting the craves , April I know what thats like to have that first am smoke then brush my teeth and slap on a patch get through the whole day only to rip it off to smoke like 5 nightime cigs .. ugh the damm ugly pattern that the nicotine monster has us doing .. it controls every bit of who we are . It controls outr moods , it controls our minds .. I hate it so very much ... this struggle needs to stop for me  .. as long as I continue to drive to the gas station , I am going to continue to buy the darn evil things ... I am trying to use the e cig most when I am at work .. that still has not stopped me for longing for the real thing .. UGH ! gotta order days e cig and see how that goes .. I honestly am not sure of all the flavors though . I actually like the way the stupid cig tastes .. how gross is that ...I tried the java one I got and it is soo not the same .. so maybe that is why the e cig also is not working at this point .. even the reg nicotine one is not the same .. I pulled so hard on it the other day I got juice in my mouth and spit uncontrollably and said OMG look what this is coming to I am such an addict .. And of course I smoke the worst that u can smoke Marlboro Red ... I call em cowboy killers ... and that they are ... 

    Welcome Shawntez, you are def not alone .. and the cancer thing .. sorry you are here for that .. I belive that is waht made me quit to begin with the big C scare but now I am back to as nothing can scare me .. I dont know our time will come  .. WE are Stronger than we feel sometimes...

    Judi thanks for the compliment .. as I say my kids ages , I say OMG I am old I have 2 boys 23, and 19 and 2 girls 25, and 18 .. and yes my beautiful granddaughter who is 2 :) ...

    Hope you all have a great day lets be strong today 


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Good morning ladies! Sounds like you are wrestling with the hired help (patch/ecigs).ha! Wishing you the best today! Happy Saturday!!!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Grrrrrr, just smoked a cigarette! Fought it off all morning and smoked four drags WITH the patch on! INSANITY thy name is nicotine!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited March 2013

    Beckers , thanks for the smiles :) Luv Luv Luv it ..... 

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited March 2013

    Just remember freeeeeeedom is near. Keep up the good work!!!

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    TBH, about a month after being on the vapor cigarette (or e-tank, however you want to call it) I couldn't even stand the smell of cigarettes. Not only it doesn't give me cravings, it makes me want to puke.

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited March 2013

    Depending on the brand of Patch--it can take anywhere from 2 to 6 hours for it to reach maximum strength--where is the same amount of nicotine in your system as you have an hour after smoking--this is why a short-acting NRT (gum, lozenge, spray or inhaler) is paired with the patch. NRT should also be sued on a regular basis instead of just when a craving hits--because by that time it's too late. Nicotine spray satisfies the best and it still takes about 5 minutes to reach the brain. Smoking only takes about 10 seconds (or 5 heartbeats--faster than mainlining a drug). 

    The combo my clients seem to like the best is the Patch with the inhaler because it also satisfies the hand to mouth motion. 

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited March 2013

    Day, reading that last post just made my day~no pun intended! The day that I hate the smell of cigarettes is a day I will be one happy woman! Thanks for posting that! Laughing

    Beckers, thanks for being a cheerleader here. After having those 4 drags with my patch on, I have reigned it in and happy that I am spending my day watching an old Bette Davis movie (All about Eve - a classic!) and not having even a craving since then. YAY!

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013

    april, yes, it's amazing. Every time I'm telling myself "THIS is how I used to stink?" and have a gag reflex.