Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2016

    Hi Judi , glad to see you back .. and congrats on good test results .. miss you

    HI April, Minus , Bosom and VJ and all the newbies ..

    I had a clear MRI ..yeah ..

    besides that been in ER 2 days have a severe urianary tract and left side colitis,, so ive been really feeling bad .. on several meds .. yuck..

    Anyway big Hugs to you all



  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited July 2016

    Judi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There you are!!!! So happy to "see you" and glad you are well.

    LisaMarie, hugs and hope you feel better.

    Minus, you just wait and that message will disappear usually? Not sure why you could not get in.

    Hi to all of our former and current "smokies' xoxox

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited July 2016

    Hello April and LisaMarie ..... good to see you too! LM, yuk on the colitis .... now is the time to change the diet as from what I understand from people who suffer from this illness, it's the pits!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,404
    edited July 2016

    You see Judi? You are missed!!! I do understand distancing from "cancer". I've stayed on several threads here that are not really cancer related - especially this one, What's for dinner, and Book lovers. I was fortunate to meet a couple of ladies from the dinner thread when I was in Boston and hope to meet another when I'm in Phoenix.

    And then there's the famous, much discussed, east coast get together when all of you can take "just one puff" for my 80th B-day. Sorry, you have some years to wait for that. But I would love to meet you easterners one day.

    Oh VJ - I certainly didn't mean to leave you out. If you can't make an east coast event, I'll definitely be back in CA refularly since my son's there. Usually in the San Francisco area, but I've never been to San Diego, so that's on my travel list too.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,404
    edited July 2016

    LisaMarie - so sorry to hear about your UTI. UGH. Hope you're back up to par soon.

    Isn't it lucky you aren't smoking since most hospitals won't allow it any more?

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2016

    minus and judi .. yes thank god not smoking the colitis is worse then the UTI ... i have been oit of work all week :( pain and feeling just plain tired and yuck...

    Love you all soo much


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,404
    edited July 2016

    Bosum - I've been thinking about you. Hope things are going OK.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,404
    edited July 2016

    Bosum - sorry to say I don't think it's a protein issue with me. I eat lots of chicken & fish and probably have beef 4 times a month. But has your doc looked at the protein levels in your bloodwork? For me it's lack of exercise (which I certainly skipped while my arm was healing) and unfortunately as we get older (eeek) the elasticity of our skin isn't as good. There are specific exercises to target that area (triceps) and you can do them sitting down with only 1 or 2 pound weights. But I'm not preaching since I haven't been doing much either. Right now I'm working with an old shower curtain rod cut in half just trying to get my arms to go from straight out in front (ninety degrees) to straight over my head. Below is a tricep exercise that I'm going to start working on as soon as my arm will go straight up again. But do check with your doc before starting any exercises because of your back.

    The French curl can be performed either standing or seated on a seat that features support for your back. Seated or standing, grasp a bar (or weights) and lift it (straight up) over your head. Bending your elbows, lower your forearms and the bar behind your head. Keep your upper arms straight with your elbows stationary over your head. Then press upward, extending your forearms back up to the starting overhead position. And repeat.

    You can perform this exercise seated as well, but be sure to keep your back straight. If you do it lying down, work only one arm at a time. Start with a light dumbbell, such as 2 pounds, and lift your arm straight toward the ceiling. Bend it to a 90-degree angle toward your shoulder, then extend it.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2016

    Hi Bosom,

    Colitis is inflammation of the large intestine .. it causes bloody stools and lots of cramping ... so Gastro doctor put me on a clear liquid diet yesterday and I am more miserable as I am very Hungry ... all I can eat is broth , Jello , itilaian ice , gingerale , water , and yaddi yaddi ... he said when I heal then I will need a colonoscopy . not to mention im on 2 antibiotics for 2 weeks and he says if that don't work then I need to be in the hospital and get IV antibiotics ... and so the shit goes on ...

    I got my truck back and put it on the road after the engine got replaced ... and guerss what it's not running right at all... so after the thousands im back at square one and truck is back to the mechanic ... UGH !!!! I feel as if I cannot c atch a break .. and now of course I am broke .. and I have not worked all week due to this sickness.... I take two steps forward and at least 10 back .. so the truck has cost 1,660 for engine , 200 for struts , 200 for insurance , and 155 to register ... and still not driving .. so angry ... not to mention the initial 3500 I paid for the darn thing ... well guess im here doing the whining ... How the hell I do not smoke or drink is besides me .... but I dont ... and just for today I wont ...

    Hope everyone has a wonderful. weekend ... I will try to breathe and relax



  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited July 2016
    • LisaMarie ... you are right, you can't catch a break. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but sometimes it just not worth it. My vehicle was old (10 years) and had a lot of ams (350,000). I had replaced all the oils and went for an oil change and told I needed a wheel bearing, a new bottle for the windshield fluid and another thing. I said no to the last two but thought, o.k. wheel bearing I need. So booked an appointment, they ordered the part and then called me as I needed some chain thing to go with the wheel bearing. I went from $400 to $900 and I said "nope" I'm done. I had already spent $3500 up to July and then another $900 - are they kidding me. The trade-in on the vehicle was only $500 so I leased a vehicle. Right now, in Canada, it's good to lease if you plan on replacing the vehicle in 4 years - 0% interest and no money down. I decided to go with this but did buy an extra year's warranty due to the fact then when my other vehicle was no longer in warranty, then the electrical went - at a cost of $1500. Then it went two years ago - the circuit board. It wasn't worth it to me. I want to get in the vehicle, just go and be safe.
    • Bosum and MT, another exercise that you can do for your arms is to buy a stretchy band and raise over your head - go up to a count of four and down one, then four down and one up, and four down and four up. I do this at my exercise class. Much easier with a band!
  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,404
    edited July 2016

    Bosum - I used protein powder during chemo - Nestle's Beneprotein powder. There is no taste and it dissolves immediately w/o any clumping. It was the brand recommended by MD Anderson. I put it in chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast and oatmeal. My friend who's husband had no stomach due to pancreatic cancer, put it in his applesauce & mashed potatoes & everything. She got it directly from the Nestle company by the case but it looks like it's available at WalMart, Walgreens, Amazon....

    LisaMarie - so sorry to hear your colitis issues. I would think they would do a colonoscopy no matter what with this serious an issue. I just have a friend who had three areas cauterized or nipped during colonoscopy that had been causing enough bloody stool that she had to have a transfusion. Sorry to hear about the darn truck (or damn truck). Hope the shop will fix it & not charge, since they didn't do the job right in the first place. But Judi makes a good point. Whine all you want dear one. I'm so proud that you're still not smoking.

    Judi - thanks for the reminder about the stretch bands. I've got one somewhere.

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited July 2016

    No problem, MT. If you want some more exercises to do, I'm happy to share. I'm down 20 lbs. since 2015. Finally but I really have to watch what I eat! That's why I exercise 4x a week - Mon is upper body and Wed is lower body - with weights and T & T I do tabata!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited July 2016

    Morning all! Here's a little something to ponder ...


  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited July 2016

    Minus , I also found that odd that he said , I needed time to heal to do colonoscopy and you know i am reading all about colitis and colon cancer ,,, i need to stop ... yes the mechanic is working at no charge .. i wont pay another dime for the darn thing ... I do not have the credit to lease or buy a new one that is why I am trying to fix this one , I am afraid of payments and loosing the car as well.. been there did that , and not to mention inurance is much more .. well I will contnue to pray ..

    Love ya all


  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited July 2016

    Bosum, I agree with MT, you are sensitive and can say great things to ease someone's pain. I know you will help LisaMarie ... sometimes, you forget about yourself and that is not a good thing. Career change for you might be what you need??????? I think you are both wonderful and something is going to happen that is wonderful for both of you!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited August 2016

    Bosom, Did I miss something ??? where are you headed ? Now I gotta go back and read again.. sometimes I miss things ..

    Judi , I love you and Minus so much because you soothe me when I am down and out .. and yes I did break down and pay another 100 for a map sensor .. whatever that is . and guess what the damm truck ran no better now I had to go back and say that i will take them to court if its not fixed and not another dime ... ugh !!!! sometimes I just wanna scream scream scream ..

    Hi April how are you ? xoxoxo

    and VJ , hope all is well..

    I miss Beckers.. and where are all the new ladies .. smoking or not chime on in ..

    well once again this crap will not make me smoke .. love ya all


  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2016

    (((LisaMarie))) You sure have had your share. I would also be upset about the truck repairs. Stand your ground girlfriend! xo

    Hi to all!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2016

    Commentary: Why Hillary will probably win

    During the Republican convention in Cleveland, I found myself talking with a GOP operative involved with the Trump campaign. Unprompted, he laid out two scenarios for how this election could work out. In scenario one, Trump gets a rather surprising, Brexit-esque surge that propels him to victory. In the second, Trump gets wiped out, winning only the deep-red states.

    That less-than-bullish assessment was him trying to spin me, which was interesting enough. But with both conventions over and the general election having begun in earnest, it's worth thinking about his second scenario, the one where Trump loses big.

    Trump slams Clinton as general election beginsPlay Video CBS This Morning

    Trump slams Clinton as general election begins

    Donald Trump was quick to respond to Hillary Clinton's attacks from her Democratic convention speech Thursday night, accusing Clinton of "talking...

    With less than 100 days to go until Election Day, Hillary Clinton should be considered the heavy favorite to win. Polls will go up in down over the next few months, and Trump will periodically hold a lead in national polls. However, when we consider the unforgiving realities of the Electoral College, we see how hard it will be for Trump to win, and how easy it is to imagine him getting buried.

    The Daily Beast's Mike Tomasky made the case for a Clinton landslide in June, and while Trump's numbers have improved a bit since then, the math still decidedly favors a Hillary win. Take the Suffolk University poll that came out last week that showed Clinton leading by by nine points in Pennsylvania at a time when Trump should have been enjoying a cushy convention bounce. And while Pennsylvania is a must-win for Trump, it's not for Clinton. She can become president without it, and he can't.

    If Trump wins Pennsylvania, there's a good chance he'll win Ohio as well, and maybe even Michigan and Wisconsin. This is the scenario Michael Moore has been using to scare liberals the past few weeks, and it makes sense in some ways: if Trump's message is tailored specifically for anyone, it's for downwardly mobile whites in the Rust Belt. Should he sweep all four of those states, that will give him 64 Electoral votes, which is exactly the number President Obama won by last time.

    But Clinton is leading in Pennsylvania - a Marist/NBC poll last week found the same thing that Suffolk did -- and a post convention bounce for her could take the state out of contention. Wisconsin, for a whole host of rather esoteric demographic reasons, is not really Trump country, and gave Ted Cruz his last big win during the primary. They're tied in Michigan and Ohio (CBS has Clinton with small leads in both) but if those Pennsylvania numbers correct, it's reasonable to assume that the Rust Belt uprising Trump needs won't materialize.

    Democrats' strategy focusing on Trump as much as ClintonPlay Video CBS This Morning

    Democrats' strategy focusing on Trump as much as Clinton

    A CBS News poll shows just a quarter of voters want the next commander-in-chief to continue President Obama's policies. Nearly a half want more c...

    Another flaw with the Moore hypothesis is that it assumes Trump will hold on to everything Romney won. There's not a lot of reason to assume he will, which is where we start getting into landslide territory.

    As Tomasky noted, deep-red Utah keeps flashing blue. The polls there keep showing a struggling Trump, presumably because of the well-known Mormon antipathy toward him. Georgia, meanwhile, will have an electorate that's 40 percent non-white this cycle, which is good news for Clinton, and make give Democrats a chance to break the GOP stranglehold on the South. And a June Zogby poll in Kansas -- a state that last voted Democratic in 1936 -- indicated even it could be up for grabs.

    Are any of those states likely to go blue in November? Well, no - landslides a la 1984, when Ronald Reagan came within a few thousand votes of winning all 50 states, probably can't happen in a country this dug-in and polarized, so it's a safe bet that the reddest corners of the country will stay red.

    However, a state like North Carolina, which Romney returned to the Republican column after Obama snatched a victory there in 2008, could easily vote for Hillary, particularly now that the Fourth Circuit just struck down their voter ID law. If it does, Trump could sweep the Rust Belt and still lose.

    Any way you look at it, the only way for Trump to win in November is to pull off a stunning high wire act. He needs to win states that Republicans haven't won in decades in addition to swing states and everything Romney won last time. And he needs to do it all with a turnout operation that will pale in comparison to the Democrats.

    Trump can still win. There's just not much reason right now to expect he will.

    © 2016 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved.

    • Will RahnWill Rahn is a political correspondent and managing director, politics, for CBS News Digital.
  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited August 2016

    Here you go LisaMarie

    What is a map sensor and what does it do?The MAP sensor converts engine vacuum/manifold pressure to an electrical signal so the computer knows how much load the engine is under. This data is the basis for fuel delivery and timing control. The MAP sensor is typically located in the air cleaner, fender wall, firewall, intake manifold or under the dash.

    I don't know where you purchased this or where you had the work done but I definitely would be going higher up. I think sometimes they see a woman and think "what the hell". Here in Ontario, people go to the local T.V. station where they investigate. I would also be looking at some legal hawk who can help you.

    Bosum, really .... $10,0000 and nothing. I'm assuming you are fighting a "big fight" but sometimes it's the lawyers who are making the money. My dh went to a local "Chapters" and bought a divorce book. He then said to the lawyer he wouldn't pay more then $1,5000 and once that was used up, then it was used up. Find a mediator who can help you. I'm sure there are legal aid companies out there that can assist you without you spending money that you don't have!

  • Mommyto6sweeties
    Mommyto6sweeties Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2016

    Hi All,

    I am still smoking, still waiting on insurance to approve Chantix. I took up drinking last year as an additional unhealthy coping mechanism so for now I am concentrations on quitting alcohol with a taper method. That is going well actually! I have 8 weeks and counting until tissue expanders placed.....I think if insurance does not come through REALLY soon I am going to have to try cold turkey.........ugh. How is everyone else doing on their nicotine journey???

    Big Stinky Smoky Hugs!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited August 2016

    Hi Mommyto6swe .... hang in there. It will come. I always thought the "thought of cold turkey" was hell but when I went that route it wasn't too bad. Too bad it doesn't work for some of my other vices. Sometimes it's easier to just concentrate on one demon before tackling the other but do what works for you! We are there for you, no matter what!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited August 2016

    Morning ladies! I just had to post this!


  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2016

    Amen to that Bosum! If I had 6 kids, I would be still smoking and drinking! LOL

    Welcome Mommy26!

  • Mommyto6sweeties
    Mommyto6sweeties Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2016

    Thanks Judi! I appreciate your support and encouragement!!

    Bosum and April, you guys are hilarious!!!😁 Yes I do really have 6 kids!

    They are 3, 5, 9, 10, 12, and 14. It's the 2 littlest that give the biggest run for my money. Thinking of quitting smoking while potty training seems like a psychotic episode waiting to happen!! Lol. But I REALLY want to get the reconstruction going so it's time, whether I am ready to quit or not. I used Chantix once before and quit for about 7 months.....wish I stuck with it!

  • Mommyto6sweeties
    Mommyto6sweeties Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2016


  • Mommyto6sweeties
    Mommyto6sweeties Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2016


  • Mommyto6sweeties
    Mommyto6sweeties Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2016

    can't get a photo to post, it's there in preview than disappear at submit??

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2016

    Mommy, you have to click on the photo icon before you post it. It is above where you type 8th icon from the right.

    God bless you with all of those babies!

  • JudiH
    JudiH Member Posts: 1,168
    edited August 2016

    Wow Mommy ..... I can believe you have all of those kids ..... never even had one. You look great in your avatar!

  • Mommyto6sweeties
    Mommyto6sweeties Member Posts: 13
    edited August 2016
