Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited December 2016

    Just popping in to say Hello and that just for today....because lately, it seems to creep up on me and I want one! LOL...but I will not give in as I am in my 4th year smoke free. NO! Love to all xoxo

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402
    edited December 2016

    LisaMarie gave me permission to post this update. I know you will all be as happy as I am to see her doing so well - although understandably exhausted. Congrats on the 2+ years LisaMarie. If you get time, post a picture of your kiddos when they are all together.

    I work in a Nursing home most of the time as you know .. In the morning I take care of a 89 year old lady then I go to the nursing home 3-11 pm ... My apartment is tiny but it is good. It is basically one room with a small area that has a small sink and counter , then I have a small fridge and microwave, i bought hotplate and toaster oven .. My car is doing okay so far .. the engine light goes on then off but when I make appt to get fixed it seems to go out and they say they cant fix .. Its a 2005 chevy cobalt ... its economical so that's good , I just hate the car payment. I have my cat and she is happy .. The kids are great thanks for asking , I will need to send photos .. My younger daughter is coming on Dec 8 with baby .. she is now 9 months old .. so my older daughter and my two grandchidren brianna 6 and connor 2 og gianna is 9 months we are planing a few things but I can't do too many as I don't have time off .. I will have 2 days off while she is here .. I am grateful to be on my feet . I am very tired .. but none the less grateful... I cannot get over the fact that I am over 2 years smoke free and alcohol free .. I guess when u are busy time flies and i don't think of it .. well Gotta run to the first job then 2nd .

  • Leslie2016
    Leslie2016 Member Posts: 121
    edited December 2016

    You can get there BosumBlues. I know having financial issues on top of everything else really sucks. I need to talk to some people in January to figure out some things for myself.

    You are not weak, you had a bad day or two. Try again. Each time maybe you can make it a little further down the path to the point you don't want to start over.

    Thank you for asking about me. No, I fell too. I made it about 2 weeks, then this past week I have smoked again. I have 3 cigs left in my pack right now....then I will put on a patch and try again. Going to try to make it this time for much longer as I start Taxotere (docetaxel) in January which is much harder on the lungs. I want/need my lungs concentrating on that only, not on me adding other toxins. At least, that's what I tell myself. WE will see once these 3 are gone.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402
    edited December 2016

    Bosum - good to hear from you but sorry about the ER. Did you get together with your boys for Thanksgiving? We are with you whatever!!!

    Leslie - Oh if I were there I could take those three off your hands. I can't remember if you've tried Chantix but it really worked for me. Hope this time is the charm.

    Judi - We miss you. Hope you check in sometimes even if you don't post.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402
    edited December 2016

    Bosum - funny about the motion. Sure - PM me any time.

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited December 2016

    Some studies have shown that men do better with the patch, but statistics don't apply on an individual basis. If it works, then, great, it works, if not, then other options should be explored.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402
    edited December 2016

    VJ - hope you are doing well out there in the desert. I lived in New Mexico for 7 years and I really do miss the desert at times. How often do you have to drive in to LA?

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited December 2016

    Hi Everyone , Just popping in for a quick Hello ... Hoping you are all well ...xoxoxo


  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited December 2016

    Hi Lisamarie! So glad you are doing well. Miss you here but understand that you are crazy busy. Happy Holidays to you and yours xoxox

    Hi to everyone else! xo

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402
    edited December 2016

    Leslie - not nagging, just checking in. We're here if you want to vent.

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited December 2016

    Hi MinusTwo, I love living in the desert, people from all over the world come here on vacation and I get to live here. I only go to LA a few times a year, usually to see my 98 year old aunt, who is amazing at her age.

    Last week I was in Washington DC and gave a speech about how healthcare affects cancer patients with examples from my life. Here is the report that was being announced. I centered my speech around it's findings:

    Got home late thursday night and had foot surgery first thing friday morning. I was so busy all week that I really didn't think about it and I breezed through everything. Except that I woke up saturday with a cold -- probably caught it on one of the flights, hopefully not from the hospital. Glad it waited until saturday to show symptoms otherwise they would have postponed my surgery.

    I rarely hold any cessation classes in December. Seems like everyone is so busy and stressed that becoming smoke-free seems to be low on the priority list and then January hits and everybody now thinks about quitting. So for anyone who is still smoking, instead of putting pressure on yourself now, this is the time to start planning, to think about what you can do instead of smoking with your coffee, when you're driving, on the phone etc. So often smokers don't plan to fail but fail to plan.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402
    edited December 2016

    VJ - Sounds like your DC speech was critical. Thanks for posting the link. How is the healing going from the foot surgery? How long do you have to stay off your feet? And hope the cold was a short one.

    VJ's last paragraph about planning is really true. If you've been struggling, spend your quiet moments thinking about what you'll change when you try to quit (again). I don't know the stats, but I can't think of any one I know who made it the first time. But there are LOTS of us who kept trying and eventually quit.

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited December 2016

    I have met many who have told me that they did quit the first time and didn't relapse but it is not the norm. I read an article recently that put it number at about 30 attempts. I know for me, I've quit for at least 3 months --9 times but I also had numerous times where I only made it a day or two before relapsing. It really depends on how you define "serious quit attempt".

    My foot is doing fine, minimal pain but still swollen so wearing shoes is uncomfortable, mostly stick to the boot they gave when I go out. I live next door to hiking trails and used to walk my dog all the time and I'm really looking forward to getting back to that. Haven't been walking my dog since last spring, we are both really out of shape.

    I guess my talk did go over really well since they have asked to me record a podcast in January about the same issue. I know a lot about insurance and I am scared that the individual market will disappear or get so expensive and there will be no subsidies, that I will be without insurance. I have 3 years, 3 months and some odd days before I can go on Medicare but I'm worried that it wouldn't be around either. My one saving grace is that I live in California where our health insurance market is strong and our state govt has vowed to keep the insurance market going even if they need to raise taxes on the rich to do it. We did pass a $2.00 tobacco tax in November and a large % will go towards our medicaid programs.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited December 2016

    YAY VJ! California has always been more progressive and if they keep people insured after this administration takes office and decimates the ACA, I am so happy for you. Hoping your foot heals quickly!

    As to quitting, I quit at least 5 times but only two times were serious attempts (one lasted a year and the other lasted 4 months) but this time, so far, so good knock wood!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402
    edited December 2016

    Leslie - as you can see, we all have slipped while we were attempting to quit. One time I quit for over a year. Hope you're doing OK, smoking or not.

  • Leslie2016
    Leslie2016 Member Posts: 121
    edited December 2016

    Sorry MinusTwo, I didn't mean to disappear on you. I do appreciate your support and looking out for me. I was off for about 13 days, then smoked again for 10 or so...I'm back off now...just a few days again, but I'm going to try to stick with it. Overall, honestly? I'm doing ok. The fact is, I really miss it. I want one I enjoy it and I'm not sold on this quitting thing. I know it's what I need to do and what I should do...but it's not what I want to do. It's too easy to convince myself to go grab a pack and try again later. I know. I suck. lol

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402
    edited December 2016

    NO - you do NOT suck. Don't guilt yourself with that kind of load. if this isn't your time, nothing on earth would work. As VJ said, trying to quit with all the stress of the holidays may be a horrible idea. Maybe wait until after the 1st of the year and do some planning in the mean time.

  • Leslie2016
    Leslie2016 Member Posts: 121
    edited December 2016

    I'm still off right now, and will stay off if possible. As much as I still want to smoke, I also have read that it can affect (effect? I hate that word) my chemo working properly, so I'll stay off if I can. We will see. Chemo #3 is Wednesday, but I see the doctor tomorrow and I know I need to ask some things that may get me upset and going... One day at a time.

  • VJSL8
    VJSL8 Member Posts: 486
    edited December 2016

    Leslie2016-- that's the way it goes sometimes --- three steps forward, one back, one sideways, two forwards and a do-see-do. There isn't a "right" way to become smoke-free, we all have our own paths. What is important is to not beat yourself up for any steps that seem to be going backwards. It's all a learning process.

    I don't believe that you have to want to quit smoking to become smoke-free. I know that sounds like a contradiction but it's not. It's just that you have to want to be smoke-free MORE than you want to continue smoking. The longer you are smoke-free, the benefits you will see and the see-saw of ambivalence will teeter to the smoke-free side. The benefits of being smoke-free are all long term -- they are down the road and are not experience right now, whereas the benefits of smoking one cigarette is right NOW, not sometime in the future. So it is easy to justify having "just one" to get through whatever right now and leave quitting for the future.

    I think you're doing great and yes-- one day at a time, or for me sometimes it was one hour, one minute at time--whatever it takes.

    (the way I remember affect and effect is that one is a verb and one is a noun. In a sentence if you can add THE in front and the sentence still makes sense, then it is the effect (two E's) If you can add ---ing to the end and it still makes sense, then it is affect(ing). The one I can never get right is who and whom--even the rules which are supposed to make it easy, confuse me).

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402
    edited December 2016

    Thanks for posting VJ. A perfect thought. You don't have to "want" to quit smoking to become smoke free. Wow. I never stopped wanting to smoke. I just decided, finally, after many tries, that I needed to be smoke free.

    As several of us have said before, I will always be a smoker. I am just not smoking.

    Leslie - hope you heard the admonition to quit feeling guilty.

    And Bosum my dear friend, I hope you are not beating yourself up either!!!!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited December 2016

    Leslie , I was so good for beating myself up all the time .. and the funny thing is I loved to smoke as well.. I did not want to give them up ... and i always beat myself up when i would fall off the wagon and smoke again .. but something came to me one day and I said enough and thankfully I have been smoke free for over 2 years .. but my greatest support and love came from right here 100% , I love these ladies and if it weren't for them I don't know where I'd be .. Just relax and take it as you are one day at a time .. sometimes one minute .. Hugs to you ..

    Minus , April, VJ , Bosom, and where is Judy .. I know I don't stop by as often as I should and I am sorry .. Love you all so much ... just so tired .. Thought I would pop in and say Hello ..Here is a photo of me and my two daughters and 3 grandchildren .. In this photo I am missing my son and other Granddaughter .. we cant seem to get us all together at once .. love to you all

    imageMerry Christmas and Happy New Year

    xoxoxoxo Lisamarie

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402
    edited December 2016

    LisaMarie - wonderful picture. Thanks for sharing.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited December 2016

    Hi Lisamarie! What a bunch of cutie patooties! You are of course included in that :) xoxo

  • Leslie2016
    Leslie2016 Member Posts: 121
    edited December 2016

    Off them for over a week now and haven't had a patch on since Tuesday. Wednesday was chemo day and I was in such a rush I forgot to put one on. Haven't since. Hoping to make it through the holidays at least, and my first treatment of the change in my chemo drugs. As you say, for today, I will not smoke. Just going to keep on going for now.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402
    edited December 2016

    Leslie - great news and good luck with the day to day to day. We're cheering for you.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402
    edited December 2016

    bosum - hope you're doing OK. I think of you always.

    I'm going to have to PM that pesky Judi to check in for the holidays.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971
    edited December 2016

    Bosom , I Love ya and you know you can always PM me.. I know iv'e been busy as crazy ... but I try to check as much as i can .. Hate to see u down .. hugs to you ..

    I miss Judi too ... i thin k ill shoot her a pm

    Leslie sounds like you are on the right track hugs to you

    April how are things going ?

    Minus How are you ... bug Hugs

    well I am just working and thankful I am done christmas shopping and another year is about to end . I am grateful for all that i have been through .. it has made me a much stronger person .. I am grateful for each and every one of you ...I am sending big Hugs to you all



  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,402
    edited December 2016

    Hi everyone - I heard from Judi. They are in Florida for awhile and she is taking a break from cancer threads. She likes being retired. I expect she'll check in when they get back home. She is still planning on the great "one puff smoke" somewhere back east in 8 more years.

    Just for today I will not smoke.

    Leslie - hope you're doing OK.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited December 2016


    Yay Judi! Enjoy the sunshine! Beats being in the deep freeze....

    Hope all have a wonderful day


  • Leslie2016
    Leslie2016 Member Posts: 121
    edited December 2016

    Wish I were somewhere warm!!!

    I'm doing ok. This round of chemo took a bunch out of me, but I'm still smoke free. Still want one though.