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Stop Smoking Support Thread



  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2010

    No results yet. Frown

     I expect probably around Friday I will hear the MRI results.  My mammo/US will be done on Thursday and where I go they have a radiologist who can read them right away.  I usually elect to stay while they are read and wait for a nurse to tell me the preliminary results.  Of course then my doctor reviews them and calls a couple days later with the 'official' results.

    My doctor did not order the mammaprint but, that is good that you have two different tests that both point to the same conclusion that chemo would not be of benefit to you.

    One other test that you may want to have them do, if you haven't had it done yet, is the CYP2D6 test to make sure that your body is able to metabolize tamoxifen into it's active form.  There are some people who cannot so taking it will do them no good.  I chose to have it done because I figured if, the Tamoxifen is really my only form of continuing treatment, I wanted some kind of warm fuzzy that it would work.  Just a thought!

    Congratulations on your 30 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2010

    Seaside - I wish my Valium worked as well for my MRI's, I am having one in Dec and not looking forward to it...maybe I'll take two Laughing  This will be my first post treatment MRI too so it is a little scary.  I met with a pain management doc yesterday and she asked me if I was cancer free...I told her 'that's what they tell me', she gave a look and said 'what do you think?' - I don't know!!?? I am taking it on faith that I am NED but I will always be looking over my shoulder.   Good news is I finally got dx'd with CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrom Stage 2) - I now have a treatment plan and some pain meds - the pain doc hopes that after 3-6 months we will be able to resolve the issue so I am not longer in pain (Yipee for me!!!!) and can wean off the meds.  She thinks my intercostobrachial nerve was nicked/cut during my BMX/SNB (apparently this a common complaint with MX/lymph node removal).

    Janice - Welcome back!!! I think the first 3 months were the hardest but now I rarely even think about it.  My Best Friend is visiting this week and he smokes. I go out and chat with him while he takes a puff break and it does not phase me.

    If I have any cravings they are emotionally triggered and I just take a deep breath and remind myself that I AM a NON-SMOKER and I don't need those nasty cigs to take over my life again!

    Jan - congrat's on the low oncotype!!!  I was told to stop taking the Tamoxifen 6 weeks PRIOR to my I am taking a break, my MRI is not until Dec so I am stopping a bit early but my ER was only 10-20% + and I have been struggling with if the benefit is really worth the risk with my low numbers.   I figure I'll chat with my onc in Jan at my next appointment. 

    Dutchy - so happy to hear you are pleased with your results and staying smoke free - just keep reminding yourself that you still have stage 2 of the reconstruction and you sure don't want to have to go through quiting all over again for can stay smoke free.

    Barb yea for you!   4 months and 17 days is AWESOME!!!!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited October 2010

    Well ladies, my trip home didn't last long. Still kept having fever, it went to 102.4 Sunday, I had an appt with my onc Monday morning and he put me back in the hospital. They still haven't heard back on my very first blood cultures exactly what it is/was, and they've sent it to Mayo Clinic for re-eval! You'd think Mayo could figure it out. So, more tests and new drugs. Not sure how long I'll be here. I didn't have fever today and so far all the tests are clear.

    Lots of good news on here about test results and quit smoking deadlines. (((HUGS))) to everyone. I don't remember who it was, but I can't wait until I can look back and see that I've saved more than 2 thousand dollars, woo hoo!

  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited October 2010

    PS on my avatar: Last week I took the puppies to the vet for what I called a "spa day." They got  bathed and their nails clipped and this is a picture I took of them after when they looked all pretty and clean, which of course won't last long!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2010

    Bama - love the puppy pic!  Wow, I cannot believe you still haven't got the results from your first cultures.  I hope the doc's can get some answers soon and get you on the road to recovery.

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2010

    just a quick update - friday it will be 2 weeks for me.  i told my dh that i was not in  any hurry to start driving yet (only have use of 1 hand) because then i can't go buy smokes.  omg - he just didn't get it and asked me if that meant i will never drive again and should he go ahead and sell my car.

     no, you idiot - i do love him dearly - had to explain to him that if i was an alcoholic trying to get sober, would i go to a party where they were serving drinks - too much temptation in the beginning.

    so then it was why now are you quiting and actually not biting my head off.........because for the first time it is my decision, not me trying to please you and everyone else.  this quitting has been in the works for 2 months now when i set my own quit date.

    bama - sorry that you had to go back in hospital.  hope they figure it out soon.

    to everyone else - i am reading every day but it is a chore to type right now - congratulations to all of you!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2010


    I tell ya, not sure about valium but that xanax was pretty amazing.  I truly could not have cared less what they did and was actually struggling to stay awake in the MRI tube.  Of course, I looked like the village idiot trying to fill out the paper work but, I guess that's why I had my DH there!  That and he was my ride since now way could I drive!

    Yea.. These 1 year post-treatment scans are the pits!!!  I just have to keep telling myself that I ASKED for the MRI.  It was one reason why I agreed to a lumpectomy rather that a mastectomy.  I could be monitored in a way I felt could catch it early, if, God forbid it came back!  They are doing this for ME!  I'm not sure if the testing itself is upsetting to me or the possibility of bad results or, quite frankly, if it just stirs up some bad memories.  Could be some combination of all of it! 

    Tomorrow is mammo/US.  This is one tough week! I agree!  Sometimes, when all you have is faith that everything is OK, that's what ya go with!

    I am so sorry to hear of your pain but, happy that they seem to have gotten to the bottom of what the cause is and you are on a path to finally finding relief!!  It really does suck to be in pain!  This is really part of a strange world where we are grateful to be diagnosed with an illness because it means we aren't losing it and relief is in sight!!

    Sending you hugs and prayers that your new treatment will bring relief from your pain! 



  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2010

    OK Bama,

    What are we gonna do with you???

    But SERIOUSLY,  I just feel SO bad that you are having to go through all of this!!!

    At least, in the hospital if they need to get another sample, or get a specialist in to see you, they can probably get it done more quickly than if you were at home.  I KNOW that is not really a consolation because being the hospital SUCKS! NO way around it!

    Know that I am praying for healing for you and for wisdom for your doctors to determine what is going on and to help you get better!

    Hang in there, Girl!!!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    {{{JEN}}} big hugs to you! I had my scanxiety last week and WHEW, done. You will be FINE and GREAT!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2010


    Do what ever you need to do, especially in the beginning! I DO know what you mean about avoiding temptation early on!  Both my brother and sister-in-law smoke and I did avoid being around them early on.  Today, it  no longer bothers me at all!

    Not to say that I don't have my moments but, they just don't seem to be triggered by others smoking.

    As far as your DH's question about quitting and not biting his head off... I would have replied "I CAN do both if you'd like!"

    Congrats on your 2 weeks on Friday!!!  Heads up, you are approaching a timeframe that has been dangerous to you in the past!  HANG IN THERE and don't give in!!!


  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2010

    jennifer - i dread day #17 coming up.  i plan to stay in bed all day watching tv and spacing out on ativan

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2010

    Thanks Barbara,

    I just have to get through tomorrow and then the wait for the results to get to do that wonderful EXHALE that says ' You can now breathe for the next 6 months'!

    I DO have faith that all will be OK but it will be truly a cause for celebration WHEN (not if) the tests CONFIRM my beliefs!!

    I am able to do the mammo/US without "pharmaceutical assistance" so I should at LEAST be able to remember tomorrow, unlike!

    My daughter is coming home to visit from college on Friday so am looking forward to that.

    Hope all is going well with you! 



  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2010


    The ONE thing that I have learned in this whole quit smoking thing is that you do whatever you need to do to get through the day you are on NOW!  AND, here's the part that NO ONE could have sold me on earlier this year when we were both early on in our quits, no matter how hard they tried, it DOES get to the point where you just don't really think about it! 

    I DO know that day 17 has been a tough one for you in the past!  Do WHAT you have to do to get through it!!!

    You CAN do THIS!!!!


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548
    edited October 2010

    You know, strangely, I seldom think about smoking now. When I do is usually driven by smelling smoke of others. I kind of like reveling in the inhale and walking away. Am I weird or what?

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2010

    LOL Barbara...

    I guess if that makes you weird then we BOTH are!!!  I walk waaaaayyyy too slow past the people smoking outside the grocery store that I go to just kinda "enjoying the air"!

    There was a post from someone back a bit in this thread.  I think her name was 1Athena1 (or something close to that).  She said that she looked at quitting smoking as a form of treatment and one of the only treatments she could control.  I thought that was a very profound statement!


  • LadyinBama
    LadyinBama Member Posts: 993
    edited October 2010

    Hi smoking (NOT) buddies:  just to update you, if I'm lucky, I may go home Fri. They are still waiting on blood cultures. And today they did a needle aspiration on my left breast/tissue expander since an ultrasound yesterday showed fluid buildup. And they put a damn drain in, but they say it can probably come out tomorrow.

    I was in the elevator today with some workmen who were smokers and I could really smell it strongly and it was for the first time really unpleasant. I hope I don't turn into one of those "I can't stand smokers" type of ex-smokersSmile

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2010

    bama - i know what you mean.  last time i quit - and failed for the 12th time, i could really smell the odor on other smokers and all i could think was did i smell that bad too?

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited October 2010

    Congratulations to you All!  You are doing so well on your quits.

    I cannot believe it's been 32 days since I smoked.  I very rarely think about it either.  How strange! My DH smokes outside and I can sit with him on the porch and not have any kind of desire to smoke.  I really hate the smell anyway.

    We are really doing this!!! How wonderful.


  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2010

    jan - great news!    last time i was counting hours - this time is so different because it seems the days are gone before i realize it.  i don't wake up thinking about smoking.  i know i have made at least 12 attempts over the past 15 years to stop and of course i failed but this time it almost seems easy in a way.

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2010

    jan - don't know how anyone could quit when their spouse smokes.  determination?

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited October 2010


    I have to agree that to me it does seem easy this time. I stopped buying cigarettes the day of my DX 8/6 and was just smoking 5-6 a day (from DH stash).

    When I had surgery was was sick so I didn't even think about it. I was afraid if I smoked I would not heal - as it turns out I did have a healing issue and had to have a 2nd surgery to correct.

    After the first couple of weeks I really did not even think about it but in passing. 

    Now, like you said, it seems way to easy so I'm always on my guard.

    Congrats on your quit!


  • Dutchy
    Dutchy Member Posts: 172
    edited October 2010

    You ladies are all doing great and yes so am I.  It is really not that difficult for me this time either and yesterday I was outside with some smokers and I did not even get a craving as a matter of fact I had to walk away because of the second hand smoke is not good for me. 

    Best wishes to all in treatment and recovery.

    Lots of hugs, Evelyn

  • jancie
    jancie Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2010

    anyone deal w/ major fatique in the beginning?

    i slept until noon today and 3 hours later wanted to go back to bed.

    wondering if this is a not smoking thing or the timing of quiting the day i fractured my arm in 3 places.

    also feeling nauseated the last couple of days.   made dh some chili last night and got sick from the smell - obviously i skipped dinner otherthan having a yogurt.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2010

    Janice - I had fatigue because when sleeping I did not think about smoking...I also quit just before my dx and you know how CRAZY life can be with doc appointments, tests, waiting for results and more test... It was all exhausting.

  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited October 2010


    I can relate to fatigue.  I've been having it big time. But I think it's normal.

    Are you on antibiotics? I have been since my surgery on 9/20 and was getting nausea but started to take them after I ate something and it helped.

    I realize it is taking its toll but didn't realize the recovery is so slow and the PS is like a construction project :)


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2010


    Congratulations on your 32 days!!!!  You are a woman who I admire, in that, I think you have some of the cards stacked against you (that you have someone who smokes close to you while you are trying to quit) but, YET, you have PREVAILED!

    You are ONE strong lady!! I think you have this fight won!!

    You are absolutely right!  We ARE doing this and, yes, it IS wonderful!  Especially having all of YOU girls to go through it WITH!!

    How are you healing?  Hopefully everything is looking good!


  • jan508
    jan508 Member Posts: 724
    edited October 2010


    Thanks and congrats to you too!

    I feel so much better since my 2nd surgery last week to fix the incisions.  And no chemo has really helped with my attitude. Thank the Lord!

    Now I just have to get these boobs taken care of...

    Where are you from Jennifer?


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2010


    Yes, yes and YES!!!!  VERY tired in the beginning!  Slept as much as I could both because I didn't crave a cigarette when I was sleeping but also because I was exhausted!  It is your body trying to heal! AND you are trying to heal some broken bones as well!

    As with any other recovery, try to listen to what your body needs.  If the answer is rest then so be it!  Other things that helped..... LOTS of fluids... Frequent small meals to try to stabilize your blood  sugar levels (which can be all out of whack till you body figures out how to control your levels without nicotine). By the way, I'm hungry registers in the same area of the brain that says, I want to smoke!  Who knew?

    I went through the whole nine yards for the first 5 days or so... Headache, nausea, chills... Basically felt like I had the flu.  That cleared up after the first week but, I went cold turkey.  Maybe it's a bit extended on the chantix?

    HANG IN THERE because it DOES get better!!!

    I am HOPING that this time is the one for you!!

  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2010


    So glad to hear that you are doing well!!! Was starting to wonder about you since I hadn't seen you on here lately, BUT, was hoping that just meant that you were doing well!!  Are you healing OK? 

    Glad to hear that the no smoking is going well for you! 

    Hang in there girl!  You are one of the first ones that I 'met' on this thread and I so appreciate your input and help!


  • SeasideMemories
    SeasideMemories Member Posts: 2,462
    edited October 2010


    Damn on the drain.... Hope it came out today!  Here's hoping that tomorrow you GO HOME!!! 

    I am also not a fan of the stale smoke smell on peoples clothes but, don't really mind the 'fresh' people smoking now smoke.  Go figure!  I went to visit my sister a couple of weeks back and packed my stuff in a duffle bag.  Got to her house and pulled out some of my clothes and, Wow, did they ever smell like smoke!  They were laundered before I left so the best I can figure is it was residual smoke from the duffell bag! Never noticed that before but I'm sure others did!

    Thinking of you and hoping that your doctors FINALLY get to the bottom of what the heck is going on here and that, by this time tomorrow, you are hugging those pups of yours and getting ready to sleep in your own bed!!!

    Hang tough!

